How NXT Takeover: Brooklyn 4 Should Be Booked

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Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV Should Be Booked.



·         We get our usual Takeover kickoff panel with Charly Caruso, Sam Roberts and Pat McAfee, the next Jesus Christ. We’re shown video packages and graphics for the matches as the panelists hype up the matches and give their predictions. We get a backstage interview with Moustache Mountain. The panel give their final predictions for the main event and we get to the main show.



·         Even though NXT has yearly Takeovers every Wrestlemania weekend, it’s pretty well known that Brooklyn is essentially NXT’s Wrestlemania. Ever since Brooklyn I with Sahsha/Bayley, it was the defining show that made Takeovers and NXT in general as big as they are today. Here we are for the fourth year in a row (and hopefully the last for a few years) in Brooklyn, and another absolutely stacked card is coming our way. Let’s get right into it. #WhoAttackedBlack?


1ST MATCH: Adam Cole (c) vs. Ricochet (Singles match for the NXT North American Championship)


·         A Takeover hasn’t kicked off with a singles match since WarGames last November. It’s usually been some big multi-man ladder match or a Tag Title match lately, so why not start things off with a potential MOTN singles match and the first defense of the North American belt on a T.O.? Ricochet is out first followed by Adam Cole. The match goes 17 minutes and we get formal ring introductions. It’ll be interesting to see how these two’s styles mix, as Cole isn’t much of a high-flyer and can be slow at times while Ricochet is the polar opposite. The two do the insane shit that only they can do together, and the match ends when Ricochet goes for a 450 Splash on a downed Cole but Cole leaps up and shoves the referee in harm’s way, and Ricochet and the ref have a nasty collision. Cole takes this opportunity to signal for KOR and Roderick Strong to make the assist and Ricochet gets nailed with a Doomsday Device after which O’Reilly and Strong run back up the ramp, Cole superkicks Ricochet into oblivion and gets the pin. The UE assist would continue the Ricochet/Cole feud, and would lead to Ricochet getting an assist from The War Raiders on the following episode of NXT after another attempted attack from UE. BSS would later get involved in their feud with UE, leading to the WarGames match being made between the three teams.



·         We get an ad for Tapout.


2ND MATCH: EC3 vs. Velveteen Dream (Singles match)


·         This was a hard one to call the winner for. This is EC3’s first singles Takeover match since his return, but Dream also hasn’t won at a Takeover since defeating Kassius Ohno in Philly. It’s an absolute crime that Dream hasn’t even had a chance at the NXT Championship yet, and I don’t think one loss would harm EC3 at all. He’s too good of a character. Dream needs this more in my eyes, especially for his opponent at the next Takeover, which I’ll have my full card for at the end of this post. Dream is out first followed by EC3. The match goes 14 minutes. EC3/Dream is the most nervous I’ve been for a Takeover match in a long time. EC3 still isn’t the most exciting or sound guy in-ring, and Dream, as good as he is, usually has his best matches against guys that are also really good. I know they’ll still pull out something real good. The match ends when EC3 tries for his One Percenter Headlock Driver but Dream gets out and shoves him away. Dream hoists him up for the Rolling Death Valley Driver and hits two consecutive Purple Rainmakers for the win.


WINNER by PINFALL: Velveteen Dream


·         We get an ad for WWE Champions.


3RD MATCH: The Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong) (c) vs. Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven and Tyler Bate) (Tag Team match for the NXT Tag Team Championships)


·         Round 3. Mustache Mountain are out first followed by UE with KOR strumming his air guitar hard as ever. The match goes 20 minutes and we get formal ring introductions. Let’s not begin a huge out of hand game of hot-potato with these championships. MM won the titles at the UK Tourney for the cheap UK pop, that was a nice moment, but there’s really no point in not having UE retain. Plus, Bate beat Strong on the go-home NXT, so they look strong going into this match. The match ends when Strong breaks both guys backs and Roddy gets the pin over Bate after a Total Elimination.


WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL NXT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Undisputed Era (Kyle O’Reilly and Roderick Strong)


·         It’s that time. We get shots of a few Brooklyn-centric celebrities that might be in the crowd, and the last man shown is new guy named Matt Riddle, sitting in the front row, recently unknown to WWE fans that he had been signed to a developmental contract. Who would ever be excited for this guy?.. Never even heard of ‘em…… bro.


4TH MATCH: Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Kairi Sane (Singles match for the NXT Women’s Championship)


·         Mae Young Classic finalists 365 days earlier now meet 365 afterward in a Women’s Championship marquee match on a Takeover. And it’s gonna be even better than the first time. Kairi Sane is out first followed by Baszler. The match goes 11 minutes. Baszler has held the title for a while now and I think WWE is already looking to bring her up to the main roster to further fuel the fire for a 4HW vs. 4HW match. I don’t think there should be yet another Takeover where no titles change hands, so why not pull off a big shocker? Especially with Sane’s new intensity she’s displayed in this feud, why not have her take the title? The match ends when Baszler begins calling for the Rear-Naked Choke as Kairi stumbles to her feet and runs off the ropes, nailing an Interceptor Spear. Kairi hits her most brutal Insane Elbow of all time to win the championship to a huge ovation. The two would have their rematch at Evolution.




·         We get an ad for Summerslam tomorrow night and WWEShop.


5TH MATCH: Tomasso Ciampa (c) vs. Johnny Gargano (Last Man Standing match for the NXT Championship)


·         At the last two Brooklyn Takeovers, Johnny Gargano has been involved in MOTN. I don’t see that changing here. Ciampa is out first followed by Gargano. The match goes over/under 30 minutes. The two do things we’ve never seen before. They beat the shit out of each other like never before. They literally take steak-knives and begin cutting each other’s legs off, so that neither can physically stand, and the match is declared a draw. Not really. I can’t for the life of me think how, maybe both fall off a high platform or off the railings through some tables or fusebox or something, and both guys end up down for the count of 10. Similar to HHH/HBK at Royal Rumble 2004. I really don’t usually like or see Takeovers ending with a non-decisive finish like this, but it’s a damn shame Black got hurt and I can’t see either guy losing one on one. This will continue the feud and it’s now 1-1-1, so it’s still both looking to get a win back on each other. At WarGames II maybe the Triple Threat could happen, as you’ll see in my card below.










Adam Cole (c) defeated Ricochet by Pinfall

Singles match for the NXT North American Championship

17 minutes


Velveteen Dream defeated EC3 by Pinfall

Singles match

14 minutes


The Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong) (c) defeated Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven and Tyler Bate) by Pinfall

Tag Team match for the NXT Tag Team Championships

20 minutes


Matt Riddle shown sitting in the crowd




Kairi Sane defeated Shayna Baszler (c) by Pinfall

Singles match for the NXT Women’s Championship

11 minutes


Tomasso Ciampa (c) vs. Johnny Gargano ended in a Draw

Last Man Standing match for the NXT Championship

30 minutes

MY NXT TAKEOVER: WARGAMES II CARD (November 17, 2018; Los Angeles, CA)





British Strong Style (Pete Dunne, Trent Seven and Tyler Bate) vs. The Undisputed Era (Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly and Roderick Strong) vs. War Raiders (Hanson and Rowe) and Ricochet

WarGames match


Tomasso Ciampa (c) vs. Aleister Black vs. Johnny Gargano

Triple Threat match for the NXT Championship


Kairi Sane (c) vs. Toni Storm

Singles match for the NXT Women’s Championship


Matt Riddle vs. Velveteen Dream

Singles match


Dominik Dijakovic vs. Keith Lee

Singles match


Well, that was how NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV should be booked. Tell me what from the post you liked and didn’t like, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show. *As always, be sure to look out for my “How NXT Takeover: WarGames II Should Be Booked” when that comes around on Survivor Series weekend in November*. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the show, everyone.

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