How WWE Should Book Royal Rumble 2016


Hey everyone! How WWE Should Book the 2016 Royal Rumble. Better find time to read this. It's a long one. How WWE Should Book The 2016 Royal Rumble

Pre Show: We have the usual announcers hyping the rumble and talking about the rumble match and the matches for the night, and their predictions, etc. In the last 15 minutes, we have the 4 way tag team rumble qualifying match. I'd have the Dudleys win this. I feel bad because people like swagger, Sandow etc who are in the match on their teams deserve to get in and shine, but I think that the Dudleys winning would be the most believable and best option, and plus they are an actual established team and they have been jobbing a lot lately. The Dudleys celebrate and Renee young informs us that Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens in the last man standing match for the IC title will kick off the show.


Main Show: We get the usual video package to kick off, featuring clips of past rumble matches and the narrator hyping it up, and we get the usual "The road to Wrestlemania 32 starts now" line. Pyros go off as Cole welcomes us to the 29th annual royal rumble. The show starts with the lights going out. A gong is heard. Undertaker comes out to a huge pop and does his entrance to the ring. Taker has a mic and cuts a promo that goes something like this: "There comes a time where every man's career must rest in peace. There comes a time when every man's career must take its final breath. There comes a time in every man's career where they must retire. At Wrestlemania 32 on April 3rd, I will wrestle my final match." Taker talks about his career accomplishments and names everyone he's defeated at WM. Taker continues and says:" I have chosen my final opponent. He will find out very, very soon who he is." Taker puts the mic down and drops down to his knees to do his pose with his eyes rolled back and his tongue out. The lights go out again and the gong is heard, and when they come back on, Undertaker is gone, but his hat still remains. Sitting in the middle of the ring.


1st Match: Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens LMS Match for IC Title: Dean Ambrose comes out first followed by Owens. We get the formal ring introductions and the match starts in a brawl. Owens and Ambrose go everywhere. They fight in the crowd, they use weapons, they go to the outside, the timekeepers area, and even backstage for a couple minutes. This match is guaranteed to be insane, so Ambrose brings Owens out to the back on a forklift, similar to what Daniel Bryan did at extreme rules in 2014. He stops on the entrance stage, and there are tables set up in the "pit" area near the entrance stage previously set up in the match. Ambrose tries to Suplex Owens off into the tables, but Owens counters and powerbombs Ambrose off the forklift through the tables for the ten count. I feel like Owens needs to win back the IC title here. Owens is too good not to hold a title, and plus, what other match would he have at wm? Now that it might be Lesnar vs Wyatt, a match that I really don't want to see, that leaves pretty much nothing for Owens to do. Also, Ambrose and Jericho would have a match at wm, after that shoulder bump at night of champions that the creative team seems to have completely forgotten about. I'd have the title back on Owens for those reasons, and plus if he's not fighting anyone big like Brock, the ideal match for him is still against Sami Zayn at WM for the title. Owens stands over Ambrose after the win goes to the back, as Ambrose is helped to the back.


2nd Match: New Day vs The Usos for the Tag Team Titles. Since everyone is injured, I have no idea what New Day's plans are for WM. A couple months ago, I suggested a fatal fourway TLC match, New Day vs Usos vs Dudleys vs Hardys, but now Jeff is injured I doubt they're returning any time soon. Maybe that match could happen, you just take out the Hardys and add in maybe the Lucha Dragons, or Enzo and Cass, or maybe in the next few months, the young bucks could head to wwe? I'm not sure, but the Usos really haven't accomplished much and new day should hold the titles until wrestle mania, so I'd have new day retain by DQ after Xavier reveals his new instrument, a giant tuba. After about a 10 minute match, woods just smacks jey uso with the tuba. Normally, DQ finishes suck, but this time it's by tuba, and it's okay, because only new day getting DQ'ed in this way is acceptable.


3rd Match: Charlotte vs Becky Lynch for the Divas Title. WWE seems to be pushing Charlotte as the top diva, and I don't think she'll get the title taken off her anytime soon. But I also don't think Becky should just lose clean here. At Wrestlemania, I'd have it be the four horsewomen squaring off for the divas title. Becky and Charlotte have a great match and near the end of the match, Charlotte power bombs Becky through the Spanish announce table, since it's about time that a women's match had a spot like that. Becky gets back in the ring just as the ref puts his hands up for the 10 count. Becky and Charlotte fight for a few more minutes and Charlotte is going for the spear when suddenly Bayley's music hits she runs down and attacks Charlotte. Bayley, Charlotte and Becky brawl and Bayley stands victorious in the ring as Becky and Charlotte retreat in separate ways. At Fast Lane, it would be Charlotte vs Becky vs Bayley for the title, and Sasha would return there, and the 4-way feud would run from there. Charlotte retains her title and Bayley debuts.


4th Match: Alberto Del Rio vs Kalisto for the US Title. I feel like the US title match should go on before the rumble for some reason. It just feels right. I don't know who should win this match. Kalisto should be pushed and be us champ but he already won it and lost it the next day, so it wouldn't really have the same ambience. Nonetheless, I'd have Kalisto win it back here. Kalisto needs the push and the title here, and well... Del Rio's run with the title hasn't been... That great? So I'd have Kalisto go over. Please wwe, though, do not have Kalisto lose it again on Raw and continue this feud....


5th Match: Here we go. The Royal rumble match. The road to Wrestlemania officially starts right now. We get the usual video package before with all the facts and history and the "rumble by the numbers" thing, and we get the usual tom Phillips explaining the rules. First entrant, as expected is the WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, Roman Reigns. Reigns makes his way to the ring. Reigns gets ready in the ring as the excitement builds to find out who #2 is, and 2 turns out to be none other than the founder of Suplex City himself, Brock Lesnar. He comes out with Paul Heyman and throughout the match Heyman is on commentary because Heyman on commentary is gr8. Lesnar and Reigns brawl and out comes #3, Bo Dallas! Dallas runs to the ring doing his victory lap. He notices Lesnar and Reigns in the ring and regrets all his life decisions. Bo decides he'd rather be on the outside and does a victory lap around the ring. Lesnar looks at him and bo approaches the ring to mock him. Lesnar grabs Bo for a huge belly to belly over the top rope. Lesnar and reigns temporarily work together as Lesnar pushes bo in front of reigns as he eats a spear. Lesnar gives bo an f-5 and tosses him over the top rope and he's

eliminated. Lesnar suplexes reigns a bit and #4 enters and its Heath Slater. Reigns superman punches Lesnar before Slater gets in and slater enters the ring and eats a superman punch and a spear and is eliminated. Brock and Roman each share an elimination. #5 comes out and it's Curtis Axel, the man who was never eliminated from the 2015 rumble. Axel has a mic and says he will be the first man ever to win 2 rumbles at the same time. Lesnar suplexes reigns out of the way and axel enters the ring with slater still on the outside. Lesnar murders axel and slater distracts the refs to try to help axel eliminate Lesnar dirty. Lesnar Irish wips axel to the ropes but axel goes through the middle rope. The refs think he is eliminated and axel screams at the refs, saying he wasn't eliminated and he went through the middle rope to the floor. The refs didn't see and declare Axel out. Slater sbd Axel argue with the refs more and the refs tell them to go the back. Axel yells how he was never eliminated from 2 rumbles as he goes to the back. Lesnar rolls under the bottom rope and grabs the mic Axel had. He gets back in the ring, reigns still down and he says he kicked these three geeks asses and he says he wants a real challenge. The clock counts down to #6 and out comes GOLDBERG. Lesnar goes livid and Goldberg spears Lesnar. Goldberg punches Lesnar and reigns runs at him but reigns goes over the top rope but hangs on. Goldberg tries to eliminate reigns and Lesnar also runs at Goldberg. He tries to eliminate both men but reigns gets back in the ring and Samoan drops Goldberg. Out comes #7 and it's Bray Wyatt. Wyatt attacks everyone and delivers a sister Abigail to Lesnar and reigns. Wyatt stomps Goldberg in the corner and out comes Big E, at #8. Big E delivers a huge belly to belly on bray and attacks reigns. Lesnar is up now and Big E and Lesnar have a standoff. They start attacking each other. Out comes #9, Chris Jericho. Jericho delivers code breakers to everyone and puts big e in the walls of Jericho as Dean Ambrose enters at 10. Ambrose is showing his injuries from his LMS match earlier and limps to the ring and punches big e and Wyatt. Lesnar tries to Suplex Ambrose but Ambrose lands on his feet and does his rebound clothesline off the ropes to Lesnar. Ambrose and Reigns look at each other, and they shake hands because they're "brothers", and the commentators mention how "it's every man for himself, Maggle!" Ambrose and reigns start brawling and reigns is working on Ambrose in the corner as Kofi Kingston enters at #11. Kofi does a ton of high flying moves and brock beats him down. Lesnar and Big e start fighting and Brock knocks big e through the middle rope to the outside. Lesnar no targets Kofi and f-5's Kofi over the top rope but he lands on his hands, in a classic Kofi rumble spot. Lesnar is furious and the crowd is amazed as Kofi handstands to the steps and into the ring. Lesnar is pissed and German suplexes Him over the top but big e catches him and throws him back over the top rope. Two awesome Kofi spots in one rumble. Lesnar rolls under the bottom rope and takes out big e. Brock destroys Kofi now for real and throws him over the top rope info the barricade. Luke Harper enters next as #12 to join Bray. Bray and Harper get everyone down and turn to Goldberg. Bray Wyatt delivers a sister Abigail to Goldberg and Harper and Wyatt finally eliminate the legend to heat. Out next at 13 is the leader of the League of Nations, Sheamus. Everyone eats a brogue kick and Sheamus gets reigns, Wyatt and Ambrose and finally Lesnar up, all for their own ten beats of the Bodran. Out next at #14 is X-Pac, another surprise entrant. The crowd goes wild as x pac attacks everyone in the ring. Harper, Jericho and Sheamus all eat an x-factor. X pac stomps everyone as bubba Ray enters next as #15 X pac and bubba exchange blows and Harper gets up and delivers a double discus clothesline to x pac and bubba Ray and Wyatt laughs. #16 is Erick Rowan and he enters to join the wyatts. The 3/4 of the wyatts beat down everyone. Bray gets on his knees and yells follow the buzzards as Harper and Rowan stand behind him like usual. Out next at 17 is D-Von and he quickly is mauled by the wyatts. The wyatts are picking up steam and eliminate both of the Dudleys and x pac to boos. The wyatts attack the others in the ring and out comes the final Wyatt member, Braun Strowman at #18. They all destroy Big e and dump him over the top rope. The wyatts eliminating everyone has made enough time for everyone else in the ring to rise. Lesnar, reigns, Jericho, Ambrose, and Sheamus all surround the wyatts and attack them. The wyatts try to put up a fight but the 5 are too much for them. Everyone starts hitting their finishers in each other after the wyatts are down. Lesnar f-5's Sheamus, reigns spears Lesnar, reigns eats a code breaker from Jericho, and Ambrose and Jericho are the two still standing in the ring. The commentators remind us of the altercation at night of champions, and Jericho and Ambrose brawl. As they're fighting, #19 comes out and it's Kevin Owens. Owens joins Jericho beating down Ambrose. And Ambrose shoves his win earlier in Ambrose's face. Owens goes to fight Rowan and Harper in the corner, and jericho throws Ambrose over the top rope but he hangs on. Jericho is punching Ambrose, trying to eliminate him but Ambrose pulls Jericho over, too. The two are so focused on killing each other that reigns runs at them for a double spear and the two are eliminated. Ambrose looks at shock in reigns and reigns shrugs and says, "it's every man for himself, buddy!" Reigns now has eliminated 3 men. Ambrose smirks at reigns and Ambrose and Jericho start brawling. They brawl into the crowd and eventually into the backstage near the pit where the under side of the entrance stage is. Owens is standing tall in the ring and looks crowd and says "im the man!" With his hands up. Owens waits for #20 and out comes the returning/debuting former friend of Owens, Sami Zayn. Zayn and Owens murder each other. Zayn is going wild on Owens and the crowd is on their feet and Zayn has Owens in the corner and he runs at him for helluva kick and Owens goes over the top rope but hangs on. Zayn and Owens are still fighting in the ring and out at #21 comes another surprise entrant. It's none other than the hall of famer, the hitman, Bret Hart. Yes, I know, Bret is almost 58 years old, and he's in no condition to wrestle. He would only be in for like 1-2 minutes and would just punch a few people and put someone in a sharpshooter. Owens, Zayn, and Bret face off. Three natural born Canadians. Bret kicks Zayn in the gut and he falls down and grabs Owen's legs for a Sharpshooter as the crowd goes insane. Owens is in the sharpshooter for a while and Owens counters and pushes Bret back with his legs. Bret is against the ropes and Owens clotheslines him over the rope and eliminates him to massive heat. Neville comes out next at 22 and starts doing flying moves to everyone. Neville does a springboard salida deal sol to Owens and Zayn. Lesnar takes Neville to Suplex city and eliminates him. The wyatts come to attack Lesnar but the beast beats them down and eliminates Harper and Rowan. Lesnar and Strowman face off and they start going off the ropes and delivering stiff clotheslines to each other. They both give one to each other, than they both go off the ropes and Strowman goes for a clothesline again but Lesnar ducks and picks up Strowman in an incredible feat of strength and f-5's him over the top rope. Lesnar screams his taradactal scream and raises his hands up. Lesnar on fire. Sheamus runs up behind Brock and brogue kicks him. Lesnar is down and is about to eliminate Brock but Brock reverses and throws him over. Lesnar has now eliminated 9 men. Currently in the ring are Lesnar, Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Owens, and Sami Zayn. Out next at 23 is Kane, in his 17th straight rumble match. Kane grabs Wyatt and Owens for a double choke slam. Reigns superman punches Kane and throws him out quickly. Reigns has now eliminated 4 men. Lesnar has eliminated 9. Wyatt has eliminated 4, including with the Wyatt family, Owens has eliminated 1, and Zayn has eliminated 0. #24 is the debuting demon, and NXT champion, Finn Balor. The crowd goes insane as Finn is in his demon paint, but does his normal entrance, to save time. Balor floors everyone. He has reigns, Wyatt, Zayn and Owens all in separate corners, and delivers a coup de grace to all of them. Lesnar runs at Balor but Balor catches him with a step up enzuguri. Balor shows off as Alberto Del Rio enters next at #25. Del rio attacks Balor and has him down. Zayn is up now and he delivers a blue thunder power bomb to Del Rio. Zayn and Balor both grab Del Rio and eliminate him. Currently in the ring are Reigns, Lesnar, Wyatt, Owens, Zayn, and Finn Balor. Wyatt grand Balor for a sister Abigail and Zayn and Wyatt fight in the corner. Out next at #26 is Ryback. He runs in the ring and meat hook clotheslines everyone. He gives Owens and Zayn a shell shock and Lesnar grabs Ryback for more suplexes. Reigns gives Lesnar a flying clothesline and Reigns is standing tall. Balor kicks Reigns and they fight in the corner. Balor throws reigns over the ropes but he hangs on. Balor is trying to eliminate Reigns as #27 enters. The lights go out. A gong is heard. The lights come back on and Undertaker and Finn Balor are the ones standing in the ring. Balor looks suprised and mad and Taker slaps Balor. Balor slaps Taker back. Taker is pissed and grabs Balor for a chokeslam. Balor reverses into a DDT and goes up to the top rope for a coup de grace. Balor jumps but taker catches him in the air for a tombstone. Taker dumps Balor over the top rope to boos. Taker goes over the top rope too, and carries Balor to the back. Taker doesn't care about winning the rumble, he's focused on destroying this new young demon. Taker has chosen his final Wrestlemania opponent. Currently in the ring are Reigns, Lesnar, Wyatt, Owens, Zayn, and Ryback. Out next at #28 is Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler super kicks everyone. Ziggler gets cocky and tries to eliminate Lesnar and Reigns at the same time but they hold on. We're getting close to the end of the rumble as #29 enters next, and of course, it's the Big Show. Everyone immediately storms big show but he knocks everyone out. Big Show tosses Ryback over the top rope and eliminates him. Big Show has flattened everyone. Big Show screams "I'm a giant!!" About 57 times as he waits for entrant 30. And the final entrant in the 2016 rumble is none other than AJ godamn Styles. Everyone in the ring just looks at AJ styles in shock. AJ looks at everyone and gives them the gun/bullet club shot. Everyone tries to storm AJ styles but he gives Zayn and Lesnar a styles clash. Reigns runs up and superman punches Styles and styles bounces off the ropes and does a springboard uppercut to Reigns. Big Show and Styles are left standing and AJ slaps Big Show to cheers. Big Show grabs Styles for a chokeslam but AJ counters with a hurricarana, eliminating Show to a huge pop. Currently in the ring are Reigns, Lesnar, Wyatt, Owens, Zayn and AJ Styles. One of these 6 men is going to headline Wrestlemania. AJ is stomping Wyatt in the corner and Owens gets a mic. Sami Zayn is down and he talks about how he knocked Zayn unconscious and won the NXT title last year. Owens is rubbing it in Zayn's face and Zayn gives Owens a low blow. Zayn throws Owens out to a huge pop. Zayn is celebrating as Owens runs back in the ring and attacks Zayn with a steel chair. Owens throws Zayn out and eliminates him. Owens powerbombs Zayn through the announce table to massive heat. Owens yells at Zayn that they're not finished and goes to the back. Trainers help Zayn up and Zayn refuses the help. Zayn limps to the back, beaten and bruised by the Owens attack to cheers. We go back to the ring. The final four men are in the ring. Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, Bray Wyatt, and AJ Styles. The 4 brawl and Styles throws out Wyatt. Wyatt is pissed and yells his demonic sayings at AJ. The final 3 are Styles, Lesnar and Reigns. The rest of the Wyatt family comes out to attack Styles to avenge Bray's elimination but Styles fights them all off. Lesnar runs at styles and tries to Suplex him but he lands on his feet. Styles gives Lesnar a Styles Clash and is distracted by the Wyatts. He's pulled out and eliminated by Luke Harper to massive boos. Styles and Wyatt would have a match at Fast Lane and feud which Styles would obviously win. Styles would go on to face someone at mania, but I'm not quite sure yet who he would wrestle. The final two, Lesnar and Reigns, who entered as entrants 1 and 2. Only once in history have 1 and 2 been the last two entrants. Lesnar and Reigns completely brawl. Lesnar suplexes, f-5's, powerbombs reigns. Reigns spears him, superman punches him, clotheslines him. Both of them are bleeding now, I know it's pg, but there is blood on special occasions, and this brawl should be one of those occasions. It's similar to their fight at WM31. Lesnar is destroying Reigns and is properly roided out at this point. He's screaming at the hard camera. Lesnar turns around and eats a superman punch from reigns. He eats 2 more SP and is staggering but won't stay down. Reigns goes for a spear and it connects. Reigns points at the Wrestlemania sign and goes for one final spear. Reigns runs to spear Lesnar but he's stopped short by a sledgehammer to the face by a returning Triple H (hopefully with his old long hair). HHH beats Reigns down with the sledgehammer and pedigrees him. Lesnar is up now, damaged, and he and HHH have a stare off. HHH shakes hands with Lesnar and watches as Lesnar does his thing. Lesnar delivers a final f-5 to Reigns and eliminates him. Heyman celebrates and walks into the ring. He announces your winner of the 2016 royal rumble, and the new WWE Heavyweight champion of world, Brock goddamn Lesnar.

I don't feel like HHH vs Reigns should be at Wrestlemania, and if it is at all, it shouldn't be for the title. It just doesn't have that feeling and someone like HHH shouldn't be hogging that main event spot. It can happen at Fast Lane, for a shot at Brock Lesnar and the wwe title at Mania, which obviously Reigns would win. It would be a no holds barred match. You could have another dream match, Lesnar vs Kevin Owens for the title, champion vs champion, which Lesnar would win after interference from Zayn, to set up Owens vs Zayn for IC title at mania. You'd have Styles vs Wyatt as kind of a filler match/feud for Styles until WM. And you could also have Zayn and Ambrose feud, just because. They could put on a great match, and have a really good feud. Zayn would win, in a 2/3 falls match. There, I booked the rumble, and you already have 4 spectacular top matches for Fast Lane.

How did I do? Let me know in the comments below. I worked hard on this one, so I hope you really like it.

Tell me what you guys think! Thanks! As always, I'll have my "How WWE should book Fast Lane 2016" post the day before that!

How WWE Should Book Royal Rumble 2025 (Work In Progress)

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