How WWE Should Book The SDLive After Wrestlemania 33 (4/4/17)

 Image result for smackdown live 4/4/2017

Hey everyone! Every month, days before PPV's happen, I share my thoughts on the show and card and how I would book the show that has unexpected swerves, returns, debuts, and a memorable show that would leave fans happy. If you want, you can read some past editions of these by clicking on my name and searching. I have been doing these for every PPV since Night Of Champions 2015. I hope you enjoy.

      Okay, okay, I usually NEVER do shows other than PPV's. The only televised show other than a PPV I've done for these is some random RAW in Dec. 2015. Don't even remember why. When the rare occasion comes that I do a RAW or SD, it means I've got some ideas. Some big ideas that must happen to set up the next many months of storylines. It's the SDLive after Mania. Big things going down.. let's get into it.

Smackdown Live after Wrestlemania 33: 4/4/17

      We get the normal SD opening video to start the show, and then we get a recap of all the SD matches from Wrestlemania. AJ Styles music hits and the Phenomenal one kicks off the show. AJ has a mic and he talks about how he PUT SHANE DOWN at Wrestlemania. Shane is no longer a roadblock for him. He wants the WWE Title shot he was robbed of by Shane. He also mentions the "Superstar Shakeup" taking place next week, and teases going to RAW. Shane comes out, selling the injury with his ribs all taped up. AJ yells at Shane and calls him pathetic. AJ tells Shane to give him a WWE Title match or he'll beat his ass once again like he did at Wrestlemania. Shane just complies, and says "You want a WWE Title match? You got it.". Shane's music hits and AJ looks surprised and Shane is about to go backstage but then he says cut the music and comes back. Shane says he almost forgot AJ's opponent. IT'S SHINSUKE NAKAMURA. The crowd goes mental and Shinsuke makes his grand entrance. Shinsuke and AJ stand in the ring together and have a staredown. Nakamura has a mic and he simply says "AJ, I want a WWE Title shot too". The crowd goes crazy and we have our main event for the night. The match everyone has clamored for. AJ/Nakamura in a WWE ring. Don't worry; that match wouldn't actually be wasted on SD, as you'll see later, but this would plant the seeds for an eventual actual Shinsuke and Styles feud for the title down the line at a Big 4 PPV. MizTV is announced for tonight with a surprise guest. We go to commercial.

      We come back from commercial and we get a recap of what just happened and a graphic for the match in the main event. Mojo Rawley's music hits and he brings out his Andre Battle Royale trophy. No idea why he won it, but gotta make the most of it. Mojo cuts a speech about how he's worked to get to that moment and what it felt like to hold up the trophy in front of 75,000 people at Wrestlemania. Zack Ryder's music hits and he walks down to the ring, hopefully to a decent reaction. I love Ryder. The Hype Bros are temporarily reunited and Zack congratulates Mojo and hugs him. I don't think he should be back wrestling yet, as he was projected to be out 4-9 months after his injury. It seems too early. They do some comedy and then Baron Corbin's music hits and he talks about how he won the match the previous year. Mojo insults Corbin and then Corbin rushes down to the ring and beats down Rawley.

1ST MATCH: Baron Corbin vs. Mojo Rawley w/ Zack Ryder

      We go to commercial and then after the break it's Baron Corbin vs. Mojo Rawley w/ Zack Ryder. Ryder could come be in Mojo's corner for his matches until he's ready to return, and then he could turn on Mojo and begin a short feud between the two. The match goes about 7 minutes, and Corbin intentionally DQ's himself after he gets a chair and starts beating down Mojo with it. Corbin throws Mojo to the outside and throws him all around and into the barricades. Dean Ambrose's music hits and he runs down for the save. Corbin is livid that he couldn't win the IC Title at Mania and destroys Dean. Corbin dismantles the announce table. Dean runs at Corbin to take him down but Corbin hoists him up and delivers a Deep Six to Ambrose through the announce table. DA is laid out and Corbin stands tall.

WINNER By Disqualification: Mojo Rawley

      We go backstage and see Baron Corbin walking. Daniel Bryan approaches him and says there will be consequences for his attack on Ambrose. Corbin says he wants another shot at the Intercontinental Title, and he's issuing an Open Challenge next week. Bryan says he's fine with that, and if Corbin can beat whoever answers, he'll get an IC Title rematch with Dean the following week (just 2 weeks from now). It would end up being Kane, and it would be a big hoss battle and Corbin would beat the Big Red Machine clean after a Deep Six.

2ND MATCH: Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss (Smackdown Women's Title)

      Mickie James comes out to be on commentary. Naomi is out first followed by Alexa. The match goes 10 minutes, and Naomi retains after things get heated between Alexa and Mickie and Alexa is distracted. This would set up a feud between the former friends to let some new women get a title shot. Naomi hits the Split Legged Moonsault to retain her newly-won title.

WINNER and STILL Smackdown Live Women's Champion: Naomi

      We get another graphic of Nakamura/Styles tonight. After we come back from commercial, we see Nakamura preparing backstage for his match. Dasha Fuentes walks up and asks Nakamura some generic question like "What can the WWE Universe expect from you here on Smackdown Live?". Before Nakamura can even respond, the lights go out and Bray Wyatt jumps Nakamura. Bray destroys Nakamura and buries him under rubble of the backstage. He then drops to his knees and laughs and tells Nakamura to Follow The Buzzards.

3RD MATCH: American Alpha vs. Breezango (No.1 Contendership to SD Tag Titles)

      Alpha are out followed by Breezango. The match goes 7 minutes, and Alpha hit Grand Amplitude on Fandango. Our first match for Backlash is American Alpha vs. Usos for the titles.

WINNERS: American Alpha

      We go to commercial, and then we see Nakamura in the trainers room, looking hurt after the Wyatt attack. Daniel Bryan and Shane are also in the room, and the doctors tell them that Shinsuke can't compete tonight, but he'll be ready in about a week. AJ walks in and laughs at Nakamura's injury. Bryan informs AJ that Bray will be Nakamura's replacement tonight.

SEGMENT: MizTV with Surprise Guest

      Miz comes out with Maryse and he GOES OFF on Cena and Nikki. He says that Cena isn't here tonight because he's gone back to Hollywood once again because he's too much of a coward to come face to face with him again tonight. Miz says hypes up his surprise guest. He points toward the stage and then to Maryse to huge boos. Miz interivews Maryse and asks really boring and generic questions on purpose for a minute or two, and then TYE DILLINGER'S MUSIC HITS. The crowd goes mental and 10 chants are ablaze. Tye and Miz have words and Tye hits a Tye Breaker on Miz. They would feud into Payback, and after Miz would finally head into much deserved World Title feud and Tye would begin to be involved in an IC Title feud. Two big debuts on SD after Mania.

4TH MATCH: AJ Styles vs. Bray Wyatt (No.1 Contendership to WWE Title at Backlash)

      AJ is out first followed by Bray. The match goes 17 minutes. Two men desperate to get their shots back. Near the end, Bray hits a Uranage and then runs off the ropes for a Senton on AJ. Bray goes to the corner and does his Spider Walk, but then Nakamura's music hits to a big pop and he limps out and Bray leaves the ring and tackles Nakamura down again. Bray turns around and AJ springs off the top rope and hits a Crossbody to Bray on the outside on the ramp. AJ throws Bray back in the ring for the cover but Bray kicks out. They fight for a little while more and Bray goes off the ropes but Nakamura is there again. AJ rolls up Bray from behind but doens't cover, just flips him over. AJ kicks him in the gut and then pins Bray with a Styles Clash. AJ celebrates and it's AJ vs. Orton for Backlash, and obviously another match would be Bray/Nakamura. AJ is celebrating and then all of a sudden Randy Orton is there and hits an RKO Outta Nowhere. Orton throws Styles out of the ring and then Nakamura is in position and hits Bray WITH A KINSHASA for the ending, sending fans home happy. The main event of SD the next week would be Orton & Nakamura vs. Styles & Bray. AJ and Shinsuke would not interact in the match at all, further teasing and holding off their feud. Just subtle..


Card For Backlash after this show:

      WWE Title: Randy Orton (c) vs. AJ Styles

      SD Tag Titles: The Usos (c) vs. American Alpha

      Bray Wyatt vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (Last Man Standing)

Rest of the card..

      IC Title: Baron Corbin (c) vs. Dean Ambrose

      SD Women's Title: Naomi (c) vs. Becky Lynch

      Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James

      The Miz vs. Tye Dillinger

Tell me what you liked and didn't like, and what from here you'd like to see on the show tonight. Be sure to look out for my "How WWE Should Book Payback 2017" post the day before that! Mania Week is almost over.

Image result for smackdown live 4/4/2017

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