How WWE Should Book Survivor Series 2018

Image result for SURVIVOR SERIES 2018

**Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how WWE Should Book Survivor Series 2018!**


* We get our usual panel of Jonathan Coachman, Booker T, Peter Rosenberg and David Otunga. They hype up the card and  give their predictions and air video packages. **A Social Media Lounge segment is announced earlier in the day with NEW WWE Champion Daniel Bryan. Use #AskDanielBryan**. I’m not sure whether this kickoff show is 2 hours long like most big-4 shows nowadays, but god forbid either way we get into the match at the halfway point in the kickoff.


**KICKOFF MATCH: Team RAW (Bobby Roode and Chad Gable, The Revival (Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson), The B-Team (Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel), Lucha House Party (Kalisto and Lince Dorado) (w/ Gran Metalik) and The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor)) vs. Team SmackDown (The Usos (Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso), The New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston, and/or Xavier Woods), Sanity (Alexander Wolfe, Eric Young and/or Killian Dain), Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, and The Colóns (Epico Colón and Primo Colón)) (5-On-5 Tag Team Survivor Series Elimination match)**


* HOLY FUCKING ALMIGHTY MOTHER OF GOD WHAT A WALL OF TEXT THAT IS ABOVE THIS SENTENCE. My god why do 20 wrestlers have to be in one match? I’m gonna tough it out though. Cheer me on, fellas. **The Team RAW teams are out first with the captains leading them followed by SD’s. The match goes 20 minutes**. You can see all the methods and order of elimination in the table below this match, as will be the same with the other Survivor Series elimination matches in this post. I’m just gonna get right into the meat of it and the ending sequences for these ones instead of regurgitating every elimination. **Before the end of the match, it’s down to The Revival on Team RAW, and The Usos and New Day on SD. As New Day are just about to finish The Revival off with the Midnight Hour, out of nowhere BIG SHOW APPEARS BEHIND BIG E FROM OUT OF NOWHERE (from under the ring) AND FISTS ALL THREE NEW DAY MEMBERS. (in the face). Big Show walks away and it’s revealed at a later date that it was a rouse set up by the Bar. New Day are all unable to compete further and are eliminated by TKO. It’s down to The Usos and The Revival now, and after a few minutes of great tag team wrasslin, The Usos hit Double Superkicks and Uso Splashes on the Revival and Jey gets the pin on Dawson for the win for Team Smackdown**.


**WINNERS by PINFALL: Team SmackDown (Captains The Usos, The New Day, Sanity, The Club and The Colóns; SOLE SURVIVORS: The Usos**


> Eliminations:


Elimination Order | Wrestlers | Brand | Eliminated By | Elimination Method


1 | The Colóns | SmackDown | Bobby Roode and Chad Gable | Eliminated after a Glorious DDT to Epico about 30 seconds in

2 | The B-Team | RAW | The Club | Eliminated after a Magic Killer to Bo Dallas

3 | The Ascension | RAW | The New Day | Eliminated after a Midnight Hour to Viktor

4 | The Club | SmackDown | The Revival | Eliminated after a Shatter Machine to Karl Anderson

5 | Sanity | SmackDown | N/A | Eliminated by DQ after Killian Dain beats down Lucha House Party past the ref’s 5 count

6 | Lucha House Party | RAW | The Usos | Eliminated by Pinfall on Lince Dorado after Sanity beatdown

7 | Bobby Roode and Chad Gable | RAW | The New Day | Eliminated after Honor Roll to Chad Gable

8 | The New Day | SmackDown | N/A | Eliminated by Technical Knockout after Big Show interfered and KO Punched all 3 members

9 | The Revival | RAW | The Usos | Eliminated after Double Superkick + Splash, Dawson pinned


* We get the Social Media Lounge with Daniel Bryan, and he’s super dodgy on questions about his supposed heel turn, or change of attitude. The panel give their final predictions for the main event matches, and we’re all set to get on to the main show.




* WELCOME EVERYBODY TO BRAGGING RIGHTS: Survivor Series edition. Of all the PPV’s in a calendar year, by far the hardest to write and finish in a timely manner is the Royal Rumble, but either Wrestlemania or Survivor Series is a close second, mostly because of the insane truckload of tables that I have to put on Survivor Series every year, including the full eliminations for 3 Survivor Series elimination matches, the final results table, and my card for whatever PPV is up next. However, Survivor Series might possibly be the one post a year of mine that anyone in WWE actually reads because last year, for the first and to this date only time ever, we actually had the exact same match order all the way through the show. Look at my post, look at the card order from last year’s show, boasting done, let’s GET INTO IT BAYBAY.


**1ST MATCH: Seth Rollins (Intercontinental Champion) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (United States Champion) (Champion vs. Champion match)**


* Nakamura is out first followed by Rollins. **We get formal ring introductions and the match goes 16 minutes**. The build-up and hype put into this match has been little to nonexistent, and Seth on RAW was even basically sweeping Nakamura being a threat under the rug. Nonetheless, if no restraints are put on them, this will be a BARN-BURNER and a surefire potential 5 star match. I really don’t think that Dean Ambrose should affect the outcome of this match at all. Get this out of the way, and then begin the feud after Survivor Series. Whether WWE plans to just have them wrestle at TLC or are grooming it for Mania is beyond my knowledge, but there will be plenty of other opportunities for Ambrose to get further into Seth’s head. **The match ends when Nakamura tries for a rare Kinshasa off the top rope, but Rollins catches him and runs to the opposite corner, nails a Buckle Bomb, Nakamura kneels over and Rollins hits the Curb Stomp for the win**. If you really wanted to, have Ambrose attack Rollins post-match, just don’t tarnish the actual bell-to-bell classic that this will be.


**WINNER by PINFALL: Seth Rollins (Intercontinental Champion; RAW- 1, SmackDown- 1)**


* We get a backstage interview with Charlotte Flair. She talks about Becky Lynch choosing her as the replacement for her match against Rousey, and that she’ll make the Baddest Woman On The Planet a little less bad when she makes Ronda suffer the same exact fate that Becky would’ve done to her- make her TAP or SNAP.


**2ND MATCH: AOP (Akam and Rezar) (w/ Drake Maverick) (RAW Tag Team Champions) vs. The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) (w/ The Big Show) (SmackDown Tag Team Champions) (Champions vs. Champions Tag Team match)**


* The Big Bar are out first followed by the Authors Of 205. **The match goes 13 minutes** and it’s your traditional HOSS match where all four guys leave battered and bruised like you wouldn’t believe. *Of course, since WWE was likely creaming their pants over it since AOP won the titles, we get our Big Show vs. Drake Maverick standoff which of course eventually ends in Maverick eating a giant Chokeslam for his troubles**. Hahahahahahah get it cause we have to do this cause show is big and drake is small and drake is short and show is tall hahahahaha it’s funny to see isn’t it? **The match ends after AOP manage to take out Big Show on the outside with a nasty double-teamed powerslam onto steel steps, and then deliver a Last Chapter to Sheamus in-ring, with Rezar getting the pin**. The reasoning for this one should be pretty simple, The Bar are already bulletproof and multi-time Tag champs and established as big names, and AOP are still rising up the ranks. This will be a big win for them.


**WINNERS by PINFALL: AOP (RAW Tag Team Champions; RAW- 2, SmackDown- 1)


* We get an ad for Wrestlemania 35 tickets and travel packages on sale now.


**3RD MATCH: Team RAW (Mickie James, Natalya, Nia Jax, Ruby Riott and Tamina) vs. Team SmackDown (Asuka, Carmella, Naomi, Sonya Deville and ???) (5-On-5 Women’s Survivor Series Elimination match)**


* Team SmackDown’s women are out first followed by the RAW girls. **The match goes 15 minutes**. You can see all the methods and order of elimination in the table below this match. *The mystery partner on SD’s side ends up being Nikki Cross*. She had a great showing even in a losing effort at the UK RAW a few weeks ago vs. Becky, and why not bring her back one more time in a big way to showcase her even better? She’s not got a match on WarGames anyways. **In the ending portion of the match, the field remains with Nia Jax and Tamina going strong on Team RAW while on SmackDown Asuka and Nikki Cross both remain. It’s now down to a normal 2-on-2 tag match. Asuka and Cross try their very best to take down the two heavyweights but their power proves too much to handle to the intense and quick offense of team Blue. Both women are eliminated after eating a Jax Legdrop followed by a Snuka Splash from Tamina, with Asuka being final one out for SD**. I can already see the angry comments that will be furiously typed my way for “AWARDING” Nia Jax for injuring Becky. Bring it on, NERDS.


**WINNERS by PINFALL: Team RAW (Mickie James, Natalya, Nia Jax, Ruby Riott and Tamina); SOLE SURVIVORS: Nia Jax and Tamina; RAW- 3, SmackDown- 1**


> Eliminations:


Elimination Order | Wrestlers | Brand | Eliminated By | Elimination Method


1 | Sonya Deville | SmackDown | Ruby Riott | Eliminated after a Riott Kick

2 | Natalya | RAW | Naomi | Eliminated after Rear View when immediately after Riott eliminates Deville, Natalya tags herself in, arguing ensues, Ruby lays out Nattie & Naomi takes advantage

3 | Carmella | SmackDown | Nia Jax | Eliminated after an Atomic Legdrop

4 | Naomi | SmackDown | Tamina | Eliminated after Superfly Splash

5 | Ruby Riott | RAW | Asuka | Eliminated after passing out in the Asuka Lock

6 | Mickie James | RAW | Nikki Cross | Eliminated after a Swinging Fisherman Neckbreaker

7 | Nikki Cross | SmackDown | Tamina | Eliminated after a Jax Legdrop + Superfly Splash combo

8 | Asuka | SmackDown | Tamina | Eliminated after a Jax Legdrop + Superfly Splash combo


* We get an ad for WWEShop and then we go to a backstage interview with Mustafa Ali. Ali talks quickly, and vows to beat Murphy for the title next and prove why he’s always been called the Heart and Soul of 205Live. Ali smiles and walks away as his music hits in the arena.


**4TH MATCH: Buddy Murphy (c) vs. Mustafa Ali (Singles match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship)**


* Ali is out first followed by Murphy. **The match goes 15 minutes and we get formal ring introductions**. These two had, in my opinion, the best 205Live match in the history of the show on the July 3rd edition earlier this year. Go watch that NOW if you haven’t seen it before. Thank me later. On that note, I’m insanely excited to see what they pull off on a PPV. **In the end, Murphy hits a Murphy’s Law for the retain**. Murphy only just won the title, and I think Mustafa should most definitely be the next man to hold it, just now yet. He could be a great character on the chase for it.


**WINNER by PINFALL and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Buddy Murphy**


* We get an ad for WWE Elite Collection, the official sponsor of the PPV, and then go up to the Kickoff Panel for their thoughts on the event so far.


**5TH MATCH: Team RAW (Bobby Lashley, Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and Finn Balor) (w/ Lio Rush) vs. Team SmackDown (Jeff Hardy, The Miz, Rey Mysterio, Samoa Joe and THE BEST IN THE ENTIRE WORLD Shane McMahon) (5-On-5 Men’s Survivor Series Elimination match)**


* Team RAW is out first with their own entrances followed by SmackDown. **The match goes 30 minutes**. You can see all the methods and order of elimination in the table below this match. This might sound insane, but I’m gonna have SmackDown absolutely **CLEAN SWEEP** Team RAW. When’s the last time that happened? It’s always just 2 or 3 on the winning team that survive, it’s time for a change and a swerve. And it’s not even gonna be entirely SmackDown being a hugely dominant team, because there’s lots of people on Team SD that aren’t as good as others that maybe couldn’t believably pin most of RAW. *There are so many combustible elements on RAW that I’d have the team just completely go to shit and cave in on itself. There’s so much hate that fills this team, and it’s too apparent not to have everyone turn on each other and screw themselves; Lashley and Balor have had a mini feud in recent weeks and Lashley is gonna be pissed that Finn beat him last week on Raw, plus Bobby is now a dominant give-a-fuckless heel who will beat up anybody for no reason, McIntyre and Strowman have prior heat after that one time Drew went MAWNSTA HOUNTING (roughly translated out of a Scottish accent into MONSTER HUNTING) on Braun a few weeks ago, and tensions between Drew and Dolph have been mounting every week. There are so many combustible elements here that it would be stupid not to have Team RAW completely fall apart. **You can see the eliminations in the table below as I said, but the ending moments of the match come when Ziggler and McIntyre are the final two standing on Team RAW, with all of SD still intact. All members of Team SD but The Miz are laid out all over ringside, and it’s looking hopeless for The Miz to take out The Showoff and The Scottish Psychopath by himself. McIntyre and Ziggler nail Miz with the Claymore-ZigZag combo, and just as McIntyre is about to go cover Miz, Ziggler stops him and goes to the outside to get a Steel Chair from under the ring. Ziggler is about to swing on Miz but then stops himself and hands the chair to Drew instead to do the damage. Drew just stands there and doesn’t do anything, and Dolph yells at him to hit Miz. Drew slowly raises his head and locks eyes with Ziggler, AND WRENCHES THE CHAIR INTO ZIGGLER’S GUT. The bell rings and McIntyre is DQ’ed, but continues to beat the shit outta Ziggler with the chair. Dolph is left for dead as Drew finally shows mercy and walks up the ramp. Miz has finally come-to by now and drags himself slowly to the cover, lays over Ziggler, and the ref counts the 3**. McIntyre and Ziggler have teased a breakup countless times lately, and it’s about time, with Reigns out, Strowman reportedly injured and taking time off soon, and no real top stars on RAW for Drew McIntyre to break off on his own and get his Universal Championship megapush, and plus Miz finally gets his World Cup won he would’ve gotten over Dolph at Crown Jewel. The RAW team has completely fucked themselves over and it was all their own fault. No one could get along, and SmackDown, almost accidentally, has clean sweeped the men’s team for the red brand.


**WINNERS by PINFALL: Team SmackDown (Jeff Hardy, The Miz, Rey Mysterio, Samoa Joe and Shane McMahon) ( RAW- 3, SmackDown- 2**


> Eliminations:


Elimination Order | Wrestlers | Brand | Eliminated By | Elimination Method


1 | Finn Balor | RAW | Samoa Joe | Eliminated via Submission after passing out in the Coquina Clutch following a Dominator on the outside by Bobby Lashley

2 | Bobby Lashley | RAW | Jeff Hardy | Eliminated after a Swanton Bomb after Balor comes back in and lays out Lashley with a Coup De Grace

3 | Braun Strowman | RAW | N/A | Eliminated by Count-Out after a masked man in the crowd (Baron Corbin) hops the barricade and punches Strowman with Brass Knuckles, followed by a Leap Of Faith Elbow Drop through the announce table by Shane McMahon

4 | Drew McIntyre | RAW | N/A | Eliminated by Disqualification after attacking Dolph Ziggler with a Steel Chair

5 | Dolph Ziggler | RAW | The Miz | Eliminated by Pinfall after Miz capitalizes on McIntyre’s beatdown


* We get an ad for TLC next month.


**6TH MATCH: Ronda Rousey vs. Charlotte Flair (Interpromotional Singles match)**


* Man, when Becky Lynch was still in this match I was 100% set on having this match main event the show. It was absolutely the most hyped up match of the card, as well as the biggest and most important, and it absolutely was bound to go last. With Charlotte now in the spot and them two specifically not having any chance to build a match, and it’s not even Charlotte’s fault, but I just don’t think this has the power to main event anymore. On the bright side, Becky’s injury may have been a blessing in disguise because it’s now an absolutely solid lock for a Wrestlemania 35 main event. It’s gonna be HUGE. **Ronda is out first followed by Charlotte, and the match goes 15 minutes**. It’s insane that they gave away what once was planned as the main event for Mania on Survivor Series, half a year early. *In a big spot in the match, Charlotte goes up top to attempt a Corkscrew Moonsault, but Ronda catches her in an Armbar as she hits the ground*. This is gonna be Ronda’s best match yet and I’m so excited as I’m sure you all are too. **The match ends when Becky Lynch appears on the titantron via satellite. Her black eye is still very existent and she insults RONNIE, and gets in her head. Ronda is looking at the tron and turns around into a giant Spear from Charlotte, but Rousey just barely kicks out. Ronda hits the Rowdy Buster followed by the armbar and Charlotte taps out pretty quickly**. Becky’s distraction failed this time, but neither woman has forgotten about their unfinished business.


**WINNER by SUBMISSION: Ronda Rousey; RAW- 4; SmackDown- 2**


* We get an ad for what’s coming to the WWE Network this winter.


**7TH MATCH: Brock Lesnar (Universal Champion) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Daniel Bryan (WWE Champion) (Champion vs Champion match)**


* Lesnar is out first with the Paulrus *followed by Bryan WHO COMES OUT TO HIS OLD SLOWED DOWN HEEL VERSION OF FLIGHT OF THE VALKYRIES ( and does the NO chant*. We all saw what clicked in Lesnar’s mind last year in the match with AJ Styles, for once the man actually sold and put on a real effort into his wrestling match, and I don’t suspect it’ll be much different for DB. Bryan Danielson comes alive in this match and Bryan tries every submission he’s ever learned to try and tap out Lesnar. Tons of stiff knees, elbows and forearms delivered in this. **After a great back and forth match, it ends when Bryan is in the corner, No-Chanting and runs toward Lesnar to try the B+ Knee, but Brock scoops him up and hits an F-5 for the win**. Yet again it takes just one F-5 for Lesnar to win a match, but at least it’s another longer match that he’s actually put effort into. This is Bryan’s dream match, and the match we were supposed to get at Summerslam 2014, in which Bryan’s beating was passed on to John Cena. I’m just so worried about Bryan’s head and neck taking all these Germans. Lesnar don’t play around. Hopefully they can play it safe.


**WINNER by PINFALL: Brock Lesnar (Raw- 5; SmackDown- 2)**




No. | Results | Stipulations | Times | RAW vs. SD Current Standing |


1PS | Team SmackDown (The Usos (Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso), The New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston, and/or Xavier Woods), Sanity (Alexander Wolfe, Eric Young and/or Killian Dain), Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, and The Colóns (Epico Colón and Primo Colón)) defeated Team RAW (Bobby Roode and Chad Gable, The Revival (Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson), The B-Team (Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel), Lucha House Party (Kalisto and Lince Dorado) (w/ Gran Metalik) and The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor)) by Pinfall | 5-On-5 Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match | 20 minutes | RAW- 0; SmackDown- 1

2 | Seth Rollins (Intercontinental Champion) defeated Shinsuke Nakamura (United States Champion) by Pinfall | Champion vs. Champion match | 16 minutes | RAW- 1; SmackDown- 1

3 | AOP (Akam and Rezar) (w/ Drake Maverick) (RAW Tag Team Champions) defeated The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) (w/ Big Show) (SmackDown Tag Team Champions) by Pinfall | Champions vs. Champions match | 13 minutes | RAW- 2; SmackDown- 1

4 | Team RAW (Mickie James, Natalya, Nia Jax, Ruby Riott and Tamina) defeated Team SmackDown (Asuka, Carmella, Naomi, Nikki Cross and Sonya Deville) by Pinfall | 5-On-5 Women’s Survivor Series Elimination match | 15 minutes | RAW- 3; SmackDown- 1

5 | Buddy Murphy (c) defeated Mustafa Ali by Pinfall | Singles match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship | 15 minutes | N/A

6 | Team SmackDown (Jeff Hardy, The Miz, Rey Mysterio, Samoa Joe and Shane McMahon) defeated Team RAW (Bobby Lashley, Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and Finn Balor) by Disqualification | 5-On-5 Men’s Survivor Series Elimination match | 30 minutes | RAW- 3; SmackDown- 2

7 | Ronda Rousey defeated Charlotte Flair by Submission | Interbrand Singles Match | 15 minutes | RAW- 4; SmackDown- 2

8 | Brock Lesnar (Universal Champion) (w/ Paul Heyman) defeated Daniel Bryan (WWE Champion) by Submission | Champion vs. Champion match | 15 minutes | FINAL SCORE: RAW- 5; SmackDown- 2


> MY TLC 2018 CARD (December 16th, 2018; San Jose, CA)


No. | Matches | Stipulations


1 | Seth Rollins (c) vs. Dean Ambrose | Ladder match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

2 | Daniel Bryan (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. The Miz vs. Samoa Joe | Fatal 4-Way Tables, Ladders and Chairs match for the WWE Championship

3 | Baron Corbin vs. Braun Strowman | Tables, Ladders and Chairs match

4 | Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Nia Jax | Tables match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship

5 | Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre | Chairs match (Chairs matches are usually the dumbest thing ever, but in this case it would actually fit well into the storyline since Drew turned on Ziggler by hitting him with a chair)

6 | Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas (w/ Zelina Vega) | Singles match for the WWE United States Championship

7PS | AOP (Akam and Rezar) (w/ Drake Maverick) (c) vs. Bobby Roode and Chad Gable | Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships

8 | The Big Bar (Big Show, Cesaro and Sheamus) (c) vs. Sanity (Alexander Wolfe, Eric Young and Killian Dain) | 6-Man Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships


Well, that was How WWE Should Book Survivor Series 2018. Thanks for reading. Tell me what you liked or disliked from the post, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show. **As always, be sure to look out for my next post for the upcoming PPV “How WWE Should Book TLC 2018” the day before the show on Saturday, December 15**.  Enjoy the show, everyone.

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