How WWE Should Book Greatest Royal Rumble 2018

 Image result for greatest royal rumble 2018

**Hey everyone! I love to write and I love wrestling so ever since Night Of Champions 2015, I have been fantasy booking WWE PPV's in detail, and have been a wrestling fan since 2005. If you want, you can read some past editions of these by clicking on my name and searching. Without further ado, here is How WWE Should Book Greatest Royal Rumble 2018**




* We get our hall of fame panel of Renee Young, Booker T, Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross. Throughout the hour, we get video packages, interviews, and the panel give their predictions for the show and hype up the matches. **A Social Media Lounge segment is announced earlier in the day with the returning REY MYSTERIO. Use #AskMysterio**. I don’t know of any kickoff matches as of the time of be beginning this post on Tuesday night, but if I had to move one match from the main card to the kickoff it would probably be either the Cruiserweight or the United States Title match, but I’ll just have everything on the main show portion for now. We get inset box-promos with lots of the participants of the GRR throughout the kickoff, and we get the social media lounge with Rey.The panel gives their final predictions for who will win the Rumble match, and we get a wide shot of the arena as the main show begins.



* This is going to be a very early World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event live on the WWE Network for just $9.99 in the King Abdullah International Stadium in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Once again, in case it slipped your memory, this World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event will indeed be streaming live on the WWE Network for just $9.99 in the King Abdullah International Stadium in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Hope you got it now. Let’s go.

**1ST MATCH: The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) vs. Deleters Of Worlds (Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy) (Tag Team match for the Vacant WWE RAW Tag Team Championships)**

* Bray and Matthew are out first followed by The Bar. **The match goes 10 minutes**. No descriptions really needed for this match, both teams take turns dominating and do some crazy combination moves. Bray and Matt get the win and the titles after the Wheelbarrow-Twist Of Fate combination as Matt pins Cesaro. Bar are on SmackDown now, so absolutely no point in having them win. Bray and Matt are gaining traction and this only makes sense. Their first challengers would be Ziggler and McIntyre, another new team that’s doing absolutely great things. They would fight at Backlash, which I’ll have my full card for at the end of this post.

**WINNERS by Pinfall and NEW WWE RAW Tag Team Champions: Deleters Of Worlds (Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy)**

* We get an ad for Tapout.

**2ND MATCH: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Jinder Mahal (Singles match for the WWE United States Championship)**

* Jinder is out first followed by Jeffery Nero. **The match goes 13 minutes**. It’ll be interesting to see the reaction Jinder gets. Whether it’s positive or negative, there’s really no other option here than to have Jeff retain. He’s only just began his reign, he’s still a fan favorite, they’ve been teasing a feud with Orton, and he’s been on top of his game lately and none of that should be for nothing. I think Jeff could carry Jinder to one of his better matches ever just like AJ Styles did, so that’s why it’s this long. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb after a hard fought match to retain.

**WINNER by Pinfall and STILL WWE United States Champion: Jeff Hardy**


* We get a backstage interview with John Cena. Cena talks about the downward spiral of his life lately; he failed at every opportunity to find his Road To Wrestlemania, so he had no choice but to call out The Undertaker, two titans of sports entertainment who had never met at Wrestlemania before. His confidence ended up getting the best of him as Undertaker pinned his shoulders to the match in just 2 ½ minutes. And most of all, he just broke up with the love of his life, Nikki Bella. Cena says he’s gonna right his wrongs tonight and cuts an intense promo.’


**3RD MATCH: Rusev vs. The Undertaker (Casket match)**


* I feel like this is a good spot for this match on the card, it’s not exactly the biggest match of all time but it involves Undertaker, and I feel like this is still a house show format even though it’s on the network, and I feel like house show card order should be unexpected and out of the norm. WIth Taker going 2 minutes at Mania, I’m not sure how long he can go nowadays, so **the match goes 8 minutes. Rusev is out first followed by Taker**. Rusev hits Taker with a few Machka Kicks but Taker doesn’t go down. Taker hits strikes and punches, lighting up Rusev and throws him across the ring, **Near the end of the match, Aiden English tries to run in to save his friend but eats a Chokeslam where he is raised 772 football fields into the air, and then slammed down onto his head and neck with the velocity of a meteor entering this atmosphere**. Undertaker hits a Tombstone on Rusev and then boots him under the top rope, closes the casket, and gets the win. Rusev isn’t gonna beat The Undertaker. I don’t care what time, place, or match it is. I never understood everyone saying that Rusev would be buried by losing here, he’s already not treated the best but being in a match with Taker is an insane privilege. This will be great for what it is.


**WINNER by Closed Casket: The Undertaker**


**4TH MATCH: The Bludgeon Brothers (c) vs. The Usos (Tag Team match for the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships)**

* The Bludgeons are out first followed by The Usos WITHOUT NAOMI. NO. NO NAOMI THIS TIME. PLEASE. I just rewatched their Battleground 2014 match, and my god is it fantastic.**The match goes 17 minutes**. The logical simple booking is to have the dominating team in The Bludgeons go over after they hit a Double Celtic Cross finisher to both Usos, and then have them go on to battle New Day at Backlash, and once again go over. The team to eventually defeat the monsters would be Sanity, but not for a while. Sanity need to be truly introduced to main roster fans.


**WINNERS by Pinfall and STILL WWE Smackdown Live Tag Team Champions: The Bludgeon Brothers**


* We get a video package of the week that the WWE Superstars have had in Saudi Arabia, compiling all the sights and meals in the area.


**5TH MATCH: Seth Rollins (c) vs. Finn Balor vs. The Miz vs. Samoa Joe (Fatal 4-Way Ladder match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)**


* Rollins is out first, followed by Miz, then Balor, and finally Joe. **The match goes 22 minutes in the longest match besides the Rumble of the night**. These guys won’t exceed the caliber of the NXT North American title Ladder match, but they could certainly get close. There’s frogsplashes, Coup De Graces, sentons, Skull Crushing Finales, military press slams, dropkicks, powerbombs, DDT’s, through, on, and into ladders. Miz and Joe are both on Smackdown, and the titles shouldn’t switch shows this fast. It just doesn't’t make sense, and Balor shouldn’t win it now. Rollins is the most profitable out of these 4, so just have him climb a ladder here and retain, retain against Miz at Backlash, and move on to someone else.


**WINNER and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Seth Rollins**


* The commentators thank the artist of the official theme song of the show.


**6TH MATCH: John Cena vs. Triple H (Singles match)**


* HHH is out first followed by Cena. **The match goes 12 minutes**. Both of these guys can still absolutely GO, so this could be a great final encounter between of the biggest ever. Lots of finishers, lots of signature moves and matwork ensue.I was thinking that they might give Cena the win because of what he’s been through lately, but I really think the plan is to have Taker go until Survivor Series this year and have his last match in the main event of the show he debuted at in 1990, Cena goes on a downward spiral in his wrasslin career in Kayfabe until that point, challenges Taker one last time, and the two battle in the main event of Survivor Series in Taker’s last match. Plus, HHH just lost at Wrestlemania 34, so he could use a win to further elevate the next guy that beats him. Trips hits a huge Pedigree on Cena for the win.


**WINNER by Pinfall: Triple H**


* We go up to the kickoff panel for their thoughts on the show so far. This is also the point where I’d have that 15 minute intermission/prayer break that I heard they would do, if it has to happen.


**7TH MATCH: Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Kalisto (Singles match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship)**

* Cedric is out first followed by Kalisto. **The match goes 11 minutes**. I wish these two could have all the time in the world but with a 50-man Rumble later in the night with anything other than 60 second intervals, it’s about the most possible. Cedric gets the easy win with a Lumbar Check.


**WINNER by Pinfall and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion; Cedric Alexander**


* We get an ad for Backlash next week.


**8TH MATCH: AJ Styles (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (Singles match for the WWE Championship)**


* Nakamura is out first with his incredible new theme followed by the champ that runs the camp. **The match goes 19 minutes**. These two had an.. underwhelming Mania match to say the least. Heel Nakamura makes it such a more interesting dynamic and I feel like these two will be translated a lot better in a setting like this. **The match ends when both men are brawling and AJ goes for a Phenomenal Forearm but Nakamura pushes the ref in the way. The ref is knocked out cold and AJ tries to revive him. Nakamura sneaks up behind him on his knees and tries to hit one last nasty Low Blow to finish AJ off, BUT STYLES CAME PREPARED. AJ IS WEARING A CUP AND NAKAMURA SELLS HIS HAND AND ARM BEING SHATTERED. AJ locks in a Nakamura Style ARMBAR and another ref runs down for the tap out win**.  It’s always interesting when wrestlers win a match with moves they don’t usually do, and this is a good opportunity for that. It’s not over though, these two would have one more battle a week later at Backlash in a NO DISQUALIFICATION match. Low blows are indeed fully allowed at Backlash.


**WINNER by Submission and STILL WWE Champion: AJ Styles**


**9TH MATCH: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns (Steel Cage match for the WWE Universal Championship)**


* Brock is out first followed by The Gigantic Dog. **The match goes 16 minutes**. Not too long and not too short. The two have an absolute sprint and beat the piss out of each other. Throwing each other into the cage walls, finishers, punches, yanked off the walls while trying to climb. I beg that this storyline of terror finishes already. The inevitable is coming, people. Just accept it. Reigns wins the belt after 8,467 spears and escapes the cage to win the title to beat Brock without pinning him.


**WINNER by Cage Escape and NEW WWE Universal Champion: Roman Reigns**


**10TH MATCH: 50-Man Greatest Royal Rumble Match**


* In the past for Rumble matches, I have huge tables detailing every elimination in order, every entrant, every method of elimination, but I just did it in January and am very tired of tables indeed, so I’m just going to detail the first 2-3 entrants, the big interactions of the match, the surprises, and the final 4, final 3, final 2, and the winner. LET’S GO.


* In the past few years #1 and #2 have been completely random, ala Cass and Jericho in 2017 and Rusev and Balor in 2017. **The first two entrants are Bray Wyatt and Kevin Owens respectively. Two big guys who have never really fought but could make some magic together**.


* Some big interactions in the match: Daniel Bryan vs. Kurt Angle, Braun Strowman vs. The Undertaker, Pretty much every big guy in the match vs. The Great Khali, Bryan/Mysterio, Rollins/Mysterio, Rollins/Taker, Taker/Aleister Black, among others.


* Among some big surprise entrants are Rey Mysterio and Khali, who have kinda been announced but kinda not, Aleister Black, the returning Jason Jordan, Johnny Gargano, Undertaker, Kevin Nash, swap some in or out. You never know who might be in Jeddah.


* The final four end up being **Braun Strowman, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, and The Miz**. Miz eliminates Jericho. **Final 3 are Bryan, Braun and Miz**. Bryan gets the best of Miz and eliminates him via #PunchingHisFace. **The final two in the Greatest Royal Rumble (EVER) are Braun Strowman and Daniel Bryan**. It’s familiar territory for DB as it’s now a David vs. Goliath scenario. **The two exchange blows for 4-5 minutes and BRRRRAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUNNNNNN wins after Bryan goes for the B+ Running Knee, but Braun catches him mid-air and hoists him up in Running Powerslam position and dumps him over the top. The two shake hands after the match and Braun celebrates**.


**WINNER of the 2018 GREATEST ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH: Braun Strowman won by last eliminating Daniel Bryan**


> Final Results:


No. | Results | Stipulations | Times


1 | Deleters Of Worlds (Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy) defeated The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) by Pinfall | Tag Team match for the Vacant WWE RAW Tag Team Championships | 10 minutes

2 | Jeff Hardy (c) defeated Jinder Mahal by Pinfall | Singles match for the WWE United States Championship | 13 minutes

3 | The Undertaker defeated Rusev | Casket match | 8 minutes

4 | The Bludgeon Brothers (c) defeated The Usos by Pinfall | Tag Team match for the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships | 17 minutes

5 | Seth Rollins (c) defeated Finn Balor, The Miz and Samoa Joe | Fatal 4-Way Ladder match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship | 22 minutes

6 | Triple H defeated John Cena | Singles match | 12 minutes

7 | Cedric Alexander (c) defeated Kalisto by Pinfall | Singles match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship | 11 minutes

8 | AJ Styles (c) defeated Shinsuke Nakamura by Submission | Singles match for the WWE Championship | 19 minutes

9 | Roman Reigns defeated Brock Lesnar (c) | Steel Cage match for the WWE Universal Championship | 16 minutes

10 | Braun Strowman won by last eliminating Daniel Bryan | 50-Man Greatest Royal Rumble Match | 95 minutes


> MY CARD FOR BACKLASH 2018 AFTER THIS SHOW (May 6th, 2018; Newark, NJ)

No. | Matches | Stipulations


1 | Roman Reigns (c) vs. Samoa Joe | Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship

2 | AJ Styles (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura | No Disqualification match for the WWE Championship

3 | Seth Rollins (c) vs. The Miz | Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

4 | Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Randy Orton | Singles match for the WWE United States Championship

5 | Nia Jax (c) vs. Alexa Bliss and Mickie James | 2-On-1 Handicap match for the WWE RAW Women's Championship

6 | Carmella (c) vs. Charlotte | Singles match for the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship

7 | Deleters Of Worlds (Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy) (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre | Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships

8 | The Bludgeon Brothers (c) vs. The New Day | Tag Team match for the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships

9 | Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Buddy Murphy | Singles match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

10 | Big Cass vs. Daniel Bryan | Singles match


That was how WWE should book the Greatest Royal Rumble. E V E R. If you enjoyed reading, tell me what you liked and didn't like, and what from this post you'd like to see actually happen on the show. I'll be back again next Saturday, with my "How WWE Should Book Backlash 2018" post, so be sure to look out for that. Enjoy the show, everyone.


 Image result for wrestlemania 34

**Hey everyone! I love to write and I love wrestling so ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, I have been fantasy booking WWE PPV's in detail, and have been a wrestling fan since 2005. If you want, you can read some past editions of these by clicking on my name and searching. Without further ado, here is How WWE Should Book Wrestlemania 34. Here’s where it all begins again**.




* Wrestlemania 32:

* Wrestlemania 33:




* Once again, oh god….. Two hour pre-show…. **Social Media Lounge segments are announced earlier in the day with The Miz, AJ Styles, Charlotte and Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon together**. We get the usual panel of Renee Young, Jerry Lawler, Booker T and Lita, as various legends appear throughout. As usual, they hype up the matches and give their predictions and we see video packages and highlights of Mania week. About 30 minutes in, we get the SML with The Miz, and our first kickoff match.


**1ST KICKOFF MATCH: 2018 Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal**


* Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler come out to call the match. All the geeks come out together to the Wrestlemania theme song, except for the big guys. The Revival, Baron Corbin, Mojo Rawley, Matt Hardy all get their own entrances. **The match goes 14 minutes**. If you wanna have some surprises like WM32, Road Dogg and the Boogeyman could be some fun ones. This match could see quite a few returns. There have been rumors running rampant of Big Cass being a possible winner, Samoa Joe being a possible winner, Bray Wyatt, Elias. I don’t think Bray Wyatt should come back for a few more weeks. Let people forget about him before he comes back as something completely new. He’s gonna be getting a HUGE angle later in the main show in this post. As far as Big Cass and Samoa Joe, if either were in the match I’d have them win it, but WWE doesn’t usually have major returns until the shows after Wrestlemania, so I think it’s unlikely. **Eliminated first is Primo. Obviously. The final four are Matt Hardy, Baron Corbin, Mojo Rawley, and Elias. Elias gets clotheslined over the top to the apron by Corbin, and then Mojo runs punts him to the floor. Mojo gets eliminated after coming off the top rope, and Corbin catches him into a Deep Six over the top. The last two guys are Baron Corbin and Matt Hardy. The two have a mini-match for 2-3 minutes, and Matt reverses an End Of Days into a Twist Of Fate. Corbin stumbles back to his feet and Matt does Delete and clotheslines him over the top rope. Matt celebrates but the bell doesn’t ring yet as FROM BEHIND HEATH SLATER, WHO ROLLED UNDER THE BOTTOM ROPE EARLIER IN THE MATCH, BLASTS MATT FROM BEHIND. SLATER TRIES TO DUMP MATT OVER THE TOP, BUT MATT KICKS HIM BACK AND DOES DELETE. MATT HITS A TWIST OF FATE AND THEN VANGUARD 1 FLIES IN AND HELPS MATT KNOCK SLATER OVER THE TOP**.


**WINNER by last eliminating Heath Slater: Matt Hardy**


* We get more video packages and match previews from the panel for a while. After about 15 minutes, we get to the Social Media Lounge with Charlotte, and then get to our second kickoff match to close out hour one.


**2ND KICKOFF MATCH: 2018 Wrestlemania Women’s Battle Royal**


* All of the Women now come out to the Wrestlemania theme, while Becky Lynch, Bayley, Sasha Banks and Carmella get their own entrances. **The match goes 18 minutes**. You might think that’s too long, but it’s for a reason. **Eliminated first is Dana Brooke. The final four are Becky, Sasha, Bayley and Ruby Riott. The three of four horsewomen team up to dump Riott over the top, and then they all turn on each other and put on a Triple Threat match on their own for 10 minutes. These three go ALL out as if it was their own match. They prove why they deserve to be on the main card. Becky Bayley and Sasha go wild on each other for 10 minutes. Bank Statements, Bayley to Bellies, Disarmhers, Frogsplashes, Hurricanranas. Bayley and Sasha eventually decide to team up to eliminate Becky, but Sasha gets behind Bayley and throws her out. Becky also goes over the top but hangs on and lands onto the apron. Sasha celebrates, thinking she won but Becky comes back in and throws Sasha over. Becky is really the only one out of the horsewomen that hasn’t had her big moment, so I really think she needs this win. Sasha screwing Bayley again adds to their rivalry. Becky gets a big unexpected win and hopefully this launches her into a big program, as I’d have her go to RAW after Wrestlemania.


**WINNER by last eliminating Sasha Banks: Becky Lynch**


* We get the Social Media Lounge with Bryan and Shane and Shane takes questions about his recovery from his injuries and diverticulitis. Since Shane recovered from the same disease as Brock Lesnar and Vince McMahon in an 8th of the time, that makes him the greatest wrestler in the world. **


* We go now to the second hour as the show begins on USA Network. The panel talks some more and with about 30 minutes left until the main show begins, we get to our final kickoff match. I sure wish this would’ve opened the main card after all the work that has gone into the revitalization, but I suppose with how many people will be watching on the USA network, this will be a good thing.


**3RD KICKOFF MATCH: Cedric Alexander vs. Mustafa Ali (Tournament final for the Vacant WWE Cruiserweight Championship)**


* Cedric is out first followed by Ali. Just like Aries and Neville did last year, these two could have the match of the night in the pre-show. **The match goes 23 minutes**. I couldn’t even try to list some spots if I tried because they’ll top them all and blow our minds. **The match ends after CEDRIC CATCHES A 450 SPLASH FROM ALI AND NAILS A LUMBAR CHECK THAT SENDS MUSTAFA ALI 7,334,824 INTO THE AIR**. Ever since the CWC, Cedric has pretty much been the guy that they’ve always been trying to crown as the top guy of the cruiserweights, especially now with Neville and Enzo out. And post-WM we’ll get Cedric vs. Buddy Murphy. That is orgasmic.


**WINNER and NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion by Pinfall: Cedric Alexander**


* The panel gives their final predictions, we get the AJ Styles SML, and then we get to the main show, the grandest stage of them all, the biggest show in professional wrestling of the calendar year, WRESTLEMANIA.



* We get the Then Now Forever opening trademark, and then cut to a wide shot of the arena full of fans as *Chloe X Halle* stand in the ring to perform America The Beautiful. After they sing, we maybe get AMERICA pyro maybe, and then we get the opening Wrestlemania video package. The boyhood dream has come true. The Austin Era has begun. Austin has sold his soul. Once in a lifetime. HE’S SLAMMED HIM. The heist of the century. The miracle kid. The streak is over. Savage and Elizabeth reunite. Things are about to be broken. The day has come. Wrestlemania is here.


**1ST MATCH: Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn (Tag team match; If Owens and Zayn win, they will be rehired to Smackdown)**


* If it wasn’t gonna be the Cruiserweights, what better way to kick off Wrestlemania than with the return of DANIEL BRYAN? We get a pre-match video package, and then Daniel Bryan comes out and Yeses down the ramp. Diverticulhernia Man is out next, hopefully not dead, and lots of money rains down from the ceiling. Owens and Zayn come out next. **The match goes 18 minutes**. Funny how months ago when Bryan was rumored to be returning before WM, this match was suggested with Shane doing most of the work and Bryan doing little, and now it’s going to be the other way around. Here are some spots in the match:

* At one point in the match, if Shane is insane enough to do it with diverticulitis, Shane knocks Sami Zayn onto the announce table with a monitor and then goes up to the top rope. He jumps and hits the Leap Of Faith Elbow, but Zayn of course gets out of the way. Shane is down and out and Zayn stumbles away from the scene, but turns around into a Running Knee from Bryan on the outside. Bryan is fired up but he suffers an Apron Powerbomb from Owens.

* Zayn tries his Torpedo DDT through the ringpost but Bryan kicks his head off.

* Owens and Zayn are both down in opposite corners of the ring. Shane and Bryan both get garbage cans and shove them in their faces. Shane hits a Coast To Coast on Zayn as Bryan hits a Missile Dropkick off the top on Owens.


The madness ends after Bryan taps out Owens to the Yes Lock. For the first time in 3 years, Daniel Bryan is victorious in a wrestling match. There should be no heel turn, and it’s really as simple as Daniel Bryan should not lose his return match, and Owens and Zayn would go to RAW post-mania, otherwise it would just be awkward with them just magically not hating each other anymore while still on the same brand.


**WINNERS by Submission: Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon**


* We get a backstage interview with Carmella and Charly Caruso. This is VERY IMPORTANT. Charly asks if Carmella has any intentions to cash in tonight, and she says YES. She very vaguely tells “the women of the Women’s Title Match” to watch out, as tonight, she doesn’t care who wins, she’s going to walk out of the Superdome as a “women’s champion”.


**2ND MATCH: Randy Orton (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Jinder Mahal vs. Rusev (Fatal 4-Way match for the WWE United States Championship)**


* Orton is out first with the giant sperm following him on the ramp again, followed by Jinder Mahal in a fancy Punjabi entrance, Bobby Roode on a GIANT podium with a chorus singing his theme, and finally we see Rusev and Aiden English return with his tank. **The match goes 15 minutes**. Before Rusev was added in, this was an absolute piss-break match, but now it could really be something. Give these guys a considerable amount of time to do something good, but not too long. **Rusev ends up picking up the win in the midst of an Accolade Frenzy as he makes Orton pass out**. RUSEV IS ABSOLUTELY THE ONLY CHOICE. WWE, HE IS YOUR MOST OVER WRESTLER IN YOUR COMPANY. IF YOU DO NOT GIVE RUSEV THIS CHAMPIONSHIP, YOU ARE MAKING A HUGE MISTAKE. THANK YOU.


**WINNER and NEW WWE United States Champion by Submission: Rusev**


* We get an ad for Tapout.


**3RD MATCH: The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) (c) vs. Braun Strowman and ??? (Tag team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships)**


* The Bar are out first in kilts followed by BRAAAUUUUNNN. Braun walks down the ramp but stops just outside the ring with a microphone. Braun talks a bit about how he’ll beat The Bar so badly that they can’t move. **Braun brings out his partner, and it’s one of two men. The much less likely in Batista, or the one I’m gonna pick, the returning NEVILLE**. Neville gets a monster pop. This guy deserves to graduate 205 already. He is much much better. **The match goes 11 minutes**. I don’t know if the fans will want to pay attention for much longer, even considering the talent in this match. That’s about the life this match will last for. This needs to be relatively short or else it will die a death. **The match ends after Braun nails Sheamus with a Running Powerslam and then Neville hits the first Red Arrow in 7 months to capture the titles**.


**WINNERS and NEW WWE RAW Tag Team Champions by Pinfall: Braun Strowman and Neville**


* The commentators plug and thank *Rocket League*, one of the sponsors of the show. We then cut backstage and see AJ Styles prepping himself in his locker room.


**4TH MATCH: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Nia Jax (Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship)**


* Nia is out first followed by Bliss. **The actual match lasts 5 minutes**. Don’t kid yourself, this isn’t going to be anything amazing. This needs to be an absolute SQUASH of Alexa Bliss. Jax blasts her down mid-entrance and the bell rings. Nia throws her over the announce tables, spears her through the timekeepers area, trying not to kill this small, small woman, absolutely destroys her. Legdrop after legdrop after legdrop. **Nia goes for a second-rope legdrop to finish it off, but Bliss runs up and nails her DDT off the second rope to the mat. Both women are absolutely OUT. All of a sudden, CARMELLA’S MUSIC HITS. SMACKDOWN SUPERSTAR CARMELLA THROWS HER BREIFCASE TO THE REF AND JOJO ANNOUNCES SHE IS CASHING IN HER CONTRACT. THE BELL RINGS, CARMELLA PUNTS JAX OUT OF THE RING, AND COVERS ALEXA TO STEAL THE TITLE**. If you’re gonna have Carmella ever cash in before the next MITB, this is the place to do it. She’s not gonna cash in on Asuka or Charlotte, that match should be untouched. *Carmella vs Nia Jax would happen at Backlash*.


**WINNER and NEW WWE RAW Women’s Champion: Carmella**


* We see Shinsuke Nakamura in his locker room, preparing for match. **We pan back to the arena and JOHN CENA APPEARS IN A SKYBOX AS A FAN IN THE TOP OF THE ARENA. Cena calls out Taker again to no luck**.


**5TH MATCH: The Miz (c) vs. Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins (Triple threat match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)**


* Balor is out first, not as a Demon. Even though this is Wrestlemania, this match simply doesn’t call for it. He is the New Orleans Swamp Monster. Rollins is out next, and I hope he does a Crossfit Jesus entrance. I suggested it last year and cried very hard when they didn’t do it. Miz is out last and walks down a huge red carpet. **The match goes 24 minutes**. The guys recreate some of the insane spots from their RAW match, and from inside the Elimination Chamber where they began the match. **Balor gets the win after a DOUBLE COUP DE GRACE WITH MIZ LAYING ON TOP OF ROLLINS**. Miz’s time is about up to be champion, and Rollins shouldn’t win if the rumor is that he’s gonna begin chasing a World Title again, presumably against Reigns. Balor is the one that will most benefit from the win.


**WINNER and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion by Pinfall: Finn Balor**


* We see Kurt Angle talking backstage with Ronda Rousey. The Usos walk in and Angle says that he’s glad they're here. He informs them that their match is next, and that it’s been made a TLC match.


**6TH MATCH: The Usos (Jimmy and Jey) (c) vs. The Bludgeon Brothers (Harper and Rowan) vs. The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston; w/ Xavier Woods) (Triple Threat TLC Tag team match for the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships)**


* FINALLY. THE USOS HAVE MADE THE MAIN CARD OF WRESTLEMANIA. 9 LONG YEARS. The Uces are out first, followed by the Bludgeons, and finally New Day. I predict Harper will be the MVP of this match and prove why he deserved to be in the WWE Title match last year at 33. **The match goes 17 minutes**. The Bludgeons get the win by pummeling the other 5 men deep into the Earth’s core with their bludgeoning hammers, and then Harper and Rowan both climb up high to grab the titles.


**WINNERS and NEW WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions: The Bludgeon Brothers**


* We go up to the Kickoff panel for their thoughts on the show so far. The commentators plug *Snickers*, another sponsor of the show. Also the company that got the Women’s Battle Royal name changed for you all. You’re welcome.


**7TH MATCH: Charlotte (c) vs. Asuka (Singles match for the WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship)**


* Asuka is out first followed by Charlotte. **The match goes 19 minutes** This could very well be the greatest WWE women’s match of all time of these two truly go all out. The two meshed well together in the MMC finals, so I have high hopes. Asuka gets the win after Charlotte passes out in the Asuka Lock. Asuka holds this title until Wrestlemania 35, where she and Ronda Rousey meet in the main event. That is absolutely the only route that should be taken here.


**WINNER and NEW WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion by Submission: Asuka**


* We get the segment with all of the Hall Of Famers coming out on the stage. They all get introductions and Goldberg makes his own entrance from the back, as the headliner always does.


***8TH MATCH: Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey vs. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon (Mixed Tag Team match)**


* HHH and Stephanie are out first with lots of skulls and more skulls and also skulls. Kurt and Ronda out next. **The match goes 10 minutes**. Not more. Angle and HHH control the first portion of the match and Rousey and Steph work the last 5 minutes. Ronda keeps trying to grab Steph but she keeps on going to hide behind HHH. **The match ends as Rousey and Stephanie are legal and Ronda locks in the Armbar on Steph. HHH rushes in to try to break it up but Angle hits an Angle Slam on HHH, while Rousey snaps the arm and Stephanie taps**.


**WINNERS by Submission: Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey**


* We get an ad for the Greatest Royal Rumble.


**9TH MATCH: AJ Styles (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (Singles match for the WWE Championship)**


* Holy shit I can’t believe I just typed that. Insanity. **Styles is out first followed by Nakamura. The match goes 25 minutes**. They recreate some spots from their Wrestlekingdom match, there are counters, brutality, submissions, near-falls, emotion, I hope this will be the perfect wrestling match. Nakamura gets the win after a Kinsahsa. **At the end of the match, just like at the end of their WK10 match, the two sit in the ring across from each other and fistbump**.


**WINNER and NEW WWE Champion by Pinfall: Shinsuke Nakamura**


* We get an ad for content coming to the WWE Network.




* It’s time for the greatest performance of the year. Ladies and Gentlemen, Elias. Elias is wearing a crazy Elvis-like golden jacket and an electric guitar. Elias sings and disses New Orleans. **THE UNDERTAKER INTERRUPTS HIM. If he returns as the American Badass, then his music would just hit and he would ride down around the ring and then get in the ring and chokeslam Elias, otherwise he would just sneak up behind Elias and chokeslam him. He gets a mic, pacing around the ring and calls out Cena and addresses all his comments over the past weeks. Cena’s music hits and he SPRINTS OUT WITH A REF. THE MATCH IS ON**.


**10TH MATCH: John Cena vs. The Undertaker (Singles match)**


* The match goes 15 minutes. If Taker is able to work longer then have it a few minutes longer, but I really don’t want him to die. Cena does not need this win whatsoever. Taker losing once with the streak was one thing, losing to Reigns last year made sense too as it set up the main event, but losing three times to Cena would completely tarnish the legacy of the streak. Undertaker gets the win after a jumping tombstone, like the one he finished off Shawn Michaels with at WM26. I’m very confused on how much longer Taker is gonna go. We’ll see.


**WINNER by Pinfall: The Undertaker**


* The commentators thank Kid Rock for the official theme songs of the show.


**11TH MATCH: Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) (c) vs. Roman Reigns (Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship)**


* This is gonna be a bloodbath. Reigns is out first followed by Brock. **The match goes 25 minutes**. At Wrestlemania 31 these two proved everyone wrong and put on an absolutely fantastic match. Now this time, there’s no Seth Rollins as Mr. MITB. **I sure wish that Paul Heyman would turn on Lesnar and align with Reigns, with Reigns turning heel, but unfortunately much like John Cena, THIS GUY IS NEVER GOING HEEL**. After a year of build, Reigns is the man that kicks out of an F-5. They go through announce tables, use steel chairs, and of course, being coronated for the 4th time, Roman Reigns hits a Superman Punch and Spear barrage to pin Brock Lesnar, send him off into the UFC sunset, and become Universal Champion.


**WINNER and NEW WWE Universal Champion: Roman Reigns**


> Final Results:


No. | Results | Stipulations | Times


1PS| Matt Hardy won the 2018 Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal by last eliminating Heath Slater | TBD-man battle royal for the André the Giant Memorial Trophy| 14 minutes

2PS | Becky Lynch won the 2018 Wrestlemania Women’s Battle Royal by last eliminating Sasha Banks | TBD-woman battle royal for the Wrestlemania Women’s Battle Royal Trophy | 18 minutes

3PS | Cedric Alexander defeated Mustafa Ali by Pinfall | Tournament final for the Vacant WWE Cruiserweight Championship | 23 Minutes

4 | Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon defeated Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn by Submission | Tag team match; If Owens and Zayn win, they will be rehired to SmackDown | 18 Minutes

5 | Rusev defeated Bobby Roode, Jinder Mahal and Randy Orton (c) by Submission | Fatal 4-way match for the WWE United States Championship | 15 Minutes

6 | Braun Strowman and Neville defeated The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) (c) by Pinfall | Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships | 11 minutes

7 | Carmella defeated Alexa Bliss (c) and Nia Jax by Pinfall | Triple Threat match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship; (This was Carmella’s MITB Cash-In mach) | 8 minutes

8 | Finn Balor defeated The Miz (c) and Seth Rollins by Pinfall | Triple threat match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship | 24 minutes

9 | The Bludgeon Brothers (Harper and Rowan) defeated The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (w/ Xavier Woods) and The Usos (Jey and Jimmy) (c)  | Triple Threat Tag Team TLC match for the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships | 17 minutes

10 | Asuka defeated Charlotte (c) by Submission | Singles match for the WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship | 19 minutes

11 | Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey defeated Triple H and Stephanie McMahon by Submission | Mixed Tag Team match | 10 minutes

12 | Shinsuke Nakamura defeated AJ Styles by Pinfall | Singles match for the WWE Championship | 25 minutes

13 | Elias Concert Segment; interrupted and chokeslammed by The Undertaker | N/A | 5 minutes

14 | The Undertaker defeated John Cena by Pinfall | Singles match | 15 minutes

15 | Roman Reigns defeated Brock Lesnar (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) by Pinfall |  25 minutes


Usually after the final results table, I have my card for the next PPV, which I don’t know whether I would do the Greatest Royal Rumble or Backlash, which are ONE WEEK apart, or both, and I honestly tried to make up a card, but ALL CHALLENGERS I WOULD HAVE ROMAN FACE ARE ALREADY IN THAT IC TITLE LADDER MATCH, and I have no idea who Nakamura could face, Braun and Neville would already be scheduled for a RAW tag title match, you shouldn’t waste Bryan v Nakamura on a show like this, and Bryan shouldn’t lose clean this early into his return anyways, and shouldn’t be in a World title program this early, and I also take into the account the trades I’d do in the new superstar shakeup, and it’s just way too damn confusing and complicated. So for now, I’m just going to wait, not make a card for the next shows, and see what WWE does. I think I may do the Greatest Royal Rumble, if it’s even televised, and just do some general bullet points for the big 50-man Rumble match, since I am not going to keep track of 50 men, especially as Backlash is the next Sunday. We’ll see what happens.


For now, I hope you all enjoyed reading my post on WRESTLEMANIA 34. When the cards are finalized, **be sure to look out for my “How WWE Should Book Greatest Royal Rumble 2018” post the day before on April 26th, and of course the dual-branded “How WWE Should Book Backlash 2018” PPV post the day before that on May 5th**. Tell me what you liked and didn’t like, and what from the post you’d like to see on the show.



How WWE Should Book Royal Rumble 2025 (Work In Progress)

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