How WWE Should Book Summerslam 2018

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Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how WWE Should Book Summerslam 2018.



 ·   2016:


·         2017: Didn’t do one, for a variety of reasons.



·         We get our usual Kickoff panel with Renee Young, Booker T, Sam Roberts and David Otunga. Two Social Media Lounge segments are announced earlier in the day with Paul Heyman and Ronda Rousey. Use #AskRousey and #AskHeyman. The panelists give their predictions, hype up the card and show us video packages. We get to our first kickoff match.


1ST KICKOFF MATCH: The B-Team (Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel) (c) vs. The Revival (Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson) (Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships)


·         I’m sad as hell it has to be on the pre-show, but it is The Revival’s time. Now. Or. Never. Better. Late. Than. Never. B-TEAM B-TEAM GO GO GO B-TEAM B-TEAM GO GO GO are out first followed by The Revival. The match goes 10 minutes. Dallas and Axel are not bad wrestlers by any stretch of the imagination. I think this could be a really fun match. The Revival get the win with a Shatter Machine. Absolutely no other option. This is looong overdue.


WINNERS by PINFALL and NEW WWE RAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Revival (Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson)


·         The panel continues to discuss the matches and we get more video packages and backstage interviews for about half an hour. We get to our second kickoff match.


2ND KICKOFF MATCH: Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Drew Gulak (Singles match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship)


·         I predict this will be the best match of Cedric’s reign so far. Cedric is out first followed by Gulak. The match goes 14 minutes. Some have said that Cedric’s only strength is his wrestling, and his reign has been boring and uneventful because he doesn’t cut many promos or doesn’t have much of a character. I disagree, I think Cedric is still the biggest star in the division right now and excels is most everything you put him in and while I absolutely LOVE Gulak, I just don’t see now being the prime time to take the title of Alexander. You could easily continue this feud for a while longer, as Gulak certainly deserves it in the near future. The match ends after Cedric escapes the Gu-Lock and hits a Lumbar Check on Gulak for the retain.




·         We get the Social Media Lounge segment with Ronda Rousey, and the panel blabbers on a bit more. With about 25 minutes left until the main show begins, we get to our third and final kickoff match.


3RD KICKOFF MATCH: Andrade “Cien” Almas and Zelina Vega vs. Rusev and Lana (Mixed Tag Team match)


·         Rusev from World Title to pre-show Mixed Tag match in 30 days is really something. And it sadly won’t get any better from him here. Rusev and Lana are out first followed by Almas and Zelina. The match goes 9 minutes. Almas and Rusev do most of the work as we’ve seen Vega/Lana twice already but the two girls get in and throw each other around for a bit too. In a big spot in the match, Rusev throws Almas into the ropes but Almas catches himself for the Tranquilo pose, and Rusev Machka Kicks him out of the ringThe match ends when Aiden English runs down to ringside as Rusev and Almas are legal and slides a chair in the ring for Rusev to use. This is Aiden’s last chance to help Rusev get a big win and he knows he’s on thin ice. Of course, everything goes wrong as Zelina tackles Lana on the outside as she tries to get English to leave, and Rusev yells at English and turns around into a huge Hammerlock DDT on the chair that the ref doesn’t see for the pin. Post match, Rusev is FURIOUS. He snaps and Machka Kicks English and Lana commands him to CRUSH. Rusev locks in The Accolade on English as their partnership officially ends. The two would finally face off the next month at Hell In A Cell.


WINNERS by PINFALL: Andrade “Cien” Almas and Zelina Vega


·         We get the Social Media Lounge segment with Paul Heyman and he PROMISES TO LEAVE SUMMERSLAM WITH THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION. Nothing more said about it. The panel gives their final predictions for the two World Title matches and we get to the biggest EVENT of the Summer.



·         Summerslam. The biggest party of the summer. The biggest event of the summer. The showcase of the summortals. The warmest stage of them all. The (2nd biggest) show of (2nd biggest) shows. But most importantly of all, IT’S THE SUMMERFEST. Let’s get right into it. Change is a’comin.


1ST MATCH: Braun Strowman (MITB holder) vs. Kevin Owens (Singles match for the Money in the Bank contract; Should Strowman lose in any fashion, he will lose the contract)


·         Let’s start a PPV in a different way for once. The MOTN doesn’t always need to kick off. For some reason this just popped out at me at the one to begin the 2nd biggest show of the year. Big stakes. Braun is out first followed by Owens. The ref holds the briefcase up like a championship title just for the banter and the match goes 10 minutesHere’s the deal: Braun should not have won Money In The Bank. It absolutely 100% should’ve been Miz, leading to him cashing in on Bryan after winning the title from AJ on this show, but that didn’t happen. Now that Braun has it though, it’s tough to see WWE taking it off him. Now that he does have it though, the last few weeks I’ve been salivating over the thought of Braun keeping the case until Mania season and he announces his cash-in at Wrestlemania ahead of time against Universal Champ Roman Reigns, since he’s not the type of character to run down and do a surprise cash-in. The best feud of 2017 and the two biggest stars of RAW finally getting a WM main event spot for the biggest prize in the game. Unfortunately, WWE decided to book another Lesnar/Reigns match for Summerslam, and with either man winning clean, Brooklyn will GO TO SHIT. So it might be risky, but for now, I think it’s best instead of looking to fix what’s 8 months in the future, we should focus on Barclays Center not being torn down. So, that’s why I’m going with Kevin Owens winning the briefcase in this matchThroughout the match, Owens repeatedly pulls out his best Eddie Guerrero tactics to try to get Braun DQ’ed. He’ll throw a chair at Braun when the ref isn't looking, slam it on the mat, and fall over. He is so desperate to become champion again that there’s a spot where HE LEGITIMATELY CLIMBS THE TOP ROPE AND THROWS HIMSELF THROUGH A TABLE with Braun standing right there. Braun keeps having to try and explain to the ref that Owens is lying. Near the end of the match, Paul Heyman walks out on the stage. He just stands there. Braun and Owens both look at him, confused. Out of nowhere, TRIPLE H RETURNS AND GETS IN THE RING. He exchanges glances with both Owens and Braun, and then gets in KO’s face. Braun walks up and grabs HHH and BRAUN GETS NAILED WITH A PEDIGREE. The ref calls for the DQ and Owens is Mr. Money In The Bank. I know you’re very confused. Paul Heyman watching from the stage is foreshadowing for what happens in the main event, which in Kayfabe Owens legitimately doesn’t know about yet, and HHH is to continue the storyline where he helped Owens win the Universal Title years ago, eventually leading to HHH turning on Owens and screwing him out of the title, and in Owens first babyface run in WWE he would go on to defeat HHH at Wrestlemania 35. This might all be a little shaky, I know, but




·         We get an ad for Tapout.


2ND MATCH: The Bludgeon Brothers (Harper and Rowan) (c) vs. The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) (w/ Big E) (Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships)


·         New Day continue their 4-Summerslam streak of being involved in Tag Team Championship matches. Also, Big E is almost always one of the guys in New Day matches, so let’s switch it up and have Kofi and Woods for once. New Day are out first followed by the Brothers of the Bludgeoning variety. We get formal ring introductions and the match goes 12 minutes. I’d love if it would go longer, but on these types of shows with so many matches you gotta save for time. It’s time for some New Day turmoil. It’s very much overtime for it, actually. The match ends when Woods and Rowan are legal but Harper runs in to try to stop Woods from hitting an Honor Roll. Harper goes for a massive Disqus Clothesline but Woods ducks. Kofi runs in now and goes for a Trouble In Paradise on Harper but HARPER ducks now and Kofi nails Woods. Before Kofi can react, Rowan blasts Kofi out of the ring and Woods eats a Double Crucifix Powerbomb for the retain for the Bludgeons. Slowly but surely, if not leading to a full-on split of New Day, the tension would begin rising more leading to the New Day members beginning to pursue singles careers again while still being friends.


WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL WWE SMACKDOWN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Bludgeons Brothers (Harper and Rowan)


·         We cut to the commentators as we’re about to transition into the SmackDown Women’s Title match but they’re interrupted when we cut backstage and JEFF HARDY IS LAID OUT with a ton of cables and chairs and rubble on top of him. Referees rush to the scene and call for help as medics come over and begin checking on Jeff. We see Randy Orton walk by, stop for a minute, smirk and continue walking. We return to the commentators as they announce that Paige is beginning an investigation and we’re ready for our next match.


3RD MATCH: Carmella (c) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair (Triple Threat match for the WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship)


·         It’s time to kick some lass. Carmella is out first followed by Becky and finally Charlotte. The match goes 10 minutes and it’s about as much you can pack into 10 minutes as possible. Submission reversals, spears, moonsaults, suicide dives, rollup city, these three ladies throw everything at each other. The match ends when Becky is down on the outside and Charlotte delivers a nasty Spear to Carmella. Charlotte goes up top and hits a Moonsault. Charlotte is about to hook the legs for the pin but BECKY SPRINTS INTO THE RING, THROWS CHARLOTTE OUT, AND TRAPS CARMELLA IN THE DISARMHER FOR THE WIN AND THE TITLE TO BLOW THE ROOF OFF BARCLAYS. Becky goes all around ringside, slapping hands with the fans and celebrating in the crowd. She goes back in the ring for one last pose with the title on the top rope. Becky turns around and Charlotte is standing right in the middle of the ring. The two have a momentary stareoff as Charlotte yells at Becky for stealing her win, and Charlotte tries to grab the title from Becky. Becky tugs back and the two have a mini tug of war but Becky shoves Charlotte down to the mat. Becky walks to the back as their friendship is now majorly in question, and Becky’s babyface status as well. Carmella would get her rematch on a future episode of Smackdown and lose. Becky and Charlotte would face off at Hell In A Cell in the first ever Women’s Ambulance match, after both threaten to put each other in the hospital, because why not. The two would have their final rubber match at Evolution in a Steel Cage match




·         We go backstage to Paige’s office and see her stressing out over the Jeff Hardy situation earlier.. She’s on the phone with Shane McMahon and she vows she’ll find out who the attacker was. Speaking of the devil, we hear a knock at the door and Randy Orton walks in. Paige hangs up the phone and Orton sarcastically asks Paige about Hardy and says “whatever happened to him is unfortunate”. Paige says that while Jeff Hardy has not been medically cleared to compete tonight, the fans still paid to see Shinsuke Nakamura defend his United States Championship tonight at Summerslam. She says a defense will still occur tonight and names Orton as the replacement. Orton simply nods, smiles, winks, and walks out.


4TH MATCH: Baron Corbin vs. Finn Balor (Singles match)


·         If only we could’ve swapped this with Cedric/Gulak… Balor is out first, NOT AS THE DEMON BECAUSE THIS MATCH DOESN’T DESERVE IT. It doesn’t matter if it’s Summerslam, if he’s facing BARON CORBIN he shouldn’t be the Demon. It’s only come out for his biggest opponents, not eh biggest shows. Corbin is out next and the match goes 6 minutes. Balor gets the win with a Coup De Grace. If you really are insistent on Corbin getting his heat back, he could attack Finn after the match.




·         We get an ad for Cricket Wireless.


5TH MATCH: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Randy Orton (Singles match for the WWE United States Championship)


·         Jeff Hardy may have been ambushed backstage and not cleared to compete tonight, but that won’t stop him from getting involved somehow in this match. Nakamura is out first followed by Orton. The match goes 13 minutes and we get formal ring introductions. We get some recaps over the past few weeks of Orton’s plotted attacks on Jeff, and how he’s gotten involved in the feud. The two have a physical, great match and it ends when just as Orton’s about to finish Shinsuke off with an RKO, JEFF’S MUSIC HITS AND HE LIMPS DOWN TO THE RING. Orton can’t believe it and starts seething as it now becomes clear that he was the attacker. Jeff hoists himself up on the apron as the ref tells him to leave and Orton tries to knock Jeff off the apron but Jeff gets down. All the while Nakamura is in the corner getting ready to strike in the corner and ORTON TURNS AROUND INTO A MASSIVE KINSHASAAAAAA. Nakamura covers Orton for the retain. This all sets up Orton/Jeff in HIAC next month to write Jeff off to heal up for a while, which I’ll have my full card for at the end of this post. Jeff backs up the ramp smiling and clapping as Orton seethes.




·         We get an ad for Hell In A Cell next month, followed by an ad for what’s coming to the WWE Network.


6TH MATCH: Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz (8 Years In The Making Singles match)


·         We get a video package before the match. Bryan is out first followed by Miz. The match goes 20 minutes. I do not remember being more excited for a professional wrestling match since my childhood. Oh my god, it’s finally happening. While I’d like to write paragraph upon paragraph about this match, the result is ridiculously simple. The Miz defeats Daniel Bryan in the middle of the ring with a Skull Crushing Finale. No tricks necessaryIf Daniel Bryan wins this match, the feud is immediately over. Finished. Canned. Done. Because what would there be to fight for then? The Miz gets to spew his shit nonstop over the next few months over how he beat his rookie, just like he always knew he would. Miz always knew he was the better wrestler, the better submission specialist, technician, fan favorite, the better man between the two of themIt all concludes at the Royal Rumble. Miz wins his 2nd WWE Championship from AJ Styles. Daniel Bryan wins the Royal Rumble. Bryan/Miz. One. More. Time. For the biggest prize in the game. On the grandest stage of them all.




·         We see Randy Orton stomping through backstage, throwing everything and everyone in sight. He’s screaming for Jeff to come out, wherever he is. Orton runs into Paige and makes it official: Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton in a Hell In A Cell match at the Hell In A Cell PPV on September 16th.


·         We go up to our Kickoff panel for their thoughts on the show so far.


7TH MATCH: Dolph Ziggler (c) (w/ Drew McIntyre) vs. Seth Rollins (w/ Dean Ambrose) (Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)


·         I have a feeling this will go a whole lot better than Extreme Rules. Just maybe. Rollins is out first with Dean “LOOKIN REAL JAKT BABY” Ambrose followed by T H E S H O W. The match goes 13 minutes. I’ve heard prediction after prediction after prediction for this match. They all share one common theme. Dean Ambrose is going to turn heel and attack Seth Rollins, screwing him out of the title. Every wrestling fan is expecting it. So that’s precisely why it’s not going to happen! (yet). The match ends when Dolph and Rollins are trading strikes back and forth to chants of BOO YAY BOO YAY. Rollins hits hit Rollup Superkick on Ziggler and then hits his Superplex-Falcon Arrow combination. Drew is panicking on the outside as Rollins calls for the Curb Stomp to finish it off and he hops on the apron. Seth goes to get in Drews face but Ambrose is already halfway around the ring and yanks McIntyre’s feet off the apron. Dean tackles Drew and the two brawl on the outside. In the midst of all this chaos, Ziggler sneaks up behind Rollins and hits a ZigZag for the win. Dean has inadvertently cost Rollins the title. This storyline would eventually lead to Rollins being ungrateful for Dean trying to have his back, even though it usually costs him his matches. Dean says “fuck this shit” and turns on Rollins. They end up having a match at Wrestlemania 35. You know the deal.




·         We get an ad for MLB Tap Sports Baseball 2018.


8TH MATCH: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Ronda Rousey (Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship)


·         Does this really need any long intricate description? Alexa is out first followed by Ronda. The match goes 15 minutes. Ronda impresses again and taps out Alexa to win the title with an Armbar. Over. Easy. Done.




·         I didn’t find out until just now but apparently there’s a segment with Elias scheduled, so if that’s true then I guess it could happen here since I’ve run out of transitions/commercials to put here. I don’t know what would happen and I don’t really have time to think of anything. I’m crossing my fingers for DWAYNE, though.


9TH MATCH: AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe (Singles match for the WWE Championship)


·         It’s time for the TOTAL NONSTOP ACTION WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MA- wait…. We get a video package before the match highlighting both men’s careers up to this point and Styles is out first followed by Joe. In the longest match of the night, the two go 23 minutes. Now. I’m fully aware that there’s a video game being released in October with AJ Styles on the cover. I know that he’s gonna be doing worldwide promotional tours for the game and Vince is gonna want AJ to have the belt during that. I know that. But I also know that Joe is one of the best total package wrestlers of our generation. I just want to be able to say that Samoa Joe was WWE Champion. I don’t give a shit if he wins it here and holds it for a month and AJ wins it back in their rematch at HIAC. Joe is too good to never hold this title, and if not now, then I really see it happening never. I feel like Vince would like the type of thing where it would drive more buys to the game if AJ won his third title back from Joe right before the game comes out. For those reasons, Joe chokes out AJ to win the World Wrestling Federation title.




10TH MATCH: Brock Lesnar (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Roman Reigns (Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship)

·         Right, rapid fire, yeah? Lesnar is out first followed by Reigns. Match goes 17. Formal ring introductions. Signatures, finishers, blood, announce tables destroyed, barricades destroyed, submissions, power moves, absolute death. How’s match end? Here ya go: The match ends when Reigns calls for a Spear and Lesnar pushes the ref in the way. The ref goes down and Brock hits Roman with an F-5. Brock tries to revive the ref and then goes to the corner to call for a second F-5. Heyman yells at Brock to pause and scurries under the ring, coming out with a steel chair. Heyman rolls into the ring, standing in the middle with a chair, with Lesnar and Reigns on either side. Heyman goes to hand the chair to Brock, but pulls away. Heyman goes to hand the chair to Reigns, but pulls away. Heyman finally goes to hand it to Reigns again but turns around AND WHACKS LESNAR IN THE SKULL WITH A CHAIR. HEYMAN HANDS THE CHAIR TO ROMAN AND ROMAN BEATS THE EVERLOVING FUCK OUT OF BROCK LESNAR WITH THE CHAIR. ROMAN IS SO ANGRY AND DETERMINED TO BEAT BROCK THAT HE DOESN’T EVEN REALIZE HE’S JUST ALIGNED WITH HEYMAN. Reigns breaks the chair over Lesnar’s back and gets the pin right from there. Just like Austin/Rock from WM17. Just like Cena/Styles/Ambrose from No Mercy 2016. Reigns doesn’t slay the beast with any finishing move, he makes a deal with the devil and simply loses his mind with a steel chair in hand. As Barclays boos the roof off the place, Reigns holds up the title with Heyman. But the night’s not over yet…




·         No music even playing, just the sound of pure hatred and boos. Paul Heyman holds up Reigns arm high in the air. All of a sudden, KEVIN OWENS MUSIC HITS. OWENS WALKS DOWN THE RAMP SLOWLY, BRIEFCASE IN HAND. Owens slowly slithers up on the apron as Reigns gloats with the title, thinking Kevin is only teasing. Heyman sneaks up behind Reigns, gets down on one knee, AND PUNCHES HIM IN THE DAMN COCK. REIGNS TOPPLES OVER IN PAIN AND OWENS GETS IN THE RING. HEYMAN SMILES AT OWENS AND OWENS GOES TO HAND THE CASE TO THE REFEREE. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, KEVIN OWENS IS CASHING IN HIS MONEY IN THE BANK CONTRACT.


11TH MATCH: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Kevin Owens (w/ Paul Heyman) (Owens’ Money In The Bank Cash-In Match for the WWE Universal Championship)


·         Heyman Low-Blowed Reigns pre-cashin. Owens hits one simple Popup Powerbomb. Owens is Universal Champ, and Heyman aligned with and turned on two different people in a matter of minutes. That’s your damn PPV.









The Revival (Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson) defeated The B-Team (Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel) (c) by Pinfall

Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships

10 minutes


Cedric Alexander (c) defeated Drew Gulak by Pinfall

Singles match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

14 minutes


Andrade “Cien” Almas and Zelina Vega defeated Rusev and Lana (w/ Aiden English) by Pinfall

Mixed Tag Team match

9 minutes


Kevin Owens defeated Braun Strowman (MITB holder) by Disqualification

Singles match for the Money in the Bank contract; Should Strowman lose in any fashion, he will lose the contract)

10 minutes


The Bludgeon Brothers (Harper and Rowan) (c) defeated The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) (w/ Big E) by Pinfall

Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships

12 minutes


Jeff Hardy shown laid out backstage; medics and referees tend to him, US Title match in question




Becky Lynch defeated Carmella (c) and Charlotte Flair by Submission

Triple Threat match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship

10 minutes


Randy Orton enters Paige’s office; Paige names Orton as Nakamura’s new US Title opponent, replacing Jeff Hardy




Finn Balor defeated Baron Corbin by Pinfall

Singles match

6 minutes


Shinsuke Nakamura (c) defeated Randy Orton by Pinfall (and Jeff Hardy distraction)

Singles match for the WWE United States Championship

13 minutes


The Miz defeated Daniel Bryan by Pinfall

Singles match

20 minutes


Dolph Ziggler (c) (w/ Drew McIntyre) defeated Seth Rollins (w/ Dean Ambrose) by Pinfall

Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

13 minutes


Ronda Rousey defeated Alexa Bliss (c) by Submission

Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship

15 minutes


Samoa Joe defeated AJ Styles (c) by Submission

Singles match for the WWE Championship

23 minutes


Roman Reigns defeated Brock Lesnar (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) by Pinfall

Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship

17 minutes


Kevin Owens defeated Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) by Pinfall

MITB Cash-In match for the WWE Universal Championship

1 minute


MY HELL IN A CELL 2018 CARD (September 16, 2018; San Antonio, TX)





Kevin Owens (c) vs. Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns

Triple Threat match for the WWE Universal Championship


Samoa Joe (c) vs. AJ Styles

Hell In A Cell match for the WWE Championship


Dolph Ziggler (c) and Drew McIntyre vs. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins

Tag Team match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship (If Ambrose or Rollins pin Ziggler, they win the title; if Ziggler or McIntyre pin Ambrose or Rollins, Ziggler retains)


Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas (w/ Zelina Vega)

Singles match for the WWE United States Championship


Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks

Triple Threat match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship


Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

Ambulance match for the WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship


The Bludgeon Brothers (c) vs. Sanity

Tag Team Hell In A Cell match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships


Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton

Hell In A Cell match


Aiden English vs. Rusev (w/ Lana)

Singles match


Baron Corbin vs. Bobby Lashley

Singles match


Well, that was How WWE Should Book Summerslam 2018. Tell me what from the post you liked and didn’t like, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show. *As always, be sure to look out for my “How WWE Should Book Hell In A Cell 2018 ” when that comes around*. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the 2nd biggest show of the year, everyone.


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