How NXT Takeover: Chicago II Should Be Booked

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Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how WWE Should Book NXT Takeover: Chicago II.


·         We get our usual Takeover panel of Charly Caruso, Primetime Sam Roberts and Pat McAfee, who was actually really great at New Orleans. The panel hype up the matches and give their predictions. We’re shown video packages and we get backstage interviews with Shayna Baszler, Ricochet and Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch. The panel give their final predictions for the main event matches, and we get to the main show.



·         Well, here we are again. Takeover NOLA was one of the greatest fucking wrestling shows I have EVER watched. Still not over it. Lots of people are sleeping on this card just because not all of the challengers might necessarily make “dream matches”, but I think this could be just as good as NOLA. Just keep an open mind. Now, let’s get to the first match.


1ST MATCH: Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa (Chicago Street Fight)



·         WAIT WAIT, let me explain. This can’t just be a traditional WWE Street Fight. WWE Street Fights are no different from No DQ, No Holds Barred, Anything Goes, or Unsanctioned matches, which is what they had in NOLA. This needs to be a FIGHT IN THE STREETS. If you remember the match between Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper at Extreme Rules 2015, that’s essentially what should happen here, except we actually see them fighting in different public places throughout the night rather than they just disappear completely for hours. In order to do that, this would need to begin the show, even though it’ll actually end much later in the night before the main event. Ciampa is out first with new theme music, titled BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. As Ciampa is walking down the ramp, Gargano’s music hits and Ciampa spins toward the entryway, ready for a fight. Gargano blasts him from behind with a Kendo Stick and the brawl begins. The two brawl around the ring for about 5 minutes, with Gargano spearing Ciampa through a barricade, and Ciampa dropping Gargano through an announce table with a White Noise like at Chicago last year. The two fight through the crowd and up the stairs, through the doors, to the lobby, and out of the entire arena to the outside. The two are brawling and Gargano pushes Ciampa into the cameraman, cutting off the feed. We go to the commentators and they say that the cameras will try and catch up with the two later on in the show and try to restore order. With nothing that can be done at that moment, we get to our next match.


2ND MATCH: The Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong) (c) vs. Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan (Tag Team match for the NXT Tag Team Championships)


·         Undisputed Era are out first with Adam Cole and Kyle is playing his title guitar as always.ONE AND ONEY and Danny Burch are out next. I’m so damn happy that these two are finally on a Takeover. They’re too good not to be. Longer overdue. The match goes 19 minutes. It’s a FIGHT full of stiff kicks, punches, forearms, headbutts, backbreakers, and death. UE get the win after Adam Cole jumps up on the apron when it looks like Oney and Burch are about to get the win to distract the ref, and Oney runs around the ring and yanks Cole off the apron, but in the mean time Roderick Strong takes the opportunity to blast Burch with a steel chair, hits the End of Heartache and gets the win.


WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: The Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong)


·         We get an ad for Money In The Bank the following night and an ad for Tapout.


·         We go to the commentary team now and Mauro begins to transition into our next official match but CAMERAS THEN CUT TO GARGANO AND CIAMPA BRAWLING INSIDE OF A SUPERMARKET. It’s a full out Booker T vs. Stone Cold supermarket brawl. Gargano throws Ciampa into a shelf of oranges, Ciampa smashes a watermelon over Gargano’s back, they try to lock each other in a freezer, Gargano rams Ciampa into a wall in a cart, everything you would expect in a Supermarket brawl. These would all obviously be pre-taped segments. The fight ends when they fight out of the market to another location we’ll see later.



3RD MATCH: Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Nikki Cross (Singles Match for the NXT Women’s Championship)


·         Baszler is out first followed by Cross. The match goes 12 minutes and we get formal ring introductions. This is gonna be the most unexpected great match of the entire year for all of WWE. The two brawl all around ringside, over the announce tables, slamming each other into ring posts, into steel steps, onto steel steps, dives everywhere, submission after submission, it’s complete chaos. Baszler ends up getting the win after Cross is up top and tries the Hail Storm Flying Headbutt but Baszler catches her mid-air and rolls into a Rear Naked Choke and Cross passes out for the win. Cross has been fantastic and she’ll take the title eventually unless WWE plans for her to join Sanity on the main roster after this show, but Baszler is still the most dominant force in that division and they could have a Steel Cage match in Brooklyn to harken back to Shayna’s MMA background.


WINNER by Submission and STILL NXT Women’s Champion: Shayna Baszler


·         We get an ad for WWE Shop and then the commentators once again begin to transition to the next match but GARGANO AND CIAMPA ARE NOW BRAWLING IN A MOVIE THEATER. Ciampa and Gargano drown each other in the popcorn dispenser, throw each other into movie posters, powerbomb on the ticket counter, again, everything you could possibly imagine happening in a movie theater brawl. The segment ends when they again brawl out the back door and cameras have to try and catch up with them later. We go back to the commentators and they introduce us to our next match, and it’s a BANGER.


4TH MATCH: Ricochet vs. Velveteen Dream (Singles match)


·         Ricochet is out first followed by Dream. The match goes 25 minutes. The second number of the match length is how many stars this will get. Actually six. Actually eighteen. Actually 23059234. I’m excited if you couldn’t tell. I’m not even about to tell these two guys what spots they could do. They already have them all set out weeks before the show, practicing everyday Ricochet’s 630 senton off 345 ladders stacked on top of each other into a Death Valley Driver. The actual ending to the match comes when Ricochet knocks Dream to the outside of the ring and runs to try a Tope Suicida, but Dream HAS BRASS KNUCKLES AND SLUGS HIM IN THE JAW. THE REF DOESN’T SEE IT AND THEN DREAM HITS THE PURPLE RAINMAKER FROM THE TOP ROPE FOR THE WIN. Ricochet still has so many more guys to face and turmoil to go through until he gets to the main event and the NXT title. Dream however, should have his chance already, in Black/Dream II in a 30-Minute Iron Man match at Takeover Brooklyn 4, which by the way I’ll have my full card for at the end of this post.


WINNER by Pinfall: Velveteen Dream


·         IT’S TIME FOR OUR FINAL CONTEST OF THE EVENING, FOR THE NXT CHAMPIONSHIP, VIC JOSEPH SAYS…….. But not before we return to the scene of Gargano and Ciampa brawling back into the arena! They’re back in the lobby again and come back down through the crowd, clothesline each other over the barricade, and into the ring. This is where they have their proper match for the night, only about 20 minutes so shorter than the last one, but really all they need after everything that’s happened in the night. The match ends FINALLY when Ciampa is beating down Gargano with forearms, and busts him open. Johnny Wrestling is a sprinkler of blood. Candice LeRae runs down to try to stop the madness. Candice has a steel chair, and so does Ciampa. The two both stare each other down on opposite sides of the ring with Gargano in the center, lying in a pool of blood and foreign objects. Ciampa puts down his chair, and sits down next to Gargano. Candice runs at Ciampa with knees and starts beating him down in the corner. Ciampa is absorbing the punishment and then Candice goes to the top for a crossbody but Ciampa pushes Gargano, who has just gotten up in the way and Candice flattens her husband and then rolls to the outside, hurt from the miscommunication. Ciampa takes advantage and locks in the Garga-No Escape on Gargano himself.The pain is too great and Gargano taps out. Ciampa is now 2-0 in Chicago. Gargano is out indefinitely. Candice ends up challenging Ciampa to a match in Brooklyn on the next set of tapings. Yes, really. Ciampa winning with Johnny’s own submission move would be the ultimate heel heat.


WINNER by Submission: Tomasso Ciampa


5TH MATCH: Aleister Black (c) vs. Lars Sullivan (Singles match for the NXT Championship)


·         This may not be everyone’s ideal Takeover main-event show closer, but the NXT title didn’t main event in NOLA so it should here. Plus, I think this could be a blowaway match. Again, keep an open mind. This will be very telling for Lars’ abilities and how far he’ll go in the company. Lars is out first followed by Black. We get formal ring introductions and the match goes 17 minutes. Lars shouldn’t lose clean, but Black should also retain. I don’t know if Lars should ever lose cleanly while in NXT. We’ve already had two pretty dusty-finishes tonight, and I don’t think it should be that way for a third. You could always just go for a DQ or Countout win for Black, but I don’t think that should happen in a Takeover main event. For now, we’ll just say Black hits a lucky series of Black Mass kicks and gets the win.


WINNER by Pinfall and STILL NXT Champion: Aleister Black








Johnny Gargano and Tommasso Ciampa fight outside of the arena (Part I)

Chicago Street Fight

2:30:00 (go to beginning of main show for explanation)


The Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong) (c) defeated Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan by Pinfall

Tag Team match for the NXT Tag Team Championships

19 minutes


Gargano and Ciampa fight in a Supermarket


4 minutes


Shayna Baszler (c) defeated Nikki Cross by Submission

Singles match for the NXT Women’s Championship

12 minutes


Gargano and Ciampa fight in a Movie Theater


4 minutes


Velveteen Dream defeated Ricochet by Pinfall

Singles match

25 minutes


Ciampa and Gargano return to the arena and have a proper 20 minute match; Ciampa defeats Gargano by Submission

Chicago Street Fight

20 minutes


Aleister Black (c) defeated Lars Sullivan by Pinfall

Singles match for the NXT Championship

17 minutes


MY CARD FOR NXT TAKEOVER: BROOKLYN IV (August 18, 2018; Brooklyn, NY)





Aleister Black (c) vs.Velveteen Dream

30-Minute Iron Man match for the NXT Championship


Adam Cole (c) vs. EC3

Singles match for the NXT North American Championship


Pete Dunne (c) vs. Ricochet

Singles match for the WWE United Kingdom Championship


Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Nikki Cross

Steel Cage match for the NXT Women’s Championship


The Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong) vs. TM61

Tag Team match for the NXT Tag Team Championships


Candice LeRae vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Intergender match


Lars Sullivan vs. Otis Dozovic (w/ Tucker Knight)

Singles match to determine the No.1 Contendership to the NXT Championship

Well, that was How NXT Takeover: Chicago II Should Be Booked. Tell me what you liked and didn’t like, and what from this post you’d like to see actually happen on the show. Be sure to look out for my MITB 2018 post tomorrow, and of course I’ll have “How NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV Should Be Booked” post Summerslam weekend. Enjoy the PPV, everyone. Let’s see if they can top NOLA.


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