How WWE Should Book: Payback 2016

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Hey everyone! You may have seen some of my posts before where I fantasy book how WWE should book a certain show! This time we're looking at the "first PPV of the new era", Payback. My god, do I have an ending in mind. Without further ado, here is how I would book the historic night of May 1st 2016, Payback!

Pre Show: A Social Media Lounge segment with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson is announced for later in the kickoff. For the first 20 minutes, the panel hypes the matches and gives their predictions and we're shown a bunch of video packages. Throughout this segment, the panelists keep hinting at but not mentioning the Bullet/Balor club and they ask if AJ will bring "friends" tonight in his match with Reigns. Welp, spoilers, he does. We go to Kalisto vs Ryback for the US Title, a match that has had no build whatsoever. Ryback comes out first followed by the US Champion, Kalisto. Now, I'd have Ryback win this match and the title. Here's why: Kalisto has been booked like shit as US Champ. He's barely on TV, and he's had two feuds in 5 months for the title: Del Rio and Ryback. I'd have Ryback win it here because it's about time Kalisto drops the title, and he could even go into the IC title picture for a while. Ryback wins it here because Ryback shouldn't lose twice in this feud, and Ryback winning the title would lead up to Cena's return and him winning it back. Ryback and Cena would have a match at Money In The Bank, where Cena wins it back and elevates the title again, and brings back the US Open Challenges and all that. I don't think Cena should beat Kalisto for it obviously, because that would make Kalisto look like a jobber. Ryback doesn't have anything to lose, unlike Kalisto, so Ryback wins the title here, and holds it until Money In The Bank, where Cena wins it back. Ryback is just like a placeholder. Extreme Rules is the next PPV, but it's before May 30th, when Cena is returning, so the match would occur at Money In The Bank on June 19th. Ryback could have a short feud with Del Rio and it could be Ryback vs Del Rio at Extreme Rules. I know many people think Ryback is shit, and I agree on that, but in the long run it would be better for Cena to return and defeat Ryback for the title than a rising star like Kalisto.

The match ends when Kalisto goes for a Salida Del Sol on Ryback by running on the ropes but Ryback grabs him and flips him around for his old Backpack Stunner move then hits a Shellshock on him for the win.

Winner and new US Champ: Ryback.

The panel briefly discuses the match and they hype the matches some more and then we have the Social Media Lounge with Gallows and Anderson. Preferably they pick out the questions that hint that Styles could have "help" in the match with Reigns.

The SML ends and the panel gives their final predictions for Styles vs Reigns and we go to the main show.


1st Match: Enzo and Cass vs The Vaudevillans in the finals of the No.1 Contender Tag Title Tournament.

This match would kick off because the actual tag title match for the winners would take place later and the matches shouldn't be too close together. The commentators welcome us to Payback. Enzo and Cass are out first to a huge pop from the Chicago crowd and they do their pre match promo. They make fun of the Vaudevillans like only they can. Enzo and Cass of course end the promo with Cass spelling Sawft for the crowd. (insert some stupid JBL line yelling "It's spelled S-O-F-T, BYRON!") Vaudevillans come out next to huge boos. The match goes about 9 minutes, this match doesn't need to be long. I'd have Enzo and Cass win here. I don't know if the Dudleys should screw them later in the night. I know this makes VV look weak but they would rebound from their loss soon. Enzo and Cass get the win when Enzo rolls up Aiden English to a giant pop from the Chicago crowd after VV have miscommunication when attempting their finisher and Cass throws out Gotch. Enzo and Cass are the hottest team in WWE right now, with the exception of New Day. I'd have Enzo and Cass win here. I'm debating as I type this if I would have The Dudleys screw Enzo and Cass in the actual championship match instead of the regular finals for more heat, and to further the feud and to have massive heat on the Dudz. I'll decide.

Winners: Enzo and Cass.

2nd Match: The Miz w/Maryse vs Cesaro for the Intercontinental Title.

I sure hope there is a ton of Cesaro Section signs in the chicago crowd for this show and this match. This feud has been horrendous in my opinion. I love Cesaro. The Miz..... is... a guy. The whole buildup has been MizTV segments with the two men throwing cheesy movie lines at each other that 24% of fans got. Many fans dislike Miz and think he's stale. I would have Cesaro win here in a big swerve. Cesaro is probably the best technician in the company now that Daniel Bryan left. I think someone as talented and over as The King Of Swing as IC Champ would bring some real prestige back to it. He should have a nice long reign with it too, like around 9-10 months. The match doesn't need to go long, just about 7 minutes. Cesaro wins with a Sharpshooter. I think a fun spot in this match could be where Cesaro is swinging Miz and Maryse runs in and jumps on Miz to stop the swing and Cesaro gets pissed and swings Maryse. But anyways, Cesaro is your new IC Champ.

Winner and New IC Champ by submission: Cesaro.

3rd Match: Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho.

Not much to say about this match other than Ambrose NEEDS a win here. He suffered an underwhelming loss to Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania and Jericho is there to put talent OVER RIGHT? (Vince: What are you talking about, damnit, AJ Styles BEAT Jericho at Wrestlemania!") Yeah. Let's just forget about that forever. I think this match will be on of the best on the show. The match goes about 16 minutes and Ambrose wins with a Dirty Deeds. A couple spots in this match:

-Jericho has Ambrose on the Spanish Announce table and Jericho is on the apron and does a Lionsault off the ropes and puts Ambrose through the table.

-To set up the lionsault spot, Jericho has Ambrose in the walls on the table.

-Ambrose and Jericho are brawling all around the arena and at one point Jericho is down in the timekeepers area and Ambrose runs on the announce tables from the opposite side barricade and jumps onto Jericho in the timekeepers area but Jericho catches him with a Codebreaker.

And just a bonus, a fun drinking game could be to drink every time Jericho calls Ambrose an idiot, stupid, or a stupid idiot.

Ambrose wins with the Dirty Deeds as noted.

Winner: Dean Ambrose.

We go to a backstage interview with Renee Young and her guests are The Usos. Renee asks The Usos their thoughts on the main event on if they have anything to say to Gallows and Anderson, who they have been having a mini feud with. The Usos are getting hot and going off on G&A and they say Reigns will retain the title when Gallows and Anderson jump the Usos from behind. Gallows throws Jimmy through the curtain/greenscreen wall and the TVs and they put them through tables and attack them with things near them in the backstage area. Gallows and Anderson do the Too Sweet to huge pop from the Chicago Crowd and they leave as the cameras pan over the Usos, injured after the attack. This will make sense later.

4th Match: Baron Corbin vs Dolph Ziggler.

Clearly WWE is trying to push Corbin big with his Andre Battle Royal win at Mania. He has been dominating Ziggler recently. I'm still not entirely sold on the guy, but I really respect him for trying to get better as I've seen in NXT and him insulting random fat dudes in the crowd is really funny. WWE could really make something with Corbin. Corbin squashes poor Dolph Ziggler and gets the win with an End Of Days on a chair that he snuck into the match earlier. Corbin pins Ziggler for the impressive win as the heat is hopefully on Corbin from the Chicago crowd. Corbin beats Ziggler down after the match with a chair and throws him all around ringside.

Winner: Baron Corbin

And now, Vinnie Mac will decide who runs Monday Night Raw. I had an idea for a mega troll for this Chicago crowd and I think it will be one of the greatest trolls in history. Everyone is expecting Lillian to announce the details for the next match, but suddenly CM Punk's music hits to hopefully one of the biggest pops in the last 10 years. The crowd is going insane and Vince just comes out looking confused and looking at the titantron. He has a mic and the music stops and there is nuclear heat on Vince. The crowd is chanting Asshole and Vince pretends to apologize and says that the tech crew just hit the wrong music. This would be SO funny and Vince could pull it off great, trolling the fans with Vince coming out to Punk's music, thinking he's returning. Vince talks about Shane running Raw recently and makes fun of the crowd. The crowd is still pissed, booing him and chanting asshole at him for the Punk troll. Vince says he needs to think about what's best for bussiness. He starts thinking and says he needs to hear from the devils themselves first, so he brings out Stephanie McMahon to big boos and Steph sucks up to Vince and says she should run Raw. Steph is running her mouth when Shane's music hits to an enormous pop. Shane praises the Chicago crowd for a cheap pop and starts going off on Vince and Stephanie. Shane says that since he's been running Raw lately the fans have loved it. Shane says he's given new stars exposure, and made matches the fans actually want to see, and he's starting a new era. He says that unlike Vince, he's actually listened to what the fans want to see. Vince insults Shane and calls him his bitch. He says he doesn't know what he's talking about. Things get heated with Shane and Vince and suddenly the crowd explodes as we here the words"Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman". Heyman says that he and his client are best for business. Heyman says he should run Raw, and that he would inflict authority in the company. He says that any problems Vince had, who would take care of it? Brock Lesnar. Any time any superstars were being uncooperative. Brock Lesnar would teach them a lesson. He says that WWE would have control again with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar in control. Vince and Paul have words, and Vince sides with Shane. There is a whole big segment and I don't really have an idea of what should happen but in general, Vince ends up swerving everyone and going to Shane's side, and Heyman announces he has a way to settle this. He says that his client couldn't make it to Chicago tonight but he has a proposition. At next month's PPV, the night WWE goes Extreme, at Extreme Rules, it will be Brock Lesnar vs Shane McMahon, Last Man Standing, for control of Raw. Vince accepts. This obviously won't be the last match that involves a stipulation for control of Raw. I just think Heyman in that situation would be really interesting and fresh, and Lesnar would be there to kill anyone who causes a problem.

If you REALLY want to mix things up... WWE could find some way to bring back Big People Power Johnny Laurinitus. I even saw some people in a thread saying that Teddy Long could appear. Even Eric Bischoff, which I REALLY want to be brought back solely for this angle just to hear his music again. My god. Imagine if Eric Bischoff returned tonight...

We go to the Kickoff Panel now to get their thoughts on the show so far.

5th Match: The New Day vs Enzo and Cass for the Tag Team Titles.

Again, I don't know how this match should go. Both teams are so godamn over, and I feel like New Day has held the titles for long enough but I feel like they shouldn't lose them here. Enzo and Cass should not win the titles here, though. Much like Zayn in the Zayn-Owens feud, Zayn is the huge over baby face underdog and his character is that he just can't seem to come out on top at first, but he keeps trying and it all eventually leads to his big win and celebration, when he hopefully meets Owens in the culmination of their first feud on the main roster of many to come at Summerslam for the IC Title. I feel like the Dudleys have unfinished business with Enzo and Cass, and screwing them here would get them nuclear heat. New Day come out to a huge pop and they do their usual wacky comedy New Day lines, and they remind us that this tournament is sponsored by Booty O's. Kofi says he had a son recently and the crowd cheers. He says that he's only currently feeding him Booty'O. That way, when he/she grows up, it'll make sure that they aren't booty. He says that the New Day is certified to fight any children in the crowd who think they're better than Kofi's new kid. They make fun of Enzo and Cass and the crowd is clapping New Day rocks as Woods plays the trombone. Enzo and Cass do come out and call New Day sawft and make fun of them. The match starts and Cass and Big E start off and have a stare downs The two big guys on each team. The crowd is dueling chanting (How You Doin? New! Day Rocks!), and both teams are over as hell. it goes about 14 minutes and New Day win when the ref is knocked out from earlier in the match and Enzo and Cass are going for the Air Enzo/Rocket Launcher, (whatever their finisher is called), and the Dudleys push Enzo off the rope rope and start beating them down to massive boos. The Dudleys hit a 3D on Enzo and then go to the ramp and laugh as Big E crawls in the ring and pins Enzo to retain their titles. Enzo and Cass would go on to have their final battle with the Dudleys, in either an Elimination Tornado Tag Match or Steel Cage match at Extreme Rules. Actually, New Day could defend against whoever their challengers are in a Steel Cage, and Enzo and Cass could face the Dudleys in an Elimination Tables match. Enzo and Cass would finally eventually win the titles at Summerslam. Judging by what i've said, Summerslam looks like the ppv with the most "long-time coming" if you will, wins in recent memory.

Winners and still WWE Tag Team Champions: The New Day.

6th Match: Charlotte w/Ric Flair vs Natalya w/Bret Hart for the Women's Championship. (God, it feels good to type that).

I'm not even sure if Flair will be here since he told Nattie to kill herself on Smackdown, and then he had the incident at the airport. Assuming he will. We get a video package for this match and Natalya comes out first with Bret to a big pop. Charlotte comes out next with Flair and we get formal ring introductions. Charlotte has been doing great as a heel recently, despite what anyone else thinks. Most of the screwjob finishes Flair has caused to help Charlotte have turned out great. The match goes about 10 minutes and is hopefully awesome, because Natalya and Charlotte are always amazing together. The crowd is really into it hopefully, and Charlotte retains the Womens Title when Charlotte actually is tapping out to Nattie but Flair runs over as fast as he can to the bell ringer and snatches the bell from him. Since the bell wasn't rung, the match didn't officially end, which means Charlotte didn't officially tap out. Nattie breaks the hold and starts yelling at Ric. The bell ringer eventually gets the bell back from Flair, and rings the bell, and tells Lillian Garcia to announce that since Flair illegally stole the ring bell, Charlotte is still champ by DQ. Flair and Charlotte are celebrating, and Natalya and Bret look pissed. Natalya gets a mini rematch at Extreme Rules, but Becky Lynch and Sasha are also added back into the title picture, when it's Charlotte vs Natalya vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch in a fatal fourway New Jersey Street Fight, which Extreme Rules is in New Jersey, and I also think it would be the first ever Women's Street Fight. Forgot to mention that an obvious spot in the Nattie-Charlotte match here is that Charlotte has Nattie in the Figure-8 inside the ring, as does Flair on Bret on the outside, but Nattie gets out and puts Charlotte in the Sharpshooter, as does Bret to Ric. Just a cool little easter egg.

Winner by DQ: Natalya. But still Women's Champ: Charlotte.

7th Match: Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn.

This match is gonna be awesome. We get the video package we saw on Raw with the history between the two men. Sami Zayn comes out first to a giant pop and the crowd sings his theme song. Owens is out next. Zayn runs at Owens as he's making his entrance and they do the spot where they keep punching each other over and over again. This match goes about 18 minutes and is likely absolutely awesome. There is lots of high spots and they brawl into the crowd. Zayn does his DDT through the ring post spot and suicide dives by both men. The crowd is chanting This is Awesome. One of the big spots in the match is that they are brawling in the crowd and they are near the doors and the balcony area and Zayn is down on the floor. Owens climbs the stairs and stands on the barricade and delivers a giant frogsplash to Zayn and they both go through the floor. The match ends when Owens is stunned in the corner and Sami is going for the Helluva Kick but Owens catches him and throws him up for a Pop-Up Powerbomb. Owens is celebrating after the match and continues to stomp Zayn after the match to massive heat. After the match Owens goes to the back and the crowd is chanting for Sami as cameras show him go, injured, to the back.

We get an advertisement for Extreme Rules, and the new shows coming to the WWE network.

8th Match: Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles for the WWE World Heavyweight Title.

Ah, here we go. There is SO many possibilities of what could happen in this match. AJ wins the title in a giant swerve clean. Roman retains clean and people are pissed. Balor Club attacks debuts and attacks Reigns to help AJ win. Balor Club debuts and attacks STYLES to help Roman retain. Among other scenarios. But I have one that I think will blow all of that away.

We get the video package for the match and it's hyped up. The video package ends with a gunshot sound. HiNT HINT. Roman Reigns comes out first to NUCLEAR DEAFENING BOOS from the Chicago crowd. Reigns makes his way to the ring and his music stops and there is some time to build hype before Styles comes out. There is a different atmosphere in the arena and it feels like a big fight feel. The crowd is chanting for Styles and after about 30 seconds his music finally hits to a huge pop. Styles comes out and makes his usual entrance. The match goes about 16 minutes and is hopefully phenomenal. PUNS! There is lots of awesome spots, like Reigns spearing Styles through a barricade, Styles going for a Phenomenal Forearm and Reigns counters into a Superman Punch, among other things. And of course, Styles goes for a Styles Clash to an enormous reaction. Now, I hate that like 3 people have already kicked out of the Styles Clash in WWE, but the match needs to go on for the big ending, so Reigns kicks out of the styles clash for a great near fall. The insanity begins and the match is nearing it's end when Reigns hits a superman punch on AJ. Reigns is going for the final spear and he's in the corner and he says "OHHHHHHH AHHHHH" when suddenly the lights go out. There is an enormous pop and the crowd is on their feet as they know what's coming. The lights are still out and suddenly the titantron shows the night landscape outside of the arena. And then, Finn freakin Balor walks up in view. He cuts a short promo about how WWE is about to change forever. They're here to destroy anyone in their way. They're not stopping for anyone. They're going to the top of the food chain. Gallows and Anderson walk up behind him now. He says that they're the Balor Club. They do what they want. Their music hits. I found a fab made video that could be similar to their music and titantron, but Balor's name comes first, then Styles. You can watch it here:

The roof is being blown off the place as the crowd is chanting This Is Awesome and Holy Shit. They make their way to the ring. Now, I'm not having Balor Club turn on Styles. I just don't feel like that's the right thing to do. Styles is laughing as he joins the club on the outside. Their music is still playing and they are on the right side of the ring if you're on the ramp, and they are just standing on the outside looking at Reigns. Reigns is getting ready to fight when he looks at the titantron and suddenly Dean Ambrose's music hits. Reigns knew that G&A would ambush the Usos, so he has extra backup. Ambrose defeated Jericho earlier in the night and he got a big pop. Now, Reigns and Ambrose are in the ring. Balor Club climbs up on the apron now. It's 2 to 4. You gotta know who the next guy to come out is. Seth Rollins's music hits to a deafening pop and he walks down to the ring in his black and gold pants gear. The crowd is chanting for Rollins and the 3 former shield members look at each other. Balor Club steps into the ring now. Shield and Club on opposite sides. But it's still 3 to 4. Who's out to help The Shield next? Of course, it's everyone's favorite Roman Reigns cousin, Dwayne the Rock Johnson!! The place explodes and Rock makes his grand entrance and then joins the 3 in the ring. Here they are. The Balor Club has finally debuted, and they are staring off with The Shield and the Rock.

Just to be clear by the way, this is NOT a shield reunion. Balor Club and Shield would feud on and off, and it would all end with a match at Survivor Series. 4 on 4. Balor,Gallows, Anderson, and Styles vs Rollins, Reigns, Rock, and Ambrose. Over the months Balor Club would add 2-3 more members but the "main branch" of the stable would be the 4. Now, back to the show. The 8 are staring off and Balor is in the middle. He holds up the gun pose with his fingers and shoots the other 4 men as Styles, Gallows and Anderson do the Too Sweet sign. They all run at each other finally and the brawl ensues as the crowd is on their feet. Everyone hits their finishers on each other and it ends as Balor hits a Coup De Grace on Reigns. Shield and Rock are all laid out in the ring and Balor grabs a mic and simply says: "We are the Balor Club. We don't fuck around." He then drops the mic, and sets it on fire, symbolizing how the WWE is about to go up in flames. PPV end.

Balor Club continues to dominate for about a year. By the way, this would obviously mark the start of a Rollins babyface run. Balor Club would kick off Raw the following night and continue their thing with Reigns. It would likely be Reigns vs Balor for the title at Extreme Rules, maybe in an Extreme Rules match. I'll put the preferred Extreme Rules card below. Also, just to clarify, Rollins would still definitely continue to be a top star. For the first 1-2 months of his return he could maybe have a very short run with the Intercontinental Title. He would continue to be a main eventer and could maybe win the WWE Title back in a match at Summerslam. Rollins would have a separate segment at the beginning of the second hour of Raw the following night where he breaks up with the Authority. Well, that's all I have in terms of Payback. I think that would be a pretty damn good PPV.

Extreme Rules Card:

-WWE Title: Roman Reigns vs Finn Balor (Extreme Rules Match)

-Brock Lesnar vs Shane McMahon for Control of Raw. (Last Man Standing)

-IC Title: Cesaro vs Chris Jericho

-Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn (I Quit Match)

-Tag Team Titles: New Day vs Gallows and Anderson (Steel Cage Match)

-Enzo and Cass vs The Dudley Boys (Tornado Tag Elimination Tables Match)

-Women's Title: Charlotte vs Natalya vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch (Fatal Fourway New Jersey Street Fight)

-Seth Rollins vs AJ Styles

-Dean Ambrose vs Baron Corbin

-Kickoff Show: Ryback vs Alberto Del Rio for US Title.

If you think there's too many matches with Stipulations, there's not. It's called Extreme Rules for a reason.

Well, that was how I would book Payback. I applaud any of you who actually sat down and read the whole thing. I hope you liked it! Tell me if you would like to see anything I wrote. Be sure to look out for my "How WWE Should Book Extreme Rules 2016" post the day before that! Thanks for reading.

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