Image result for wrestlemania 32

Part 2:

Part 3:

5th Match: AJ Styles vs Y2Jackass Chris Jericho.

Jericho comes out first and the lights go dark and the numbers count down from 10 on the titantron as usual. The pyros go off and his theme starts as Y2J walks out with a special blue and red jacket that says "Y2JMania" and is designed like the actual WM32 logo. Jericho walks down to the ring and pyros go off around the arena. Styles is out next to a big pop and he does his usual entrance but with a sh*t ton of pyros. Pyro solves everything!! Styles and Jericho fight for about 7 minutes and Jericho goes for a Codebreaker but Styles rolls him up for the win. The crowd jumps up and Jericho is pissed. Jericho imediately attacks Styles after the match and then grabs a mic. He grabs the ref and demands that the match restart and be 2/3 falls. The ref gives in and the match is restarted, with Styles having 1 fall over Jericho. Jericho immediately gives Styles a Codebreaker but he kicks out. Jericho is pissed and puts Styles in the Walls. Jericho calls Styles a stupid ass and yells at him to tap out. Styles wont tap and he reverses it into a bridge pin on Jericho which he kicks out of. The 2nd fall goes about 5 minutes and Styles is on a roll and he's on the apron for the Phenomenal Forearm and he flies at Jericho but Jericho catches him for a massive Codebreaker for the 2nd fall win. Jericho gets out of the ring and grabs a mic again and celebrates and says Styles is a stupid man making the best in the world at what he does angry. He says he'll embarrass Styles tonight again. They fight for 6 more minutes and Jericho goes to the top rope. Styles joins him on the top rope and they trade punches. Styles turns Jericho over for a huge Styles Clash off the second rope to a huge pop. Styles immediately locks on the Calf Killer after and Jericho taps for the win.

Winner By Submission: AJ Styles.

We go backstage and Coach talks about how ESPN has covered Wrestlemania all day. He says that he can't wait to watch New Day's match next. Coach is interrupted mid sentence by The Rock. Yes, we are going to have a Coach-Rock segment. Rock makes fun of Coach like he always does. Coach asks Rock about being in Reigns corner later and Rock mocks Coach somehow. Just a classic segment with Rock pushing Coach around and making fun of him. These are always funny as hell. We go to our next match.

6th Match: New Day vs LON for Tag Titles. New Day has their pre match promo and Big E says"Ohhhh Wrestlemania 32! Don't you dare be sour, clap, Dallas, for your world famous two time champs and feel the power!" New Day ride in on unicorns and they all have the unicorn horns strapped to their heads and Xaivier plays the trombone and Big E and Kofi clap New Day Rocks along with 90K+ other fans. Kofi and Big E are each holding up big boxes of Booty O's and the lights are rainbows. New Day finally lands off their unicorns into the ring and a group of people dressed in unicorn outfits come from under the ring and skip around the ring with trombones, playing New Day Rocks. My god, that entrance would be incredible. LON come out next to no big entrance. Just let them walk down awkwardly to their music. Just kidding, LON gets one mini pyro and then the match starts.

The match goes 10 minutes and New Day unexpectedly retain when Sheamus and Kofi are the legal men and the ref is distracted by Big E and Kofi hits a Trouble In paradise on Sheamus and then Xaivier throws Francesca the Trombone at him, and Kofi rolls up Sheamus for the big win. LON do not deserve the titles. They are bland and boring. New Day deserve a win here, and plus LON are so unbelievable to win because they lost to New Day 4 times already. New Day celebrate like only they can and the unicorns come down and they ride back up into the rafters and backstage as everyone chants New Day Rocks. Enzo and Cass debut the next night and challenge New Day for the titles and win the titles. Enzo and Cass vs New Day at Extreme Rules and Enzo and Cass retain. New Day would still be a main point in the tag division, but they take a break from the title scene for a while. If New Day were to break up, all 3 men would go back to being jobbers, and one of the best things in WWE would end.

Winners: New Day retain their Tag Titles.

Well, that's part 4. Part 5 coming out very soon where I book Reigns vs HHH and Shane vs Taker! It's gonna be the best part yet!

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