How WWE Should Book Summerslam 2016


Hello everyone! You may have seen some of my posts before where I fantasy book PPV's 1-2 days before they occur. I have been doing these since Night Of Champions 2015. If you want, you can click on my name and read some of my other ones. Today, this is how I would book Summerslam 2016. Enjoy!


I'd guess that since there's already 11 matches on this 85 hour PPV, the two pre show matches will be Baron Corbin vs Kalisto, and the 6 woman tag announced last night on SD. We'll just go with that and hope that's the case. The pre show starts and for the first 30 minutes the panelists talk about the matches, give some predictions, and we get a crap ton of video packages to fill the time. Two Social Media Lounges are announced in ur show with Sasha Banks and one with John Cena. We get to our first Pre-show match.

1st Kickoff Match: Sami Zayn and Neville vs The Dudley Boyz

Well, Sami Zayn thankfully has a Summerslam match everyone! But it's in the pre show... Oh well. The match goes about 8 minutes, and and the match ends when D-Von is in the corner and Zayn nails a Helluva Kick. D-Von falls down, and then Neville gets tagged in and hits a Red Arrow for the win. Zayn and Neville celebrate and Bubba goes to try to get up D-Von. Bubba looks pissed and they yell at each other. Bubba shoves D-Von. D-Von slaps Bubba. Bubba hits his one handed spinebuster BULLY RAY FINISHER. The Dudleys are no more, and Bully Ray Bubba has finally debuted.

WINNER: Sami Zayn and Neville

We get more video packages, predictions, and the panelists talk. We get a Social Media Lounge with Sasha Banks. The panelists talk for about 5 more minutes, then we get our 2nd kickoff match.

**2nd Kickoff Match: Alpha, Usos and Hype Bros vs Vaudevillans, Ascension and Breezeango.

Hurray! Who doesn't love exact rematches of matches we've already seen 5 days ago on Smackdown? Faces win when Alpha pin Ascension.

WINNERS: Alpha, Usos and Hype Bros.

The panelists continue their stuff and go to our 3rd and final kickoff match.

3rd Kickoff Match: Cesaro vs Sheamus- Match 1/7 of Series

Not much to say about this one. Too bad Cesaro is on the pre show again, but oh well. Cesaro beat Sheamus the last two times, so it only makes sense that Sheamus wins here to kick off this series. The match goes 11 minutes, and the match ends when Cesaro looks like he's about to go do the swing but Sheamus counters and flips Cesaro over with his legs, and then nails him with a Brogue Kick for the win.

WINNER: Sheamus

Mick Foley comes out to end the pre show and unveils the Universal Title.

We get the SML with Cena, and the panelists give their final predictions to close the kickoff. We get ready to go over to the main show, the biggest party of the summer, the 2nd biggest show of the year, the 29th annual Summerslam.


First, Lilian sings the national anthem, because that should be a thing at Summerslam. We get the opening video package and pyros to start the show. Lilian announces that the opening contest is set for one fall, and it's for the United States Championship.

1st Match: Rusev (c) vs Roman Reigns for the United States Title.

Rusev comes out first with Lana, then comes Roman. We get formal ring introductions. The bell rings and both men immediately run at each other and start punching and beating each other down. The match goes about 12 minutes. Roman is beating Rusev down but then Rusev throws Reigns shoulder first into the ring post. Rusev takes his title and tries to get away through the crowd but Roman runs over and jumps the barricade and Reigns spears Rusev on the steps in the crowd. Reigns and Rusev brawl all through the sea of fans and finally Rusev tackles Roman over the barricade back to ringside. The ref is at a count of 7 and Rusev staggers but rolls back in the ring. The ref gets to nine and Roman just gets back in to beat the count at 9 1/2. The match goes about 8 more minutes, and near the end Rusev is trying to get up and Reigns is in the corner getting ready to end it with a spear. Reigns runs but Rusev moves and Roman knocks down the ref. The ref is injured and Rusev is down, and Reigns gets up, trying to figure out what to do, and Roman turns around into a Muscle Buster outta nowhere from a debuting Samoa Joe. Joe rolls out of the ring and Rusev revives the ref and stomps on Reigns back and locks in a nasty Accolade. Reigns passes out. The bell rings and Rusev celebrates and walks up the ramp. Joe runs back in and locks the Koji Clutch on an unconscious Reigns. All the refs and backstage guys who usually break up the fights try to break the hold but Joe won't stop. Joe finally breaks it and he's about to walk out and the doctors try to sit Reigns up but Joe goes again and kicks Reigns in the head. Joe walks out to massive heat and Reigns is carried out on a stretcher from the Joe attack. This attack will be explained later. Joe debuts, fans don't go ballistic that Reigns won the title, and Rusev looks really strong because he retrained. Everyone wins.

WINNER and STILL US Champ: Rusev.

We go to an interview backstage with the champ Dean Ambrose. He talks about Ziggler super kicking him on Smackdown and cuts a great promo about how he needs to win tonight.

2nd Match: The Miz (c) vs Apollo Crews for the IC Title.

This will probably be the weakest match on the card, but it should still be good. Apollo Creed comes out first then the champ Miz and Maryse. The match goes 8 minutes and hopefully Crews puts on a good performance. The match ends when Apollo is down and Miz is getting ready to hit the SCF, but Apollo twists out and hits a big DDT, then hits his standing Moonsault and hooks the legs for the win. I'll admit it, Miz has been phenomenal in this role as of late, and he's been a great champ, but if Apollo doesn't win here, then he's screwed. But if he does become champ, he definitely needs to drop his gimmick of smiling all the time, and get a little more serious, and he needs to work on improving on the mic. Apollo gets his big win. Miz would get his rematch on at Backlash, and I'll of course have the match cards for both Clash of Champions (Raw) and Backlash (Smackdown) PPVs next month.

WINNER and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Apollo Crews.

We get an short ad break with Tapout, etc.

3rd Match: Becky Lynch, Carmella, and Naomi vs Natalya, Alexa Bliss, and ???

For some reason, WWE now seems to be billing this as a 3 on 2 handicap match with Eva being suspended. It was interesting that Eva got suspended and Nikki Bella got cleared on the same day. The faces all make their individual entrances first. Then comes Alexa, then Nattie. Nattie cuts a pre-match promo bashing Eva, and plays on her violating the wellness policy, and jokes that it was probably another way to avoid fighting. They say that they found a much better partner, and they turn to the entrance ramp to introduce their new 3rd partner, the returning Nikki Bella. The crowd goes crazy. The match goes 10 minutes, and Nikki gets the win for her team by pinning Becky with her brand new finisher, sparking a Nikki-Becky feud over the brand new Smackdown Women's Championship at Backlash.

WINNERS: Nikki Bella, Natalya, and Alexa Bliss

We get a backstage interview with Tom Phillips interviewing Samoa Joe. Assuming that he loses the NXT Title to Shinsuke tonight at Takeover, Joe says he targeted Reigns because he can. He says Shinsuke can have his stupid little fantasy reign for now, but once he sees him again, he hopes Nakamura knows that they have unfinished business. He says that he's hot off that loss and what better way to get to the top the fastest than targeting one of the top guys on the company? He calls Roman an embarrassment to the Samoan heritage. He says he's not waiting to take his spot on the top, and he wants Reigns at Clash Of Champions, and to make sure he's never able to walk on his own two feet ever again, he wants him in a Last Man Standing match at the PPV. Joe says to stop asking stupid questions, and shoves Phillips as he walks off.

4th Match: John Cena vs AJ Styles

Here we go. Cena-Styles, round 2. Cena is out first followed by AJ. Assuming Styles is next in line to face Dean for the title at Backlash, he NEEDS the win here. History suggests that when someone beats Cena once on PPV, come rematch time, they do not go over. But this is different. Styles is a top heel on SD, and Cena is going to film the 2nd season of his show again immediately after SS. Don't know when he'll be back, but he doesn't and shouldn't win. The match goes 17 minutes, and there are a lot of cool spots and it's a competitive match. One main spot is that the both steal each other's finishers. About midway in the match, Styles and Cena have had a slobberknocker and they both are leaning on each other, trying to stand, and out of nowhere Styles hits an AA on Cena. The crowd goes insane, and Cena kicks out at 2.999999. They recover, and Cena hits a Styles Clash on Styles, and the fans go absolutely ballistic. It looks like Cena actually got the pin but Styles gets his foot on the rope at 2.999999999 again. The match ends when Styles hits a Styles Clash on Cena off the middle rope. The crowd jumps from their seat as the ref counts the 3. For the first time in the while, John Cena has lost a feud. Styles is celebrating after all the replays and all that and Cena is up now. Cena flips Styles around and looks pissed. Is he about to go heel? Cena's look softens and he says Congratulations to AJ. He extends his hand, and the crowd chants yes. Cena yells at Styles to be a man and shake his hand. Styles looks like he's refusing but his eyes are wide and he finally shakes hands with Cena to a big pop. A replay of the Orton-Benoit handshake at Summerslam 12 years earlier. Cena said he's openly waiting fir someone to take his spot, and AJ freaking Styles may have done just that. Cena walks up the ramp as his music plays, and Styles poses in the ring again when Cena gets backstage and then his music plays. Yes, Styles is still full-fledged heel, but the handshake as kind of a curtain call would make for a cool moment. Cena now goes back to television, and I'd guess he'll return around Rumble time.


5th Match: New Day vs The Club for the Tag Team Championships

Tonight, August 21st, Summerslam day, marks exactly 364 since the New Day won the Tag Team Championships. Unfortunately, Big E will not be in this match, due to suffering from ringpositis, and the fans also suffered from awful dick jokes from Gallows and Anderson. New Day enter first, and Kofi does the intro that Big E usually does. They come out and then cut the best new day promo yet. They're more serious here than usual and talk about being champs for a full year. They say they'll hold on to their titles and plug the new New Day chocolate pop rocks things that are coming out soon, to rival Booty-O's. Gallows and Anderson both come out to cut New Day off. We get formal ring introductions. The match goes 11 minutes and near the end of the match, both teams are in the ring brawling, and Anderson clotheslines Woods out of the ring and they both go flying. Kofi stuns Gallows and goes for a Trouble In Paradise, but Gallows ducks and Kofi nails the ref. Gallows powerbombs Kofi a the ref is down. Anderson gets back in the ring now and Woods is laid out by Anderson at ringside. Gallows and Anderson both pull Kofi into the ring post and look to give him the same fate Big E suffered, and they're about to do it but Big E returns and runs down and tackles both men. The crowd is going crazy. All 3 members of New Day lay them out but out of nowhere Gallows whacks Big E with a chair. The ref is just getting up now and Big E is down. Gallows gives Kofi a massive spinebuster through the Spanish announce table, then rolls into the ring where Anderson is waiting for Woods to get up. They hit a viscous Magic Killer on Xavier, and just like that, Anderson pins Woods and The Club become the brand new tag team champions. New Day have had an awesome run, but it feels like the right place and time to put the straps on Gallows and Anderson. The crowd boos as G&A hold up their titles and pose on the ropes. They mock New Day by doing their clap and saying New Day Failed. They walk backstage and then Woods is shown alone in the ring, sitting up, hands in his face. Kofi staggers in, and tries to help Woods up to a big pop. Then Big E rolls in and stares at both of them. Then he grabs Woods' other arm, and the New Day are still standing, but no longer your world famous 2 time champs. The crowd does every chant possible for new day, and Woods stands by himself. They all are about to leave the ring and Woods gets out first but out of nowhere Big E gives Woods a massive clothesline that turns him inside out. Kofi is in shock and stares at Woods laid out, then looks at Big E. Kofi is yelling at big E, saying "what the hell was that". Kofi gets in Big E's face and Big E kicks Kofi in the balls and then hoists him up for the Big Ending. Big E is getting massive heat and the fans are chanting asshole. Big E looks at his two former New Day partners, and then leaves ring, walks up to the ramp to the back, and doesn't look back as the fans are booing loudly and then we fade to black. I think that this would be a perfect time to break up New Day. Some people might be pissed at this, but much like the Shield, they were broken up before they got boring, before they had really beaten everyone, and New Day needs to be broken up before that happens. Big E is now a monster heel, and there would be a New Day triple threat at Clash Of Champions, heel vs face vs face, where the winner would get a US Title shot at the following month's PPV, Hell In A Cell.

WINNERS and NEW Tag Team Champions: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.

We get an ad for the network and all the shows like usual.

6th Match: Enzo and Cass vs JeriKO

Enzo and Cass are out first followed by Owens, and then he stays on the ramp and Jericho's pyro and music hits, and then they both walk down together as the amazing human beings they are, as one, as JeriKO. The match goes 10 minutes, and JeriKO pull off the big win when Owens tags in Jericho, and KO throws Enzo into the ropes and throws him in the air like a Pop-Up Powerbomb, but then Owens moves and Jericho hits a massive mid-air Codebreaker. Jericho gets the pin on Enzo. JeriKO celebrate.


We go backstage now and Renee Young introduces her special guest, the hottest free agent in all of sports entertainment, Heath Slater! Slater comes up and voices his frustrations about not bring signed, and calls Shane a lier and a cheater for stealing his SD contract that he EARNED. He says he has one last chance, and he Kayfabe met with Vince earlier in the day to voice his frustrations, and Vince allowed him to issue an open challenge to any superstar on the roster, any show. He jokes that he doesn't even care if an ECW guy answers. He says that he won't fail this time, and who ever has the guts to face Heath Slater.. And he's cut off from a Superkick by KO. Owens and Jericho walk up now and KO pretends to not know who hurt Slater and that doctors should get here immediately. They talk about their win over Enzo and Cass earlier, and assuming Jericho's run is now over, and he's going back to Fozzy for now, Owens says that Jericho is now going back to a successful music career, and says none of the "filthy" fans in this "disgusting" town known as Brooklyn would appreciate it know "real fame" like Jericho. He says bye to Jericho as his taxi drives up and then they hug and Owens says "JerIKO for life" and see you soon. Jericho is gone now and cameras still show Owens waking away. KO is walking to his locker room for about 10 seconds, and then he stops. He turns and stares at none other than Brock Lesnar, with Heyman, who are walking to gorilla to get ready for Lesnar-Orton next. The crowd goes beyond insane for this staredown and KO continues his way backstage and the cameras follow Lesnar and Heyman now. They walk through the curtain as Lesnar's music hits, and we get read for Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton, 15 years in the making.

7th Match: Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton

This is being billed as the legit main event, as in its going on last, but it really shouldn't. That spot needs to go to Rollins and Balor. Fresh off the Owens-Lesnar confrontation, Lesnar walks down to the ring. Lesnar stays in the ring as we get the big video package for the match. We go back to Lesnar in the ring after as Fans chant Suplex City and then Randal Keith Orton's music hits. He walks to the ring and then the match starts. The match goes 17 minutes. The bell rings and immediately things don't go well for Orton as Lesnar runs at Orton and delivers a big Belly To Belly. Orton sells and rolls out of the ring but Lesnar runs around the ring and tackles Orton through the barricade. The match is off to an explosive start. It's a very physical match, and obviously we get the F-5 countered into an RKO. Orton kicks out of an F-5, Lesnar kicks out of 2 RKOS. The match ends when Lesnar delivers two consecutive F-5s for the win. Orton does not need to beat Brock. That role should go to younger talents. Lesnar celebrates after the match with Heyman and Orton is shown beaten and bartered on the ring. He begins to get up but then Bray Wyatt's graphic hits. The lights go out and when they come back on, Orton is bleeding, and Wyatt delivers a sister Abigail to Orton. That staredown on SD needs to be capitalized on. Orton vs Wyatt at Backlash, as by the way, again, I'll have the full match cards for both brand's PPVs next month at the end of the post. Goldberg shouldn't return here. It's just... No... Just... Please don't return Bill Goldberg. No human wants Goldberg-Lesnar II.

Winner: Brock Lesnar.

We go backstage again now and we see John Stewart and his son eating KFC backstage, to sponsor them, I guess, and Dolph and Miz did that commercial, so why not? Plus, Stewart was announced as a special guest at SS, so he can play into a little segment with Seth here. Rollins walks up and laughs and says hi. Stewart recalls him and Seth's history last year at Summerslam, but says he's on his own this time, and says that he's afraid of The Demon King, Finn Balor. He suggests that Seth is afraid of Balor. Rollins keeps denying it but Stewart works him up and finally Rollins snaps and yells that he isn't afraid of Finn Balor. Stephanie walks up behind him and Seth screams in fear and then Stewart laughs. Stephanie says she doesn't know why Rollins got so scared, and she just wants to wish Rollins luck in his match tonight with Balor. She puts out her hand out to shake Seth's hand, but Seth stutters and is embarrassed and walks away. Steph looks confused and Stewart tells Stephanie that their "guy" is afraid of The Demon King. Steph laughs and looks on.

8th Match: Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler for the WWE World Title

This match has honestly had one of the best build ups out of most other matches on the show. Ziggler and Ambrose both have been phenomenal on the mic. The match goes 13 1/2 minutes, and Ambrose pulls off the win when he counters a Superkick from Ziggler into a Dirty Deeds. Hopefully Dolph puts on an awesome performance that really does show fans that he's "that damn good". Ambrose is celebrating after the match and he turns around into a chair to the gut from AJ Styles. Styles beats down Ambrose with the chair then delivers a Styles Clash onto it. Styles holds up Dean's WWE Title after it, and walks backstage with it, stealing Ambrose's title. Obviously this sparks Styles-Ambrose at Backlash.

WINNER and STILL WWE World Champion: Dean Ambrose

We go up to our kickoff panel now and they give their thoughts on the show so far.

9th Match: Heath Slater's Open Challenge

It's time. After getting Superkicked by Owens in his interview earlier, Slater comes out holding his jaw. Slater cuts a pre match promo and says he won't let his 2-4-7 kids down again. He says he's ready. Slater drops the mic and after a few seconds of suspense, Triple H's music hits. This is the first time we would see him on tv since WM. If Slater wants a contract, he'll have to go through the boss. Slater looks ready and the ref has to hold him back. HHH makes his Game entrance and everything. The bell rings and Slater runs at Hunter but he gets kicked in the gut and eats a Pedigree immediately. The ref counts the 3, and HHH defeats Slater. I'd guess Slater could just go to NXT after this. It'd be interesting to see is he does there. After this, we'll be able to say the words Heath Slater faced Triple H at Summerslam

Winner: Triple H

10th Match: Sasha Banks vs Charlotte for the Women's Title

We get a video package before the match. The match goes about 16 minutes, and hopefully is amazing. There are moonsaults from Charlotte, and a ton of high spots from both women. One of the spots of the night happens when Sasha is laid out on the French announce table, assuming there are 3 announce tables at ringside, since the Spanish table was destroyed in the tag titles match, but should be back now. Sasha is on the table, and Charlotte gets a LADDER from under the ring. Everyone is on the edge of their seat, wondering what's about to go down. Charlotte climbs the ladder, and DOES A MOONSAULT OFF THE LADDER TO SASHA THROUGH THE TABLE. The crowd chants holy shit. These two women will put everything on the line for the women's title. They both just make it in at the count of 10. The match ends when Sasha hits a Frogsplash followed by a Bank Statement and Charlotte taps out. Sasha retains her title.

WINNER and STILL Raw Women's Champion: Sasha Banks

11th Match: Finn Balor vs Seth Rollins for the Universal Championship

Rollins comes out first, sporting brand new PPV-exclusive gear like he did last year at Summerslam. Then comes Demon Balor to make his big entrance. We get formal ring introductions, and the ref holds-up the brand-new universal title, unveiled by Mick Foley earlier in the night in the pre show. The match goes 20 minutes. There are some big spots, like Rollins delivering a Phoneix Splash, Rollins hits Balor with an Elbow through the Raw announce table, and much more. The match ends when Rollins is on the top rope going for a Frogsplash, and he jumps but Balor moves and catches Rollins for a 1916. Then Balor stumbles up to the top rope to hit a Coup De Grace. Finn Balor goes down in history as the first ever Universal Champion. After the match, Balor holds up the title and is celebrating, and Gallows, Anderson, and Styles all come down, clapping. They all hug Balor and Summerslam goes off the air with all 4 members of the club holding championships. They all hold their titles up and Too Sweet. Finn Balor is Universal Champion, Gallows and Anderson are the new Tag Champs, and while Styles isn't actually the WWE World champ, he holds up Ambrose's stolen title, as a sign the phenomenal one is in the title hunt once again.

WINNER and FIRST EVER WWE Universal Champion: Finn Balor.

Well, that was how I would book Summerslam. As promised, here's the cards for Clash Of Champions and Backlash. I wont say how all the matches come to be, but most of them started tonight. You can make up how they occur, but I do have the storylines for all of them in my head.

Clash Of Champions: * Universal Title: Finn Balor (c) vs Seth Rollins vs Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn

US Title: Rusev (c) vs the returning Luke Harper

Tag Titles: The Club (c) vs Enzo and Cass

Women's Title: Sasha Banks (c) vs Nia Jax

Samoa Joe vs Roman Reigns- (Last Man Standing)

Big E vs Kofi Kingston vs Xavier Woods (for No.1 Contendership to US Title)

Cesaro vs Sheamus (Continuation of Best Of 7 Series)

Charlotte vs Bayley (for No.1 Contendership to Women's Title)

Bubba Ray vs D-Von

* Pre Show: Neville and Sin Cara vs The Shining Stars



WWE World Title: Dean Ambrose (c) vs AJ Styles

IC Title: Apollo Crews (c) vs The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler

SD Tag Titles: American Alpha vs The Usos

SD Women's Title: Nikki Bella vs Becky Lynch

Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton

Curt Hawkins vs Zack Ryder

Baron Corbin vs Kalisto

Pre Show: Vaudevillans vs The Ascension vs Breezedango (for No. 1 Contendership to SD Tag Titles)

Well, that was how I would book Summerslam 2016. Tell me if you liked it in the comments or what you didn't like. Tell me if you would like to see any of this happen! Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out my "How WWE Should Book Backlash 2016" post the day before that. Thanks for reading, and enjoy Summerslam! Gonna be a good one.

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