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Hey everyone! Every month, days before PPV's happen, I share my thoughts on the show and card and how I would book the show that has unexpected swerves, returns, debuts, and a memorable show that would leave fans happy. If you want, you can read some past editions of these by clicking on my name and searching. I have been doing these for every PPV since Night Of Champions 2015. I hope you enjoy, and this is how I would book Wrestlemania 33. Here's where it all matters.


  • Oh God. 2 hour Kickoff show. Social Media Lounge segments are announced earlier in the day with Baron Corbin, Kevin Owens, Bayley, and Randy Orton. Our Wrestlemania panel is Renee Young, Booker T, Jerry Lawler and Shawn Michaels. Booker, Jerry and HBK all talk about their experiences at Wrestlemania throughout the kickoff and what it means to them. We get all sorts of interviews and video packages and sorts, and we get the SML with Owens. WE get to our first kickoff match.

1ST KICKOFF MATCH: Neville (c) vs. Austin Aries (Cruiserweight Championship)

  • Just like everyone else, at first I was FURIOUS when it was announced that this match was moved to the Pre-show of Wrestlemania. These two will put on one of the best matches of the night. I later realized the reasoning as half of the kickoff is to be broadcasted on USA Network. They wanted to put a big match on the kickoff to get viewers on there. Smart idea, really. Neville is out first and he has a giant cape and a purple crown to signify he's the King of the CW's. He is on a big circular platform and slowly lowers down back to the stage and walks the Mania ramp to the ring. Aries' music hits and he walks out with his sunglasses and he has all sorts of fancy lights. Bolded text in this post will mostly be my INSAAAANE Wrestlemania entrances. The match goes 15 minutes, and it is an INSANE match as they pull out the high flying-est of the high flying-est moves for Wrestlemania. Austin Aries win the title after Neville tries to play dirty and slides out and sneaks a Kendo Stick into the ring. Neville swings it at Aries to try to get intentionally DQ'ed, but Aries jumps, and nails Neville win a viscous Enzuguri. Aries gets Neville back up and whips him off the ropes. He hits the Rolling Fivearm, and knocks Neville down. Austin goes to the top rope and hits a 450 Splash, then locks in the Last Chancery, as Neville fails twice to get to the ropes as Aries pulls him back to the center of the ring. Neville is about to tap but screams to the ref and points toward the announce table, like something is happening. The ref is distracted and Neville low blows Aries and he falls down. Neville hobbles over to the ropes and hits a Red Arrow. Neville retains the title. I LOVE AUSTIN ARIES, and he is already probably the most over guy in the divison, but he shouldn't win a title in the pre-show, as no one should. Aries should have to chase the title. Maybe he could win it at Payback in a rematch. Plus, casuals really aren't that familiar with Austin yet, so it'd be best to wait a bit longer.

WINNER and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Neville

  • We get the SML with Bayley, and then the panel gives more predictions and we see videos from all the events of Wrestlemania week. We get to our second Kickoff match.

2ND KICKOFF MATCH: 2017 Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

  • No chance I list EVERYONE in this match. No chance in hell. No chance... No chance in... sorry. Some of the less important guys in the match make their way out as Lilian announces the match rules. The guys who get proper entrances are Braun Strowman, followed by Big Show, followed by Dolph Ziggler, American Alpha, Mojo Rawley, and Sami Zayn. It looks like everyone has come out, but no, IT'S TIME FOR SURPRISE ENTRANTS. With DDP and Shaq and Tatanka in the match last year, I really think this is a fun idea. We get THE BOOGEYMAN and then Road Dogg, and he does his schtick. The bell rings and and everyone runs at each other and starts brawling. Braun immediately picks up both of the Shining Stars and runs and dumps them over the top. Sin Cara goes to the top rope and tries a crossbody on Braun but Braun catches him mid-air and tosses him over the top. Eventually we get to the final participants: Braun Strowman, Sami Zayn, Big Show, American Alpha, Dolph Ziggler, and Mojo Rawley. Gable is on the apron. Gable and Big Show are standing and Gable tries to stun Show with strikes and knees. Show grabs Chad's throat and pushes him into Jordan, and Gable goes over the top too. Braun goes over and tries to eliminate Show, and they both lean over the top. Sami hits a Blue Thunderbomb on Dolph and then a Helluva Kick, and Ziggler flies over the top and is eliminated. The final four are Big Show, Braun Strowman, Sami Zayn and Mojo Rawley. Braun hits a big boot on Show and Show falls into the ropes. Mojo sees the opportunity and runs and dropkicks Show and he goes over the top rope but hangs on. Mojo is celebrating, thinking he did the impossible, but Braun grabs Mojo and gives him a belly to belly over the top. Braun nails show with the running powerslam, and then throws him over. Sami and Strowman have a staredown and Sami gets offense in on Braun. Sami slides out and gets a chair and begins to beat Strowman down with it over the back. Zayn retreats Braun into the corner. He runs and nails a Helluva Kick. No budge. He tries another Kick, and then one more, and then runs to the corner for a fourth Helluva Kick and Strowman hoists Sami up in the air and Zayn flies over the top. Braun Strowman has won the Andre. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUNNNNNN. Too bad this couldn't happen on the main show. Who knows? The SD Womens Title match was moved back...


  • We go back to the panel and we see the flood of fans entering the arena outside. We get the SML's with Baron Corbin and Orton. They both say they're winning gold tonight. Finally the 2 hours is filled. Shawn ends the pre show by talking about his wins at WM and says if he was willing to come out of retirement to wrestle one more match, the guy he'd want to work with is AJ Styles. Very important for later. Now, we go to Wrestlemania.


  • We get a panning shot of the stadium and crowd and the MASSIVE Mania pyro, and we start Wrestlemania with Tinashe preforming America The Beautiful, hopefully with planes flying over. Because that's cool. We go to the opening Wrestlemania video package. I'd love if the song was "Letters In The Sky" by Civil Twilight. Look it up. It was used in the WM29 video package for Rock/Cena Twice in a lifetime, and it is PHENOMENAL. It should be used in every video package. We get all the history and biggest WM moments as usual. We go back to the ring and the crowd and Lillian says "WELCOME TO WRESTLEMANIA".
  • Wrestlemania kicks off with the WM hosts, the New Day. Big E does his pre-entrance phrase and says "OHHHHHHH WRESTLEMANIA 33, DON'T YOU DARE BE SOUR, ORLANDO, CLAP FOR THE MOST BOOTYLICIOUS WRESTLEMANIA HOSTS EVER, AND FEEL THE POWAH". New Day make their way out with some insane entrance, hopefully they get to ride in on Unicorns like was rumored last year. They crack jokes and talk about Wrestlemania moments. They promise to make this the best Wrestlemania of all time. Kofi takes a comically long list out of his pocket and they read it off on all the ways they can make Wrestlemania booty. They read their list, and then they say New Day rocks and clap. Now, this is one of the things that I don't 100% know could happen, and I hate doing things that I'm not 100% sure can happen, but if they can, Hulk Hogan's music hits and he makes his WWE return. Real American is ringing throughout Camping World Stadium and Hogan has a that giant red and yellow fluffy thing that he puts around his neck. Still no idea what it's called. Hogan makes his grand return, and it would be VERY interesting to see the crowd reaction. Hogan's first words back: "WELL LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING BROTHERS". Hogan says all his catchphrases and reflects on his time away from WWE. Hogan and New Day have some comedy lines and Hogan ribs himself at the end by saying that the people in the Silverdo- CAMPING WORLD STADIUM are ready for an amazing Mania. Hogan ends by saying "WHATCHA GONNA DO ORLANDO, WHEN THE NEW DAY, BOOTY O'S, HULK HOGAN AND WRESTLEMANIA 33 RUN WILD ON YOU". Hogan does his signature pose and New Day mock him. This would be a really fun start. As Hogan leaves up the ramp, we see ringside guys walking down with ladders. We know our first match of WM's main show. We get an ad for Tapout, and then we get to the match.

1ST MATCH: Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson (c) vs. Cesaro & Sheamus vs. Enzo & Cass (3-Way Tag Team Ladder Match for the RAW Tag Team Titles)

  • The Club are out first with huge fancy robes and they Too Sweet and some pyro goes off. Cesaro and Sheamus are out next and it's a heavily James Bond-esque 007 entrance. Enzo and Cass are out last and they say SAWFT with 75,000 people. The bell rings and all 3 teams immediately exit the ring to grab ladders. The match goes 17 minutes, and some big spots are:

Cass is laid out on a ladder set up between the apron and announce table, and Luke Gallows goes to the top rope and jumps and crushes Cass through the ladder with a Legdrop.

Cass hoists Enzo up on his shoulders to try to grab the belts, but Cesaro climbs the top rope and nails Enzo with a jumping uppercut, sending all 3 crashing and burning to the ground.

Anderson is on the top rope with the ladder upright, and he's about to jump and crush Sheamus who is under him, but Sheamus nails a Brogue Kick, sending the ladder into Anderson.

  • In the end, everyone hits their finishers. Enzo climbs the ladder but Sheamus runs and Brogue Kicks him off. Anderson runs up and hits Sheamus with a Spinebuster. Cesaro nails Anderson with a Very European Uppercut, and then Gallows runs and hits a big boot on Cesaro, knocking him over the top. Cass is left and he hits a Pearl River Plunge followed by the Empire Elbow. Cass revives Enzo and they both climb opposite sides of a ladder and grab the titles. Enzo and Cass's coronation is much deserved and has been a long time coming now. We kick off with a great ladder match and new RAW Tag Champs.

WINNERS and NEW RAW Tag Team Champions: Enzo Amore & Big Cass

2ND MATCH: Bayley (c) vs. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte vs. Nia Jax (Fatal Fourway Elimination Match for the RAW Women's Title)

  • This should be interesting. Charlotte is out first and she has a Flair robe. Nia is out next and she is wheeled down to the ring on a float with a big coat. Sasha is out next and she has an entrance similar to HIAC where she comes out in a limo, and there are security guards around it. Bayley the champ is out last and she has SUPERSIZED WACK WAVING INFLATABLE ARM FLAILING TUBE MEN. They are legit 303 feet tall and 459 miles wide. The match goes about 13 minutes, and Charlotte is surprisingly eliminated first after Nia KILLS HER with a Samoan Drop off the Middle Rope onto steps. Charlotte eventually recovers and spears her through a table in the corner. Bayley gets the pin. This would result in a Nia/Charlotte short feud after Mania. Heel vs. heel. The final two are Sasha and Bayley. Best friends. They battle for a few minutes and tease heel turn from Sasha. Bayley and Sasha attempt to hit their finishers on each other but they keep reversing. Sasha nails Bayley with a clothesline and then goes to the top rope and mocks Eddie. She jumps for a frogsplash, but Bayley wraps her arms around Sasha and hits a Bayley to Belly. She celebrates on the top rope and poses as we go to replays. We get a shot of Sasha looking on as Bayley has defeated her. The turn would come the next night on RAW. I'll have my cards for both Backlash (SD) and Payback (RAW) at the end of this post.

WINNER and STILL RAW Women's Champion: Bayley

  • We get an ad for WWE Shop. We go backstage and the Miz and Maryse knock are walking down a hall. They bump into Daniel Bryan and Miz says that he's very happy that Bryan is there because he has something to tell him.. Bryan cuts Miz off and says that it's no secret that he doesn't like or trust Miz. He announces he'll be the Special Guest Ref for the mixed tag.

3RD MATCH: AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon

  • This is the match that kicks off (or goes through to) the second hour. Styles is out first and in his entrance the arena goes dark and there is a spotlight that says "P1" on him. The LED's behind him flash blue lights and pyro goes off around the stadium. Shane makes his way out next and money rains from the sky, and I REALLY WANT HIM TO BE WEARING A JACKET, OR SOME SORT OF CLOTHING MADE OUT OF MONEY. The match goes 21 minutes, and Shane's big spot where he kills himself happens when Styles is going for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Shane ducks and AJ accidentally hits the ref. The ref is down so he can't count for being on the outside. Shane goes and sets up a pile of tables and stacks 2 on top of each other. Shane hoists AJ up on the top rope and then gets him on the tables. SHANE CLIMBS THE TOWER THAT HOLDS UP THE GIANT RING ABOVE THE ACTUAL RING. HE CLIMBS UP ABOUT HALFWAY, BECAUSE IF HE ACTUALLY JUMPED OFF THE RING ABOVE THE RING HE WOULD LEGIT DIE, AND NO ONE LIKES DEATH. Shane crosses his heart, and then leaps and nails Styles with an elbow through the two tables. Shane is OUT. They recover for a while and then Shane hits his very bad looking punches. Shane shoves AJ into the corner, and then Shane goes to the opposite side of the ring to hit the Coast To Coast. Shane jumps but Styles nails Shane mid-air with the Forearm for the win. Brutal match. AJ's music hits and both men lay motionless in the ring. AJ eventually gets up and then yells for a mic. AJ's music shuts off and he says he is the greatest wrestler of all time. He has just beat a MCMAHON. He is at the top of the mountain, and nobody can touch him. He has beaten everyone on SD, and has had the most successful first year in WWE history. He challenges anyone in in the back to come out and tell him face to face if they think they're better than him. AJ looks toward the stage for a few seconds as anticipation builds but nothing happens. AJ laughs and begins to say that no one has the balls to say it, when all of a sudden who makes their way out but Shawn Michaels. If we're ever gonna get the much wanted HBK/Styles confrontation, it's at Wrestlemania. Shawn makes his big entrance and then gets to the ring and he and Styles have a staredown. The fans chant Holy Shit and This is Awesome as they stare off. AJ blows Shawn off and goes to leave but then swings at Shawn. Shawn catches AJ's hand, and nails him knocking Styles down. HBK goes wild on AJ and corners him. HBK runs at Styles for a Corner Crossbody, but AJ dropkicks Shawn and he takes a big bump. AJ immediately goes and grabs Shawn and gets him up for a Styles Clash and the crowd goes mental. Styles is about to hit it but Shawn kicks AJ in the face and AJ drops him. Michaels hits an Atomic Drop and then a Crossbody off the ropes. He does the Kip-Up, and then goes to the corner and tunes up the band. Shawn runs to SCM AJ but AJ ducks and rolls out of the ring to massive boos. AJ retreats through the crowd and Shawn motions for Styles to bring it. Nothing would come of this, but it would be a damn awesome moment seeing these two go at it, and I'm sure Shawn would be willing to take 1-2 bumps.


  • We go to the announcers and we get recaps of Axxess. We see Dasha backstage and she announces that her guest is Sasha Banks. She asks Sasha about losing to Bayley, but Sasha just stares off into the distance and walks off.

4TH MATCH: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Baron Corbin (Intercontinental Championship)

  • BIG BANTER BARON FOR CHAMP Ambrose is out first and we see him tied up in a straightjacket in a chair. Ambrose escapes the straightjacket and then grabs the IC title. Ambrose's music hits and he goes to the ring. Corbin's entrance has him come out ON A MOTORCYCLE, and he has the spotlight follow him as he rides down and around the ring. The match goes 3 minutes. Yes. It is extremely face paced, and Corbin needs to be established as absolutely dominate. It won't be the end for Ambrose. Also, there must be time for the rest of the matches... The two have very fast paced action and the ending sequence sees Corbin runs at Dean and he hoists him up for the Deep Six, but Ambrose lands on his feet. Ambrose kicks Corbin in the gut and Corbin goes off the ropes and nails Dean with a BIG BIG Boot. Ambrose now goes into the ropes but rebounds for his clothesline, and Corbin catches him for the End of Days. 1.2.3. Just like that, Big Banter Breakfast Barrage Belly Beastly Baron Corbin is the champion of the Inter..continents.

WINNER and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Baron Corbin

5TH MATCH: John Cena and Nikki Bella vs. The Miz and Maryse (Mixed Tag Team)

  • I'll admit, this is the match on this card that has probably had my favorite build. We get a video package before the match. Daniel Bryan's music hits and he comes out in a ref shirt and YES's down the ramp. We see a bunch of people rush to the rampside, yelling and making a comotion. They're obviously actors, and Miz's music hits. A GIANT red carpet is rolled down the WM ramp for miz, and there are tons of fans taking pictures and begging for an autograph but Miz just rejects them all and he and Maryse walk down to the ring. Cena and Nikki are out next, and all of a sudden all the people near the ramp who were big Miz superfans rip off their Miz shirts to reveal Cena shirts, and they all hop up and start doing the You Can't See Me motion. Cena and Nikki run down to the ring and kiss. The match goes 14 minutes, and near the end Miz pushes Bryan and accuses him of counting too slow as he just attempted to pin Cena. Push comes to shove and Bryan finally snaps and puts Miz in the Yes Lock to a HUGE reaction. Crowd chants Yes and Bryan won't let it go. Bryan eventually breaks it and Cena drops Miz and then hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle alongside Nikki on Maryse. They both hit AA's and then Bryan counts the pin. They celebrate and Bryan YES's with the crowd and then goes to the corner to not distract from what is about to happen. A ringside guy hands Cena a small box. You know what's coming. Again, like with Hogan, I'm not 100% sure that this could happen, and I'm not 100% sure that Cena would actually go through with it, but Cena gets down on one knee and proposes to Nikki. HOPEFULLY she would say yes, and then they all celebrate and it's a feel good moment. It's gotta happen. They've been playing it off too much as a vocal point of the feud.

WINNERS: John Cena & Nikki Bella

  • We get ads for Payback and Backlash

6TH MATCH: Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Randy Orton (WWE Championship)

  • We get a video package before the match and Orton is out first to a live acoustic performance of his theme "Voices". Wyatt is out next and he walks down and there is an army of men in sheep masks walking all around him to the ring, as the entire stadium is lit up by fireflies. The match goes 16 minutes. I'll be honest, this is one of the matches I'm least excited for. If No Mercy showed anything, these two do not mesh well together in the ring. The match is full of great storytelling. Obviously everyone would love for the Hardys to return in some capacity on the show, I'd love Broken Matt to confront Bray, but it appears they aren't coming until the Summer. Bray gets the upset?? win after Orton does strikse the ground and waits for Bray to get up. Orton goes for an RKO, but Bray pushes him away, then pulls him back in for a Sister Abigail. Bray has only held the title since EC and he could really prove himself with it. If it's really necessary, they could have one last match at Backlash, but Orton just doesn't need the title here.

WINNER and STILL WWE Champion: Bray Wyatt

  • We get a backstage segment with New Day, and they interview new Intercontinental Champion Baron Corbin.

7TH MATCH: Seth Rollins vs. Triple H (Unsanctioned Street Fight)

  • I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THIS MATCH. This will be fantastic. Triple H is out first and he does his usual insane entrance with skulls, terminators, lasers and explosions and fireballs, but not before we see the evolution of The Game. First Hunter Heart Helmsley's music hits, then My Time, and then his current music. Rollins ascends down from the the top of the stadium in a giant white robe, with heavenly music playing, similar to HBK's WM25 entrance. HE IS CROSSFIT JESUS, AFTER ALL. Rollins finally gets to the ground and his real music begins to play. The match goes 28 minutes. It is a BRAWL. They begin by getting in each others face. Tables are broken, HHH PEDIGREES ROLLINS ON THE KICKOFF PANELIST'S TABLE, they fight into the crowd, chair shots, there are ladders, HHH beats Seth down with his sledgehammer. If there is gonna be blood in any match on this show, it should no doubt be this match. Both guys bleed heavily from the battle. Near the end, Rollins lays HHH out on the announce table, then sets a ladder up on the outside. Rollins climbs the ladder and is about to jump, when all of a sudden the ladder begins to tip, and HHH moves and Rollins crashes through the announce desk. IT'S SAMOA JOE. Joe starts beating the everloving shit out of Seth, and then FINN BALOR'S MUSIC HITS. Balor sprints down the ramp and jumps Joe. Joe picks up Finn and they both go through the barricade. HHH slides Rollins back in the ring and gets him in position for a Pedigree. Seth flips HHH over and then runs off the ropes AND HITS ONE LAST WRESTLEMANIA CURB STOMP. Rollins then goes to the top rope and nails a Phoenix Splash, and gets the win. Seth Rollins has slain the king. The main event of the RAW after Wrestlemania would be the mega match of Seth Rollins & Finn Balor vs. Triple H & Samoa Joe.
  • We go to our Kickoff panel and they give their thoughts on Wrestlemania so far. We then go backstage and Roman Reigns is in the locker room taping up his fists for his match. Roman all of a sudden stands up and the camera pans over to THE ROCK. Rocky wishes Reigns good luck in his match with Taker. Reigns says he doesn't need luck. Rock says his catchphrases and a match between the two is teased.

8TH MATCH: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Mickie James vs. Becky Lynch vs. Naomi vs. Natalya vs. Carmella w/ James Ellsworth (6-Pack Challenge for the SDLive Women's Title)

  • This could be a fun match but also could cool down the crowd so they're not completely dead for the remainder of the show after HHH/Rollins. Alexa is out first and she is HARLEY QUINN SUPREME. Carmella is out next, then Natalya, then Mickie James, then Naomi and she has the most epilepsy-inducing entrance yet. Becky is out last and she is ENGULFED IN SMOKE. The match goes 13 minutes, and Naomi wins the title back in her hometown at Wrestlemania by pinning Natalya.

WINNER and NEW SDLive Women's Champion: Naomi

9TH MATCH: Goldberg (c) vs. Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman (Universal Championship)

  • If this match can't go over 5 minutes, then it shouldn't be the main event. I'd have that go to Taker/Reigns, for the result I'd have and since it's rumored to be Taker's final match. We get a video package before. Lesnar is out first and he has new attire and he jumps on the apron and PYRO GOES OFF ALL AROUND THE ARENA. We wait a few seconds as Brock looks toward the stage and then Goldberg's music hits. We see him walk a very long route backstage, and he kicks a hole through his locker room door and it falls down. A SWAT TEAM surrounds him as he walks out. He does his punching and kicking motion on the stage and instead of pyro, THE SWAT TEAM FIRES THEIR GUNS INTO THE AIR. This has gotta be the match where Goldberg takes bumps. The match goes 6 minutes and this is what happens. *Goldberg immediately hits a Spear, and then another Spear. He hits a Jackhammer, and LESNAR KICKS OUT AT 1. Brock Lesnar does not fuck around at Mania. Lesnar goes MENTAL and hits 230 Suplexes on 'Berg. he F-5's him through 2 Announce Tables, and then hits one final F-5 in the ring to win. Absolutely destroyed Goldberg. The Beast is once again a Champion. The Beast will once again defend that championship every 3 months. Lesnar and Heyman walk up the ramp to the back and then Goldberg makes his exit as the fans cheer him on, probably not, signifying Goldberg's retirement.

WINNER and NEW Universal Champion: Brock Lesnar

  • We get an ad for 5 Hour Energy

10TH MATCH: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Kevin Owens (United States Championship)

  • This will be SO SO great. I've had this Jericho entrance idea for a long time now.. Jericho's retro titantron hits and the countdown happens. The camera focuses on his titantron, and then we see Jericho in his light up jacket. He puts his arm out, AND A GIANT WALL BEHIND HIM EXPLODES AND CRUMBLES DOWN. HE'S BROKEN THE WALLS DOWN. Owens' music hits next. Can't really think of anything insane for him.. but he's shown walking through the curtain at Gorilla. The match goes 19 minutes. One big spot in the match is Owens hitting a Package Piledriver on the apron ton Y2J. The match ends when Jericho goes for a Codebreaker. He jumps but Owens catches him, throws him up in the air and hits the PUP. 1.2.3 Kevin Owens is the new champion of the United States. I'd think this is Jericho's last match of this run, but apparently he's coming back again after Payback and just going on a month-long Fozzy tour.

WINNER and NEW United States Champion: Kevin Owens

  • We get the 2017 Hall Of Fame inductees on the stage. Angle's music hits and he comes out. He gets a mic and announces that he has officially signed a WWE contract, and he will wrestle again.

11TH MATCH: Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker

  • Here we go. The MAIN EVENT of Wrestlemania 33. If it is Taker's final match, he no doubt should go out in the main event. Before the match, Michael Cole enters the ring and has an announcement. He announces that a VERY special guest is joining the commentary table for the match. GOOD OL' JR, JIM ROSS. JR comes out to a massive pop and he puts on the headset one more time. All of a sudden, we hear a Helicopter, and a giant Roman Reigns logo on the stage. ROMAN REIGNS MAKES HIS ENTRANCE IN A HELICOPTER, AND IT FLIES OVER THE STADIUM AND LANDS ON THE LOGO. Roman jumps out and punches the ground and pyro goes off everywhere. Taker comes out next. He has a combination of the awesome zombie effect from WM29, fire, lightning all over the titantron, and red smoke. Druids carry out a casket, and the casket door opens and Taker sits up, then the druids lower the casket to the ground The ultimate final Undertaker Wrestlemania entrance. I'm very worried about how long it will take for him to go down the ramp. it's very long. A normal Taker entrance is about 5 minutes.*. The match goes 20 minutes. *One big spot in the match sees Roman hit a Superman Punch on Taker. Taker falls and drapes over the middle rope, similar to the position of a 619. Roman rolls outside and prepares to hit the Drive By. Reigns runs and jumps and trys to dropkick Taker but Taker grabs Reigns mid air by the throat and chokeslams him onto the floor. I was thinking that if Taker was willing to go one last year, Cena could attack Taker either during the match or post match, and there could be a one-year build to Cena-Taker at WM34. It could also Cena's heel turn, but I just don't see that ever happening. The match ends after Taker does the throat slit motion. He goes to grab Roman for the tombstone and gets him in position. Roman reverse and flips Taker over, AND GIVES TAKER A TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER. ROMAN MOCKS TAKER BY PINNING HIM WITH HIS HADNS ON HIS CHEST AND STICKS HIS TONGUE OUT. 1.2.3. ROMAN REIGNS HAS DEFEATED THE UNDERTAKER WITH HIS OWN DAMN MOVE. This would be unbelievable. It would make Roman the biggest heel in wrestling without making him heel. Roman gives Taker his second Mania loss, and with his own Tombstone. Just imagine the reaction. Fans will be more stunned then when the streak originally ended. It will be incredible. Roman Reigns is not bad. Roman Reigns is very good. He is the top guy, handpicked by VKM, and fans have to accept that. He's gonna beat Lesnar next year for the UV title. Fans have to accept that. Taker also has to put someone over in his last match. Admit it; you'd love to see this. The ultimate irony. Roman Reigns is babyface, but really he's the biggest heel WWE has. HHH even admitted it. Undertaker winning would make no sense. Roman immediately retreats up the ramp and doesn't look back. He just walks slowly to the back. Taker struggles up and everyone in Camping World is on their feet, clapping for Taker. Trust me, this will all work out in the long run. If you're betting on predictions for this show, bet on Roman Reigns, or your wallet gonna be empty.

WINNER: Roman Reigns

  • The next night on RAW, the main event as said earlier is Rollins/Balor vs. HHH/Joe. Goldberg has his retirement speech, and The Revival debuts and wins the titles from Enzo and Cass in their first night.
  • On the SD after Mania, Shinsuke Nakamura and Elias Samson make their debuts.


After Wrestlemania, it's WAAAAY too difficult to determine what happens, so these are just the skeletons of the PPVs. Not full cards nessecarily.

  • IF LESNAR DOES DEFEND AT THIS PPV: Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins.
  • IF NO LESNAR: Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns vs. Finn Balor vs. Sami Zayn (Fatal Fourway for No.1 Contendership to Universal Title)
  • Samoa Joe vs. Braun Strowman
  • US Tite: Kevin Owens (c) vs. ??
  • RAW Tag Titles: The Revival (c) vs. Enzo and Cass vs ???
  • RAW Women's Title: Bayley (c) vs. Emma vs. Sasha Banks
  • Charlotte vs. Nia Jax
  • CW Title: Neville (c) vs. Austin Aries


  • WWE Title: Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Randy Orton (Hell In A Cell)]
  • IC Title: Baron Corbin vs. The Miz
  • SD Tag Titles: The Usos (c) vs. American Alpha vs. AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura
  • SD Women's Title: Naomi vs. Becky Lynch
  • PRE SHOW: Elias Samson vs. Dolph Ziggler

Well, that's how I would book WM. I know the Backlash and Payback cards are shaky and probably bad. I feel like AJ and Nakamura would obviously be a PHENOMENAL tag team, and it would lead to a WWE Title main event title feud between the two down the line. I'll be live at the show tonight. Tell me what you liked and didn't like, and what from this you'd like to see on the show. What are your predictions? Enjoy Wrestlemania, everyone.

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