How WWE Should Book Hell In A Cell 2017 (SDLive)

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Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, I have been fantasy booking WWE PPV's in detail, mainly just because I love writing and wrestling. I major in journalism in real life. As always, enjoy the post, and give me your thoughts and what from my post you'd like to see really happen on the show. Without further ado, here is How I Would Book Hell In A Cell 2017. (For those that have seen these posts before that are confused, I was previously r/ThePipeBomb11)

My post from HIAC 2015:

My post from HIAC 2016:


  • Our Kickoff Panel consists of Renee Young, David Otunga, Peter Rosenberg and Jerry Lawler. They hype up the matches and give their predictions throughout the hour, and we're also shown video packages. A Social Media Lounge segment with Bobby Roode is announced earlier in the day. Use #AskGlorious. The panelists blab throughout the show and Peter Rosenberg is terrible throughout. We get the SML, and then with about 20 minutes left, we go to our kickoff match.

KICKOFF MATCH: Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin vs. The Hype Bros (Tag Team Match)

  • Gable and Bejamin are out first followed by The Hype Bros. The match goes 9 minutes and it's an average TV-quality match. Gable and Benjamin have lots of offense to show what they can do and Bejamin gets the win for the team when Shelton and Ryder are legal, but Mojo runs in and gets nailed with a Superkick from Shelton. Shelton goes up top and hits a Swanton on Mojo then immediately leaps up and sidesteps a charging Zack Ryder with a Paydirt for the win.

WINNERS by Pinfall: Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin (They eventually adopt the Team Name "American Made".

  • The panelists give their final predictions, Lawler talks about how much he loves Diet Dew, and we get ready for the main show.


  • We get our usually devilish, spOokY opening HIAC PPV video package. IT'S THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND.... or whatever. We get the opening wide shot and we see the cell towering over the arena, and it begins to lower down with the music and lights for our first match.

1ST MATCH: The New Day (c) vs. The Usos (Tag Team Hell In A Cell Match for the WWE SDLive Tag Team Championships)

  • We get a video package as the cell lowers of all these two teams encounters since MITB. In my opinion, the best in-ring WWE feud of the year. What's been better? The Usos are out first followed by New Day. The match goes 19 minutes. Xavier is locked on the outside of the cell during the match. The two teams have another classic and at one point Woods actually climbs to the top of the cell with a steel chair and props it down and watches from above for a better view. He climbs up with a backpack and grabs some popcorn from a planted fan in the crowd, and drops food through the holes on The Usos when they're on offense. The match ends when The Usos both set up two tables in the ring on opposite sides near the ropes, and then they both climb opposing cage walls about halfway. They're about to leap off the cell wall into the ring through the tables when out of nowhere THE AUTHORS OF PAIN RUN IN (from their cozy mancave under the ring) AND BOTH YANK THE USOS OFF THE WALL AND POWERBOMB THEM ONTO THE APRON. They beat the hell out of both teams and Akam and Rezar both pick up Big E and slam him through the cell door. They hold up the titles over the bodies of Usos and New Day, with Woods still watching in horror from atop the cell.

WINNERS: No Contest; New Day are still SDLive Tag Team Champions

  • We get an ad for KFC, one of the PPV’s sponsors.

2ND MATCH: Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler (Singles Match)

  • We come back into the arena and all of a sudden ROB VAM DAM’s music hits. Everyone jumps from their seat thinking that RVD is returning right in his hometown of Detroit, but then boos overwhelm as it’s only Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler does all the RVD antics and then points and laughs at the crowd, and says that everything RVD has ever done, he can do better. He drops the mic and then goes to the back and comes out again as another Detroit native, DIESEL. Dolph walks to the ring as Big Daddy Cool and then rips off the gear and stomps on it, with his actual gear under it. Roode is out next for his first ever MR PPV entrance. The match goes 14 minutes, and I expect this to be a very good clash of styles. This will be a match that surprises people. Roode gets the win after countering a Zigzag with a Glorious DDT.

WINNER by Pinfall: Bobby Roode

  • We get an Asuka video package, and a reminder that she debuts at TLC.

3RD MATCH: Randy Orton vs. Rusev (Singles Match)

  • Rusev is out first, yelling RUSEV NUMBER ONE followed by Orton. The match goes 11 minutes. It doesn’t seem like they’re setting up Randy for any big programs anytime soon again, although I would love to see the rumored Megateam Tag Titles run with Cena after he comes back. Rusev gets the pin on Orton after a barrage of spin kicks. Rusev Day II will occur on Tuesday.


  • We get an ad for tapout and then an outside shot of the brand new Little Caesar’s Arena.

4TH MATCH: Natalya (c) vs. Charlotte (Singles Match; WWE SDLive Women’s Championship)

  • Natalya is out first followed by Charlotte. The match goes 13 minutes, because Natalya and Charlotte should always be trusted to have a good match together. Both women work profusely over each other’s legs throughout the match and Charlotte eventually locks in the Figure 8 AROUND THE RINGPOST, (with her on the outside and Nattie in the ring), and becomes the first woman to be NXT, RAW AND SD women’s champions.

WINNER by Submission and NEW SDLive Women’s Champion: Charlotte Flair

  • We get a backstage interview with Rusev and Charly Caruso and Rusev is ELATED (what does that mean?). He’s insanely excited that he finally slayed the viper, and he’s got a surprise for everyone... TUNE IN TO SD TUESDAY FOR RUSEV DAY II.

5TH MATCH: AJ Styles (c) vs. Baron Corbin (Singles Match; WWE United States Championship)

  • Styles is out first followed by Corbin. We get formal ring introductions. I have no clue why Dillinger wasn’t put in this match, as he’s legit been involved in every segment of the build of this feud. Maybe he’ll get his shot at Survivor Series, which I’ll have the SD Card for at the end of this post. The match goes 16 minutes, and Corbin gets the win after catching A PHENOMEMAL FOREARM INTO AN END OF DAYS. Corbin must beat Styles clean here after his treatment since his failed cash in. I think Baron could make a great US Champ. He’s still rapidly improving. AJ’s loss here is very important as it plays into the next match, in which the VERY FIRST Wrestlemania 34 ANGLE IS OFFICIALLY BEGUN. (hint: the angle is Styles/Nakamura. Oops.)

WINNER and NEW United States Champion by Pinfall: Baron Corbin

  • We get what will be the one of the final WWE 2K18 “Be Like No One” ads before the game comes out in the coming days.

6TH MATCH: Jinder Mahal (c) (with The Singh Brothers) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (Singles Match; WWE Championship)

  • Nakamura is out first followed by Jinder. Before the match can begin, the Singhs are locked outside the cell, and Daniel Bryan’s music hits and he announces that the brothers are BANNED from ringside for the match, and if they disobey that order, MAHAL WILL BE STRIPPED OF THE WWE TITLE. Finally some consequences. The match goes 12 minutes. I just don’t trust these two to have a good match. At all. Not after SS. The two do their damn best. If you think Shinsuke Nakamura is winning his first WWE Title not in the main event, and especially before the India Tour, you are very mistaken. The match ends when Nakamura is going for the Kinshasa and Mahal ducks and Shinsuke knocks out the ref. Nakamura is trying to think quick about what just happened but that’s interrupted when he turns around into a PHENOMEMAL FOREARM BY AJ STYLES. Styles beats the shit out of Shinsuke with a chair. AJ Styles is Heel once again. The best AJ Styles. He wants to get back on top, and he wants to prove everyone wrong that says he can’t Nakamura on the grandest stage of them all wrong, and what better chance than tonight? AH hits a Styles Clash on the chair and then walks to the back without looking back and Jinder slithers in and covers Nakamura to continue the reign of terror. This was really the best way for Jinder to retain in a fashion that wouldn’t leave fans absolutely pissed. It would end up being Styles/Mahal at Survivor Series... will the WWE Championship become PHENOMEMAL for the second time? (My best cole impression)

WINNER and STILL WWE Champion by Pinfall: Jinder Mahal

  • THE FASHION FILES ARE BACK. The newest episode airs on the tron and then Breezango actually come out and demand to find out who their attackers are or the main event won’t happen. Harper and Rowan attack them. Boom.

7TH MATCH: Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon (Falls Count Anywhere Hell In A Cell Match)

  • Heeeere we go. We get a video package before the match. Shane is out first and he wants to start this on top of the cell. Owens follows and he refuses to climb and enters the cell and sits in the corner of the ring. Shane mocks Owens and Kevin IS NOW PROVOKED TO BEAT A MCMAHON SENSELESS. The two brawl on top of the cell. The match goes 22 minutes.. ALRIGHT ITS THE DAY OF SO IM GOING RAPID FIRE NOW. JUST CUTTING TO THE CHASE, LOTS OF INSANE SPOTS, SHANE GOES OFF THE CELL AND DIES AGAIN, THEY FIGHT THROUGH THE CROWD AND BACKSTAGE, Match ends when they’re in the cell, and Owens is beating down Shane the cell door was actually busted open earlier in the match, and all of a sudden Sami Zayn runs down, assuming to help Shane, but nice old El Generico turns heel and aligns with Owens. Owens hits a PUP for the win.

WINNER by Pinfall and Sami Zayn Heel turn: Kevin Owens

Final Results:





Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin (American Made) defeated The Hype Bros by Pinfall 

Tag Team Match


New Day (c) vs. The Usos ended in a No Contest (After The Authors Of Pain make their MR debut and demolish both teams)

Tag Team Hell In A Cell Match for the WWE SDLive Tag Team Championships


Bobby Roode defeated Dolph Ziggler by Pinfall

Singles Match


Rusev defeated Randy Orton by Pinfall

Singles Match


Charlotte Flair defeated Natalya (c) by Submission

Singles Match for the WWE SDLive Women's Championship


Baron Corbin defeated AJ Styles (c) by Pinfall

Singles Match for the WWE United States Championship


Jinder Mahal (c) defeated Shinsuke Nakamura by Pinfall (After AJ Styles runs in and costs Nakamura the match)

Singles Match for the WWE Championship


Kevin Owens defeated Shane McMahon by Pinfall (After Sami Zayn helped KO get the win, turning heel)

Falls Count Anywhere Hell In A Cell Match

MY SURVIVOR SERIES 2017 SDLive HALF CARD: (November 19, 2017) No. | Match | Stipulations | :--|:--|:--| 1 | Jinder Mahal (c) vs. AJ Styles | Singles Match for the WWE Championship

TOO LATE RIGHT NOW TO MAKE A BIGGER CARD. Obviously there’s the Survivor Series Singles Match. Hope you all enjoyed, tell me what you liked and didn’t like. Be sure to look out for my TLC post day before that. Enjoy the show, everyone!

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