For some reason there is no Pre -Show match, so the Pre Show
has the panel hyping all the matches as always, but there are 2 Social Media
Lounge's that Tom Phillips does tonight: One with Charlotte, since that match
needs some hype and exposure and also everyone is gonna ask her about what
Paige said on RAW. There is another one with Reigns, Ambrose, Owens, and Del
Rio and all four men answer questions from the WWE Universe and get in their
final words in before the PPV. Ambrose and Owens exchange heated words and
Phillips informs them that Owens vs Ambrose in the SemiFinals will kick off
Survivor Series.
Main Show: The commentators welcome us to Survivor Series
and announce breaking news that they have managed to get Seth Rollins for an
interview via Satellite from his home. Rollins talks about his injury and his
recovery and says he will return better than ever. He gives his thoughts on who
he thinks will win the WWE Title in the finals tonight and he says it doesn't
matter who wins the title. He says that no matter who holds the title that he
is still the true WWE World Heavyweight Champion and no one will ever exceed
what he did as champion. We start to see a bit of the babyface side of Rollins
here, as when he returns he will be a phenomenal face wrestler.
1st Match: Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens Semifinals: I think
pretty much everyone knows the Finals will be Ambrose vs Reigns. After an great
match, Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds for the win.
2nd Match: the 5 on 5 Survivor Series match. It was a stupid
move by WWE to not have an announced Survivor Series match going into SURVIVOR
SERIES, and something that would have actually made sense was having everyone
who didn't make the finals but was in the WWE Title tournament in this match,
(Cesaro,Kalisto, Ryback, Neville and Ziggler vs Big Show, Barrett, Sheamus, Miz
and Breeze) but now Ziggler vs Breeze is happening. the match is Cesaro,
Ryback, Lucha Dragons and Neville vs Sheamus, Barrett and New Day. The less
important guys are eliminated first like Lucha Dragons. Sheamus brogue kicks Cara
for the pin and tags in Barrett who Bullhammers Kalisto. Since Cesaro is so
damn talented and extremely over with the crowd, Cesaro is the one that needs
to look like a monster here, whether the WWE has significant plans with him or
not. Cesaro eliminates Kofi and Xaivier and Cesaro gets Big E down. Neville
hits a Red arrow on Big E and Ryback ShellShock's him for the elimination. It's
down to 2 on 3: Ryback, Neville and Cesaro vs Sheamus and Barrett. Barrett goes
for a bullhammer on Cesaro but Cesaro counters and hits a giant uppercut for
the pin. Sheamus is left alone on his team. Sheamus starts to gain momentum and
beats down Ryback but Ryback hits a Meathook on Sheamus and Neville hits a red
arrow, and Sheamus eats a Neutralizer from Cesaro for the win. Cesaro,Neville
and Ryback win for their team. UPDATE: JR just tweeted that Cesaro may have a
shoulder injury, so if that is sadly true, he could be replaced by a returning
babyface Rusev. Not a good replacement at all, but Rusev is due back now and
there is pretty much no one else on the roster that is available to fill the
3rd Match: Dolph Ziggler vs Tyler Breeze. As much as I love
Ziggler, I feel like Breeze needs to win this. I feel like it's like Breeze to
play dirty, though, so I would have Breeze hit Ziggler with the Selfie Stick
while Summer distracts then ref. Breeze pins Ziggler. At TLC, Ziggler and
Breeze rematch in a Ladder Match.
4th Match: Reigns and Del Rio. It'll be interesting to see
just how fast Reigns beats Del Rio. Expecting this to be... well.. not the best
match ever. Reigns wins and the Finals are Ambrose vs Reigns. Ambrose comes out
on the stage after the match and the two have a staredown.
We go to the Kickoff Panel as they give their predictions
and show the video package for BOD vs Wyatts, which is next.
5th Match: BOD vs Bray and Strowman. The 25th Anniversary of
the Undertaker. and the gobbeldy gooker. Taker and Kane make their way out
first and than The Wyatt family enters. Bray and Strowman are the ones that
fight. The Wyatt's NEED to win this match. Defeating the Undertaker on his 25th
anniversary would give them nuclear heat, and that is what the Wyatts need. The
match ends after Wyatt hits a Tombstone on Taker. The ultimate level of
disrespect. The Wyatts are victorious and Harper rolls out of the ring and
grabs the urn from under the ring. Harper hands it to Wyatt and drags Taker and
Kane next to each other. Wyatt is about to hit Taker with the Urn when the
lights go out. The demon has arrived. Finn Balor appears in his facepaint. The
Wyatt sends the other 3 to attack him but Kane and Taker sit up. They all brawl
and Kane and Taker hit a double chokeslam on Strowman and a double tombstone on
Harper and Rowan. Wyatt tries to attack Taker and Kane but Balor has a steel chair
and hits Wyatt. BOD chokeslam Bray and Balor hits a Coup De Grace as Taker and
Kane leave and Balor stands tall and debuts to feud with the Wyatts. At TLC
Balor and Wyatt fight in a TLC Match. Taker isn't seen again until Wrestlemania
6th Match: Charlotte vs Paige for Divas Title. I feel like
this feud can keep going for a little while and Charlotte shouldn't lose the
title for a while, so Charlotte retains clean.
Finally, it is time for the Finals: Dean Ambrose vs Roman
Reigns for the WWE Title. I've been thinking about who should turn heel here.
Reigns would benefit from it much more, and he would get over with the casual
audience and join the authority. Reigns would improve much much more as a heel,
but so many still dislike him and don't want him to win the title. Ambrose
turning heel, not as many expect, and sources have said that WWE feels that
Ambrose is more likely to win the title and should. And plus, Ambrose has been
acting frustrated the past few weeks, and he has been Reign's "sidekick"
for the past months and Reigns has been outshining him. (at least in
So I would have Ambrose turn heel and win the title for the
reasons I stated. Ambrose and Reigns are friendly going into the match but
Ambrose starts to get mad in the match. He's tearing apart the announce table
and yelling at fans and throwing things and pushing the ref because he can't
beat Reigns. Finally, Ambrose snaps. Ambrose is down and Reigns goes for the
spear but Ambrose pushes the ref in the way. Reigns looks around confused but
Ambrose whacks him with a steel chair. Ambrose beats the hell out of him and
hits dirty deeds on the chair and then quickly slides it out of the ring. the
ref counts a slow 3 . Dean Ambrose is the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.