How WWE Should Book Super Show-Down 2018

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Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how WWE Should Book SOOOOOOOOOOPER Show-Down 2018.

Usually I’d have the pre-show here, but I don’t even know if there’s gonna be one since it starts at 5AM in some places, but if there is one added last minute and I don’t have it here, oh well! Yay!


·         We get the opening video package and a shot of the arena as pyro presumably shoots off, as did the GRR. It seems like these huge supershows could be a regular thing every year now for WWE out of the US. Greatest Royal Rumble wasn’t awful but definitely wasn’t very good. This card is considerably better, so I expect bigger, better things. This show is gonna change a lot of things. Let’s get into it.


1ST MATCH: The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods) (w/ Kofi Kingston) (c) vs. The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) (Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships)


·         New Day are out first followed by The Bar. The match goes 13 minutes. New Day have really already run through the ENTIRE Smackdown tag division since joining the show. They’ve beaten everyone currently on the roster and they need to drop the titles sooner rather than later. However, I still think that honor should go to Sanity, as much as I want to see The Bar vs. The Show at Survivor Series. The Bar, while still a greatly entertaining team and great in the ring, wouldn’t make any sense for them to win the championships right now, as this match was kinda just announced for the show without any real feud going on. New Day retain the titles after a Midnight Hour on Sheamus, with Woods getting the pin.


WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions: The New Day


·         We get an ad for Tapout.


2ND MATCH: Asuka and Naomi vs. The IIconics (Billie Kay and Peyton Royce) (Tag Team match)


·         Asuka and Naomi are out first followed by the hometown heroes The IIconics. The match goes a quick 7 minutes. Nothing more needed, as this match has no real importance or value. This is a simple one to book, as there’s no way both Australian acts are winning on the same show, and we’re gonna want the result that comes after this match to feel as sweet as possible, so Naomsuka wins after Naomi nails Peyton with some ass-based offense and she falls backward right into the grasp of the Asuka Lock, tapping out immediately. The babyfaces get an easy win in Melbourne.


WINNERS by SUBMISSION: Asuka and Naomi


·         We get an ad for Crown Jewel next month, which I’ll have my full card for as well as the Survvior Series card I had in my HIAC post.


3RD MATCH: Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Buddy Murphy (Singles match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship)


·         Cedric is out first followed by Buddy. The match goes 17 minutes, the second longest of the night. Cedric’s. Time. is. Up. Basically, you know that if Buddy wins, the Iconics are losing, and vice versa. Murphy has been a human highlight reel and has had some of the best matches anywhere in wrestling this year. I’ve always had the mindset that if you’re the best in your division at what you do at the moment, you deserve to hold the championship. While Cedric’s reign has excelled in terms of match quality, his character and storytelling work have sorely lacked the entire way through. It’s the perfect time and place for Murphy to get the title. Murphy gets the win clean after hitting Cedric with the 450 Splash following his Pumphandle DVD.


WINNER by PINFALL and NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Buddy Murphy


·         We get an ad for TEG Dainty, the official sponsor of the show.


4TH MATCH: Bobby Lashley and John Cena vs. Elias and Kevin Owens (Tag Team match)


·         Is this the most predictable match in the history of ever? Yes sirs and ma’ams. Elias and Owens open in the ring and get another nuclear heat segment, trashing everything there is about Melbourne. Robert and Jonathan come out to interrupt and the match begins and goes 9 minutes. Kelias is great and all, but they’re not beating a Superman team. Nothing more needs to be said about this match, this is really just a glorified house show anyways, so most of the babyfaces are gonna and should win. Jashley get the win over Kelias after Bobby does a Stalling Suplex on Elias, and drops him to the ground. Cena rolls on top of Elias and hits an AA for the win. I hope you all like my extremely creative team names.


WINNERS by PINFALL: Bobby Lashley and John Cena 


5TH MATCH: Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz (Singles match to determine the No.1 Contender to the WWE Championship)


·         Bryan is out first followed by Miz. The match goes 15 minutes. Usually I’d definitely have a match between these two go a little longer, but they already had a long one at Summerslam, and we have to save a piece of the pie for Wrestlemania. This feud is honestly a tricky one because you have that circumstance where it feels as like if Bryan wins even one match, then the feud is over and there’s nothing left to be fought for. I would’ve had the match at Summerslam, keep the two apart for a while, have Miz win the title off AJ at the Rumble and have Bryan win the actual Rumble match immediately after, Miz can’t duck Bryan anymore and the two finally meet again at Mania for the championship. I thought the Mixed Tag match at HIAC was unnecessary and really a deadpan part of the feud, just a way to get both guys on the card. Things are starting to pick up again, though. I think after this point it’s absolutely vital that these two take a break from interacting until Rumble//Mania season, and I know the perfect way to do it. After murdering Jeff Hardy’s earlobe at HIAC, Randy Orton has been teasing that his next victim would be a fan favorite, someone that he’d gain the most from by taking out- and it would be perfect for that to be Daniel Bryan. The two had a phenomenal feud in late 2013, and it’d be a great side-feud for Bryan to get away from Miz for a bit while he begins the chase for World Title gloryThe match ends when Miz and Bryan are brawling in the ring and Bryan calls for the B+ Knee, but Miz moves and shoves the ref in the way. You knew there had to be a ref bump in this match. Mike sees his opportunity flash before his eyes and brings a steel chair into the ring. Out of nowhere, Bryan kips up and fires away on Miz with Yes Kicks. Miz is down and out and Bryan is in the corner again, Yes Chanting, runs for the Knee, but OUTTA NOWHERE RANDY ORTON SLIDES IN THE RING AND RKOS BRYAN ONTO THE CHAIR. Orton immediately leaves the scene, in and out, blink and you missed him, and Miz just crawls to the cover off the outside advantage and gets the victory in the flukiest way imaginable. Miz didn’t even hire or pay off Randy for the attack or anything, Orton only does business for himself, and his next targeted just so happened to be Daniel Bryan, and The Miz just so happened to be Bryan’s opponent in this situation.

Now, as for Miz’s road to the WWE Title; A month ago I would’ve said AJ should retain over Joe and Miz should beat him for the title at the Royal Rumble immediately preceding Bryan winning the Men's Rumble. You really can’t write it better than that. Though I’m thinking now that it’s just time for Joe to win the title, he’s on a hot streak that he may never duplicate again in this feud with AJ, I also mainly just want at least a month given to the angle of Miz ducking Bryan as champion, and now that Bryan has won the rights to challenge him, he can’t avoid him anymore, no matter what. Miz isn’t gonna beat Joe clean, so you could have Joe hold the title until TLC, where Miz wins it from him in a Ladder match (imagine the promos between them, two of the best talkers in the biz), and just retains over AJ and they have their match at the Rumble anyways, or if AJ does retain here, just have the AJ/Miz match at the Rumble as normal and have Miz win the title there. Either way would be fantastic.



·         The commentators thank the artist of the official theme of the PPV for our next transition.


6TH MATCH: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair (Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship)


·         Charlotte is out first followed by Becky. The match goes 14 minutes. These two have worked so well together, both in and out of the ring, and I absolutely think they should have one last match for the title at Evolution. This feud is too hot to stop here. To keep both girls looking strong, the match ends when Becky is stomping a mudhole in Charlotte in the corner and won’t stop it after the referee’s count of 5 because she’s a mean woman and a KICKER of LASSES. Becky Lynch is good! Charlotte is Charlotte! Yay Super Show-Down!!


WINNER by DISQUALIFICATION: Charlotte Flair; however STILL WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship: Becky Lynch


·         We go up to the Kickoff Panel for their thoughts on the show so far.


7TH MATCH: AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe (No Disqualification, No Countouts match for the WWE Championship)


·         Joe is out first followed by Styles. The match goes 16 minutes and we get formal ring introductions. I’m just gonna copy and paste what I said about these two in my HIAC post: Joe is on the run off his life right now and is too good to never hold this title, and if not now, then I really see it happening never. I feel like I’m doing these posts, talking about the Nakamura/AJ matches all over again, every PPV saying “NEW WWE Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura” and it just never happening and feeling redundant. This cannot happen with Joe. If he holds it for a month a week, a day, whatever. He simply needs the title because he’s the best there is right now on the blue wrestling show. Match ends after Joe gives Annie and Wendy a Double Muscle Buster, then catches AJ in a Coquina.




·         We get an ad for Crown Jewel.


8TH MATCH: The Bella Twins (Brie and Nikki) and Ronda Rousey vs. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan) (6-Woman Tag Team match)


·         Oh no brie and liv in the same match again get it cause brie knocked her out accidentally hahahahahahahah!!!! The Belousey Twins are out first followed by The Rioting Squad. The match goes 4 minutes because lots of matches have gone long this post and I haven’t done a very good job keeping track of time like I usually do and this match isn’t the most important anyways so the babyfaces get the feel-good win when Ronda taps out Liv with the Armbar.

WINNERS by SUBMISSION: Brie Bella, Nikki Bella and Ronda Rousey


9TH MATCH: Dogs Of War (Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre) vs. The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) (6-Man Tag Team match)


·         The Shield are out first followed by the Dogs Of War, which I’m very happy to announce is the officially official Worst Wrestling Stable Name In The History Of Everything, only because I said so. The match goes 21 minutes, the longest of the night. There’s no reason to turn Dean heel in this match, it’d be too obvious and they didn't do the best job teasing it last week. Hold it off a bit longer and you gotta do it when it just looks like all the cracks in The Shield have been sealed. This will be a battle, a bloodshed, a combat, conflict, fight, hostility, strife, strike, and a struggle. Despite the name I’ve actually quite loved what Braun, Drew and Ziggler have accomplished together and they’re a great unit. Then again, The Shield should get the win here after they’ve gotten beaten down to end pretty much every RAW since Summerslam, because 50/50 booking. It’d also help to make it seem like all 3 are on the same page despite the teasing of an Ambrose turn, driving the mind away from that fact. The Shield get the win after Triple Powerbombing Braun and Drew on the outside through two different announce tables, and then all nail a Powerbomb on Ziggler in the ring as Rollins gets the pin, officially sealing the feud between him and Dolph in the ground.




10TH MATCH: Triple H (w/ Shawn Michaels) vs. The Undertaker (w/ Mayor Kane) (Singles match)


·         Oh Shawny Boy, oh HBShizzle, oh Mr. Stopper Of Numerous Shows, he’s coming back to do a bit of the grappling on the roped-off canvas mats, isn’t he? Undertaker is out first with Kane, followed by HHH with HBK. The match goes 15 minutes. These four all still have that something inside of them that no one on today’s roster seems to have. I can’t tell you how pumped up I’ve become for Triple H vs. Undertaker in 2018 after originally being a huge skeptic. I actually will tell you, I AM VERY PUMPED UP INDEED.


The match ends in a way I’ve had in my head since the very second this match was announced back in June. At Wrestlemania 28, when these two men fought in HIAC with Shawn Michaels as Special Guest Referee, the greatest near-fall in WWE history was created as Undertaker suffered a Sweet Chin Music-Pedigree combo and just managed to kick out. That needs to be the finish here, but this time it works. Taker is older, slower, and winding down. What may have only made him stronger 6 years ago nowadays keeps him down. HHH and Taker are brawling in the ring and on the outside Kane provokes Michaels. Shawn fulfills his promise and nails a Sweet Chin Music, knocking Kane down to the ground in a heap. Shawn gets in the ring, throws the ref out of the ring, throws on the ref shirt, Taker and HHH both down, the two stumble to their feet, HHH shoves Taker toward Shawn, SWEET CHIN MUSIC. PEDIGREE. 1.2.3. THIS TIME IT FINISHES THE DEADMAN.. Absolutely no better way of coming full circle. This also adds fuel to the fire for the potential Shawn/Taker singles match because Shawn got involved in the finish, inadvertently costing Taker.









The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods) (w/ Kofi Kingston) (c) defeated The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) by Pinfall

Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships

13 minutes


Asuka and Naomi defeated The IIconics (Billie Kay and Peyton Royce) by Submission

Tag Team match

7 minutes


Buddy Murphy defeated Cedric Alexander (c) by Pinfall

Singles match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

17 minutes


Bobby Lashley and John Cena defeated Elias and Kevin Owens by Pinfall

Tag Team match

9 minutes


The Miz defeated Daniel Bryan by Pinfall (Randy Orton attacks Bryan)

Singles match to determine the #1 contender for the WWE Championship

15 minutes


Charlotte Flair defeated Becky Lynch (c) by Disqualification

Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship

14 minutes


Samoa Joe defeated AJ Styles (c) by Pinfall

No Disqualification, No Countouts match for the WWE Championship

16 minutes


The Bella Twins (Brie and Nikki) and Ronda Rousey defeated The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan) by Submission

6-Woman Tag Team match

4 minutes


The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) defeated Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre by Pinfall

6-Man Tag Team match

21 minutes


Triple H (w/ Shawn Michaels) defeated The Undertaker (w/ Kane) by Pinfall

Singles match

15 minutes


MY CROWN JEWEL 2018 CARD (November 2nd, 2018; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)






Roman Reigns (c) vs. Braun Strowman vs. Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman)

Triple Threat match for the WWE Universal Championship


Brothers Of Destruction (Kane and The Undertaker) vs. D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H)

Tag Team match


Seth Rollins (c) vs. Baron Corbin

Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship


Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Rey Mysterio

Singles match for the WWE United States Championship


Becky Lynch (c) vs. Asuka

Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship


Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton

Singles match


Ronda Rousey and Natalya vs. The Bella Twins (Brie and Nikki)

Tag Team match


Andrade “Cien” Almas (Mexico) vs. Pete Dunne (England)

WWE World Cup Semifinals


AJ Styles (USA) vs. Finn Balor (Ireland)

WWE World Cup Semifinals


MY SURVIVOR SERIES 2018 CARD (November 18, 2018; Los Angeles, CA)






Roman Reigns vs. AJ Styles

Universal Champion vs. WWE Champion match


Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Intercontinental Champion vs. United States Champion match


Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler vs. The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (w/ Xavier Woods)

RAW Tag Team Champions vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions match


Ronda Rousey vs. Becky Lynch (save Charlotte for WM..)

RAW Women’s Champion vs. SmackDown Women’s Champion match


Kurt Angle vs. Shane McMahon

RAW Authority vs. SmackDown Authority Los Angeles Street Fight


Baron Corbin (Captain), Bobby Lashley, Dean Ambrose, Finn Balor and Kevin Owens vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, Rusev and Samoa Joe (Captain)

Men’s Traditional 5-On-5 RAW vs. SmackDown Survivor Series Elimination match


Alexa Bliss (Captain), Bayley, Ember Moon, Mickie James and Sasha Banks vs. Asuka, Carmella, Charlotte Flair (Captain), Naomi and Peyton Royce

Women’’s Traditional 5-On-5 RAW vs. SmackDown Survivor Series Elimination match


Well, that was How WWE Should Book Super Show-Down 2018. Thanks for reading. Tell me what you liked or disliked from the post, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show. As always, be sure to look out for my post for the next upcoming PPV, which isn’t a PPV, as I’ll be doing a rare post on a weekly WWE show for “How WWE Should Book SmackDown 1000”. That’ll be out early morning the Monday before. Enjoy the show, everyone.

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