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Part 2:

Part 3:

5th Match: AJ Styles vs Y2Jackass Chris Jericho.

Jericho comes out first and the lights go dark and the numbers count down from 10 on the titantron as usual. The pyros go off and his theme starts as Y2J walks out with a special blue and red jacket that says "Y2JMania" and is designed like the actual WM32 logo. Jericho walks down to the ring and pyros go off around the arena. Styles is out next to a big pop and he does his usual entrance but with a sh*t ton of pyros. Pyro solves everything!! Styles and Jericho fight for about 7 minutes and Jericho goes for a Codebreaker but Styles rolls him up for the win. The crowd jumps up and Jericho is pissed. Jericho imediately attacks Styles after the match and then grabs a mic. He grabs the ref and demands that the match restart and be 2/3 falls. The ref gives in and the match is restarted, with Styles having 1 fall over Jericho. Jericho immediately gives Styles a Codebreaker but he kicks out. Jericho is pissed and puts Styles in the Walls. Jericho calls Styles a stupid ass and yells at him to tap out. Styles wont tap and he reverses it into a bridge pin on Jericho which he kicks out of. The 2nd fall goes about 5 minutes and Styles is on a roll and he's on the apron for the Phenomenal Forearm and he flies at Jericho but Jericho catches him for a massive Codebreaker for the 2nd fall win. Jericho gets out of the ring and grabs a mic again and celebrates and says Styles is a stupid man making the best in the world at what he does angry. He says he'll embarrass Styles tonight again. They fight for 6 more minutes and Jericho goes to the top rope. Styles joins him on the top rope and they trade punches. Styles turns Jericho over for a huge Styles Clash off the second rope to a huge pop. Styles immediately locks on the Calf Killer after and Jericho taps for the win.

Winner By Submission: AJ Styles.

We go backstage and Coach talks about how ESPN has covered Wrestlemania all day. He says that he can't wait to watch New Day's match next. Coach is interrupted mid sentence by The Rock. Yes, we are going to have a Coach-Rock segment. Rock makes fun of Coach like he always does. Coach asks Rock about being in Reigns corner later and Rock mocks Coach somehow. Just a classic segment with Rock pushing Coach around and making fun of him. These are always funny as hell. We go to our next match.

6th Match: New Day vs LON for Tag Titles. New Day has their pre match promo and Big E says"Ohhhh Wrestlemania 32! Don't you dare be sour, clap, Dallas, for your world famous two time champs and feel the power!" New Day ride in on unicorns and they all have the unicorn horns strapped to their heads and Xaivier plays the trombone and Big E and Kofi clap New Day Rocks along with 90K+ other fans. Kofi and Big E are each holding up big boxes of Booty O's and the lights are rainbows. New Day finally lands off their unicorns into the ring and a group of people dressed in unicorn outfits come from under the ring and skip around the ring with trombones, playing New Day Rocks. My god, that entrance would be incredible. LON come out next to no big entrance. Just let them walk down awkwardly to their music. Just kidding, LON gets one mini pyro and then the match starts.

The match goes 10 minutes and New Day unexpectedly retain when Sheamus and Kofi are the legal men and the ref is distracted by Big E and Kofi hits a Trouble In paradise on Sheamus and then Xaivier throws Francesca the Trombone at him, and Kofi rolls up Sheamus for the big win. LON do not deserve the titles. They are bland and boring. New Day deserve a win here, and plus LON are so unbelievable to win because they lost to New Day 4 times already. New Day celebrate like only they can and the unicorns come down and they ride back up into the rafters and backstage as everyone chants New Day Rocks. Enzo and Cass debut the next night and challenge New Day for the titles and win the titles. Enzo and Cass vs New Day at Extreme Rules and Enzo and Cass retain. New Day would still be a main point in the tag division, but they take a break from the title scene for a while. If New Day were to break up, all 3 men would go back to being jobbers, and one of the best things in WWE would end.

Winners: New Day retain their Tag Titles.

Well, that's part 4. Part 5 coming out very soon where I book Reigns vs HHH and Shane vs Taker! It's gonna be the best part yet!


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Part 2 is here:

Let's get right into it.

3rd Match: Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred Street Fight.

It's about 8: 15 now and we get a promo for Ambrose vs Lesnar and the commentators show the graphic and hype it up. Brock Lesnar comes out first to a huge pop. He does his pose at the top of the ramp and there is a mega pyro all around the arena. Heyman is laughing with joy behind Lesnar. Lesnar walks around the ring and looks at the crowd and jumps on the ring to another small pyro that shoots across from all corners of the ring. Lesnar's music ends and Lesnar is jumping up and down in the corner, preparing for Ambrose and Heyman starts giving pointers to Lesnar in the ring. The crowd is chanting for Ambrose and suddenly we hear a motorcycle. The motorcycle is getting closer and louder and Ambrose comes up and revs it up in sync with the beginning of his theme song. Ambrose is wearing a leather jacket and he rides the motorcycle down the ramp and around the ring. Lesnar and Heyman are just looking at Dean, baffled. Dean stands on his motorcycle and jumps in the ring. Ambrose throws his jacket into the crowd and we get formal ring introductions. The bell rings and Ambrose immediately runs at Lesnar and Lesnar F-5's him immediately. The match hasn't even gone 10 seconds and Lesnar goes to pin Ambrose but Ambrose kicks out at 2 1/2. Lesnar and Ambrose absolutely kill each other the whole match. There must be blood in this match. Both men have gotta bleed like it's their life for this match. Here are a few spots from the match:

*Lesnar is stunned, sitting in the corner and and Dean goes to grab his chainsaw for a huge pop. Lesnar is panicked and manages to grab a nearby kendo stick. Ambrose is about to swing the chainsaw at Brock but Brock holds the kendo stick in the way and the chainsaw cuts through the Kendo stick and sawdust sprays in Brock's face.

*Brock is in the timekeepers area and Ambrose runs on the opposite side from the barricade and runs on the announce tables and delivers a giant Suicide Dive looking move to Lesnar in the timekeepers area.

*Lesnar is stunned on the top rope and Ambrose goes to suplex him. Lesnar and Ambrose exchange punches and there is a table on the outside of the ring. Lesnar gets Ambrose up on his shoulders and F-5's Ambrose off the top rope through the table.

*Ambrose gives Lesnar Dirty Deeds on Steel Steps.

*Lesnar grabs some Steel Steps and grabs Dean and they are both on the steps set near the announce table and Lesnar German Suplexes Dean through the Spanish Announce Table.

*Obviously a shit ton of nasty chair shots, and kendo stick shots, steel steps, baseball bats, etc.

*Lesnar is stunned against the ropes and Ambrose runs the ropes and tries to clothesline him to the outside but Lesnar goes over the top rope and his arms get stuck in the ropes. Ambrose sees this as an opportunity and goes to retrieve the barbed wire baseball bat. Heyman is screaming, trying to help Brock escape and Ambrose swings the barbed wire bat at Lesnar but Lesnar just manages to reach a ring bell left on the apron earlier in the match and smashes it into Dean's head.

*Lesnar pushes Dean off the stage through two tables.

*Dean is on a ladder in the ring and Lesnar is trying to stand up and Dean jumps off the ladder and preforms a Tornado-Dirty Deeds on Lesnar onto some steel steps.

*And finally, Lesnar preforms a Shooting Star Press. This match needs to be remembered, and Lesnar and Dean can both look like absolute stars. Lesnar needs to pull out all the stops in this to win, so he preforms a Shooting Star press, the move that broke his neck at Wrestlemania 19, which hopefully doesn't happen here. Lesnar hits the shooting star press to an enormous pop.

The match finally ends after 22 minutes when both men are a bloody mess, and Dean has kicked out of 2 F-5's and Lesnar has kicked out of 3 Dirty Deeds. Ambrose is down, beaten and bruised, and Lesnar applies the Kimura Lock to Ambrose, with his Legs wrapped around Dean's waist. Both men are bleeding, and Lesnar is screaming and telling Ambrose to die and give up. Ambrose won't give up. Lesnar has the Kimura Lock on tight now and Ambrose passes out before he taps out, and Brock Lesnar wins the match. We go to replays of the incredible match and Heyman holds up Lesnar's hand as he's dripping blood, and they both walk slowly up the ramp. Lesnar looks on from the ramp as Dean still, after all he went through in the match, after the awful beating he recieved, he still manages to pull himself up with the ropes, as Lesnar looks on and shakes his head. Lesnar and Heyman go to the back, and Ambrose is still standing just after a bloody, intense war with the Beast. Ambrose refuses help from medical staff and staggers and crawls to the back as over 90,000 stand up and clap and chant his name. Lesnar is still a beast and won the match, but Ambrose never gave up, and now he looks like an absolute star.

Winner By KO: Brock Lesnar.

We get a promo for Wrestlemania 33 coming to Orlando in 2017.

We go back to the ring and arena as the cameras show workers cleaning up the scene from the Ambrose-Lesnar brawl. Next up, we have the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. The commentators hype it up and we get a fun little video package with some of the superstars in the match saying they'll win.

4th Match: Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. The Fink announces the rules for the match and some of the superstars come out, but the bigger people in the match get entrances, like Mark Henry, Kane, Big Show, Tyler Breeze, Jack Swagger and Damien Sandow to a big pop all get short entrances.

I won't explain the whole match in detail, as you can probably think why, but I'll just list some key parts.

*Goldust is on the apron and Big Show "accidentally" pushes R-Truth into Goldust and he gets eliminated. Goldust is pissed and R-Truth is trying to say sorry and it was an accident. R-Truth goes to turn around and Big Show whacks him with a Knockout Punch. Goldust rolls in the ring and throws Truth out to eliminate him and Goldust walks up the ramp to boos.

*Mark Henry, Kane, and Show get everyone down and they are the only ones standing. They start brawling and the Social Outcasts run up and Henry grabs Slater and Rose and WSS's them over the top rope, Kane grabs Slater and chokeslams him over the top rope, and Big Show knockout punches Bo and he goes flying over the top rope to all be eliminated at the same time by the titans.

*Kane is trying to eliminate Konnor from the Ascension and Big Show runs up and dumps Konnor and Kane over the top rope. Kane screams at Show and referees have to back him away.

*The last four are Big Show, Mark Henry, Damien Sandow and Tyler Breeze. Sandow manages to get Big Show on the apron and he tries the same method when they were the last two last year where he pulls a Chris Benoit and pulls him over the top rope. Sandow actually manages to get him over and eliminates Big Show to a huge pop. Tyler Breeze runs up to try to eliminate Sandow but Sandow throws Breeze over. The last two are Sandow and Mark Henry. The crowd is chanting for both of them and Henry throws Sandow over the top rope but Sandow hangs on. Henry runs at Sandow and Sandow falls to the floor and gets eliminated. Hopefully there won't be too much heat. Henry is celebrating in the ring and the ref holds his hand up. Sandow looks like a ghost after the match on the outside and Henry offers a hand to him but Sandow just walks away. Henry looks at him as he walks up the ramp, confused, but goes back to celebrating. Henry grabs a mic and says he can't believe he just won the 3rd annual Andre Battle Royal in his home state of Texas in front of 100K. Henry says that he's done it all in the WWE, and he's lived his dream. He says that he thinks a win this big at Wrestlemania, is a great way to go out. Henry makes some jokes and references to big points in his career and thanks everyone for making him the one and only Mark Henry. He ends by saying he's had a great career and looks to his family and children in the crowd and says "Baby, I'm coming home!" the crowd cheers and claps for Henry on their feet and Henry hugs his family and waves to the crowd as his music plays. Henry grabs the trophy and walks up the ramp with it and stops on the stage and holds it up and waves and says thank you to the crowd. He walks to the back with the trophy. Mark Henry has retired, and he brought the Andre Trophy with him.

The reason Sandow didn't win is because I feel like Henry just should've won. Also, Sandow wouldn't be believable. He's been off TV for like a year and when he is on TV he just jobs to random people in 3 minutes. This loss would actually start a mini push for Sandow. The next night on Raw sandow cuts a promo and says he was so close to winning the Andre Battle Royal and having his Wrestlemania moment 2 years in a row but he failed both times. He says that he deserves better, and the people want to see him succeed. The Authority comes out and insult Sandow. Sandow stands up to them and tells them to give him an opportunity or he'll quit. He deserves one. Steph gives in and gives him a shot at the United States Title at Extreme Rules against Kalisto. Sandow would win, and he would slowly rise again from there.

Winner: Mark Henry.

Comedy segment time! We go backstage and New Day are getting ready to defend their titles later. Coach comes up to New Day and says he had so much fun twerking with New Day on Raw. New Day and Coach start messing around and doing all the insane weird stuff New Day does and they grab some backstage workers near them and they all twerk and hip swivel as Woods plays the New Day Rocks on the Trombone*. *You know what's coming... New Day and Coach and everyone are twerking and dancing and Ron Simmons walks up to a huge pop and looks at all of them. Simmons shakes his head and looks around and of course, he yell's "DAMN!". Ron walks away and New Day and Coach and the others look on in shock. They all shrug and just continue dancing.

Backstage Interview with Paul Heyman. He talks about Ambrose and Lesnar's match earlier and says Ambrose will never be the same.

Another interview with Chris Jericho. He hypes his match with Styles next and says all his heel lines.

Well, that was part 3. Part 4 coming out early tomorrow with me booking the next 3 matches. and Part 5 coming out later after that tomorrow on Wrestlemania day. Tell me if you liked it, and if you'd like to see this happen!


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Yes, there is a part 2. I deleted my first part of me booking the Pre Show because everyone hated it and it was honestly pretty bad anyways.

Short Summary Of The Pre SHow: The Kickoff Panel is Renee Young, Paul Heyman, Mick Foley and Booker T, they show highlights of Axxess, they have 4 different Social Media Lounge segments with Shane, Charlotte and Flair, Reigns and Ambrose. In the one with Charlotte and Ric, Charlotte answers 4 questions in a heel manner and then Becky and Sasha approach her from opposite sides and Charlotte holds up her title and they all have a staredown. The kickoff panelists hype the matches and show video packages and tell their predictions. Dudleys win over Usos, Team Total Divas wins over Team Bad and Blonde, and Kalisto retains over Ryback. Now let's get to the Main Show.

Main Show The usual intro plays and first we go to the actual arena where Fifth Harmony preforms America The Beuatiful. They play it on the stage and then we go to the usual annual Wrestlemania opening video package. We see highlights from all the past wrestlemanias like usual and all the stuff that can happen, from heel turns, to face turns, to debuts, to retirements, to championship changes, to Wrestlemania Moments made; all of which will happen tonight. We get mini previews for all the matches, but the main focus is on the three main matches, Ambrose vs Brock, Shane vs Taker, and Reigns vs HHH. At the end, as My House plays and pictures of the greatest moments from past Wrestlemanias flash by fast on the screen, we hear a voice, and of course, that voice Welcomes us to Wrestlemania.

We get a giant pyro for Wrestlemania as the crowd is jumping up and down and cheering and Michael Cole welcomes us to the showcase of the immortals, the show of shows, the grandest stage of them all, the 32nd annual Wrestemania.

The Authority's music hits, probably to cheers, since people hate Reigns and love HHH right now. HHH and Steph make their way down to the ring and they cut a promo about how tonight will be a historic night. They list all the matches and then HHH and Steph bash Roman Reigns. HHH cuts a promo similar to the one he did on Raw and calls Reigns a "stupid bitch". HHH mocks Reigns some more and talks about his history at Mania and that he will not lose the title tonight and Reigns music hits to massive boos. Reigns comes from the ramp with a mic. Reigns obviously isn't great on the mic so keep it short and sweet. Reigns and HHH exchange insults and there is lots of pointing to the sign and the title. Reigns says he's gonna break HHH tonight and take his title from him. Reigns asks the crowd if they want a preview of whats to come tonight in their match and Reigns threatens to attack HHH. Reigns gets in HHH's face and calls him a coward. As Reigns is talking, he's cut off when Shawn Michaels' music hits to a big pop. Michaels makes his entrance and says that Reigns shouldn't mess with the game. Michaels says that he and HHH have been best friends for longer than Reigns has been born. (kind of a white lie, but just roll with it). He says you don't mess with a 14 time World Champ, and you certainly don't mess with the Heartbreak kid. HHH speaks up and asks Michaels why he's out here. HBK jokes around a little bit and says he made a wrong turn trying to find the concession stands, and he accidentally came out into the arena, and thought that while he was already out there he might as well kick off Mania the right way, with Shawn Michaels. Michaels says he has a proposal for HHH. He wants to be in Hunter's corner in his match tonight. If he and HHH work together, Reigns will have no chance of winning. HBK calls Reigns a rookie. If he and Reigns were to go one on one he'd squash Reigns in 4 seconds. HBK says Reigns is an incredible preformer but he'll never make it in the WWE like he did. Reigns slaps HBK and HBK tries to attack Reigns but HHH grabs Shawn and tries to hold him back. HBK escapes and tries to SCM Reigns but Reigns Superman Punches HBK and he falls down into HHH and HHH pushes Michaels into the corner and they start arguing when the Rock's music hits to a huge pop. Rock makes his grand entrance and he cuts a promo and makes fun of HBK and HHH. Rock says that Michaels is a man that he would've loved to face. Rock and Michaels have a staredown and Rock does all his lines like finally the rock has come back to Wrestlemania and the rock woke up at 4:00 am clanging and banging. Rock says there has been rumors for months and months and the millions (and millions!) of the rocks fans have been speculating. The rock says he has a lot planned for Mania tonight and says that the odds are stacked against Romam tonight. Rock says that he knows Shawn being in Hunter's corner is just a stupid trick to screw Roman over, and he announces he'll be in Roman's corner tonight as well, and if HHH or HBK try anything dirty, he'll kick their candy asses. Rock is now in Reigns' corner, and Michaels in Triple H's. Already a stacked match. The crowd pops and Rock and Reigns look at each other and at HBK and HHH. But there is one more person you can't have a Wrestlemania without, and that's Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin's music hits to a huge pop and he rides down on his ATV. Austin, Rock and HBK, and HHH look at each other, in an indefinite moment. Four of the best. Stone cold says all his catchphrases and he says he's on nobody's side. He says some jackasses like Michaels and Rock don't deserve to be involved in tee main event of mania, at least not without himself in the mix. He reminds everyone of his history with both men and says that he deserves a role in the main event. He wants to make sure no one screws anything up. He announces that he talked to Vince earlier and he declares himself the Special Guest Ref for the match. HHH goes livid. Austin gets throw two beers and splashes them on HHH and HBK and his music hits as he leaves the ring. Reigns w/ Rock vs HHH w/HBK with Stone Cold as Ref. This may seem like way too much at first, and sort of a clusterf*ck, but It will make sense and will pay off later when we get to the main event. Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, The Rock and Triple H kicked off Mania. Already a good show. Let's get to the first match.

1st Match: Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks for the Divas Championship.

If you really want to show off what these three women can do, why not have them kick off the show? It could definitely be one of the top 3 matches of the night, and they should have some good time. We get the video package for the feud and we see all of Sasha's Wrestlemania Diary clips. I'll also be describing everyone's big entrances, just for fun. Charlotte comes out first to huge heat with Flair and Charlotte is wearing the classic Ric Flair Robe, as Woo's are ablaze. Charlotte is in the ring now and holds up the divas title in the robe on the top rope but she's interrupted by the sound of a train. The train sounds like it's getting closer and we go to the outside of the arena to see a Train pulling up. Becky Lynch steps out in some insane new Steampunk gear and we follow her through backstage to the entrance. Becky comes out and shows off her new gear and there is steam everywhere as her music plays. Becky makes her way to the ring and poses and points at the title. Sasha comes out last to a huge pop. A limo comes out on the stage and Sasha steps out accompanied by a ton of security guards, like about 35. If it's possible, Snoop Dogg could preform her theme live, (because he and Sasha are cousins and it would be an awesome little addition). Sasha is decked out in all kinds of shades and jewelry like she usually is, and the security guards surround the ring as Sasha steps in. The security guards and Snoop Dogg go backstage and the three women stare at each other. The bell rings and the match starts.

The match needs to go a while. These women can do so much, and it's a perfect idea to have it open mania to make the women's division mean something again. The match goes about 18 minutes and here are a few spots from the match:

*Sasha sets up a table on the outside earlier in the match. Sasha is on the top rope and Charlotte is down in the ring, and Becky is outside. Sasha is about to go for a Frogsplash, but Charlotte runs up and spears her over the top rope through the table on the outside. Spots like this every once in a while will make the women's matches important and entertaining.

*Becky has Sasha in a Disarmer with a chair around Sasha's arm.

*Becky and Charlotte are both down in the ring and Sasha hits a Frogsplash on the top rope on both of them

*Charlotte runs at Becky for a spear but Becky counters and grabs her arm and swings her around and down for a Disarmer.

And more.

The match goes 18 minutes, and Sasha wins by hitting one final Frogsplash on Charlotte and then locking in the Bank Statement to win the title. The crowd pops and we go to replays. Sasha is crying and she holds up the title. Becky is down and Sasha offers a hand and Becky accepts and Sasha helps her up. Becky and Sasha both look at each other and then help up Charlotte. They all look at each other and hug. Sasha has a mic now and thanks both of them for giving her the opportunity to kick off Wrestlemania, and she calls them some of the best preformers in the company. Sasha says that Divas have been mistreated and haven't been given opportunities like this in a long time. She says shes not a diva. She's a woman. Becky and Charlotte are women. She says no diva deserves to hold a belt with a stupid pink butterfly on it. Sasha steps out of the ring and there is a table with a cover over it. The crowd pops, as they know what's coming. Sasha says that there needs to be a change for women in the WWE. She kisses the Divas Title goodbye and throws it in the trash. She looks at the table with the cloth over it and takes it off to reveal the Old Women's Championship. She says that women can do great things in the WWE, and that's just what we saw here, and what we will now continue to see in the future. The Divas and Women's titles are now basically unified, but the Women's Title replaces the Divas Title. Sasha Banks is the new Women's Champion. Say goodbye to the pink butterfly. There are good things to come in women's wrestling in 2016, says Sasha. She goes back in the ring one last time and Becky, Charlotte and Sasha all hug and Sasha is in the middle with the Women's title and Charlotte and Becky and Sasha hold each others hands up.

Winner and New WOMEN'S Champion: Sasha Banks.

We go to the commentators now as they discuss what happened. We switch gears now and get ready for the 7 Man Intercontinental Title Ladder Match. We are shown the graphic and we go backstage and Kevin Owens is being interviewed by Renee Young before the match. Owens says he won't lose tonight, and all the other challengers will just have to learn the hard way that Wrestlemania is the Kevin Owens Show. Sami Zayn approaches him and calls Kevin a traitor. Sami mentions he and Owens' history together, and says that he's winning the belt tonight. Ziggler, Miz, Stardust, and Sin Cara all come up as well individually and say a few words about the match tonight, Finally, Zack Ryder comes in and says he's winning tonight. Owens just starts laughing in pretends he can't stop laughing and he turns red and starts choking because of his laughter. All the others are looking at him like he's insane. Owens slowly stops laughing and looks Ryder in the face and just says "No". Ryder is confused and Owens walks away as we cut to the ring. Howard Finkel is the ring announcer for Mania, by the way, because he is almost every Mania . Fink announces the match and the rules. Zayn comes out first, followed by Dolph Ziggler, followed by Stardust, followed The Miz, followed by Zack Ryder, then Sin Cara and finally Kevin Owens. The match goes 15 minutes. Here are a few spots from the match:

*The match starts and everyone except Sin Cara immediately runs to the outside to get ladders and brawl. Miz pushes a Ladder in the ring and he tries to get in but Owens grabs his legs and Powerbombs him on the ground. Everyone brawls on the outside and they all get into one group. Cara sets up the ladder in the ring and climbs it and does a giant Swanton Bomb onto the sea of superstars.

*There is a ladder set up between the ring and announce table and Sami Zayn is on the announce table and delivers a Blue Thunderbomb to Owens through the ladder.

*Stardust gets his special Star Ladder from last years Mania Ladder Match and sets it up in the corner of the ring. Zayn attack Stardust and get him stunned against the ladder in the corner. Zayn delivers a Helluva Kick to Stardust and his foot goes through the ladder.

And many more.

The match ends when another ladder is set up between the ring and announce table earlier in the match and all the superstars are down except Sami Zayn. Zayn is climbing a ladder in the ring to win the title. There is another ladder in the corner and Owens runs in and jumps on the ladder and it falls and Owens jumps onto Zayn's ladder. Owens and Zayn brawl on the top of the ladder and Sami superkicks Owens and he falls off the ladder through the ladder on the outside on the announce table and ring. The crowd is on their feet and Owens is done as Zayn grabs the title. We go to replays of all the insane spots and Zayn celebrates on the ladder with the title.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Sami Zayn.

Well, that was part 2. If you don't wish to read this, don't waste your time commenting about how much you hate this post and don't spam the comments with insults or I will block you. Thank you. Part 3 will come later today, so watch out for that! In part 3 I'll book the next 3 matches, plus some segments inbetween.

Thanks for reading and tell me if you liked it and want to see any of it!

How WWE Should Book From Wrestlemania 32-Summerslam 2016


Hey everyone! You may know me as the guy who fantasy books PPV’s sometimes horribly, sometimes better than WWE can. In this post, I’ll talk about where the WWE Title should go from Wrestlemania 32 to Summerslam, and some other context that leads up to them.


I have an awesome idea for Summerslam this year. It involves Roman Reigns winning the title from HHH at Mania, (obviously), and holding it until Summerslam where he defends it in an Elimination Chamber match.


The match is Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose vs John Cena vs Brock Lesnar vs Cesaro. Let me explain.


Obviously, Reigns wins the title from HHH at Mania. But Ambrose also pulls a huge upset win over Lesnar. Lesnar dominates almost the whole match and Ambrose gets a little bit of offense in. Near the end, a ladder is set up in the ring from earlier in the match and Lesnar is staggering to his feet as Dean climbs the ladder. They are both covered in blood,(I know blood in the PG era is a no-no but it's needed in this match to make it unforgettable and to get Dean over). Ambrose jumps from the top of the ladder and does sort of a tornado Dirty Deeds to Lesnar onto the steel steps for the pin. I realize it really kills Lesnar's momentum as a monster heel and drawing power when he loses, but this is one of the very very rare instances that he needs to lose clean. Ambrose needs to be established as the top babyface. Plus, Ambrose has only had 4 PPV wins since splitting from the Shield in June 2014.


Reigns wins the title from HHH at Mania, and the whole roster comes out to celebrate. I won't describe what happens in the actual match because there are some big surprises and I'll book the match in my "How WWE Should Book Wrestlemania 32" post the day before WM. Fans boo him out of the building but the best is yet to come. The superstars hoist Reigns up on their shoulders as he celebrates and poses for the crowd and holds up the title. The celebration goes for a couple minutes with confetti everywhere and fireworks, and everyone goes to the sides of the ring but Ambrose stays in the middle with Reigns, and also in the middle is Seth Rollins, who probably won't still be on crutches by this time, but has the crutches just to sell he's still injured. Seth will likely be at WM. Even if you're injured, you have to at least be backstage for WM, so Seth was, along with other legends that appeared throughout the night. Seth, Dean and Roman do the shield pose with their fists together in the center of the ring just for old times sake and to make the moment even better, and possibly for a glimpse of things to come. Seth hugs Roman, and goes to leave and Roman and Ambrose are left in the ring now. Ambrose hugs him and Reigns goes to pose for the fans and Ambrose hits Reigns with a steel chair from behind. Ambrose beats the hell outta Reigns and holds up the title as WM ends.







The next night on Raw, Ambrose explains his actions. He says that he's gotten nowhere since he's split from the shield. He's had opportunity after opportunity to be big but he's been screwed every time. Ambrose says he thought he an Reigns were brothers, that they could trust each other. After pulling one of the biggest upset wins in WM history last night after defeating Lesnar, Ambrose said he was on a roll, and he's not going to let his momentum from that win be squashed by having Reigns outshine him again. He says he WILL become the WWE Champ and will dominate the company. Reigns and Ambrose would feud on an off

until the Summerslam match. Reigns would come out and challenge Ambrose to a match at Extreme Rules. Reigns would come out during the Ambrose promo and they would exchange heated words and brawl and the locker room would have to separate them. On that Raw there would be a beat the clock challenge between Ambrose and Reigns and the winner would pick a stipulation for their match at Extreme Rules. Roman Reigns vs Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose vs Neville would be the matches. Ambrose vs Neville would happen at 10:00 and Ambrose would destroy Neville. Ambrose hits dirty deeds on Neville for the win in a good match but Ambrose dominates and wins in about 5:20. Reigns vs Ziggler is the main event and Reigns is dominating too, but Ziggler won't stay down. Reigns starts getting frustrated and it's getting close to the 5:20 limit. Reigns hits a superman punch and spear on Ziggler and it's about 5:10 into the match. 10 seconds remain until Reigns wins the challenge. Reigns goes for the pin at 5:14 and Reigns is about to win over Ambrose by about 3 seconds but before the 3 is counted Ambrose runs in with a chair and hits Ziggler first so that Ziggler wins. If he hits Reigns first, Reigns would win under his time, so Ambrose can actually be smart and hit Ziggler first then focus on Reigns. And also because Ambrose doesn't give a sh*t about ANYONE. Ambrose beats Reigns down with a chair and throws him out of the ring and puts him on the announce table. The crowd is hot and Ambrose looks at the crowd and looks at under the ring. Ambrose goes under the ring and pulls out a ladder to a huge pop. Ambrose sets up the ladder and grabs a mic and climbs up with it. Ambrose cuts a short promo that goes something like this:"Sorry Roman, bud, but you should've known that I'm Dean godamn Ambrose; and I don't play by the rules. Since I bashed Dolph Ziggler's faced in with a steel chair, and then I beat your sorry ass all around ringside, and well, since I appear to be on a ladder about to crash your body through that table, why don't we have a good old fashioned ladder match at Extreme Rules for your precious championship!?" The crowd pops. Dean continues and says;"Why don't we give this crowd here tonight a little preview of whats to come when I go EXTREME on your ass?!" Ambrose drops the mic onto the ground, and does a giant elbow drop from the top of the ladder, crashing through Reigns and the announce table as the crowd chants "Holy shit!". Ambrose's music plays as he stumbles to his feet and stands on top of Roman and holds up the title and then holds up the title and insults the fans and Reigns as Raw goes off the air.





Extreme Rules comes, and Reigns just barely retains in an awesome match.


At Payback, they have a rematch. Reigns vs Ambrose in a 2/3 Falls match for the WWE Title. Ambrose wins the first fall, and Reigns wins the second, and then Ambrose clocks Reigns with a 2X4 and Reigns retains by DQ. Obviously Ambrose wouldn't win the title here, and he can't lose clean. At this point, Ambrose is a no nonsense heel who doesn't care about anyone. He lost it at this point. He doesn't even care about the WWE title at that moment; he just wants to beat the hell out of Reigns. Ambrose beats down Reigns to end the show.



At Money In The Bank, Ambrose wins the MITB briefcase and and Reigns defends the title against Kevin Owens. Reigns and Owens destroy each other the whole match in what is hopefully at MOTY candidate, (since it's Reigns vs Kevin goddamn Owens, and match that would be incredible). Reigns hits spears and superman punches on Owens, and Owens hits a ton of high flying moves and dives and PUP's on Reigns. At the end of the match, Owens goes for a Pop Up Powerbomb and Reigns jumps over Owens and pushes him into the corner and rolls him up for the win. After the match, Owens is pissed and low blows Reigns and gives him a PUP and leaves. Reigns is injured, and laying in the ring, bruised and battered from the match. Ambrose's music hits and he runs down to cash in his newly won MITB briefcase on Reigns but before the bell rings Reigns delivers a giant spear to Ambrose. Reigns stands tall over Ambrose with the title to end MITB. Earlier in the night, though in the MITB match, which consisted of Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Neville, AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, Tyler Breeze and Kofi Kingston, was won by Sami Zayn. Sami won when he and Owens were both on separate ladders and they were fighting each other off the ladder to get the briefcase and Sami did a Helluva Kick-Superkick looking move and Owens fell off the ladder through another ladder set up between the announce table and ring. Sami Zayn is Mr. MITB, and that would play out later in the year.



At Battleground, it's Ambrose vs Reigns vs Owens vs the returning Brock Lesnar in a giant Fatal Fourway for the WWE Title. After an awesome match, Lesnar and Owens down on the outside Ambrose and Reigns are left on opposite sides of the ring, looking to go at it one more time. Reigns goes to get Owens and Lesnar, thinking Ambrose is following, but Ambrose turns him around and hits him with Dirty Deeds. Ambrose is about to win the title, and looks to pin him, but Ambrose isn’t done. Ambrose backs into the corner and mocks Reigns by cocking his fist and slamming it into the ground like Reigns does. Ambrose is about to give Reigns a taste of his own medicine with his finisher and he runs at Reigns to spear him but Owens rolls back in the ring and catches Ambrose for a Pop Up Powerbomb. Owens throws Reigns out of the ring so he can’t break up the pin, and goes to pin Ambrose to win the WWE World Title when suddenly Randy Orton’s music hits. Owens shoots up and Orton comes walking down to the ring, very slowly. Owens and Orton have a staredown and Reigns gets back in the ring to Superman Punch Orton and Owens falls back into an RKO. Orton beats up Owens at ringside and they brawl into the crowd. Randy Orton is in serious need of a reboot. He’s old news now. We’ve seen pretty much everything he has to offer. So, let’s freshen him up. I think his gimmick should be sort of the “Indie Killer”. He used to be the legend killer, getting rid of any old timers in his way that were stealing his spotlight. Now Heel Randy Orton has returned, and he’s getting rid of any indies that thought they could just come on in to WWE and steal his spotlight and be the “next big thing”. And his first target, was Kevin Owens. It would be Orton vs Owens at Summerslam, in a No.1 Contendership Match for the WWE World Title. Owens would win, and go on to face Rollins, who would win the Chamber match, at Night Of Champions, in what would be a long, amazing, rivalry.



Now, back to the match. Reigns and Ambrose are trying to plan out what to do after the assault on Kevin Owens by the returning “Indie Killer” Randy Orton. They’re on the ground, exhausted, and trading blows. They get up and keep punching each other and the crowd gets hot but suddenly Lesnar is back in the ring with a steel chair. He throws Ambrose and Reigns around like ragdolls, hitting them with German Suplex after German Suplex. We get kind of a flashback to Fast Lane, where the 3 men fought. Lesnar stalks Ambrose. He still wants revenge after Ambrose defeated him at Wrestlemania. Lesnar rolls out of the ring and gets a table from under the ring to a big pop. He slides it into the ring and sets it up. Lesnar stalks Ambrose and waits for him to get up for an F-5 through the table to end the match. Lesnar gets Ambrose up on his shoulders and turns around only to be met with a Giant Double European Uppercut to Lesnar with Ambrose on his shoulders by the returning Swiss Superman, Cesaro! The crowd explodes for Cesaro’s return and he’s taking Lesnar and Reigns and Ambrose all on a ride on the Uppercut Train. Cesaro would cut a promo the next night on Raw saying that he’s always been held back. He’s the best thing WWE has to offer today and the crowd supported that fact by getting him to where he is now. He says he’s not gonna stop and he says defeating Brock Lesnar would be the proving ground and only the beginning. Cesaro and Lesnar would eventually have a match at Hell In A Cell inside the cell. Cesaro’s biggest match of his career. Lesnar vs Wyatt would happen at the Rumble, since WWE seems to really want that to happen, and at Wrestlemania 33 it would be Lesnar vs Owens. Cesaro beats everyone down and then John Cena’s music hits. The crowd likely chants John Cena sucks. Cena runs in and AA’s Cesaro, and beats everyone down. He AA’s Lesnar through the table he set up and makes his comeback on Ambrose, giving him the Five Knuckle Shuffle and all that. Cena and Reigns have a staredown. Cena and Reigns start going at it, and Cena delivers a Springboard Stunner to Reigns. Cena is about to AA Reigns when the final man makes his return for the night. In what is aided by possibly one of the biggest pops in history, Seth Freakin Rollins’s music hits and he runs down to the ring in his white gear from Summerslam and Night of Champions. Rollins cleans house and everyone hits their finishers on each other. The crowd is on their feet for Rollins. Cena AA’s Cesaro, then Lesnar F-5’s Cena, Ambrose kicks Lesnar in the gut for a Dirty Deeds, Reigns superman punches Ambrose and Ambrose falls into the ropes and is going for a Rebound Lariat but Reigns ducks and Ambrose springs from the ropes and Reigns nails him with a Spear. Reigns does his pose and says “Ooohh Ahhhh!” but Seth is there and spins Roman around into a Pedigree. Seth isn’t done yet. Reigns is slowly getting up, and finally, Seth Rollins, hits a Curb Stomp on Roman Reigns. The match never actually ended, but no one even realizes with all the excitement that happened. Reigns technically retains, obviously, but the show ends with all the injured superstars finally back, and Battleground goes off the air with Seth Rollins once again standing tall, holding the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.




So we already have two big Summerslam matches; Kevin Owens vs Randy Orton in a Street Fight for a shot at the WWE World Title, and an Elimination Chamber match which consists of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, Brock Lesnar, and John Cena. Also, there would be Undertaker vs Finn Balor, which I’ll explain in my “How WWE Should Book Wrestlemania 32 post” that I’ll explain below, but that match isn’t related to this scenario.


Since Seth returned as a babyface that would mean he is disbanded from the authority, but since Wrestlemania Dean Ambrose has been the authority’s guy, or at least, their second guy. I will post a “How WWE Should Book Wrestlemania 32” post the day before that, explaining what that means. Let’s just say there’s a big swerve in Shane-Taker.  You might be saying, “So Shane lost? Why would the Authority still be on TV? They’re so boring! This sucks!” Calm down. If you read my fantasy booking of WM, I bet you’ll enjoy the “New Authority”.


The next day there is breaking news on that The Authority will kick off Raw with a huge announcement for Summerslam, (which is that the Elimination Chamber will make its return, and that Reigns will defend the WWE Title inside it) and to address Seth Rollins and all the other returns. There are qualifying matches for the Chamber throughout the night. Seth Rollins faces Neville, John Cena faces Dolph Ziggler, Ambrose faces Luke Harper, Cesaro faces AJ Styles,(I know, Cesaro vs AJ Styles shouldn’t be wasted on Raw, but a feud between them would begin at Survivor Series), and for the first time in 12 years, the next week on Raw Brock Lesnar is announced to wrestle for his spot in the Elimination Chamber match, and it is the main event of the next week’s Raw and it is an Open Challenge.  Who accepts the open challenge? I would say Kevin Owens, but that match needs to be saved for a big PPV, like WM33. The man that answers the challenge is Mr. Money in the Bank, Sami Zayn. The match goes about 30 minutes and is incredible. Lesnar finally pins Sami with two F-5s. The match at Summerslam happens and is hopefully incredible with lots of awesome spots and is a memorable match and MOTY candidate. I won’t go through the whole match, but the last three are Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins in the Summerslam Chamber match. A mini Shield Triple Threat, but at Summerslam, inside Elimination Chamber, and for the WWE World Title. Rollins does a Phoneix Splash off a pod to Ambrose to eliminate him, and the final two are Rollins and Reigns. The crowd is on their feet. Rollins and Reigns fight for a couple minutes and Reigns hits a Superman Punch on Rollins to thunderous boos, assuming the fans still hate Reigns at this point in time. Reigns goes for a Spear on Rollins and everyone is pissed because it looks like Reigns will retain but Rollins delivers a massive Superkick to Reigns, and Reigns is bent over, and Rollins Curb Stomps him. Rollins delivers a second Phoneix Splash off a pod to Reigns to become the new, rightful, reigning, defending, undisputed, WWE Heavyweight Champion of the world. At Night of Champions, Owens uses his No.1 Contendership clause and it is Rollins vs Owens in what is likely an incredible match. I won’t go any further than that, though.



Welp, that was incredibly long. I doubt any of you will want to read this whole thing, but it’s worth it. If this all happened on TV, WWE would become must see again. Please tell me your thoughts on this 25732 page essay, and tell me if you would like to see all this.


Thank you so much for reading this, if you did, and be sure to catch my “How WWE Should Book NXT Takeover: Dallas” and “How WWE Should Book Wrestlemania 32” posts the day before each show!

How WWE Should Book Royal Rumble 2025 (Work In Progress)

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