Image result for wrestlemania 32

Part 2 is here:

Let's get right into it.

3rd Match: Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred Street Fight.

It's about 8: 15 now and we get a promo for Ambrose vs Lesnar and the commentators show the graphic and hype it up. Brock Lesnar comes out first to a huge pop. He does his pose at the top of the ramp and there is a mega pyro all around the arena. Heyman is laughing with joy behind Lesnar. Lesnar walks around the ring and looks at the crowd and jumps on the ring to another small pyro that shoots across from all corners of the ring. Lesnar's music ends and Lesnar is jumping up and down in the corner, preparing for Ambrose and Heyman starts giving pointers to Lesnar in the ring. The crowd is chanting for Ambrose and suddenly we hear a motorcycle. The motorcycle is getting closer and louder and Ambrose comes up and revs it up in sync with the beginning of his theme song. Ambrose is wearing a leather jacket and he rides the motorcycle down the ramp and around the ring. Lesnar and Heyman are just looking at Dean, baffled. Dean stands on his motorcycle and jumps in the ring. Ambrose throws his jacket into the crowd and we get formal ring introductions. The bell rings and Ambrose immediately runs at Lesnar and Lesnar F-5's him immediately. The match hasn't even gone 10 seconds and Lesnar goes to pin Ambrose but Ambrose kicks out at 2 1/2. Lesnar and Ambrose absolutely kill each other the whole match. There must be blood in this match. Both men have gotta bleed like it's their life for this match. Here are a few spots from the match:

*Lesnar is stunned, sitting in the corner and and Dean goes to grab his chainsaw for a huge pop. Lesnar is panicked and manages to grab a nearby kendo stick. Ambrose is about to swing the chainsaw at Brock but Brock holds the kendo stick in the way and the chainsaw cuts through the Kendo stick and sawdust sprays in Brock's face.

*Brock is in the timekeepers area and Ambrose runs on the opposite side from the barricade and runs on the announce tables and delivers a giant Suicide Dive looking move to Lesnar in the timekeepers area.

*Lesnar is stunned on the top rope and Ambrose goes to suplex him. Lesnar and Ambrose exchange punches and there is a table on the outside of the ring. Lesnar gets Ambrose up on his shoulders and F-5's Ambrose off the top rope through the table.

*Ambrose gives Lesnar Dirty Deeds on Steel Steps.

*Lesnar grabs some Steel Steps and grabs Dean and they are both on the steps set near the announce table and Lesnar German Suplexes Dean through the Spanish Announce Table.

*Obviously a shit ton of nasty chair shots, and kendo stick shots, steel steps, baseball bats, etc.

*Lesnar is stunned against the ropes and Ambrose runs the ropes and tries to clothesline him to the outside but Lesnar goes over the top rope and his arms get stuck in the ropes. Ambrose sees this as an opportunity and goes to retrieve the barbed wire baseball bat. Heyman is screaming, trying to help Brock escape and Ambrose swings the barbed wire bat at Lesnar but Lesnar just manages to reach a ring bell left on the apron earlier in the match and smashes it into Dean's head.

*Lesnar pushes Dean off the stage through two tables.

*Dean is on a ladder in the ring and Lesnar is trying to stand up and Dean jumps off the ladder and preforms a Tornado-Dirty Deeds on Lesnar onto some steel steps.

*And finally, Lesnar preforms a Shooting Star Press. This match needs to be remembered, and Lesnar and Dean can both look like absolute stars. Lesnar needs to pull out all the stops in this to win, so he preforms a Shooting Star press, the move that broke his neck at Wrestlemania 19, which hopefully doesn't happen here. Lesnar hits the shooting star press to an enormous pop.

The match finally ends after 22 minutes when both men are a bloody mess, and Dean has kicked out of 2 F-5's and Lesnar has kicked out of 3 Dirty Deeds. Ambrose is down, beaten and bruised, and Lesnar applies the Kimura Lock to Ambrose, with his Legs wrapped around Dean's waist. Both men are bleeding, and Lesnar is screaming and telling Ambrose to die and give up. Ambrose won't give up. Lesnar has the Kimura Lock on tight now and Ambrose passes out before he taps out, and Brock Lesnar wins the match. We go to replays of the incredible match and Heyman holds up Lesnar's hand as he's dripping blood, and they both walk slowly up the ramp. Lesnar looks on from the ramp as Dean still, after all he went through in the match, after the awful beating he recieved, he still manages to pull himself up with the ropes, as Lesnar looks on and shakes his head. Lesnar and Heyman go to the back, and Ambrose is still standing just after a bloody, intense war with the Beast. Ambrose refuses help from medical staff and staggers and crawls to the back as over 90,000 stand up and clap and chant his name. Lesnar is still a beast and won the match, but Ambrose never gave up, and now he looks like an absolute star.

Winner By KO: Brock Lesnar.

We get a promo for Wrestlemania 33 coming to Orlando in 2017.

We go back to the ring and arena as the cameras show workers cleaning up the scene from the Ambrose-Lesnar brawl. Next up, we have the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. The commentators hype it up and we get a fun little video package with some of the superstars in the match saying they'll win.

4th Match: Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. The Fink announces the rules for the match and some of the superstars come out, but the bigger people in the match get entrances, like Mark Henry, Kane, Big Show, Tyler Breeze, Jack Swagger and Damien Sandow to a big pop all get short entrances.

I won't explain the whole match in detail, as you can probably think why, but I'll just list some key parts.

*Goldust is on the apron and Big Show "accidentally" pushes R-Truth into Goldust and he gets eliminated. Goldust is pissed and R-Truth is trying to say sorry and it was an accident. R-Truth goes to turn around and Big Show whacks him with a Knockout Punch. Goldust rolls in the ring and throws Truth out to eliminate him and Goldust walks up the ramp to boos.

*Mark Henry, Kane, and Show get everyone down and they are the only ones standing. They start brawling and the Social Outcasts run up and Henry grabs Slater and Rose and WSS's them over the top rope, Kane grabs Slater and chokeslams him over the top rope, and Big Show knockout punches Bo and he goes flying over the top rope to all be eliminated at the same time by the titans.

*Kane is trying to eliminate Konnor from the Ascension and Big Show runs up and dumps Konnor and Kane over the top rope. Kane screams at Show and referees have to back him away.

*The last four are Big Show, Mark Henry, Damien Sandow and Tyler Breeze. Sandow manages to get Big Show on the apron and he tries the same method when they were the last two last year where he pulls a Chris Benoit and pulls him over the top rope. Sandow actually manages to get him over and eliminates Big Show to a huge pop. Tyler Breeze runs up to try to eliminate Sandow but Sandow throws Breeze over. The last two are Sandow and Mark Henry. The crowd is chanting for both of them and Henry throws Sandow over the top rope but Sandow hangs on. Henry runs at Sandow and Sandow falls to the floor and gets eliminated. Hopefully there won't be too much heat. Henry is celebrating in the ring and the ref holds his hand up. Sandow looks like a ghost after the match on the outside and Henry offers a hand to him but Sandow just walks away. Henry looks at him as he walks up the ramp, confused, but goes back to celebrating. Henry grabs a mic and says he can't believe he just won the 3rd annual Andre Battle Royal in his home state of Texas in front of 100K. Henry says that he's done it all in the WWE, and he's lived his dream. He says that he thinks a win this big at Wrestlemania, is a great way to go out. Henry makes some jokes and references to big points in his career and thanks everyone for making him the one and only Mark Henry. He ends by saying he's had a great career and looks to his family and children in the crowd and says "Baby, I'm coming home!" the crowd cheers and claps for Henry on their feet and Henry hugs his family and waves to the crowd as his music plays. Henry grabs the trophy and walks up the ramp with it and stops on the stage and holds it up and waves and says thank you to the crowd. He walks to the back with the trophy. Mark Henry has retired, and he brought the Andre Trophy with him.

The reason Sandow didn't win is because I feel like Henry just should've won. Also, Sandow wouldn't be believable. He's been off TV for like a year and when he is on TV he just jobs to random people in 3 minutes. This loss would actually start a mini push for Sandow. The next night on Raw sandow cuts a promo and says he was so close to winning the Andre Battle Royal and having his Wrestlemania moment 2 years in a row but he failed both times. He says that he deserves better, and the people want to see him succeed. The Authority comes out and insult Sandow. Sandow stands up to them and tells them to give him an opportunity or he'll quit. He deserves one. Steph gives in and gives him a shot at the United States Title at Extreme Rules against Kalisto. Sandow would win, and he would slowly rise again from there.

Winner: Mark Henry.

Comedy segment time! We go backstage and New Day are getting ready to defend their titles later. Coach comes up to New Day and says he had so much fun twerking with New Day on Raw. New Day and Coach start messing around and doing all the insane weird stuff New Day does and they grab some backstage workers near them and they all twerk and hip swivel as Woods plays the New Day Rocks on the Trombone*. *You know what's coming... New Day and Coach and everyone are twerking and dancing and Ron Simmons walks up to a huge pop and looks at all of them. Simmons shakes his head and looks around and of course, he yell's "DAMN!". Ron walks away and New Day and Coach and the others look on in shock. They all shrug and just continue dancing.

Backstage Interview with Paul Heyman. He talks about Ambrose and Lesnar's match earlier and says Ambrose will never be the same.

Another interview with Chris Jericho. He hypes his match with Styles next and says all his heel lines.

Well, that was part 3. Part 4 coming out early tomorrow with me booking the next 3 matches. and Part 5 coming out later after that tomorrow on Wrestlemania day. Tell me if you liked it, and if you'd like to see this happen!

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