How NXT Takeover WarGames Should Be Booked

 Image result for nxt takeover wargames 2017

Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, I have been fantasy booking WWE PPV's in detail, mainly just because I love writing and wrestling and throwing out ideas. I major in journalism in real life. As always, enjoy the post, and give me your thoughts and what from my post you'd like to see really happen on the show. Without further ado, here is How I Would Book NXT TAKEOVER: WAR GAMES. (For those that have seen these posts before that are confused, I was previously u/ThePipeBomb11)

My post on last year’s Survivor Series Weekend NXT Takeover, Toronto:


  • Our panel consists of Charly Caruso, Booker T, and everyone’s favorite man on this Earth, Sam Roberts. We’re shown video packages and the panel hypes up the matches and give their predictions. I’m just gutted that the Dunne/Gargano Match is a dark match that we’re only getting to see next week, it’s definitely a PPV worthy match.

DARK MATCH: Pete Dunne (c) vs. Johnny Gargano (Singles Match for the WWE United Kingdom Championship)

  • Dunne is out first followed by Gargano and his REBEL HEART. I firmly believe this could be better than anything on Takeover. The match goes 13 minutes, and Gargano almost wins the big one with a Slingshot Spear but Pete snatches him and lifts him up for a Bitter End.

WINNER by Pinfall and STILL WWE United Kingdom Champion: Pete Dunne

  • The panel give their final predictions for the War Games Match and then we get to the main show.


  • Well, godamn. The match that everyone has been longing for the return of for 16 1/2 years is finally back. This show is going to be incredible. Don’t forget I have a “How WWE Should Book Survivor Series 2017” post going up tonight/tomorrow morning as well, with some big announcements on future posts. Let’s get right into playing some War Games.

1ST MATCH: Aleister Black vs. The Velveteen Dream (Singles Match)

  • Dream is out first followed by Black. This has honestly been one of my favorite feuds of the year. They've made PATRICK CLARK look like a credible threat to ALEISTER BLACK. Dream has played his character to perfection. The match goes 12 minutes. It ends after Dream nails a Death Valley Driver on Black and then rolls outside, grabs a mic, gets down on one knee and then shoves the mic in Black's face and demands he say his name for all to hear. Black breathes heavily for a few seconds and then says "You... you are the Velveteen Dream... and you're about to get kicked in the face". Black jumps up, slaps the mic out of Dream's hand, and then hits a Black Mass for the win. I was thinking about a DQ finish for this match, since NXT almost never does DQ's anyways, but there was just one in the Roddy/Cole match, so they shouldn't do another this early.

WINNER by Pinfall: Aleister Black

  • We get a backstage interview with SHAWN MICHAELS, and he promises to win the ab-off later against Johnny Gargano. Yes, this is really going to happen. I won't let WWE forget it.

2ND MATCH: Lars Sullivan vs. Kassius Ohno (Singles Match)

  • This is HOSS VS. HOSS IN A 700 MINUTE MONSTER TRUCK NO ROPES ELECTRIC APRON DEATHMATCH. The match sadly does not last 700 minutes, only 10. At one point Sullivan GORILLA PRESS SLAMS Ohno. Ohno hits the Rolling Elbow to the back of the head and LARS KICKS OUT AT 1. Lars gets the win after sending Ohno shoulder-first into an exposed turnbuckle and then hits the Freak Accident for the win.

WINNER by Pinfall: Lars Sullivan

  • We get an ad for Survivor Series tomorrow night.

3RD MATCH: Ember Moon vs. Kairi Sane vs. Nikki Cross vs. Peyton Royce (with Billie Kay) (Fatal-4 Way for the Vacant NXT Women's Championship)

  • Kairi is out first followed by Peyton followed by Ember and finally Cross. The match goes 13 minutes. The 4 women beat the hell out of each other and it ends after Peyton Royce and Kairi Sane are in the ring. Sane hits a Tornado DDT off the turnbuckles on Peyton, and then goes up top for the IN-SANE ELBOW. She hits it but before she can make the cover, Nikki Cross runs in, throws Kairi to the outside, and then steals the pin to win the title. Nikki rolls out and holds up her title and clutches it to her chest on the ramp. Allow me to explain. Ember Moon was feuding with Asuka for forever, and she could never beat her, so I feel that Ember can't just win it randomly in a fatal fourway. I'd have it end up being Kairi vs. Ember at Takeover New Orleans, and Ember wins it there. And they can't have Kairi win because they need to have a break from the unbeatable Asuka dominant character for a while, and that's just exactly what they'd make Sane be. They can't have Asuka 2.0 be the champion after original Asuka, and in many fans minds they still just think of the woman who came in to replace Asuka and replicate her, and she shouldn't be champion until that is squashed. This is also the beginning of Sanity holding all the belts in NXT, with Eric Young becoming NXT Champ sooner or later.

WINNER and NEW NXT Women's Champion: Nikki Cross

  • IT'S TIME FOR THE AB-OFF. Shawn is out first followed by Gargano. The two take off their shirts, do some crunches, planks, and flex like it's the 1980s all over again. It's now up to a crowd vote and the bigger reaction after each name is said wins. We'll just have to see how this one turns out, but I'm rooting for Vince to have multiple orgasms and fall over in a chair at ringside again.

4TH MATCH: Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Andrade Almas (with Zelina Vega) (Singles Match for the NXT Championship)

  • McIntyre is out first followed by Andrade. Very happy that Almas is finally getting this match. Drew McIntyre just doesn't feel like a guy that should be in NXT right now at all. He should be on RAW as Intercontinental Champion again right now, and maybe eventually a main eventer. I'd think the plan would be to have Drew come up right around Rumble season, maybe even on RAW 25, (which I'll have a post for BTW), but Andrade also shouldn't lose clean. The match goes 16 minutes. It ends after Almas hits the La Sombra near the ropes, and the ref is turned the other way and does not see that Drew has his foot on the bottom rope, and Almas gets the pin. It appears that Andrade has won the title, but it would be revealed after the ref is shown footage from the match that McIntyre got his foot on the rope and there was really no title change. The two would fight again on the final NXT of 2017, where McIntyre would defend the title in a Triple Threat against Almas and Eric Young, and Young would win the championship, completing Sanity's championship hunt. McIntyre would not appear on NXT again and would debut around the Royal Rumble a few weeks later on the main roster on RAW.

WINNER and STILL NXT Champion: Drew McIntyre (with Andrade appearing to have won, decision reversed following NXT)

  • We get an ad for Tapout. Then we get the graphic for WAR GAMES and a video package for the match. We get to our main event as the second ring is rolled out and constructed.

5TH MATCH: Authors Of Pain & Roderick Strong vs. Sanity vs. The Undisputed Era (3-Way WAR GAMES MATCH)

  • The two rings and two cages are all set up as we come back from the video. One problem is I don't know whether this match will be contested like old War Games where two men start off and then every 2 minutes a member of a random team comes in, or something different. I'm just going to assume they do it that way. If that is the case, then Kyle O'Reily starts off against Roderick Strong. The match goes 26 minutes. The entries are shown in the table below. The brawl ends Roddy & SAnity are down in one ring, and in the other The Undisputed Era are brawling with the Authors of Pain, and Roddy sees that his chances are diminishing. The Authors power off Fish, Cole and Kyle and hit both their finishers on Bobby and O'Reily. Adam Cole is the only one left. Out of nowhere, Strong hits a Sick Kick on Akam, and another on Rezar, turning heel. All 3 members of the Undisputed Era get up now and all pile on top of Rezar for the win. Their music plays and then Cole offers a hand to Strong, and he shakes it. Takeover ends with The Undisputed Era standing tall with a new member.

WINNERS: The Undisputed Era (with the help of a Roderick Strong heel turn)





Kyle O'Reily


Roderick Strong


Alexander Wolfe


Eric Young


Bobby Fish






Adam Cole


Killian Dain

Welp, that was how I'd book NXT Takeover WARGAMES. Hope you all enjoyed, and be sure to share anywhere you can. Tell me what you liked and didn't like, and be sure to look out for my "How WWE Should Book Survivor Series 2017" post coming out.... in the next 24 hours. It has some big news on future booking posts, bringing the grand total coming out in January to 4. The Rumble, Takeover Philly, and two others... and involves yet more heel turns. Enjoy the show tonight, everyone.


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