How WWE Should Book Clash Of Champions 2016 (RAW)

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Hello everyone! You may have seen some of my posts before where I fantasy book PPV's 1-2 days before they occur. I have been doing these since Night Of Champions 2015, so this will actually mark my 1 year anniversary! If you want, you can click on my name and read some of my other ones. Today, this is how I would book Clash Of Champions 2016. Enjoy!


We get the usual pre show panel of Renee, Booker, Jerry Lawler and Lita. A SML is announced with Cesaro earlier in the day. Use #AskCesaro. The panel gives their predictions and hype up the matches and we get video packages. Enzo and Cass vs Shining Stars is also announced the day before the PPV for the main show. We get to our kickoff match.

1ST Kickoff Match: Nia Jax vs Alicia Fox

Nia comes out first followed by Fox. The match goes 8 1/2 minutes. Nia dominates 99% of the match but near the end Alicia starts to make a comeback. Fox is beating Nia down and is setting up for her finisher when out of nowhere she's attacked from behind by the returning Paige and Emma. The two beat the hell out of Fox and the match goes to a DQ, being won by Fox. Nia joins the onslaught. The 3 women leave Alicia in a heap and then pose over her. I've been seeing this idea keep popping up to make a female shield. Paige isn't doing anything, Emma wasn't even drafted so she could come to Raw, and Nia is already on fire. It gives all 3 girls something to do and they would dominate the women's division as a faction. I think it could be an awesome new angle. I can't really think of a good name for them off the spot, but maybe the could be called something like "The Revolution".

WINNER by DQ: Alicia Fox

The panel continues to hype the matches, and we get the Cesaro SML. We get to the main show.


We get the opening video package and we get highlights of all of the greatest champions ever, going with the PPV theme. We get the opening pyro and Cole welcomes us to the show. I honestly have no idea how long it takes to construct stages, but it would be awesome if the stage was in the shape of a championship belt, and for each title match that title was displayed on the stage.

1ST MATCH: T.J. Perkins (c) vs THE Brian Kendrick (Cruiserweight Title)

Perkins comes out first followed by Kendrick. We get formal ring introductions. The match goes about 12 minutes, and there's a ton of high spots and crazy moves from both guys, hopefully creating an amazing and memorable match. Throughout the match, TJ targets Kendricks knee all throughout to soften him up for the Kneebar. The story all throughout the match is that Kendrick still believes like it's been before where this could be his last chance for glory, his last chance to prove himself, so all throughout he keeps getting ahead of himself as a desperate babyface. The match ends when Kendrick does the backslide into the Pirates Hook, but can't hold it because of his knee, and TJ rolls him over into the kneebar, and Kendrick screams in pain for a while and then taps out. Especially with Kendrick's "this could be my last chance character", he needs to be the type of face that just can't seem to win the big one but fights and claws and eventually finally gets his big win. It would tell a great story in this match.

WINNER and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: T.J. Perkins

As we get into our next match, Cesaro vs Sheamus, we get highlights of the series so far.

2ND MATCH: Cesaro vs Sheamus (Match 7 in Best Of 7 Series)

I'll admit, these two have fought so many times lately I've been getting really tired of watching them, but they've gotta pull out all the stops here. I really like how they've booked this too, with Sheamus getting 3 wins first, and then that leaves Cesaro to get the win on a "4-0 streak", and he will look extremely strong and hopefully will get him over even more. Sheamus is out first followed by Cesaro. The match goes 13 minutes and hopefully is the best match of the series. Near the "end" of the match, the fight spills to the outside, and Cesaro gets Sheamus onto the English announce table. Cesaro is going for a Neutrilizer through the table, but Sheamus escapes, and both men grab each other and go crashing through the Spanish announce table. It ends up being a double count out. The crowd boos but out comes Mick Foley. He says that the series isn't ending like this, and he's restarting the match as No Holds Barred. The crowd pops and the bell rings again. The two beat each other up with chairs and kendo sticks for a few minutes, and the match ends when Sheamus and Cesaro are in opposite corners of the ring and Sheamus runs at Cesaro with a chair but Cesaro hits a huge springboard uppercut, sending the chair right into Sheamus's head, and then gets Sheamus up for a Neutrilizer on the chair. Cesaro wins the series, and celebrates with the fans.

WINNER: Cesaro

We get an ad for Tapout.

3RD MATCH: Charlotte (c) vs Sasha Banks vs Bayley (Women's Championship)

We get a vignette of all the greatest women's champions in history and then a video package for the match. Sasha comes out first, followed by Charlotte and then Bayley, and we get formal ring introductions. This match could be the show stealer. The match gets the slot to kick off the 2nd hour of the show, and it goes about 15 minutes. All 3 women put on an incredible match with lots of near falls. Throughout the match, Bayley and Sasha argue a ton and break up each other's pins, and a turn is teased. The match ends when Sasha has Charlotte locked in in the Bank Statement, and it looks like Charlotte is about to tap but Bayley slides back into the ring after being on the outside for a while and grabs Sasha and tosses her out of the ring. Bayley waits for Charlotte to get up and hits a Bayley To Belly on her and the crowd pops hard but Bayley turns around right into a chair shot to the face from Sasha. Sasha turns on her friend, and in doing so just pins the stunned and injured Bayley off the abrupt chair shot to become a 2 time Women's champion. Obviously, Sasha would be heel now. This would be a huge swerve with Sasha winning and turning on Bayley like this, and with WWE wanting to have women main event a PPV in the future, what better way to do it than following this match where these 3 women face off again in the MAIN EVENT of HIAC in the first ever Women's Hell In A Cell match.

WINNER and NEW Raw Women's Champion: Sasha Banks

We get a backstage interview with Brian Kendrick. He says he's disappointed in himself for losing tonight and got ahead of himself. He says he won't stop until he becomes champ. T.J. walks up and they have words and stare off as Perkins hold up his title. Kendrick vs Perkins in a title rematch would be announced for the next day for Raw, in a 2/3 Falls match.

4TH MATCH: Rusev (c) vs Roman Reigns (US Title)

When I did Summerslam, I had the idea of having Samoa Joe debut and cost Reigns the match, and then recently I had an idea for THIS match that Reigns would win and Austin Aries would debut and attack Roman, but that wouldn't really make much sense. I guess the mark in me just wants all these NXT guys to debut already. Nonetheless, we get a video of all the great US champs and the match goes about 10 minutes and Reigns wins clean with a spear, after what happened at Summerslam, and with the fact that Rusev hadn't been on raw at all to build up this feud anymore, I just don't care about it, but I feel Reigns will win for sure, and it would definitely be the right decision. Reigns as US Champ is intriguing. Roman is out first followed by Rusev. Reigns wins clean with a Spear.

WINNER and NEW US Champion: Roman Reigns

We get an ad for No Mercy next month.

5TH MATCH: New Day vs The Club (Tag Team Championships

I'll be honest, I'm even less interested in this match than Rusev-Reigns. The stuff at Summerslam with John Stewart costing the Club the match just killed it for me. We get a video of the greatest Tag Champions, and Club come out first followed by New Day. The match goes 9 minutes. Club need to dethrone New Day if they want any credibility back. I won't even bother with New Day breaking up here after they lose, as I had happen at Summerslam. It just wouldn't make sense here, and if it would've happened it all it would've been the best in the way I booked it in my Summerslam post. Club wins the titles.

WINNERS and NEW Raw Tag Team Champions: The Club

We get an ad for the WWE network and all the new shows coming to it, and then we get a backstage interview with new United States champ Roman Reigns.

6TH MATCH: Chris Jericho vs Sami Zayn

Now THIS is a match I'm pretty damn excited about. Jericho's current run is likely coming to an end pretty soon, and what better way to leave than work with Sami Zayn, staring up his push again, too. The match gets the spot to kick off the 3rd hour. The match goes 13 minutes, and it ends after Jericho hits a Bulldog from the corner, and runs and springs off the ropes to hit the Lionsault, but Zayn gets his knees up and Jericho smashes stomachs first into the knees, and he staggers up in pain into the corner and Zayn quickly runs at him and hits the Helluva Kick.

WINNER: Sami Zayn

We go to our kickoff panel and they give their thoughts on the show so far.

7TH MATCH: Enzo and Cass vs The Shining Stars

As mentioned in the pre show, this match would be announced earlier in the day. The Shining Stars are out first. To save time for the main event and because other matches have all been pretty long, Enzo and Cass beat The Stars in about a minute with the Rocket Launcher, kind of like how Alpha squashed the Usos recently, and then they celebrate after the match.

WINNER: Enzo and Cass

8TH MATCH: Seth Rollins vs Kevin Owens (Universal Championship)

We get a video package before the match. Owens is out first, followed by Seth. I think the buildup to this match and this feud has been great, and I've been loving babyface Rollins so far. The match goes 17 1/2 minutes. Here are some spots in the match:

Owens goes for a Powerbomb on the apron, but Rollins turns it around into a Hurricarana, sending Owens into the timekeepers area.

The match starts when Owens rolls out of the ring and grabs his title and tries to escape through the crowd but Rollins chases him all through the crowd and they come out near the stage pit and Rollins chases Owens down the ramp back into the ring, and Rollins nails KO with a Superkick.

Lots of Frogsplashes and high flying moves from both guys

Owens lays Rollins out on the English announce table, and then Owens goes to the top rope, and tries to hit an elbow drop but goes crashing through the table after Rollins moves.

Near the end, Owens hits a Pedigree, because now HE has the rights to the move, but Rollins kicks out at 2.99999999. Then, Owens hits a PUP but Rollins gets his foot on the rope.

After 5 happens, Rollins hits his springboard knee off the ropes, knocking Owens down. Then, Rollins looks toward the ropes, and rushes to the top rope and hits a PHOENIX SPLASH which would be his "new finisher". Owens kicks out at 2.9. Then, Rollins looks toward the other corner this time. He goes and teases setting up the CURB STOMP. The crowd is going crazy for the return of the move, and Seth runs to stomp Kevin's skull into a mat, but in a spot similar to the end of Orton-Rollins at WM31, Owens launches Rollins into the air and hits a PUP for the clean win, being a complete dick heel by not letting Rollins deliver on the Curb Stomp. We go to replays and then Owens is celebrating. He taunts Rollins and then goes to the ramp, and then HHH comes down out of nowhere and holds up Kevin's hand. Then HHH goes to the ring. He waits for Rollins to get up, and then hits a Pedigree on him, further building to their Mania match. HHH gets the best of Rollins again, and we go to replays and HHH's music plays and the PPV ends with HHH and Owens celebrating on the stage and a battered and beaten Rollins laying in the ring. After the PPV goes off the air, we get videos on Twitter of Rollins cutting a short post match promo, saying he wants HHH, selling the beating.

WINNER and STILL Universal Champion: Kevin Owens

Of course, here is my card for Hell In A Cell next month:*

Sasha Banks (c) vs Bayley vs Charlotte (Hell In A Cell Match For The Women's Title)

Kevin Owens (c) vs Cesaro (Hell In A Cell Match for the Universal Title)

Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar (Street Fight; if Rollins loses he is "fired")

Roman Reigns (c) vs Sami Zayn (US Title)

The Club vs Enzo and Cass vs New Day vs The Shining Stars (Tag Team Titles)

T.J. Perkins vs Gran Metalik vs Cedric Alexander vs Noam Dar (Cruiserweight Title)

Braun Strowman vs Luke Harper

Rusev vs Chris Jericho???

PRE SHOW: The Revolution vs Dana Brooke, Alicia Fox, and Summer Rae

Some of those matches are probably confusing, so as far as Cesaro vs Owens, Foley would make that match because Cesaro earned the title shot after winning the best of 7 series. As far as Rollins vs Lesnar, after HHH's second attack on Seth at the end of COC, of course Seth won't get HHH until Mania, so until then HHH uses authority guys like Lesnar to try to get rid of Rollins, and he will be fired and out of sight and out of mind if he loses, and he makes it No Holds barred to let Lesnar do extra damage. Plus, the two have history, with Rollins cashing in on Reigns and Lesnar at WM31, and the match between the two at Battleground 2015. And with Zayn-Reigns, Foley gives Zayn a title shot after the impressive win over Jericho.

Well, that's how I would book Clash Of Champions. Tell me what you liked or didn't like, and tell me what you'd like to see happen in this post. Enjoy the PPV tomorrow, everyone!

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