How WWE Should Book No Mercy 2016 (SDLive)

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Hey everyone! Every month, days before PPV's happen, I share my thoughts on the show and card and how I would book the show that has unexpected swerves, returns, debuts, and a memorable show that would leave fans happy. I hope you enjoy, and this is how WWE Should Book No Mercy.


  • New intro. What do you guys think of it? Anyways, just as I began writing, Daniel Bryan announced on Twitter that Baron Corbin vs Jack Swagger will take place again on the No Mercy Kickoff, so that will happen later in the show. A Social Media Lounge segment with Alexa Bliss is announced earlier in the day for the kickoff show. Use #AskAlexa. We get the usual panel of Renee, Lawler, Booker T and Lita, and they all hype up the matches and show us video packages and give their predictions as usual. After about half an hour goes by and we get to the kickoff match.

KICKOFF MATCH: Baron Corbin vs Jack Swagger

  • Corbin comes out first, followed by Jack Swagger. The match goes 7 minutes, and throughout the match, Corbin works over Swagger's ankle and leg. Near the end of the match, Corbin swings Swagger's leg into the ring post as they're brawling on the outside, and Corbin gets the win after a suprisingly even match by using Swagger's own Patriot Lock to his advantage, making Swagger tap out to his own finisher to get the ultra dick-heel heat.

WINNER: Baron Corbin

  • The panel talks some more for about 10 minutes and then we get the SML with Alexa Bliss. After that, the panel all give their closing thoughts and predictions for the main event, and we get ready for No Mercy's main show.


  • We get the opening video package and then the opening PPV pyro, and we get to the first match.

1ST MATCH: Heath Slater and Rhyno (c) vs The Usos (Smackdown Tag Team Titles)

  • Slater and Rhyno are out first followed by The Usos. How do Slater and Rhyno still not have a team name? I know they've been called "Beauty And The Man Beast", but that's bad. No. It doesn't count. The match goes 12 minutes, and it ends when Slater and Jimmy Uso are the legal men. Heath is fighting in the ring but/Rhyno looks to finish it off with a Gore, and runs at Jimmy but Jimmy grabs the ref and pushes him into the way and the ref is knocked down. Rhyno is temporarily stunned and The Usos quickly take advantage of this and the ref bump by running to the outside to both get chairs. Slater tries to stop them, but Jey whacks Heath with a chair. They get ready to beat them down but American Alpha come out of nowhere from the crowd and The Usos turn around and both get superkicked chairs into their face, and then Alpha beats down Usos to finally get revenge as the crowd is going wild for AA. They're getting ready to hit a Grand Amplitude on Jimmy but Jey comes up from behind and Low Blows Jason Jordan, and he falls out of the ring. The ref is just starting to get up, and then Jimmy whacks Gable with a chair, sending him out of the ring. The ref is up now and the Usos hit a splash on the helpless Slater and Jimmy pins Heath to crown the Usos as the second ever Smackdown Tag Team Champions. A couple reasons for this result. First, I'd guess Rhyno is leaving soon for a bit anyways to focus on his campaign in Michigan again, and Slater and Rhyno, as awesome as they both are, haven't been all that impressive as champions. Usos winning the titles here would further their feud with Alpha, and Alpha could have their match and title win at Survivor Series. By the way, of course the Smackdown matches for Survivor Series will be at the end of the post. Slater could still have something to do, he could maybe challenge for the IC title at SS. Plus. Usos have been very impressive as heels so far. Alpha look on in agony as their rivals celebrate the title win.

WINNERS and NEW SD Tag Team Champions: The Usos

  • We get an ad for Tapout.

2ND MATCH: Nikki Bella vs Carmella

  • Carmella comes out first followed by Nikki. The match goes about 7 minutes until Alexa Bliss runs in and attacks Nikki, causing the DQ. Alexa and Nikki have been having sort of a mini feud in recent weeks with Alexa pinning Nikki almost every week. Alexa unleashes on Nikki, because she wants to prove to everyone that she's ready to take the Women's title tonight. Alexa gets big heat and Nikki has to be helped to the back. Carmella isn't completely forgotten though, as she would defeat Natalya and Naomi in a triple threat match on the SD after No Mercy to earn a SD Women's title shot at Survivor Series.

WINNER by DQ: Nikki Bella*

*We get a backstage interview with new tag champions the Usos.

3RD MATCH: Curt Hawkins Open Challenge

  • I don't think anyone is excited for Curt Hawkins to return here, but nonetheless, we get a short video package of Curt's previous run in WWE and his video packages leading up to this. Hawkins comes out and cuts a short pre match promo, and says he will be victorious in his debut. FACT! Hawkins drops the mic and Zack Ryder's music hits. What, did you expect it to actually be someone big? It's Curt Hawkins. He'll probably be the Jinder Mahal of SD anyways. Ryder and Hawkins have history as a tag team, so it would make sense for it to be him. Mojo Rawley is in Ryder's corner for the match. It goes about 4 minutes and Hawkins hits the Test Of Pain for the win.

WINNER: Curt Hawkins

  • We get an ad for the WWE Shop.

4TH MATCH: Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt

  • This match kicks off the 2nd hour. This feud has has some weird buildup. Bray has sent Orton on numerous treasure hunts backstage and there have been more Wyatt promos on SD these past couple of weeks than all of them in his career combined. Orton comes out first followed by Bray. The match goes about 15 minutes and Wyatt gets the win after reversing an RKO by pushing Orton into the corner and then hitting a Sister Abigail for the win. Not much to say about this match, but Wyatt needs a win after LOSING TO KANE IN 2016 at Backlash AND last week on SD. Bray carries Orton over his shoulder to the back.

WINNER: Bray Wyatt

  • We get a discussion and plug for Susan G Komen and Breast Cancer Awareness month.

5TH MATCH: Becky Lynch (c) vs Alexa Bliss (Smackdown Women's Title)

  • I think this has been a really great feud. These two women have chemistry together. Becky comes out first followed by Alexa. The match goes 12 minutes and they have put on a great match when Nikki Bella runs down and attacks Alexa Bliss, causing another DQ, getting revenge on Alexa for costing her the match with Carmella earlier in the night. Nikki beats down Alexa and she has to be separated by trainers. Alexa is helped to the back now. You might be saying that there have been a ton of DQ finishes/run-ins tonight, but I think the overall quality of the PPV and matches and the ending will make up for it. If it advances a story, then it's acceptable.

WINNER by DQ: Alexa Bliss; however, STILL Smackdown Women's Champ: Becky Lynch

  • We get an ad for the network, and HIAC and Survivor Series and all the upcoming shows, and then we go to the kickoff panel and they give their thoughts on the show so far.

6TH MATCH: The Miz (c) w/ Maryse vs Dolph Ziggler (Career Threatening Match for the IC Title)

  • This feud has been absolutely phenomenal. That is all. These two are so good together, and it's a shame we only realized that just recently. Miz is out first followed by Ziggler, and we get formal ring introductions. The match goes 22 minutes, and it is a battle. They battle all around the arena and there's a big spot in the match where Miz gets the steel steps, pushes them up to the announce table, grabs Ziggler, walks up the steps, and hits a SCF through the table. After another amazing battle, Ziggler knows what he must do. He looks at Miz struggling to get up on the opposite side of the ring. He looks at his destiny right in the face. He stares at Miz and says "I'm Sorry, I Love You". Ziggler then Superkicks himself and pins himself to end his career and help Miz retain. NO NO NO NO. Maryse throws a chair into the ring and then distracts the ref as Ziggler and Miz are on the top rope, and Ziggler tries to hit a Superplex but Miz reverses into a middle rope SCF, literally crushing Ziggler's skull into the chair. Miz quickly gets rid of the chair, and then the ref counts the 3 and Dolph Ziggler's career is over, and Miz is still the champ. Miz NEEDS to beat Ziggler here. Beating him again and ending his career would only get him more over/more heat and make him look even more strong than he already even is. Plus, Ziggler apparently has said he wants time off, and there have been rumors his contract is up soon, so Miz retains. Ziggler would make his "retirement speech" 2 days later on SD before inevitably pulling a Cena and returning the next week.

WINNER and STILL Intercontinental Champion: The Miz

7TH MATCH: AJ Styles (c) vs Dean Ambrose vs John Cena (WWE World Title)

  • THIS feud has also been unbelievably amazing, because this feud has been REAL. REAL passion. REAL emotion in the promos between the 3, especially the masterpieces between Cena and Ambrose. Cena is out first, followed by Ambrose, and then "THE MAN WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE ANNOUNCED AS THE FACE THAT RUNS THE PLACE", AJ Styles. The match goes 23 minutes, and it's very physical. There are a ton of near falls and high spots, like a flashback to Payback where Styles is on the top rope and hits a Phenomemal Forearm to both Cena AND Ambrose through the Spanish announce table. Near the end of the match, Ambrose is on the outside and has officially been taken out after Cena hits an AA on him on the apron, and Cena and Styles are brawling in the ring. AJ whips Cena into the ropes but Cena jumps off the ropes and hits the once off returning Springboard Stunner, and hopefully he DOES get all of it this time, Michael Cole. Styles is down and the crowd is very mixed as Cena is stalking AJ, waiting for him to get up so he can hit the 16th World Title winning AA. Styles is dazed and turns around and Cena grabs him and puts him on his shoulders, and he's about to finish the move when suddenly the lights go out in the arena and a bell tolls, and the fans go absolutely insane. The lights are out for about 25 seconds and when the come back on, Styles is now on the outside, and Ambrose still is too, and Cena looks around and he's ready to fight but there's no one there. He's confused and is looking around and he looks toward the stage and all of a sudden a hand comes out of the ring behind him. The Undertaker's face pops out and the fans go crazy. Taker climbs out and Cena turns around into a chokeslam from Taker. There's a chair propped in the corner from earlier in the match and Taker goes to grab it. Taker drops the chair in the center of the ring, and then gets Cena up for a Tombstone Piledriver onto the chair. Taker just stands there after the Tombstone, staring at Cena, Styles slowly crawls back in the ring, and looks scared at Taker, then quickly covers Cena to retain the title. Styles music plays for a bit as he quickly rolls out of the ring and then holds up his title on the ramp. The music ends and then Taker gets Cena up and hits a second tombstone in the middle of the ring. The PPV ends with Taker on one knee doing his signature pose with his tongue out and eyes rolled back over Cena. Now, it might be TOO far away until Mania, but I think Taker vs Cena feud beginning here with Taker screwing Cena and it could be like Rock vs Cena and other big time WM matches that could have a huge buildup. It would be Taker's last EVER match, and who knows?... Maybe Cena's last too. John Cena vs The Undertaker finally happening at Wrestlemania and being teased and advertised early could be a big time ticket seller for Mania. Taker and Cena would have more confrontations throughout the months until Mania, and obviously Undertaker would be on Smackdown. He could even wrestle a few times on Smackdown, like he did on 2013. John Cena is not a 16 time world champ, and the seeds for the big Undertaker vs John Cena Wrestlemania feud have officially been planted.

WINNER and STILL WWE World Champion: AJ Styles


1) WWE World Title: AJ Styles (c) vs Bray Wyatt

2) IC Title: The Miz (c) w/ Maryse vs Randy Orton

3) SD Women's Title: Becky Lynch (c) vs Carmella

4) SD Tag Team Titles: The Usos (c) vs American Alpha

5) Nikki Bella vs Alexa Bliss (No DQ)

6) John Cena vs Dean Ambrose (3 Stages Of Hell; Stage 1: Steel Cage, Stage 2: Falls Count Anywhere. Stage 3: Last Man Standing)

**Pre Show: Heath Slater vs Apollo Crews vs Baron Corbin vs Jack Swagger vs Kalisto (Fatal Fiveway for No. 1 Contendership to IC Title)

Well, that was how I would book No Mercy 2016. Tell me if you liked it, or what you didn't like. Tell me what you'd like to see happen at the actual PPV! Hope you all enjoyed, and enjoy the PPV


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