How WWE Should Book TLC 2015


1st Match: Team ECW vs The Wyatts in a Tables Match. The Wyatts need a win here, as they need to be more established as a threat, and they have lost at the last 2 PPVS, and also for something that happens later in the night. After a great tables match, the Wyatts win in a clean sweep of Team ECW.


2nd Match: Ryback vs Rusev. Rusev needs a win here, not only because he's looked like a joke lately when he's lost pretty much every match he's been in, but also now that the League Of Nations is a thing, they need to look like a dominant force, after losing their first 3 matches including their DEBUT MATCH as a stable.. Barrett defeated Miz in the Pre Show, and Rusev makes Ryback tap to the Accolade.


3rd Match:Tag Team Title Triple Threat Ladder Match: New Day vs Usos vs Lucha Dragons. New Day comes out first, wearing their Unicorn Horns and insulting Boston and the crowd, and say they will climb the ladder and retain their titles. Lucha Dragons are out next, followed by the Usos. After an awesome match that will surely feature tons of crazy ladder spots by everyone, especially Kofi Kingston, New Day trap the Usos and the Lucha Dragons outside the ring under a pile of Ladders, (because that's what the New Day would do) and Xavier stands on top of the pile playing his trumpet while Kofi and Big E climb a ladder to retain their Tag Team Titles. New Day are celebrating on top of the ladders when suddenly the lights go out and the Wyatt Family is shown surrounding them. The Wyatts push over the ladders and attack New Day. A Wyatts and New Day feud would happen for a couple reasons: 1. New Day are obviously loved by fans and it's time the took on a bigger role, facing an established stable like the Wyatt Family, 2. It's a fresh feud we've never seen before 3.The last time we saw a heel group vs a heel group was the Shield and Wyatts at EC 2014, and that feud and match was incredible 4. The styles and gimmick of the New Day vs The Wyatt Family are so much different, and it would be awesome to see them feud 5. They are both talented groups that could put on a great match. Imagine the promos between them, The Wyatt family is all creepy and demon and serious and the New Day is all weird and silly and they have Unicorn Horns.

And plus it would be New Day vs The Wyatt family at the Royal Rumble, and in the Rumble Match the Hardy Boyz would return and face off with the Usos and New Day and The Dudley Boyz, which would lead to a 4 way TLC match at WM between the 4 teams.


4th Match:Intercontinental Championship: Kevin Owens vs Dean Ambrose. I feel like TLC this year should really be the mini start to the Road To Wrestlemania, because alot of the things that happen will connect to the matches at WM. I think that Zayn and Owens will meet in the Royal Rumble Match and eliminate each other, (by the way Im gonna post a thread with my booking going into the Rumble sometime this week). After a great match, it ends with the ref getting knocked down and Owens hitting Ambrose with a Chair followed by a Popup Powerbomb onto the chair. Owens needs to have an attitude where he'll do anything to retain his title, and Ambrose shouldn't be beaten clean.



5th Match: Divas Title: Charlotte vs Paige. Since it's in Boston, Sasha Bank's hometown, and everyone "wants Sasha", she should interfere in this match somehow. Charlotte comes out with Flair and Flair is on commentary for the match. because it would add something special to the match, and the regular commentary team sucks. Ric on commentary would be a fun little addition. Charlotte and Paige battle in a Back and Forth Match and Sasha attacks Charlotte in the match, causing a DQ. Sasha beats down Charlotte and Becky Lynch comes out for the save. The 3 divas brawl and this sets up for a match at the Royal Rumble: Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks for the Divas Title.


6th Match: US Title. Del Rio vs Jack Swagger in a Chairs Match. Del Rio comes out and cuts a promo on Jack Swagger and their history together, and clips of their match at Wrestlemania 29 are shown. Swagger comes out with Zeb and they shake hands and reunite. Swagger and Del Rio exchange words and the match starts. Del Rio defeats Swagger with his top rope stomp onto a chair.


7th Match: WWE Title TLC. Roman Reigns vs Sheamus. I really don't know how this match should end. Obviously it doesn't end clean but I also don't think Reigns should win the title here. I think the best ending that fans would like and would make sense would be that the two have a brutal match, and Reigns is climbing the ladder near the end and is about to win but League Of Nations comes out and attacks him. They are beating down Reigns when suddenly Brock Lesnar's music hits and he murders everyone. He takes out League of Nations and Reigns and Sheamus comes back in the ring and Brogue Kicks Lesnar. Sheamus climbs the ladder and retains the title but Brock jumps and Low Blows Sheamus, and Sheamus falls off the ladder onto Lesnar's shoulders into an F-5. Reigns comes back and tries to spear Lesnar but Lesnar catches him and F-5's him through a table. Lesnar picks up the Title and leaves with Heyman. At the Royal Rumble it is Sheamus vs Lesnar vs Reigns in a Triple Threat Elimination Match for the Title.

PS: Cena didn't return in the Del Rio match because the thing with The Wyatts and New Day already happened, and plus Lesnar returned. There shouldn't be 10 car crashes in a row, if you know what I mean. Plus, Cena shouldn't return to face Del Rio. No one wants to see that feud again and Cena could return either the RAW after TLC or the Rumble Match to begin his feud with Undertaker.

So, that's it. Tell me what you guys think. So far the Royal Rumble card would be this:

US Title: Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler(I'll explain how this match comes to be tomorrow in my Booking Until The Royal Rumble post)

Divas Title: Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks

New Day vs The Wyatt Family

WWE Title: Sheamus vs Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns in a Triple Threat Elimination Match

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