How WWE Should Book Money In The Bank 2020

 Image result for money in the bank 2020

**Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big milestone RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how Money In The Bank 2020 should be booked**



* 2016:

* 2017:

* 2018:


* 2019: Didn’t do one, this was when I was taking a break from doing these.




* We get our kickoff panel LIVE (not) from WWE HQ consisting of Jonathan Coachman and Peter Rosenberg. *Throughout the hour, we get various tours of random parts of HQ that the superstars in the MITB matches might fight through, just to familiarize ourselves with what’s to come*. The panel also runs down the match card giving their predictions, hyping up the matches and showing us video packages. About halfway through the hour, we get to our match.


**KICKOFF MATCH: Cesaro vs. Jeff Hardy (Singles match)**


* Cesaro is out first followed by the returning Jeff Hardy. **The match goes about 12 minutes**. I was, admittedly, confused when this match got announced this morning because.. you know… isn’t Jeff feuding with Sheamus at the minute?.. where did a match with Cesaro come from? Well, I have a theory, or rather, I have a big way to make sense of it all. The two men clash styles throughout in a very entertaining match as Cesaro utilizes his striking ability against Jeff’s high flying and quickness. **The match ends when Jeff Hardy reverses one of Cesaro’s launching European Uppercuts into a Code Red pin attempt combo, but Cesaro kicks out. Cesaro scrambles up and turns right into a Twist of Fate, knocking him down for the count. Jeff heads up top to try for the Swanton Bomb to finish things off, but completely out of nowhere, SHEAMUS APPEARS ON THE APRON and he rips a turnbuckle pad loose to distract the ref. While the ref isn’t looking, Sheamus scales the apron and BROGUE KICKS JEFF LOOPY. Jeff falls off the top rope forward into the ring and Sheamus backs off and allows Cesaro to hit a Neutralizer for the pin**. Cesaro’s music hits, and post-match, Sheamus walks up the steps and slowly approaches Cesaro. The two are hesitant at first, but Sheamus outstretches his arm in the position of their old pose together. Cesaro follows suit, and THE BAR is back in business. This would be a cool swerve in this angle and it’s been over a year since The Bar split, and with the limited rosters we have right now, we need more interesting teams like this. Ultimately though, I would have Sheamus join the League Of Nations 2.0 esque group that Sami Zayn has put together, consisting of Nakamura and Cesaro also. Sheamus vs. Jeff would still continue, but this underlying Bar reunion gives a nice reason for this match even happening and it’ll get everyone to tune in the next week to see where it all leads… and that’s exactly what wrestling should be all about, shouldn’t it?


**WINNER by PINFALL and reformation of THE BAR: Cesaro**


* The panel give their final thoughts and predictions on the two MITB ladder matches and run down everyone’s accomplishments and history before we sign away to the main card.




* My goodness, here we are with my first post of the quarantine wrestling era. I said I was back full-time in February but I skipped out on Wrestlemania since this all was so new, and so many factors of it being two days and taped would’ve just made it the most jumbled, out of date and confusing post I’ve ever done. Now that our current climate is a little more familiar, I’m back, and we’re climbing the corporate ladder. This is gonna be a good one. Before we begin, as you’ve heard a billion times now: stay safe, stay positive, stay clean, wear a mask, wear gloves, respect social distancing, and we’ll make it through. We all will. Now, let’s distract ourselves from the real world with some pro wrestling.


**1ST MATCH: The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (c) vs. The Forgotten Sons (Jaxson Ryker and Wesley Blake) (w/ Steve Cutler) vs. John Morrison and The Miz vs. Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado) (Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships)**


* Miz and Morrison are out first, followed by Lucha House Party, followed by The Forgotten Sons, and finally the champs, OHHHHHHHH PEOPLE AT HOME, its the New Day. **The match goes about 17 minutes** and it’s explosive right out of the gate. WWE tends to change their mind every time we get a four corners tag match in whether it’s two in the ring and you can tag anyone, or like the one at Clash Of Champions 2017 and how it SHOULD be, where 4 men are legal at all times, and normal tag match rules apply. Accordingly, **The Miz, Gran Metalik, Kofi and Wesley Blake start the match in the ring. Before any of them can even touch, Wesley Blake rags in Ryker and the size disproportion in the ring is immediately evident against the other 3 men in the ring. Ryker eyes up Kofi and Big E rallies for Kofi to tag him in. Big E comes in and we get a face to face between the two biggest men in the match, Big E and Jaxson Ryker**. It’s Godzilla vs. King Kong as the two go at it and Miz and Metalik get into blows as well. **Some big spots in the match are as follows**: Morrison tries for a Starship Pain on Big E but E gets up in a squatting position and Morrison’s falls right onto his shoulders, and hoists him back up for a Big Ending. Also, The Miz tries to hit a Skull Crushing Finale on Kofi but Kofi reverses the forward momentum into an SOS. **The match ends with everyone coming in during the midst of the finisher fest portion of the match and it ends when New Day deliver a Midnight Hour to Morrison to retain**. I would have Miz/Morrison take the pin here to effectively end their campaign for the titles since they lost again so they’re out of the loop, and also I really think LHP are talented so let’s sway from the consensus at least this once that everyone thinks they would eat the pin. Immediately post-match, Forgotten Sons all rush the ring as Kofi and Big E are celebrating their win and they try to fight back but it’s 3-on-2. If Xavier Woods is ready to come back, then sure, have him come out here and return to even the odds. Either way, Forgotten Sons are the fresh blood and the ascending team in the division right now so they can get their heat back here in a big way. Ryker hits his top-rope assisted Powerbomb to both of the champs and the trio stand tall as their music hits, hinting at a future two on two title match between the sons and the day. Before we move on, the hacker’s signals begin to cloud the transmission… we see the TRUTH WILL BE HEARD screen, and it’s teased that they will reveal themselves… tonight.


**WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions: The New Day**


* We get a backstage interview with Sasha Banks. She’s asked about where her loyalties lie when Bayley defends her title up next, whether in her former Team BAD ally or supposed best friend, who’s gotten her into some tough spots lately. Sasha remains clear that she’s only out there to support Bayley but enacts some of her more subtle storytelling that she’s so good at.


**2ND MATCH: Bayley (c) (w/ Sasha Banks) vs. Tamina (Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship)**


* Bayley is our first with Sasha followed by Tamina. **We get formal ring introductions and the match goes about 10 minutes**. Oh my Jesus. Here we are. After a decade of dedication and hard work and 5* matches, Tamina has a singles title match on PPV in the year of our lord 2020. I try to keep my personal feelings and bias about the guys and girls on these shows out of the way in favor of true logical booking and story continuity, but let’s be honest: Tamina is too horrible to hold a championship. I have never seen a match of hers where she hasn’t made some big embarrassingly awkward botch, or she’s gotten lost mid-spot, or she just messes something up somehow. She is the single least intimidating “monster heel” in the history of this business. That being said, let’s go crazy and put the belt on her….




**The match ends when Tamina is on offense and it looks like she might have it in the bag, as she floors Bayley with a Superkick. Everything is building to a crescendo for Tamina triumph until she makes the one fatal mistake that no one should ever make… turning her back on THE ROLE MODEL. Bayley is down and Tamina climbs up top to finish things off with a Splash but Bayley pounces and crumples Tamina like an accordion with a Backstabber into a Bank Statement. Tamina powers for her feet with Bayley on her back at first and falls back to try to escape her clutch but Bayley remains locking it in and Tamina ultimately taps out**. I thought this would be a bit more of a creative finish than Bayley just hitting her elbow drop and then getting a pin. You could add a layer to the tension between her and Sasha of her being unhappy about Bayley stealing her submission move to finish other people off and flaunting about it like it was her own genius. Just have Bayley start to develop more of Sasha’s tactics and not credit Sasha for any of it. Plenty of ways you could build this rivalry and make it personal.


**WINNER by SUBMISSION and STILL WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion: Bayley**


* We get an ad for the June PPV… whatever it may be. I’ll just guess Extreme Rules. I just pray it’s not another Stomping Grounds.


**3RD MATCH: MVP (w/ Brendan Vink and Shane Thorne) vs. R-Truth (Singles match)**


* R-Truth is out first followed by MVP and his new stable of VIP Lounge associates. **The match goes around 7 minutes**. This was yet another match that just got announced today, one day before the PPV, with no story or feud between the two wrestlers. Good stuff. But that’s why I’m here, to take whatever I’m given on a certain PPV card every month and make sense of it all, for you, the reader! If this really MUST happen, then **The match ends when we get more Truth antics when Thorne and Vink both hop onto the apron to try and distract Truth, but Truth boots Vink and grabs Thorne, and gets into fighting position, thinking Thorne is MVP. The referee has to remind Truth that Thorne is NOT MVP. MVP is MVP. Truth’s brain can’t comprehend this and MVP nails the Playmaker for the 1. 2. 3**. This match is silly and has no stakes whatsoever, so why not have some fun with it?....... what is the meaning of life?




* We go to the commentators who thank the artist of the official theme song of the PPV, and then we go straight into a video package for our next match.


**4TH MATCH: Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Seth Rollins (Singles match for the WWE Championship)**


* The MONDAY NIGHT MESSIAH Seth Rollins comes our first followed by the champion, Drew McIntyre. **The match lasts about 20 minutes and we get formal ring introductions**. Mid-way through Drew’s ring introduction, Rollins ambushes Drew from behind as his name is being sung in glory and tries to get a head start on getting damage on Drew. **Some spots in this match are as follows**:


* Rollins clotheslines McIntyre out of the ring to the outside, runs to hit a regular Suicide Dive but MCINTYRE MEETS HIM MID-AIR AND ROLLINS DIVES RIGHT INTO A CLAYMORE KICK. Drew capitalizes quickly and rolls Seth into the ring for a pin attempt, but Rollins gets his foot on the bottom rope.


* Rollins reverses a Claymore attempt into a Slingblade.


* Similar in fashion to WM31, Rollins tries for a Curb Stomp on McIntyre but Rollins bounces off Drew’s head and Drew catches him when he lands with a kick in the gut and a Future Shock DDT for a nearfall.


* Rollins hits God’s Last Gift because he should really use that move more and immediately follows it up with a big Phoenix Splash for a nearfall.


I could come up with a lot more but I don’t want to make this post *too* long. Ultimately, the match ends when Rollins and McIntyre are hulking each other up in the center of the ring as they rise to their feet more with each strike they take. A game of slingshot begins as Rollins nails a Superkick, Drew runs off the ropes and hits his Glasgow kiss headbutt, this sends Rollins into the ropes who responds by hoisting Drew up for a Buckle Bomb. Seth hits it but Drew ricochets off and shoots out of the corner with one last fatal Claymore kick for the retaining Pinfall**. I think there’s more we can juice out of the Seth and Drew feud, so this should continue even though Seth lost. We can find some reason for him to get another chance, I was thinking maybe a Triple Threat at the next PPV involving Murphy could be the next step. It would be huge for Murphy to be a part of a world title match and really solidify him as a main event caliber player, but also an excuse for Rollins as the challenger to continue without him getting another one on one shot, which would look bad since he lost here. Drew needs to hold onto that title for many years, many decades, many centuries. In no way should he lose it yet, but I think Rollins vs. Drew could provide us at least a few more weeks of intriguing television, if you throw a few other new factors in there.


**WINNER by PINFALL and STILL WWE Champion: Drew McIntyre**


* We get an ad for WWEShop, and then into a video package for our next match.



**5TH MATCH: Braun Strowman (c) vs. Bray Wyatt (Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship)**


* Strowman is out first followed by Bray Wyatt. **We get formal ring introductions and the match lasts around 8 minutes**. The makeup of this one is very simple to me. For the first 5 minutes, it’s legitimately ALL Strowman. Braun hits a powerslam through the announce table, chokeslams Bray on the apron, tackles him through the barricade, just absolutely destroys him. Remember, this is funhouse Bray Wyatt. The one who wants to make peace and is too seemingly gentle and kid-friendly to cause harm. It looks like it’s going to be a squash up to this point. After Braun has hit every move in his arsenal, he decides that’s STILL not enough. He knows this Bray still has some immortal and mystical powers in him. Braun rolls to the outside and fetches the top half of the steel steps. The ref is warning Braun that he could be DQ’ed if he does this but Strowman is a monster whose rage knows no bounds. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t bow down to and take orders from Bray anymore like he once did. **Braun raises the weapon above his head, goes to swing it down on Wyatt’s head, but as we all expected.. All of a sudden the lights go out all at once. We still hear the impact of the steps hitting the canvas.. But it definitely doesn’t sound like it hit a body. The lights return, but this time they’re red, and this time there’s smoke, and this time the Fiend sound effects bellow through the venue. Fiend battles Strowman up the ramp and gets his lucky shot as he causes Braun to pass out quickly with the Mandible claw. Fiend is going crazy with his freakish mannerisms and to cut a long story short, he manages to send the titantron and MITB set crashing down on top of Strowman, effectively killing him. All of a sudden, the lights go down again, and there is the original man in the match, funhouse Bray**. He’s made it back just in time. This is so much damage and destruction, that instead of simply counting them out by this point or DQ’ing him, the referee declares Wyatt the winner right then and there for fear of further damage he could enact. While looking down this card, I safely decided that this, if any, is the one title change that should take place tonight. It would be a big u-turn up to the point as I’ve intentionally ordered the card that all title matches up to this point saw the champion hold on to their belt, but that’s not the overriding reason for this result. We all know the Goldberg match was a huge mistake. I think Fiend with the title can work if he has the right people to work with. Strowman was never in the plans anyways, and there’s so many more intriguing feuds people can have against. The Fiend is still more of a spectacle than Braun Strowman. Wyatt’s reign didn’t end, it was just interrupted. This is a big way to have neither guy lose since WWE booked themselves into a corner with a match where neither guy can lose. Let’s move on with our lives.


**WINNER and NEW Universal Champion by Referee Stoppage after The Fiend appeared and crushed Strowman under the MITB set: Bray Wyatt**


* For this transition we get our most advanced and detailed Hacker video so far...


**6TH MATCH(es): Asuka vs. Carmella vs. Dana Brooke vs. Lacey Evans vs. Nia Jax vs. Shayna Baszler AND AJ Styles vs. Aleister Black vs. Baron Corbin vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Otis vs. Rey Mysterio (Money In The Bank Ladder matches for Women’s Championship and World Championship match contracts)**


* Well, this will be the most complex match I’ve ever written about… two going on at the same time. But, is it two at the same time? Or do they both just combine into one big blob? **The matches go at least 30 minutes, gotta fill time, I’m sure they filmed a shit ton**. Since the parameters of this match are so up in the air, I’ll just post some bullet points with big spots and moments I’d have in the match:


* Everyone gets big entrances coming into the building. Their music plays, some arrive in limos and fancy cars.


* AJ Styles gets thrown off the roof, and then comes back because he is now immortal or something. Show him crawling up the stairwell, or even better, whoever is to knock him off, have them turn around and Styles is standing right there for revenge, totally fine.


* The babyfaces all team up to beat down Corbin with their finishers. Mysterio hurricanranas Corbin onto the middle rope position, hits the 619, Corbin shoots off right into a Black Mass which knocks him to one knee, and then Bryan charges forward with a Running Knee to take him out for the moment.


* Of course, before they get to the roof, we gotta have Otis run through a wall somewhere in there, lets say he's trying to hit Corbin, but Corbin moves and Otis crashes through into someone's office like he did at the Chamber.


* Bryan and Styles are brawling near an elevator, and Bryan hits Yes Kicks on AJ until he retreats into the elevator. The doors open and Bryan does his stomps and presses every button and then runs out and Styles is trapped, forced to go to every floor until the roof to slow him down.


* At one point on the roof, Otis pulls out one of Big Show's old reinforced ladders from under the ring, because he's a BIG boy. Nia and Otis both climb either side at the same time, and then Hornswoggle runs up and pushes the ladder over and both of them fall off the roof of the HQ, but magically grow wings and land back in the ring.


Why am I even trying to come up with ideas? This is going to be completely beyond reason and realism. Let's just get to the winners. Black and Asuka. Sure, it's not who you might THINK WWE will choose to win, but this isn't how WWE WOULD book, it's how they should. Asuka has been the absolute MVP of the empty arena era, she's wrestled or appeared on pretty much every show every week and has been consistently entertaining, so she just deserves to be rewarded for that, doesn't she? Shayna would be my second choice, but we've seen the monster kick-ass heel that announces their cash-in in advance before, and I think it should be a while before we dip into that well again. As far as Black's reason for winning, he's Heyman's golden boy. He has been elevating up the card nicely and I think he could, if not Shayna, be one so confident about winning that he'd announce his cash-in in advance. Black is fucking awesome, and him vs Bray in a clash of two creepy, demonic characters if he decided to cash in on SmackDown, or even him vs. Drew in a clash of two of Europe's finest wrestlers in the world at Summerslam could be something real good.


**WINNERS and NEW MR. and MRS. MONEY IN THE BANK: Aleister Black and Asuka**


No. | Results | Stipulations | Times


Pre-show | Cesaro defeated Jeff Hardy by Pinfall | Singles match | 12 minutes

1 | The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (c) defeated The Forgotten Sons (Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake) (w/ Jaxson Ryker) vs. John Morrison and The Miz vs. Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado) | Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships | 17 minutes

2 | Bayley (c) (w/ Sasha Banks) defeated Tamina by Submission | Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship | 10 minutes

3 | MVP (w/ Brendan Vink and Shane Thorne) defeated R-Truth by Pinfall | Singles match | 7 minutes

4 | Drew McIntyre (c) defeated Seth Rollins by Pinfall | Singles match for the WWE Championship | 20 minutes

5 | Bray Wyatt defeated Braun Strowman (c) by Referee Stoppage | Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship | 8 minutes

6 | Asuka defeated Carmella, Dana Brooke, Lacey Evans, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler | Money In The Bank Ladder match for a Women’s Championship match contract | ?? minutes

6 | Aleister Black defeated AJ Styles, Baron Corbin, Daniel Bryan, Otis and Rey Mysterio | Money In The Bank Ladder match for a World Championship match contract | > 30 minutes


>  MY CARD FOR WHATEVER THE HELL THE NEXT PPV IS CAUSE IT HASN’T EVEN BEEN ANNOUNCED YET (June ??, 2020, Probably Orlando, FL, ,Venue probably the P.C )


No. | Matches | Stipulations |


1 | “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Braun Strowman | Black Sheep Bunker match (pretty much just Firefly Funhouse match but he should have the name of it unique to the feud he’s in) for the WWE Universal Championship

2 | Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Murphy vs. Seth Rollins | Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship

3 | Becky Lynch (c) vs. Liv Morgan | Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship

4 | Bayley (c) vs. Sonya Deville | Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship

5 | Sami Zayn (c) vs. Otis | Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

6 | The Street Profits (c) vs. Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal | Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships

7 | The New Day (Big E & Kofi Kingston) (c) vs. The Forgotten Sons | Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships

8 | Aleister Black vs. Andrade, Angel Garza and Austin Theory (w/ Zelina Vega) | 3-On-1 Handicap match for Black’s MITB Briefcase

9 | The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) vs. Daniel Bryan and Drew Gulak | No.1 Contendership Tag Team match


Well, that was the post. Thanks for reading! As always, let me know what you liked and/or what you didn’t like from the post, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show tomorrow night! **Be sure to look out for my next post for the upcoming PPV, **”How WWE Should Book ????? 2020**. Enjoy the show tonight, everyone.

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