How WWE Should Book SmackDown 1000

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Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how WWE Should Book SmackDown 1000.


·         Smackdown After Wrestlemania 33:

·        RAW 25:

SMACKDOWN EPISODE 1000 (October 16th, 2018)

·         We get the Then, Now Forever intro signature and then a big highlight video package similar to the one that began RAW 1000 showcasing all the best Smackdown moments and matches since 1999. We get to the arena, HOPEFULLY THE FIST IS THERE, we get minor blue pyro/smoke and the crowd is on their feet.

·         The show begins as Paige’s music hits. She comes out and talks briefly about her time as General Manager so far, and some of her favorite SmackDown memories. She says she’s got a huge guest joining her for the night and OUT COMES THE RETURNING SHANE MCMAHON. Shane says it’s good to be back and that tonight won’t disappoint. Shane announces that the first event of the night is SET FOR ONE FALL, and it’s a dream match, a first time ever, Shane points to the tron and Rey Mysterio’s music hits to a huge pop. Shane and Paige exit the ring as Rey comes down and they embrace. We go to commercial as Rey pumps up the crowd.


1ST MATCH: Rey Mysterio vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (WWE World Cup Qualifying Match)


·         We come back from commercial as Rey’s music is still playing. The lights go out, and out comes Nakamura. The bell rings and the two just stand across from each other in the ring for a minute, soaking it all in, as the crowd is likely going mad before they even lock up. The match goes 11 minutes. Some spots in the match:

·         Rey dropkicks Nakamura and drapes him over the rope, tries for the 619 but Nakamura moves and nails a brutal Kinshasa to Rey as he gets caught up in the ropes, knocking him to the outside.

·         Rey springs off the top rope for a West Coast Pop but Nakamura grasps Rey’s arm mid-air and they both crash to the ground as Nakamura has an armbar cinched in.

The match ends when Nakamura goes for his Inverted Exploder Suplex but Rey flips over and lands on his feet. Mysterio goes wild on kicks to the legs and ankles of Nakamura, trying to get him off his feet. Nakamura tries for a landslide but Rey hits a Hurricanrana, sending Nakamura into the ropes. 619 and Mysterio advances to the World Cup.


WINNER by PINFALL: Rey Mysterio


·         We see The Bar walking through backstage, as Tom Phillips alerts us that they’re here to issue an Open Challenge tonight. We go to commericial.


2ND MATCH: The Bar’s (Cesaro and Sheamus) Open Challenge


·         Out come Sheamus and Cesaro and they look ready for business. They cut a promo declaring that they are the best tag team in the World, the know each other inside and out, they are on the same page no matter what. The Bar dare anyone in the back to try to dispute their claim to being the greatest tag team in Smackdown history, and OUT COME THE APA. The match goes just 3 minutes, no legends match should go longer tonight.. Enough time for JBL to hit a Clothesline From Hell, maybe a big boot, and Ron can get a spinebuster in or two. In the end, JBL eats a massive Brogue Kick from Sheamus. You can’t tell me you don’t want to see this match; a few weeks ago when WWE posted a graphic of Smackdown dream matches and this was in there, and it was the BRAWL you never knew you wanted. Just a chance for some legends to hit a few moves in a short match, no way of them being hurt. The Bar look insanely strong and begin a wave of momentum following this.



BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: Smackdown Legends Parade/Comedy


·         We go backstage to see Shane McMahon watching the match on a television from an abnormal angle as all wrestlers do, and he’s stroking his chin and nodding, implying he was impressed by their performance. All of a sudden, we see a shoulder on Shane’s shoulder and he turns around to see none other than KURT ANGLE. He gets a huge pop and Angle says he’s just here for one night, and he couldn’t miss the 1000th episode of the show where he made his name famous. Shane and Kurt have a brief moment of recollection and laughs and then KING BOOKER appears behind them. Booker and Kurt have a bit of fun back and forth banter as Booker says that while Angle was one of the best Smackdown has ever had, he’s not a 5 TIME 5 TIME (5X) World champion. Angle and Booker begin to argue but all of a sudden TORRIE WILSON APPEARS and steps in between all three men to break it up. Angle and Booker pretend like nothing happened and adjust their coats and say hello to Torrie. Torrie acts all sensual toward the three and then out of nowhere, Dean Ambrose, because he was a vital part of Smackdown’s newest golden era in 2016, walks in eating a hot-dog, and asks where the ketchup and mustard are. Just because.


·         The segment ends as all 4 look in bewilderment as Ambrose walks away, and we go to commercial.



·         We come back from commercial and the IIconics music hit. They make their grand entrance and being their usual annoying selves, and are sure to brag that they beat Asuka and Naomi at Super Show-Down. They cut a similar promo to the Bar, saying that no pair of women in Smackdown’s history were as Iconic as them, and OUT COME LAY-COOL. This is the confrontation in women’s wrestling that many fans have wanted since their main-roster debut, and what better night to have it come to fruition? The match goes 5 minutes, and IIconics continue their winning streak after Billie hits a Big Boot on Layla.




·         We get a graphic for Rusev vs. Aiden English, a Charlotte/Becky contract signing, and The Cutting Edge later in the show, then we go to commercial.


4TH MATCH: Aiden English vs. Rusev (w/ Lana)


·         English is out first followed by Rusev and Lana. This is a simple squash match and just a way to continue the feud and feature it on the show. It goes a quick minute and conists mostly of English running away from Rusev and attempting cowardly offense, ultimately getting caught in the Accolade and tapping out right away. The two would have another longer match down the line to end the feud for good, but the two deserve to have a spot on this show, even for this short amount of time. This show is gonna be like a Wrestlemania where WWE is gonna wanna pack as many past and present superstars on the card as possible.





·         We come back from commercial and Paige is already in the ring with the contract as her music plays. Paige introduces Charlotte first followed by Becky. It’s your usual heated contract signing and the two are about to come to blows but Paige gets in between them. Charlotte shoves Paige out of the way and brawls with Becky. Paige calls out security and both women beat up all the security. Paige tries to get Charlotte off again and Charlotte pushes her down. Paige acts dead now and Charlotte locks in a Figure Four around the ringpost on Becky as she screams. Officials and the usual backstage geeks run out to try and get Charlotte to stop. **Not really much more to say here except I hope you’re realizing by this point that you’ve just read through a Double Turn. It’s absolutely nessecary. Becky can still keep the no-nonsense attitude, and attack Charlotte whilst not attacking the fans, but Becky needs to be CLEARLY established as the BABYFACEbecause she is getting CHEERED and Charlotte needs to be CLEARLY established as the HEEL because she is getting BOOED. The match is official for Evolution, you have that extra layer of Paige now being biased toward Charlotte, making harsh instructions toward her, and it’s all stirred together in one big compelling storyline soup. There’s ya segment.


·         We get an ad for Evolution and the commentators review the match card so far.




·         AJ Styles comes out to a big pop. He cuts a promo essentially saying how his tenure on Smackdown has been one of the best parts of his entire career, and he’s been honored to entertain the masses from city to city as their champion. AJ is interrupted by Daniel Bryan, who’s interrupted by The Miz, whos’ interrupted by Samoa Joe, who’s interrupted by Jeff Hardy, who’s interrupted by Randy Orton, who’s interrupted by Shelton Benjamin, who’s interrupted by Almas and Vega, who’s FINALLY interrupted by New Day. They all fill up the ring and generally group up in their respective babyface or heel group. They all begin to argue with each other off-mic and out of nowhere glass shatters throughout the arena as we hear EXXXXXXXXXCUUUUUUUUUUSSSSEEEEE MEEEEE. THE ARENA COMES UNGLUED with boos. Vickie commands everyone on the ring to get on the same page or else she’ll tell Shane McMahon and Paige to get security. YOU KNOW IT’S THE MACMILITANT, COMIN TO GET IT ON. Teddy makes a 10-MAN TAG TEAM MATCH between the guys in the ring, probably his largest tag match EVER made, and we get to the main-event match of the night.


5TH MATCH: Andrade “Cien” Almas (w/ Zelina Vega), The Miz, Randy Orton, Samoa Joe and Shelton Benjamin vs. AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Jeff Hardy and The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods) (w/ Kofi Kingston) (10-Man Tag Team match)


·         Joe and AJ Styles start the match off for their respective teams, for a mini reignition of their feud. The match goes 20 minutes. Everyone is tagged in and gets offense in on everyone. Bodies flying everywhere, announce tables destroyed, barricades broken, an absolute sprint all the way through with everyone kept fresh. A match only fit to have the main event slot of the 1000th episode of SmackDown. The match ends when Styles and Miz are legal; Bryan and AJ are teaming up momentarily to beat down Miz and AJ locks Miz’s arms behind his back and calls for Bryan to Yes Kick his head off. Miz manages to duck and BRYAN LEAVES AN IMPRINT IN AJ’S SKULL AS HE ACCIDENTALLY KICKS HIS PARTNER, AND FUTURE OPPONENT FOR THE WWE TITLE. Miz knocks Bryan out of the ring and Miz hits a Skull Crushing Finale on Styles for the win. THE MIZ HAS PINNED THE WWE CHAMPION, so a future Miz/Styles title match is beginning to be teased, miscommunication between Bryan and Styles happen to add a sense of tension to their feud, and the heels are victorious at Smackdown 1000 for a change.


WINNERS by PINFALL: Andrade “Cien” Almas, The Miz, Randy Orton, Samoa Joe and Shelton Benjamin


·         We go backstage to see Teddy Long walking down the hall, shaking hands of various faces. All of a sudden, we hear a deep voice yell “YO ERNIE!’. The camera pans over and it’s R-Truth with Carmella. Comedy ensues as Truth mistakes Teddy for the late Ernie Ladd. Teddy of course has to explain that he’s Teddy Long, former Smackdown general manager, and just for Truth calling him Ernie Ladd, he’s gonna be putting Truth ONE ON ONE WIT DA UNDERTAKA. Teddy walks off as Truth begs for forgiveness and Carmella consoles him.


FINAL SEGMENT: The Cutting Edge with Surprise Guest

·         Edge is out and the whole Cutting Edge setup already decorates the ring. Edge does all his usual antics and catchphrases and Edge brings out his special guest in JOHN CENA. Cena’s out looking like JBL once again and the two recall their history and crack some jokes. Edge asks what’s next for Cena and all of a sudden WE HEAR THE GONG. Undertaker makes his way out to the ring and the three men exchange glances. Taker reminds both men that he’s put them down in the past and wouldn’t mind doing it again if need be. KURT ANGLE’S MUSIC HITS and he makes his way out. It’s a parade of Smackdown legends in one ring as Mysterio comes out next, followed by Evolution, and if they can get him, THE ROCK. It’s an incredible moment, as all the titans of Smackdown’s history are sharing one ring. They all appear to embrace but THEN A WILD BRAWL BREAKS OUT WITH EVERYONE (minus of course Edge, who exits the ring right away). Ric Flair even takes an Angle Slam from Kurt, since there’s no way he’s not gonna wanna take a bump.


·         In the end, Evolution end up standing tall. Ric has managed to recover from the Angle Slam by this point, and wobbles to his feet. Evolution’s music hit. HHH raises his hand in pride, and Orton and Flair do the same. Batista hesitates as all three look at him. HHH commands Batista to stop dishonoring the group, and Batista turns his back and walks away from his family. HHH is livid and Smackdown 1000 goes off the air with dissension in Evolution, planting the seeds for the probable HHH/Batista one last match down the line.








Paige begins the show, introduces the returning Shane McMahon, get the crowd hyped up for the show.




Rey Mysterio defeated Shinsuke Nakamura by Pinfall

WWE World Cup Qualifying Match

11 minutes


The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) defeated The APA (JBL and Ron Simmons) by Pinfall

Tag Team match

3 minutes


Backstage SmackDown Legends Parade, comedy/appearances with King Booker, Torrie Wilson, Kurt Angle, Dean Ambrose, among others


The IIconics (Billie Kay and Peyton Royce) defeated Lay-Cool (Layla and Michelle McCool) by Pinfall

Tag Team match

5 minutes


Rusev (w/ Lana) defeated Aiden English by Submission

Singles match

1 minute


Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair Last Woman Standing Contract Signing Double Turn




Teddy Long and Vickie Guerrero argue on-stage; Teddy sets up the following 10-Man Tag




Andrade “Cien” Almas, The Miz, Randy Orton, Samoa Joe and Shelton Benjamin defeated AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Jeff Hardy and The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)

10-Man Tag Team match

18 minutes


Backstage comedy with Teddy Long and R-Truth/Carmella




The Cutting Edge with John Cena; interrupted by The Undertaker, interrupted by Kurt Angle, interrupted by Rey Mysterio, interrupted by Evolution; interrupted finally by The Rock; legends all converse and say they made the bigger Smackdown impact over each other; we have a WM30 moment as they all appear to embrace but then a wild brawl breaks out and Evolution end up standing tall but Batista walks away from HHH as he calls for a pose.




MY SURVIVOR SERIES 2018 CARD (November 18, 2018; Los Angeles, CA)





Roman Reigns vs. AJ Styles

Universal Champion vs. WWE Champion match


Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Intercontinental Champion vs. United States Champion match


Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler vs. The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (w/ Xavier Woods)

RAW Tag Team Champions vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions match


Ronda Rousey vs. Becky Lynch (save Charlotte for WM..)

RAW Women’s Champion vs. SmackDown Women’s Champion match


Kurt Angle vs. Shane McMahon

RAW Authority vs. SmackDown Authority Los Angeles Street Fight


Baron Corbin (Captain), Bobby Lashley, Dean Ambrose, Finn Balor and Kevin Owens vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, Rusev and Samoa Joe (Captain)

Men’s Traditional 5-On-5 RAW vs. SmackDown Survivor Series Elimination match


Alexa Bliss (Captain), Bayley, Ember Moon, Mickie James and Sasha Banks vs. Asuka, Carmella, Charlotte Flair (Captain), Naomi and Peyton Royce

Women’’s Traditional 5-On-5 RAW vs. SmackDown Survivor Series Elimination match


Well, that was How WWE Should Book SmackDown 1000. Thanks for reading. Tell me what you liked or disliked from the post, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show. As always, be sure to look out for my post for the next upcoming PPV, “How WWE Should Book Evolution 2018” the day before that show. I won’t be doing Crown Jewel as I don’t want to kill myself by doing two full length posts in the span of a week but I’ll be back as usual later that month for Takeover WarGames II and Survivor Series as normal. Enjoy the show, everyone.

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