How WWE Should Book Fast Lane 2016

Pre Show: We get the usual Fast Lane panel hyping up the matches and showing video packages and showing their predictions. WWE World Champ Triple H is announced in “breaking news” for the Social Media Lounge later. At around 8:35, we go to the United States Title match between Alberto Del Rio and Kalisto. Kalisto comes out first followed by Del Rio. The first fall goes about 6 minutes and Kalisto wins the first fall when Del Rio is on the top rope for his stupid foot stomp finisher, and Kalisto actually is smart and moves instead of hanging on to the ropes for 5 minutes for Del Rio to hit the move. Kalisto gets out of the way before Del Rio jumps and stuns Del Rio and he hits a Salida Del Sol off the top rope for the pin. Del Rio wins the second fall about 4 minutes later when Kalisto is pinned with the Foot Stomp. The 3rd fall is underway, and Kalisto and Del Rio are fighting back and forth, and Kalisto hits a Frogsplash on Del Rio from the top rope. Del Rio is down and Kalisto is going for the Salida Del Sol for the end but he’s attacked from behind by his Tag Team Partner Sin Cara. Sin Cara beats down Kalisto and Del Rio wins by DQ but Kalisto retains. Sin Cara says he’s tired of being outshined by Kalisto and he wants to prove he’s the greatest Lucha of all time, and he challenges Sin Cara to a US Title match on Raw. The next day on Raw, the match happens, and Del Rio obviously intereferes, pissed that Sin Cara cost him the match. It’s announced that next week on Raw, it is Sin Cara vs Del Rio, and whoever wins faces Kalisto for the US title at Wrestlemania. Sin Cara obviously wins, and Sin Cara says that Kalisto will only get him under one condition, and that’s that their title match at WM is a Mask vs Mask match. Kalisto accepts, and the feud goes to WM from there. Kalisto vs Sin Cara for the US Title, mask vs mask. It’s about 7:57 EST and we go back to the panel and they discuss what just happened. Then they announce breaking news that Kevin Owens vs Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship will kick off Fast Lane.



Main Show: We get the usual video package to kick off and it talks about the main event triple threat tonight and shows HHH winning the rumble and title. We’re reminded it’s the last stop on the road to Wrestlemania 32. Michael Cole welcomes us to the final stop on the road to WM and Fast Lane.




1st Match: Intercontinental Championship: Kevin Owens vs Dolph Ziggler: Dolph Ziggler comes out first followed by Kevin Owens, the champ. A few spots from this match are a ton of high flying moves by Owens, a fameasser by Ziggler to Owens on the floor, a popup powerbomb into the barricade by Owens to Ziggler, etc. The match goes about 14 minutes, and the match ends when Ziggler goes for a superkick on Owens, Owens catches Ziggler’s foot, spins him around and throws him up for a popup powerbomb for the win. Kevin Owens retains the title. Owens celebrates and grabs a mic. He talks about how Ziggler will never outshine him and he talks about how he thinks he’s the greatest wrestler (use that term carefully, Kev!)  in the world. He talks about winning the title again in the Fatal Fiveway on Raw and he says that there’s no one in the back that is ever going to take the title away from him again. That’s when Sami Zayn runs out and brawls with Owens. Zayn and Owens brawl all over the arena.  Finally, Owens runs out the door to try to get away from Zayn and Zayn celebrates at the top of the arena with the fans holding the IC Title. Obviously the feud would continue on Raw and it would be Kevin Owens vs Zayn for the IC Title at Wrestlemania either in a 2/3 Falls match or a Street Fight. Two men, once best friends, now enemies. Sami Zayn has returned, and he’s coming for Kevin Owens and the Intercontinental Title.


 Winner: Kevin Owens


2nd Match: Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch vs Naomi and Tamina Snuka. Sasha and Becky come out first, followed by Naomi and Snuka. The match goes about 6 minutes, and Sasha and Tamina are legal. Sasha has Tamina in the Bank Statement but she won’t tap. Naomi and Becky are fighting and Naomi goes to break up the submission but Becky throws her out of the ring and gives her a Disarmer. They both have Team Bad in submissions and Tamina finally taps out to Sasha in the ring.

Winners: Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch.

3rd Match: AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho: AJ Styles enters first followed by Chris Jericho. It’s about 9:00. They have a “Phenomenal” 20 minute match. The match needs to go long and be one of the best matches of the night because: 1. There’s only 6 matches on the main show, so there needs to be a lot of time to be filled; and 2. This would be the perfect match to show both guys can go. Mainly to show Styles’ talent. A long, hard fought, incredible match like this will really be the first showcase match for Styles, and a way for the WWE Fans to get behind him. The match ends when Jericho is making a comeback on Styles and Jericho goes for the Lionsault and Styles catches his legs and gets him up for the much awaited Styles Clash.


Winner: AJ Styles


There is also other interviews throughout the night, but we go backstage with Renee Young and she's interviewing the Dudley Boys. The Dudleys talk about how there's no more tables. Renee asks them about their change in attitude lately  and Bubba says he doesn't know what she's talking about. D-Von talk about betraying the Usos and the Usos walk up to them. The Usos say they want payback. The Dudleys challenge them to a tables match for No.1 Contendership to the tag titles later tonight.  Usos accept. I usually don't like when WWE does these last minute matches at PPV's but the Usos need to fight the Dudleys after their turn and there's not many matches on the show.



4th Match: The Wyatt Family vs Ryback, Kane and Big Show. Trust me, I don’t really care about this match at all. Neither does anyone else. But it’s happening. The Wyatts obviously have to win. The Wyatts destroy all three men the whole match. Goes about 5 minutes. There’s a spot where Big Show is about to spear Harper but Harper moves and spears the ref, which knocks the ref over the top rope out of the ring. At this point all three men are in the ring beaten down by the Wyatts and Wyatt goes and throws every steel chairs and kendo sticks, and they all beat down the three giants. The Wyatts win when Bray gives Big Show a Sister Abigail on a chair and then slides it out of the ring and the ref crawls back in and counts the 3.

Winners: The Wyatt Family.


5th Match: The Dudley Boys vs The Usos Tables Match for No.1 Contendership to Tag Titles. The Dudleys come out followed buy the Usos. The match goes about 13 minutes and The Dudleys win with a 3D through a table in a good, fun match. This match is also to set up a 4-way TLC match at Mania' for the Tag Titles between New Day, the Dudleys, Usos and Enzo and Cass, who debut in the next segment.


Winners: The Dudley Boys.


And now, it’s time for the Cutting Edge Peep Show. It's about 9:50 now and Edge and Christian come out to a huge pop. They plug their show debuting on the network after Fast Lane and do some comedy. They call out their guests, The New Day. The New Day have mics and they do their usual wacky promo, making fun of Edge and Christian and calling them booty and all that. Edge and Christian interview the New Day and they all do a ton of wacky stuff. Christian recalls the Kazoo-Trombone Battle back in September and he says they brought the "big guns" and they make some kind of dick joke like only they're allowed to do. Edge steps out of the ring and reaches under the ring and pulls out a Ukulele. Edge hands it to Christian and Xavier and Christian have a battle.  Big E hits the Ukulele out of Christian's hand and gives it a splash. That sounds extremely stupid, I know, but it's New Day. They're the king of stupid comedy. We can now officially say Big E gave a Ukulele a splash. The ukulele is crushed and Christian and Edge are pissed. Christian says that New Day will pay. They say business is about to pick up and says there's a different real reason they came out here tonight. Edge says that it's their pleasure to introduce one of the hottest tag teams in NXT, Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy, and you can't teach that They come out to a huge pop with Carmella and do their entrance promo with everyone joined in. They're in the ring now and Edge and Christian have left and Cass spells Sawft for everyone and then drop the mics and attack New Day. They throw them everywhere. Enzo throws Woods out of the ring and Cass throws out Kofi and he has a stare off with Big E. They both go off the ropes and clothesline each other and finally Cass gets big e up in the air and throws him over the top rope onto Woods and Kofi. The crowd is hot hopefully and everyone is chanting How You Doin. Enzo and Cass's music hits again as they stand tall and New Day retreats with the titles. They point to the WM sign and say they want the Tag Titles.


6th Match: Charlotte w/Ric Flair vs Brie Bella for the Divas Championship. I honestly don't know what to do for this match. I don't think Brie should just lose, since this feud has gotten quite some tv time and seems important, but Charlotte shouldn't either. I kind of feel like something should happen similar to Elimination Chamber in Ambrose vs Rollins where Ambrose "won the title" but it was by DQ. The match goes about 9 minutes and Brie has been beaten down a lot. Charlotte is losing it and is getting really frustrated and is getting ready to be the dirtiest player in the game and do anything to win. The ref is checking on Brie. Ric runs and gets the Diva's title and hands it to Charlotte. Brie is getting up slowly now and Ric is distracting the ref. Charlotte runs at Brie to hit her with the title but Brie ducks and the ref turns around and Charlotte hits the ref. Cole says that would be a DQ but the ref isn't up to make it official. Charlotte and Ric are stunned and panicking and Brie rolls up Charlotte for the pin but the ref is down and Ric pulls the ref out of the ring for good measure. Brie still has Charlotte rolled up and another ref runs to the ring and counts the 1,2,3. Everyone goes crazy and Ric is jaw-dropped. Lilian Garcia announces she's the new Divas champ and Charlotte is crying on the outside but the ref Charlotte hit is up now, but selling the title shot and tells Lilian that he was hit and that Brie won the match, but only by DQ, since Charlotte hit the ref so Charlotte would be DQed. So still your Divas champion, Charlotte. Charlotte and Flair go crazy on the outside and they go to the back. Brie

is shown walking to the back in disappointment and hopefully the crowd is cheering her. The feud with Becky and Sasha would continue on tomorrow on Raw, setting up for hopefully the 3-way at WM between Charlotte, Becky and Sasha.


Winner: Charlotte


Enzo, Cass and Carmella are interviewed backstage. They talk about debuting tonight and say they're coming for the New Day and their titles. Renee reminds them that the Dudleys won the No.1 contender tables match earlier and Enzo says they'll just have to go through them to get to the New Day, and he calls them Sawft. Enzo and Cass vs The Dudley Boys is announced for Raw tomorrow.



7th Match: Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar: No.1 Contendership to face HHH at WM for the WWE Title. We need a major swerve for this match. It's time for WWE to accept that Reigns just isn't over with fans, and he never will be if WWE doesn't turn him heel, which won't happen any time soon, or will it in this main event? Read on to find out. Ambrose is our first to a huge *HOMETOWN* pop. Reigns is out next, followed by The beast, Brock Lesnar, with Paul Heyman. As Lesnar is making his entrance, the lights go out and the Wyatts are there. The Wyatts all beat down Lesnar as Heyman screams from the side. Harper runs at Heyman and clotheslines him to hell. The Wyatt’s kill Lesnar and drag him backstage. He won’t be backstage the whole match though, something will happen later in the match. The brothers, Ambrose and Reigns, are now forced to fight. I don't know, but I have a feeling this will be almost just as good as the Triple Threat match with Lesnar, Rollins and Cena, if not the same. I don't think it'll exceed it, though. The bell rings and Ambrose and Reigns don’t know what to do. They’re arguing over what to do about Lesnar. Ambrose and Reigns fight for about 5 minutes before we cut backstage and it shows the Wyatt’s carrying Lesnar outside into the parking lot, taking him to wherever the Wyatts take their victims. The Wyatts beat down Lesnar in the parking lot, but Lesnar low blows Wyatt. He F-5’s Rowan and Harper onto a truck and beats down the Wyatts. Lesnar is beaten and bruised but starts to make his way back to the ring. The cameras follow Lesnar backstage and he comes back into the arena. Ambrose runs at Lesnar but he gives him a Belly-To-Belly on the entrance ramp. Lesnar gets a steel chair and starts to beat down Ambrose and Reigns. The match goes about 15 more minutes with tons of crazy spots. Some spots in this match are: Ambrose going for an elbow drop on a standing Lesnar but he catches Ambrose for an Exploder Suplex. Reigns superman punches Ambrose and Ambrose falls back into the ropes and does a Rebound Lariat and they both fall down. Lesnar is about to F-5 Ambrose through the Spanish announce table but Reigns runs at him and spears both of them through the English announce table on the other side. And finally, Lesnar and Reigns are both down on the Spanish Announce table and Ambrose goes to the top rope and elbow drops them through it. Near the end of the match, Lesnar is dominating and the Wyatts come back out and Bray nails Lesnar with a kendo stick and they all beat Lesnar down and leave Lesnar laid out. Reigns grabs the ropes and surveys the damage, and tries to pull himself up with the ropes, since he’s tired and beaten from the match, and Ambrose is just getting up as well. Ambrose rolls up Reigns as he’s distracted with the Wyatts and Lesnar beatdown and Ambrose pins him for the huge upset win. The crowd is going crazy and the commentators are too, and JBL is screaming, “THAT LUNATIC IS GOING TO WRESTLEMANIA?!?!” It’s about time WWE realizes that fans aren’t behind Reigns. With the ratings at almost an all-time low, and fans getting impatient for a big swerve and a new storyline, Ambrose must win this. Ambrose vs HHH would sit much better with hardcore fans and many others than Reigns and HHH. Ambrose is the blue-collar hero here, and he has been incredible in recent weeks. NO ONE expects Ambrose to win here, but he must, especially for what happens next. Ambrose jumps into the crowd and everyone is celebrating and Ambrose points at the WM sign. Reigns is down in shock and Ambrose extends a hand to help him up. At first Reigns doesn’t take it but let’s Ambrose help him up. They have some words and they shake hands and hug, like buddies. Ambrose puts his hands up and Reigns turns to leave but Reigns spears Ambrose. He beats Ambrose mercilessly with a chair and he’s had it. Reigns has constantly been stripped of opportunity after opportunity and he’s had enough. Reigns rips apart everything at ringside and is pissed. Ambrose is bleeding and Reigns is now heel. The next night on Raw Reigns cuts a promo on why he attacked Ambrose. He talks about how he’s had every opportunity at the WWE title stolen from him and last night was supposed to be his time to shine. He thought he could trust Ambrose. He needs to talk about how the fans turned on him at the Rumble in 2015 and he’s done everything to improve and fans still hated him. He MUST incorporate the real life fan-heat on him into his promo and heel character. Ambrose comes out and challenges Reigns to a Detroit Street Fight later in the main event and Reigns accepts. The Ambrose-Reigns feud would go on and off until Summerslam where they would finally fight. Ambrose is the guy that needs to win the Fast Lane match. WWE needs to do a swerve. Ambrose has been so good lately and he needs to continue his pissed off, crazy man, stone cold character. Ambrose vs HHH is the match that needs to happen. It would be an insane swerve and feel good moment, plus a Reigns heel turn, finally. Ambrose is the man to win the triple threat. He’s tied with Reigns as the most over babyface in the company. WWE needs a swerve, and Ambrose-HHH feud and promos would be must see television. Obviously, Ambrose would go on to finally, finally, win the WWE title at Mania.


Winner: Dean godamn Ambrose.



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