How WWE Should Book Until The Royal Rumble 2016!

So If you saw my post How WWE Should Book TLC 2015: I listed a card for the 2016 Royal Rumble. The card consists of 5 matches.

1st Match: Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler. When Cena returns, he shouldn't go after Del Rio. Cena vs Undertaker is obviously happening at Mania and no one wants to see Del Rio vs Cena feud again for the 83rd time. It's time someone who hasn't had many opportunities and has proved himself to be an amazing worker, like Dolph Ziggler to step up and challenge Del Rio for the US Title. Ziggler and Del Rio have had incredible matches in the past and Del Rio really hasn't done anything as US Champ, and Ziggler needs some credibility. I'd have Ziggler win the US Title here, and he would hold it until WM where he'd lose it to Dean Ambrose in a Triple Threat match between Ziggler, Breeze and Ambrose.

On the Raw after TLC, after defeating Swagger, Del Rio could cut a promo saying that no one can dethrone him, and that anyone that has the guts to challenge him should come out, issuing a US Title Open Challenge, mocking Cena. Ziggler comes out and they two have a great match but Del Rio loses by DQ when he attacks Ziggler with a chair, retaining by heel tactics. The two feud until the Rumble.

2nd Match: Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks for the Divas Title. In my TLC Booking post, go to the Charlotte vs Paige part and you'll see how this match comes to be. It would end up being Charlotte vs Becky vs Sasha vs Bayley for the title at WM, with Sasha winning and turning it back into the Women's Championship, but Bayley would debut at a later date, maybe at Fast Lane or the Raw after.

3rd Match: New Day vs The Wyatt Family. Like The Triple Threat for the Divas Title, go to my TLC Booking post(link at the top of this post) to see how this match happens.

4th Match: Sheamus vs Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns in a Triple Threat Elimination Match for the WWEWHC. Go to my TLC booking post again to see what happens at TLC to set this up. In the weeks leading up the the Royal Rumble on the 2 final Raws heading into the Rumble, I would have Lesnar fight on Raw for the first time in 10 years, because that would make Raw incredible and would bring up ratings with Lesnar fighting on raw, and also, why not? the 2nd to last raw I would have a main event 6 man tag with Lesnar,Sheamus and Reigns teaming up to take on the Wyatt Family. Lesnar's team dominates and wins than they brawl after the match. On the go home show, I would have a non title triple threat steel cage match in the main event between the 3, which obviously would end in chaos and the roster comes out to seperate the 3, which just results in everyone in the rumble match brawling each other.

When the rumble finally comes, the WWE Title match is the main event before the rumble, because the Rumble Match should always go on last. Reigns eliminates Sheamus first, guaranteeing a new champ, between Lesnar or Reigns. It would be kind of like a mini Lesnar vs Reigns 2. Reigns is about to win but all of the authority comes back. Big Show, Kane, J and J Security, HHH and Stephanie. HHH and Steph watch at ringside as the rest of the authority beats down Reigns. Finally, Triple H comes in the ring and Pedigrees Reigns, which would spark the Reigns-HHH feud, leading to a match at WM. Lesnar picks up Reigns and F-5s him to become a 5 time WWE Heavyweight Champion of the world. Reigns would face HHH at Mania and Lesnar would face Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title in the main event of mania, and I'll explain how that happens in my "How WWE Should Book The 2016 Royal Rumble" Post, which always comes out the day before the PPV.

The Royal Rumble match will also be included in the How WWE Should book the Rumble post.

Tell me what you guys think, and if you would like to see these matches!

How WWE Should Book Royal Rumble 2025 (Work In Progress)

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