Image result for wrestlemania 32

Yes, there is a part 2. I deleted my first part of me booking the Pre Show because everyone hated it and it was honestly pretty bad anyways.

Short Summary Of The Pre SHow: The Kickoff Panel is Renee Young, Paul Heyman, Mick Foley and Booker T, they show highlights of Axxess, they have 4 different Social Media Lounge segments with Shane, Charlotte and Flair, Reigns and Ambrose. In the one with Charlotte and Ric, Charlotte answers 4 questions in a heel manner and then Becky and Sasha approach her from opposite sides and Charlotte holds up her title and they all have a staredown. The kickoff panelists hype the matches and show video packages and tell their predictions. Dudleys win over Usos, Team Total Divas wins over Team Bad and Blonde, and Kalisto retains over Ryback. Now let's get to the Main Show.

Main Show The usual intro plays and first we go to the actual arena where Fifth Harmony preforms America The Beuatiful. They play it on the stage and then we go to the usual annual Wrestlemania opening video package. We see highlights from all the past wrestlemanias like usual and all the stuff that can happen, from heel turns, to face turns, to debuts, to retirements, to championship changes, to Wrestlemania Moments made; all of which will happen tonight. We get mini previews for all the matches, but the main focus is on the three main matches, Ambrose vs Brock, Shane vs Taker, and Reigns vs HHH. At the end, as My House plays and pictures of the greatest moments from past Wrestlemanias flash by fast on the screen, we hear a voice, and of course, that voice Welcomes us to Wrestlemania.

We get a giant pyro for Wrestlemania as the crowd is jumping up and down and cheering and Michael Cole welcomes us to the showcase of the immortals, the show of shows, the grandest stage of them all, the 32nd annual Wrestemania.

The Authority's music hits, probably to cheers, since people hate Reigns and love HHH right now. HHH and Steph make their way down to the ring and they cut a promo about how tonight will be a historic night. They list all the matches and then HHH and Steph bash Roman Reigns. HHH cuts a promo similar to the one he did on Raw and calls Reigns a "stupid bitch". HHH mocks Reigns some more and talks about his history at Mania and that he will not lose the title tonight and Reigns music hits to massive boos. Reigns comes from the ramp with a mic. Reigns obviously isn't great on the mic so keep it short and sweet. Reigns and HHH exchange insults and there is lots of pointing to the sign and the title. Reigns says he's gonna break HHH tonight and take his title from him. Reigns asks the crowd if they want a preview of whats to come tonight in their match and Reigns threatens to attack HHH. Reigns gets in HHH's face and calls him a coward. As Reigns is talking, he's cut off when Shawn Michaels' music hits to a big pop. Michaels makes his entrance and says that Reigns shouldn't mess with the game. Michaels says that he and HHH have been best friends for longer than Reigns has been born. (kind of a white lie, but just roll with it). He says you don't mess with a 14 time World Champ, and you certainly don't mess with the Heartbreak kid. HHH speaks up and asks Michaels why he's out here. HBK jokes around a little bit and says he made a wrong turn trying to find the concession stands, and he accidentally came out into the arena, and thought that while he was already out there he might as well kick off Mania the right way, with Shawn Michaels. Michaels says he has a proposal for HHH. He wants to be in Hunter's corner in his match tonight. If he and HHH work together, Reigns will have no chance of winning. HBK calls Reigns a rookie. If he and Reigns were to go one on one he'd squash Reigns in 4 seconds. HBK says Reigns is an incredible preformer but he'll never make it in the WWE like he did. Reigns slaps HBK and HBK tries to attack Reigns but HHH grabs Shawn and tries to hold him back. HBK escapes and tries to SCM Reigns but Reigns Superman Punches HBK and he falls down into HHH and HHH pushes Michaels into the corner and they start arguing when the Rock's music hits to a huge pop. Rock makes his grand entrance and he cuts a promo and makes fun of HBK and HHH. Rock says that Michaels is a man that he would've loved to face. Rock and Michaels have a staredown and Rock does all his lines like finally the rock has come back to Wrestlemania and the rock woke up at 4:00 am clanging and banging. Rock says there has been rumors for months and months and the millions (and millions!) of the rocks fans have been speculating. The rock says he has a lot planned for Mania tonight and says that the odds are stacked against Romam tonight. Rock says that he knows Shawn being in Hunter's corner is just a stupid trick to screw Roman over, and he announces he'll be in Roman's corner tonight as well, and if HHH or HBK try anything dirty, he'll kick their candy asses. Rock is now in Reigns' corner, and Michaels in Triple H's. Already a stacked match. The crowd pops and Rock and Reigns look at each other and at HBK and HHH. But there is one more person you can't have a Wrestlemania without, and that's Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin's music hits to a huge pop and he rides down on his ATV. Austin, Rock and HBK, and HHH look at each other, in an indefinite moment. Four of the best. Stone cold says all his catchphrases and he says he's on nobody's side. He says some jackasses like Michaels and Rock don't deserve to be involved in tee main event of mania, at least not without himself in the mix. He reminds everyone of his history with both men and says that he deserves a role in the main event. He wants to make sure no one screws anything up. He announces that he talked to Vince earlier and he declares himself the Special Guest Ref for the match. HHH goes livid. Austin gets throw two beers and splashes them on HHH and HBK and his music hits as he leaves the ring. Reigns w/ Rock vs HHH w/HBK with Stone Cold as Ref. This may seem like way too much at first, and sort of a clusterf*ck, but It will make sense and will pay off later when we get to the main event. Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, The Rock and Triple H kicked off Mania. Already a good show. Let's get to the first match.

1st Match: Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks for the Divas Championship.

If you really want to show off what these three women can do, why not have them kick off the show? It could definitely be one of the top 3 matches of the night, and they should have some good time. We get the video package for the feud and we see all of Sasha's Wrestlemania Diary clips. I'll also be describing everyone's big entrances, just for fun. Charlotte comes out first to huge heat with Flair and Charlotte is wearing the classic Ric Flair Robe, as Woo's are ablaze. Charlotte is in the ring now and holds up the divas title in the robe on the top rope but she's interrupted by the sound of a train. The train sounds like it's getting closer and we go to the outside of the arena to see a Train pulling up. Becky Lynch steps out in some insane new Steampunk gear and we follow her through backstage to the entrance. Becky comes out and shows off her new gear and there is steam everywhere as her music plays. Becky makes her way to the ring and poses and points at the title. Sasha comes out last to a huge pop. A limo comes out on the stage and Sasha steps out accompanied by a ton of security guards, like about 35. If it's possible, Snoop Dogg could preform her theme live, (because he and Sasha are cousins and it would be an awesome little addition). Sasha is decked out in all kinds of shades and jewelry like she usually is, and the security guards surround the ring as Sasha steps in. The security guards and Snoop Dogg go backstage and the three women stare at each other. The bell rings and the match starts.

The match needs to go a while. These women can do so much, and it's a perfect idea to have it open mania to make the women's division mean something again. The match goes about 18 minutes and here are a few spots from the match:

*Sasha sets up a table on the outside earlier in the match. Sasha is on the top rope and Charlotte is down in the ring, and Becky is outside. Sasha is about to go for a Frogsplash, but Charlotte runs up and spears her over the top rope through the table on the outside. Spots like this every once in a while will make the women's matches important and entertaining.

*Becky has Sasha in a Disarmer with a chair around Sasha's arm.

*Becky and Charlotte are both down in the ring and Sasha hits a Frogsplash on the top rope on both of them

*Charlotte runs at Becky for a spear but Becky counters and grabs her arm and swings her around and down for a Disarmer.

And more.

The match goes 18 minutes, and Sasha wins by hitting one final Frogsplash on Charlotte and then locking in the Bank Statement to win the title. The crowd pops and we go to replays. Sasha is crying and she holds up the title. Becky is down and Sasha offers a hand and Becky accepts and Sasha helps her up. Becky and Sasha both look at each other and then help up Charlotte. They all look at each other and hug. Sasha has a mic now and thanks both of them for giving her the opportunity to kick off Wrestlemania, and she calls them some of the best preformers in the company. Sasha says that Divas have been mistreated and haven't been given opportunities like this in a long time. She says shes not a diva. She's a woman. Becky and Charlotte are women. She says no diva deserves to hold a belt with a stupid pink butterfly on it. Sasha steps out of the ring and there is a table with a cover over it. The crowd pops, as they know what's coming. Sasha says that there needs to be a change for women in the WWE. She kisses the Divas Title goodbye and throws it in the trash. She looks at the table with the cloth over it and takes it off to reveal the Old Women's Championship. She says that women can do great things in the WWE, and that's just what we saw here, and what we will now continue to see in the future. The Divas and Women's titles are now basically unified, but the Women's Title replaces the Divas Title. Sasha Banks is the new Women's Champion. Say goodbye to the pink butterfly. There are good things to come in women's wrestling in 2016, says Sasha. She goes back in the ring one last time and Becky, Charlotte and Sasha all hug and Sasha is in the middle with the Women's title and Charlotte and Becky and Sasha hold each others hands up.

Winner and New WOMEN'S Champion: Sasha Banks.

We go to the commentators now as they discuss what happened. We switch gears now and get ready for the 7 Man Intercontinental Title Ladder Match. We are shown the graphic and we go backstage and Kevin Owens is being interviewed by Renee Young before the match. Owens says he won't lose tonight, and all the other challengers will just have to learn the hard way that Wrestlemania is the Kevin Owens Show. Sami Zayn approaches him and calls Kevin a traitor. Sami mentions he and Owens' history together, and says that he's winning the belt tonight. Ziggler, Miz, Stardust, and Sin Cara all come up as well individually and say a few words about the match tonight, Finally, Zack Ryder comes in and says he's winning tonight. Owens just starts laughing in pretends he can't stop laughing and he turns red and starts choking because of his laughter. All the others are looking at him like he's insane. Owens slowly stops laughing and looks Ryder in the face and just says "No". Ryder is confused and Owens walks away as we cut to the ring. Howard Finkel is the ring announcer for Mania, by the way, because he is almost every Mania . Fink announces the match and the rules. Zayn comes out first, followed by Dolph Ziggler, followed by Stardust, followed The Miz, followed by Zack Ryder, then Sin Cara and finally Kevin Owens. The match goes 15 minutes. Here are a few spots from the match:

*The match starts and everyone except Sin Cara immediately runs to the outside to get ladders and brawl. Miz pushes a Ladder in the ring and he tries to get in but Owens grabs his legs and Powerbombs him on the ground. Everyone brawls on the outside and they all get into one group. Cara sets up the ladder in the ring and climbs it and does a giant Swanton Bomb onto the sea of superstars.

*There is a ladder set up between the ring and announce table and Sami Zayn is on the announce table and delivers a Blue Thunderbomb to Owens through the ladder.

*Stardust gets his special Star Ladder from last years Mania Ladder Match and sets it up in the corner of the ring. Zayn attack Stardust and get him stunned against the ladder in the corner. Zayn delivers a Helluva Kick to Stardust and his foot goes through the ladder.

And many more.

The match ends when another ladder is set up between the ring and announce table earlier in the match and all the superstars are down except Sami Zayn. Zayn is climbing a ladder in the ring to win the title. There is another ladder in the corner and Owens runs in and jumps on the ladder and it falls and Owens jumps onto Zayn's ladder. Owens and Zayn brawl on the top of the ladder and Sami superkicks Owens and he falls off the ladder through the ladder on the outside on the announce table and ring. The crowd is on their feet and Owens is done as Zayn grabs the title. We go to replays of all the insane spots and Zayn celebrates on the ladder with the title.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Sami Zayn.

Well, that was part 2. If you don't wish to read this, don't waste your time commenting about how much you hate this post and don't spam the comments with insults or I will block you. Thank you. Part 3 will come later today, so watch out for that! In part 3 I'll book the next 3 matches, plus some segments inbetween.

Thanks for reading and tell me if you liked it and want to see any of it!

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