How WWE Should Book Elimination Chamber 2018 (RAW)

Image result for elimination chamber 2018

Hey everyone! I love to write and I love wrestling so ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, I have been fantasy booking WWE PPV's in detail, and have been a wrestling fan since 2005. Without further ado, here is How WWE Should Book Elimination Chamber 2018. The road to Wrestlemania continues.


PRE-SHOW: We get our usual panel with Renee Young, Master dirtsheet-troller Booker T, David Otunga and everyone’s favorite person ever Peter Rosenberg. They hype up the matches and give their predictions throughout the hour, and we're also shown video packages. A Social Media Lounge segment with Alexa Bliss is announced earlier in the day. Use #AskAlexaBliss. About halfway through, we get to our kickoff match.

KICKOFF MATCH: The Club (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. The Miztourage (Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel) (Tag Team Match)

  • The Miztourage are out first followed by The Club. The match goes 10 minutes, and the Club win with a Magic Killer. Quick match that needs no detailed explanation.

WINNERS: The Club by Pinfall

  • We get the Social Media Lounge segment with Alexa Bliss, and then the panel gives their final predictions for the two Chamber matches as we begin the main show.


  • THE DEVIL’S FAVORITE STRUCTURE. cue clip of random wrestler screaming. SATAN’S PLAYGROUND. more screaming and spooky noises. It’s the Elimination Chamber PPV. Michael Cole uses his hand motions to welcome us to the show and we get to our first match.

1ST MATCH: Asuka vs. Nia Jax (Singles Match; if Jax wins, she will be added to the WWE RAW Women’s Championship match at Wrestlemania 34)

  • You might think that this is a strange match to begin the show, but it’s necessary because of how it will affect the Women’s chamber match, which takes place next. Asuka is out first followed by Jax. The match goes 11 minutes. It’s very even throughout but whenever Asuka is getting hot, Nia shuts her right down. The match ends when Nia calls for an Atomic Legdrop but Asuka hops onto her feet and clenches Nia in the Asuka Lock, trying to force her down to the mat. Out of nowhere, Alexa Bliss runs in with a Steel Chair and whacks both women at the same time, and the referee calls for the bell. Alexa sends Asuka out of the ring and has Nia all alone now. She destroys Jax with the chair and then holds up her title and retreats to the back.


  • We’re shown an ad for Fast Lane next month and then we go backstage to see Alexa Bliss hurrying through, looking behind her to see if Nia is there. She accidentally bumps into Kurt Angle and spills his coffee on his suit. Kurt is livid now and tells Alexa she’s paying for the dry cleaning, and demands to know why she interfered in the finish of Asuka vs Nia Jax. Alexa reasons that since it was a Double Disqualification, they both lost, it was a draw, so she doesn’t have to defend her title against anyone at Wrestlemania. Alexa begins to leave after saying she needs time to mentally prepare for the Women’s Chamber match, but Angle stops her and says that since Bliss seems so confident in her abilities, the FIRST EVER HISTORICALLY HISTORY-MAKING WOMEN’S EVOLUTION WOMEN’S ELIMINATION CHAMBER is now up next. There’s a big pop from the crowd and Bliss looks like she’s seen a ghost and Angle walks away as we hear the Chamber lowering music from backstage, then we go to the arena.

2ND MATCH: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Bayley vs. Mandy Rose vs. Mickie James vs. Sasha Banks vs. Sonya Deville (Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship)

  • The chamber surrounds the ring now as Alexa Bliss is out first, shaking and fearing for her life for the fear of Nia Jax getting in the Chamber. Mickie James is out next, followed by Sasha Banks, and finally Bayley. The match goes 26 minutes. Those four women will be in pods, and we now know that Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville will have to battle each other to begin the match, as they come out together with Paige. Paige stays on the outside as Rose and Deville hug before locking up and they beat the hell out of each other. 5 minutes passes and we get the birds eye view of the Chamber and the lights flash on all four pods, and out comes Sasha Banks at #3. Sasha goes wild on both women and they double team Banks. Sasha knocks Rose out of the ring with a Haymaker and nails Sonya with a backstabber into a Bank Statement for the tapout. Sonya Deville has been eliminated. Mandy tries to avenge her Absolution partner but suffers the exact same fate, tapping out to a vicious Bank Statement. Already two women have been eliminated from the match and Banks is now alone in the ring as Paige helps both women to the back. The countdown clock appears and Sasha looks around at all 3 women still in pods, and chooses to stare down Bayley. What a coincidence, Bayley is in at #4. Bayley steps out of her pod and stares down Sasha in the ring. The two women look separate ways at the crowd and then Sasha jumps out of the ring onto the grate and picks up Bayley and rams her into the chain link wall, and the two women roll engage in a scuffle of punches and kicks. The two brawl and recreate some spots from their Brooklyn match until the countdown clock appears to bring out #5. It’s only two pods left as the lights flicker and it ultimately lands on Mickie James. Mickie comes in and the three form temporary alliances on one woman before eventually turning on each other again. All of a sudden, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville come back in and take over Bayley, Sasha and Mickie. They beat the hell out of all 3 as Paige barks orders and then they hear the crowd begin to count down for the final entrant as they both turn around and get on either side of Alexa’s pod. Alexa won’t come out and slams the doors shut even after she’s supposed to come out. All 5 women surround the ring and then all back up, Alexa looks every way possible and braces for impact when out of nowhere NIA JAX CLUBS EVERYONE FROM BEHIND AND CRASHES INTO THE POD, BREAKING THE GLASS. Nia swings Alexa all around the chamber and then hits Mickie James with an Atomkic Legdrop. Jax throws both Deville and Rose back out of the Chamber as the door is open, but ALEXA KNOCKS NIA OUT AND SLAMS THE DOOR SHUT. She covers Mickie and she is eliminated. We’re down to our final 3. Bayley, Sasha Banks and the champ. The three have a great sequence until Bayley and Sasha team up momentarily to take out Bliss, but Bliss pokes Bayley in the eyes and Bayley turns around, and Bayley To Belly’s the first person she touches, which is Banks, thinking it’s Bliss. .Bayley celebrates but then hears the announcement that Sasha Banks has been eliminated. Sasha screams at Bayley as Bayley begins to regain her vision and Bayley tells her she thought she had pinned Alexa. Sasha snaps and locks Bayley in the Bank Statement until she passes out, and even still won’t break it. Referees and notorious brawl-breaker-uppers spill out from the back to force Banks out of the Chamber. Alexa slithers up and hits a Twisted Bliss off the top rope for the retain.

WINNER and STILL WWE RAW Women’s Champion by last eliminating Bayley: Alexa Bliss



Order Eliminated

Eliminated by

# Of Eliminations


Mandy Rose


Sasha Banks



Sonya Deville


Sasha Banks



Sasha Banks



2; Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville




Alexa Bliss

1; Sasha Banks


Mickie James


Alexa Bliss



Alexa Bliss



2; Bayley & Mickie James

  • We get an ad for Tapout.

3RD MATCH: The Bar (Cesaro & Sheamus) (c) vs. Titus WORLDWIIIIIDE (Apollo & Titus O’Neil) (Tag Team Match for the WWE Raw Tag Team Championships)

  • The Bar are out first followed by Titus Universewide. The match goes 5 minutes... Apollo and Titus both overpower The Bar early and while Cesaro and Apollo are legal, Sheamus runs out and grabs the ring bell and tosses it to Cesaro, hoping to get an easy DQ win to keep the titles. Dana jumps on the apron, trying to get the ref to see it but the ref tells her to get down. Cesaro swings at Apollo but Apollo ducks and superkicks the bell into Cesaro’s face. Cesaro is stunned and Apollo rolls up Cesaro for the upset win. The crowd doesn’t know how to react as Apollo and Titus celebrate and look shocked.

WINNERS and NEW WWE Raw Tag Team Champions by Pinfall: Titus Worldwide

  • Titus URAH’s into the mic and cuts a promo about how groundbreaking this moment is for the TITUS BRAND. They yell and go crazy but Sheamus gets a mic and demands their rematch immediately. TItus Worldwide decline but Angle comes out and says that The Bar will get their requested rematch right now, and it that if Titus Worldwide get DQ’ed than they can lose their titles. Titus URAH’s angrily at Kurt as they go back to the ring for the Bar’s rematch clause.

4TH MATCH: Titus Worldwide (c) vs. The Bar (Tag Team Match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships; if Titus Worldwide are disqualified, they can lose the titles)

  • This match goes 11 minutes. The Bar get their titles back and become 5-Time champs with a new tag-team finisher I had in mind where Cesaro sends Apollo flying into the air for a Very European Uppercut, and on the way down he eats a MID-AIR BROGUE KICK FROM SHEAMUS*. The reason that this switching of the titles and immediate rematch bussiness would happen is simply because while you might think of it as a “waste of time”, it’s the sort of thing that needs to happen during Wrestlemania season. It makes Titus Worldwide look good in the fact that they were able to become RAW Tag Champs, and it’s the unpredictability we need during this time. Also, you really need to fill up some time on this show. IT’S THE R/TRUTH.

WINNERS and NEW WWE Raw Tag Team Champions: The Bar

  • We get an ad for Wrestlemania 34, and that it’s 42 days away.

5TH MATCH: Bray Wyatt vs. “WOKEN” Matt Hardy (Singles Match)

  • Matt Hardy is out first followed by Spooky Bray. The match lasts 15 minutes. It’s so sad to see how far Bray has fallen from last year’s Elimination Chamber, winning the WWE Championship, to 2018, losing to Matt Hardy in a feud based on laughing alot. Since Matt now owns the trademarks for the ENTITIES and vocab of his original broken gimmick, I think it only fit for the match to end in a No Contest, as they brawl into the crowd, and out of the arena. We see the, brawling into various stores outside the arena, and finally VANGUARD ONE appears and transports Matt Hardy away as Wyatt looks around and proclaims that Matt Hardy has deleted himself, and laughs. Basically, they brawl out of the arena and lots of Broken Matt stuff happens. Moving on. The feud would move on to Wrestlemania in a Final Deletion II Broken Matt vs. Sister Abigail match, as you can see my Wrestlemania 34 matches for RAW at the end of this post.

Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy fought to a NO CONTEST

  • We get a graphic for RAW tomorrow informing us that The Revival will address the WWE Universe and demand a shot at the RAW Tag Titles.


  • Rousey comes out to a big introduction and points at the Wrestlemania sign, because she really enjoys pointing. She says some words about how rowdy she is and then points at the pen. She picks up the pen and then points at the contract. She’s about to sign but before she can THE AUTHORITY’S MUSIC HITS AND OUT COME STEPHANIE MCMAHON AND TRIPLE H. Rousey points at the two as they come down the ramp. The segment lasts 15 minutes in total. In short, preferably The Rock, but if not then Kurt Angle, and if not again then Braun Strowman, and if not then Shane McMahon come out after Stephanie forces Ronda to the stipulation that if she signs the WWE contract, then she must wrestle her at Wrestlemania, because ever since Wrestlemania 31 when Ronda twisted her arm, she’s wanted to beat the shit out of her. HHH chimes in and says that she’ll join Stephanie in the match, and can’t wait to see for Rousey to try and get a partner, and they laugh. Ronda looks toward the stage and the partner comes out. Ronda puts Steph in an armbar as the partner attacks HHH with their finisher. The faces stand tall and Ronda signs the contract to a big pop as The Authority retreat. Our first Wrestlemania match is official.
  • The commentators promote the official theme of the PPV, "M.O.M (Man on a Mission)" by Will Roush.

6TH MATCH: Braun Strowman vs. Elias vs. Finn Balor vs. John Cena vs. The Miz vs. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins (Elimination Chamber Match for a WWE Universal Championship Match at Wrestlemania 34)

  • We get a video package of past Elimination Chamber brutality as the chamber music sounds and it lowers to the ring. When we get back,** Elias is in the ring on his stool. Hello, he is Elias. He plays the EXTENDED VERSION of the “Elimination Chamber Blues”. Braun is out next and Elias SPRINTS to the safety of his pod. Out next is Cena, and finally THE BIG DAWG. The three men to start off are the men that were involved in the best RAW match of 2017, Finn Balor, Seth Rollins and The Miz respectively. The three reenact some spots from the match, run wild with DDT’s, Slingblades and Ripcord Knees. **5 minutes pass and the clock counts down as we see above the pod and the lights flash. IT LANDS ON THE POD OF THE LARGE K-9, and he runs wild hitting a TRIPLE SPEAR TO ALL 3 MEN. He covers Seth Rollins, but he kicks out. He covers Finn Balor, but a kickout again. He finally tries to eliminate the Miz, but again he gets out. The Gigantic Mutt can’t believe it. The 4 men fight and Seth goes for a Curb Stomp on Balor and the second he stomps on his skull, REIGNS CONNECTS WITH A SUPERMAN PUNCH TO ROLLINS, SENDING HIM CRASHING DOWN TO THE MAT. Elias has a mic and begins to play Roman Reigns theme song on his guitar. Roman is getting really pissed off now as the countdown clock appears and it flashes on the 3 pods. OUT AT #5 IS JOHN CENA. Elias immediately takes notice and begins to sing Basic Thuganomics, but then corrects himself and plays the BRRAPADOO theme. Cena stares down Elias and in the distraction suffers a huge top-rope blockbuster from Finn Balor. The 5 men go wild and beat the holy hell out of each other, jumping off pods and climbing the walls. Another 5 minutes has passed and there’s only one man left that can be #6. BRRRAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNN. Strowman immediately runs out of his pod as Elias begins to play his music and STROWMAN RUNS THROUGH THE PLEXIGLASS, FLATTENING ELIAS IN HIS POD BEFORE HE’S EVEN SET TO COME OUT. ELIAS IS DEAD ALREADY AND BRAUN HITS A RUNNING POWERSLAM THROUGH A POD ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE, AND THEN CHUCKS ELIAS BY HIS SHIRT INTO THE RING FOR THE PIN. Elias is the first man eliminated, and Braun goes and breaks his guitar over his knee. It’s now a normal 6-man Chamber. Balor, Reigns, Rollins, Miz and Cena all ambush Braun and try to take out the big man. Braun does the ROAAARRRR spot and all 5 men explode into opposite ends of the ring. Braun runs wild on everyone and the Miz is eliminated after a Coup De Grace by Finn. **Miz is livid and as referees assist him in leaving the Chamber, he runs back in and nails Finn with a vicious Skull Crushing Finale, leaving a wounded Seth Rollins to cover him for the pin. This sets up Miz vs. Balor for Wrestlemania. It’s now down to a Fatal 4-Way. Braun Strowman, John Cena, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins. Braun wants to dominate everyone and everything and become Universal Champion, and he will stop at no costs. John Cena is trying to find his Road to Wrestlemania. Roman Reigns needs to fulfill his prophecy and main event Wrestlemania for the 4th year in a row. For Seth Rollins it’s about redemption. He wants to reclaim his place in the main event, as a World Champion, that he was screwed out of TWICE. Cena runs wild on both Rollins and Reigns, and hits a 10 KNUCKLE SHUFFLE. Rollins rolls out of the ring but Roman stays. Cena calls for an AA, trying to get back his win from Roman from No Mercy when the lights go out. Gong. Undertaker is here. Chokeslam. Tombstone. Gong. Lights go out. Undertaker is gone. Rollins crawls into the ring and covers Cena. We’re now down to a Triple Threat. Whatever happens with the Rousey segment, either way the final 3 men would be Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. If it’s not Angle or Rock, then this would be the time where Triple H comes in to screw Braun, after their collision at the end of Survivor Series 2017. Otherwise, Roman goes for a Spear on Rollins but Rollins hits a Curb Stomp instead. SETH ROLLINS GOES TO THE TOP OF THE POD AND CALLS FOR A PHONEIX SPLASH. ROLLINS JUMPS BUT REIGNS MOVES. ROLLINS ROLLS BACK TO HIS FEET AND EATS A SPEAR. Rollins leaves the chamber, frustrated that he didn’t get his Mania moment. In the other situatuion, HHH pedigrees Braun and Roman covers him, and the final two would be Reigns and Rollins. For situation 1 as seen in the table below, the final two are Braun and Roman and Roman ultimately wins with 30 Spears. In situation 2, the final two are Roman and Seth and Seth gets a rollup upset win on Roman, making the Universal title match at Wrestlemania Brock/Rollins/Reigns, continuing on their history from the end of WM31.

WINNER: Roman Reigns (Scenario 1) or Seth Rollins (Scenario 2)




Order Eliminated

Eliminated by

# Of Eliminations


The Miz


Braun Strowman



Finn Balor


Seth Rollins



Seth Rollins


Roman Reigns

2; Finn Balor & John Cena


Roman Reigns



2; Braun Strowman & Seth Rollins


John Cena


Seth Rollins (After being attacked by The Undertaker)



Braun Strowman


Roman Reigns

2; Elias & The Miz




Braun Strowman





Order Eliminated

Eliminated by

# Of Eliminations


The Miz


Finn Balor



Finn Balor


Seth Rollins (After The Miz came back in and hit a SCF on Balor for revenge)

1; The Miz


Seth Rollins



2; Finn Balor & Roman Reigns


Roman Reigns


Seth Rollins

2; Braun Strowman & John Cena


John Cena


Roman Reigns (After being attacked by The Undertaker)



Braun Strowman


Roman Reigns

1; Elias




Braun Strowman


Final Results:






The Club defeated The Miztourage by Pinfall

Tag Team match

10 Minutes


Asuka vs. Nia Jax ended in a Double disqualification

Singles match; if Jax wins, she will be added to the WWE RAW Women’s Championship match at Wrestlemania 34

11 Minutes


Alexa Bliss (c) defeated Bayley, Mandy Rose, Mickie James, Sasha Banks and Sonya Deville

Elimination Chamber match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship

26 Minutes


Titus Worldwide defeated The Bar (c) by Pinfall

Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships

5 Minutes


The Bar defeated Titus Worldwide (c) by Pinfall

Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships; if Titus Worldwide get DQ’ed, they lose the titles

11 Minutes


Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy fought to a No Contest

Singles match

16 Minutes


Ronda Rousey signs RAW contract; HHH and Stephanie come out and taunt and intimidate her; The Rock or Kurt Angle come out after Steph challenges Ronda to a match; babyfaces take out the Authority


15 Minutes


Roman Reigns (if The Rock wrestles at WM) defeated Elias, Finn Balor, John Cena, The Miz and Seth Rollins OR Seth Rollins (if The Rock doesn’t wrestle at WM) defeated Elias, Finn Balor, John Cena, The Miz and Roman Reigns

Elimination Chamber match for a WWE Universal Championship match at WrestleMania 34

41 Minutes

  • Don’t worry everyone. Only one more table….

WRESTLEMANIA 34 CARD (RAW Matches; April 8th, 2018)





Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns (if Rock wrestles); Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins (if Rock doesn’t wrestle)

Singles or Triple Threat match for the Universal Championship


The Miz (c) vs. Finn Balor

Singles match for the Intercontinental Championship


Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Nia Jax

Singles Match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship


The Bar (c) vs. The Revival

Tag Team TLC match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships


Mustafa Ali vs. Roderick Strong

Finals of Cruiserweight Championship Tournament


The Rock/Kurt Angle/Braun Strowman & Ronda Rousey vs. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon

Mixed Tag Team Match


(????) Kurt Angle vs. Seth Rollins

Singles Match


Braun Strowman vs. Samoa Joe

No Holds Barred Match


Bayley vs. Sasha Banks

Career Threatening Singles Match (AKA loser goes to Smackdown after Mania)


BROKEN Matt Hardy vs. Sister Abigail

Final Deletion II Match

I know that’s ALOT of matches for just one brand, but once it’s determined what the plans with the Rousey match are, it’ll get a lot shorter. And if you really need you could put either the RAW Women’s Title match or the IC title match on the kickoff.

Hope you all enjoyed the post. Tell me what you liked and didn’t like, and what from this post you’d like to see on the show. Be sure to look out for my “How WWE Should Book Fastlane 2018 (SDLive)” post the day before that show on March 10th. Enjoy the show, everyone, see you next time.


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