How WWE Should Book Battleground 2016


Hello everyone! You may have seen some of my posts before where I fantasy book PPV's 1-2 days before they occur. I have been doing these since Night Of Champions 2015. If you want, you can click on my name and read some of my other ones. Today, this is how I would book Battleground 2016. Enjoy!


As usual on the pre show, throughout the hour the panel gIves their thoughts and predictions for the matches and they hype up the matches and we see video packages. A Social Media Lounge segment with Enzo and Cass is announced earlier in the day to take place on the pre show. Use #AskTheCertifiedGs. 30 minutes into the pre show we get the social media lounge. at about 7:45, we get the kickoff match. Kickoff Match: Breezeango vs The Usos

Winners: Breezeango.

Shouldn't need an explanation for that. After the match, the panel gives their final predictions and we go to the final PPV before the rosters are officially split apart. This card could make this the best PPV in years. There are so many suprises they could pull out here with the brand split and leading into Summerslam next month. Here's how I would book battleground.

Main Show

1st Match: Sasha Banks and SECRET MYSTERY PARTNER (Bayley) vs Charlotte and Dana Brooke

I think it's about time a women's match kicked off a PPV. This will be a good match, and Bayley's definite debut will leave a feel good impression for the rest of the show. Sasha's partner has to be Bayley. Her tweets about even Meltzer not being able to guess who it was had to just be a joke. It has to be Bayley. It wouldn't be Troll Eva Marie or Emma or anyone like that, and all the good women besides her from NXT have already come up in the draft, and excluding Asuka. It could be Nikki Bella, but she almost just tweeted about doctors clearing her, and she's only just been back in the performance center for a few days.... At least we all hope. If it's anyone besides Bayley, everyone will throw a fit and complain the rest of the night. Charlotte Crew is out first and then Sasha. We get highlights from the past weeks of the feud during Charlotte's entrance. Sasha cuts a promo on Charlotte and Dana and hyped up her mystery partner. She introduces Bayley and the tube men pop up and it's the biggest pop of the century. The match goes 11 minutes and Bayley and Sasha get the double win as Bayley gives the Bayley To Belly to Dana and pins her while Sasha locks Charlotte in the Bank Statement and she taps as the ref's hand hits the 3. They celebrate after the match. Of course, like American Alpha, Bayley would work Double Duty until Takeover Brooklyn II, which would be her last NXT match. I'll have the Summerslam card at the end of the post, where Sasha finally gets her 1 on 1 title shot with Charlotte. Sasha would win the title there, maybe have a rematch with Charlotte at CLASH Of Champions, then Bayley and Sasha would finally face off for the title, face vs face, at Hell In A Cell, in the first ever women's Hell In A Cell Match.

Winners: Sasha Banks and Bayley

2nd Match: The Miz w/ Maryse vs Darren Young w/ Bob Backlund for the Intercontinental Title

I've been very surprised lately to see that lots of people actually seem to like Darren Young in this new position. His new gimmick seems to be that he wins every match by default. The battle royal 3 weeks ago that originally have him this shot had Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews both eliminating each other, and Young was just sitting in the corner. Then last week on Raw, when he faced Del Rio, Alberto and Miz bumped heads, and Young rolled him up for tie win. Miz comes out first followed by Darren. The match goes 10 minutes, and the match ends when Maryse and Miz are trying to play dirty and Young and Miz are brawling in the ring and Maryse runs in with a steel chair and Young ducks and she hits Miz in the corner. Miz falls down and Young locks in the Chickenwing as Miz is knocked out and Miz taps as the crowd goes insane. Maryse is in shock and Backlund and Young go insane and Backlund puts Young on his shoulders and Young holds up his title. I feel like especially with the split rosters now in this brand split, they really need to start utilizing and finding a place for talent like Darren that they would never let go anywhere otherwise. This is the perfect opportunity to capitalize on that, and a young, talented star in the middle of a push like Young. Your new intercontinental champ, Darren Young.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Darren Young

Backstage interview with Sasha and Bayley.

3rd Match: New Day vs The Wyatt Family

I'm really really not sure why this match isn't for the tag titles. I mean, I understand there would be no point, as Strowman is on a different show from Rowan and Bray, but still. I guess since Rowan and Wyatt are together they'll put Harper on Raw with Strowman when he returns, unless they're planning Strowman vs Lesnar again. Haha, no. New Day is out first then the Wyatts. Before the draft occurred and before it was declared that this wasn't for the titles, I was gonna have The Wyatts win the titles, and then Big E betrays new day in frustration and becomes the big singles star and says new day was holding him back and made him look like a joke and all that. But now this isn't the right time for that. But I still feel that The Wyatts need a big win here leading into them splitting up. If it's not for the titles, why the hell wouldn't you give the Wyatts the win? The match goes 14 minutes, and all hell breaks lose as Strowman and Kofi brawl in the outside, Big E kills Rowan with a Suicide Spear to the outside, and then Kofi goes for a Frogsplash but Wyatt catches him in midair spinning Sister Abigail and he picks up the win.

WINNERS: The Wyatt Family

4th Match: Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn

It's about 9:00 now, and Owens and Zayn are about to have their FINAL BATTLE! Only it's not, because they were both drafted to Raw, and they're bound to have 84 more feuds. Sami is out first followed by KO. The match goes 16 1/2 minutes. They brawl everywhere. Into the crowd, all around ringside. At one point, Sami goes for his DDT through the ring post, but Owens catches him, and gives him a running Pop Up Powerbomb through the English announce desk. Owens yells at Michael Cole after. The match ends when Owens throws Zayn into the ropes for the Powerbomb and Zayn bounces back and Owens is about to throw him up into the air but Zayn counters into that fucking insane jumping Canadian Destroyer and hooks the leg for the win. I would like to have Zayn finally get his big win over KO at a PPV like Summerslam, but it seems like they're making this out to really be the end of the feud and Sami hasn't won a PPV match yet in the 5 months he's been on the main roster, so he needs this win.

WINNER: Sami Zayn.

Backstage interview with new IC Champ Darren Young and Backlund.

5th Match: Rusev vs Zack Ryder for the US Title

I'd like to say that WWE actually genuinely has faith in Ryder now for some reason, and they're giving the Zack Ryder as United States Champ campaign another chance, but nope. Rusev and Lana out first then Zack. Rusev squashes Ryder in a 6 minute match.

WINNER and STILL US Champ: Rusev.

6th Match: John Cena and Enzo and Cass vs The Club

It's 10:00 now. The Club is out first then Cena and Enzo and Cass. Cena joins in with E&C's usual promo, calling Club Sawft. The match goes 16 minutes, and The Club needs to lose here for what happens later. They can take a loss, they're still extremely over and very strong, and Enzo and Cass could use some more momentum, and plus you know good ol' John Felix Anthony Cena won't agree to job to The Club twice. Cena wins after all 6 men break loose and Cena and Anderson are the two legal men and Cena hits him with an AA.

WINNERS: John Cena, Enzo and Cass.

We go to our kickoff panel now and they give their thoughts on the show so far. After, we get a Summerslam promo and a network promo.

7th Match: Becky Lynch vs Natalya

I feel like Becky can afford a loss here, and it would give her a rematch going into Summerslam, and I feel like Natalya needs the win at this point, because even veterans like Natalya whose jobs are usually to put over younger talent still have their own careers and legacies, and they can use wins too. ;) WINNER: Natalya

8th Match: Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns for the WWE Championship

Feels weird to say just the WWE Title. Holy shit, here we go. This PPV contains the most anticipated triple threat match in the history of professional wrestling, and it's finally happening tonight. Let that sink in. We get an awesome video package before of every piece of history between the shield members, even before WWE. Rollins comes out first, then Reigns, then champ Ambrose. The match goes 23 minutes. Here are some spots:

At one point, Rollins and Reigns are on the top rope and Rollins is going for his Suplex into Falcon Arrow move but Reigns pushes him off and delivers a massive Superman Punch from the top rope.

Rollins and Ambrose are both resting against barricades on corner ends of the ring, and Reigns spears Seth through the one on the northeast and runs all the way around the ring to spear Ambrose through the southwest barricade.

Reigns and Ambrose are brawling on the stage and Rollins dives onto them from the top of the titantron.

Ambrose and Reigns both trade clotheslines off the ropes and then they both go for one at the same time and they both fall down. Rollins runs to the top rope from the outside and delivers a Frogsplash to both men.

Reigns hits a Pedigree on Rollins and Rollins kicks out and then hits a spear on Reigns.

Rollins and Ambrose are fighting on the English announce table and then Reigns runs in from the timekeepers area and spears Ambrose through the Spanish Announce desk.

Obviously lots of chair shots and weapon shots on everyone

Rollins is about to hit a Buckle Bomb on Reigns and Reigns hits the turnbuckle and then Ambrose elbow drops a standing Rollins and everyone goes down.

Ambrose and Reigns are both in the ring. Reigns hits a spear on Ambrose and Rollins runs in and throws Reigns out. Rollins pedigrees Ambrose and Reigns runs in and throws Rollins out now and spears Ambrose a second time. Everyone is pissed as it looks like Reigns is about to win, but Ambrose kicks out at 2.999999999999 and the crowd goes insane.

After all of that, Rollins and Reigns are down on the stage side of the ring and Ambrose goes for a Suicide Dive but suddenly AJ Styles comes in from out of nowhere and knocks Ambrose down with a Phenomenal Forearm. Styles starts punching Ambrose continuously and Reigns and Rollins go in to try to get Styles out. The two manage to get Styles down but suddenly Gallows and Anderson run in and attack Roman and Seth and AJ continues his attack on Ambrose. The Club is beating them down but the 3 have to team up for the time being and all three former shield members come back on the Club. They get AJ down and the brawl spills to the outside. The Shield delivers a Double Triple Powerbomb to Gallows and Anderson through the English announce table. AJ runs up and tries to ambush Reigns but the 3 then beat down Styles. The Shield are standing tall but the lights go out and Balor's heartbeat sound plays. It's finally time. The lights come back on and Balor is just sitting on the top rope, looking at the shield. The arena becomes unglued and The Club sneaks up from behind with steel chairs and takes out all 3 men. The Club is stomping them down and eventually all at the same time, Balor delivers a Coup De Grace to Reigns from the top rope to the outside, AJ gives Rollins a Styles Clash on the floor, and Gallows and Anderson both give Ambrose a magic killer on a chair. The PPV ends with all 4 men holding up the wwe title with one hand, and they too sweet each other on their other hand, and they all stand over the broken shield members. The Balor Club- Shield feud has begun.

There was no OFFCIAL winner, but on Raw it's announced that Ambrose retained the title by default.

So, why did the shield reunite here? Is it permanently? Is Seth face now? How long does the Club-Shield feud last? What happens from here? That'll all be answered in a post I'm writing that will come out soon titled" The Balor Club vs The Shield". I'll just say that the feud ends at Survivor Series.

So, that's how I would book Battleground 2016. Tell me what you liked or didn't like, and what you think will happen. Be sure to look out for my "How WWE Should Book Summerslam 2016" post the day before that. Hope you liked, and enjoy the PPV tonight!

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