How WWE Should Book Extreme Rules 2017 (RAW)


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Hey everyone! Every month, days before PPV's happen, I share my thoughts on the show and card and how I would book the show that has unexpected swerves, returns, debuts, and a memorable show that would leave fans happy. If you want, you can read some past editions of these by clicking on my name and searching. I have been doing these for every PPV since Night Of Champions 2015. I hope you enjoy, and this is how I would book Extreme Rules 2017.

Here's my post on Extreme Rules 2016:


We get the usual panel. A Social Media Lounge segment with Austin Aries is announced earlier in the day. #AskAries. The panel discusses and hypes up the matches and give their predictions. We get some video packages. The panel gives their final predictions, and then we get to the main show.


  • We get an opening video about how EXTREME TONIGHT IS, TAZZ. The opening pyro goes off and then Steel Cage music sounds as the structure lowers for our first bout.

1ST MATCH: The Hardy Boyz (c) vs. Sheamus & Cesaro (Steel Cage Match for the RAW Tag Titles)

  • The Hardys are out first followed by DO DO DO DO DO, SHEAMUS AND CESARO. Now, this is sort of a dilemma. Cesaro and Sheamus just had an awesome heel turn at Payback, and have been killing it ever since then as a top heel team in the company, so they would look terrible if they failed again here. Then again, I don't think the Hardys should lose the titles until WWE acquires the rights to the Broken Gimmick, assuming that would be where it begins. The match goes 17 minutes, and since its Extreme Rules, this is always the PPV where I list 35 big spot ideas per match, so here we go:
  • Jeff does a Whisper In The Wind off the top of the cage to Sheasaro
  • Cesaro swings Jeff and Matt and catapults them into the Cage wall
  • Matt tries to climb the cage but Sheamus climbs the top rope and powerbombs Matt off midway up onto a pile of chairs

The match ends when Matt climbs over the cage wall and Sheamus escapes out the door at the same time, leaving their partners Cesaro and Jeff left to win. Matt nails Sheamus with a Twist Of Fate on the steps on the outside. Jeff climbs up to the top of the cage and then hits a SWANTON BOMB OFF THE TOP, but Sheamus pulls Cesaro out by his feet and Cesaro hits the floor, and Jeff takes a 10+ foot back bump. Sheamus and Cesaro win the titles for a second time, and post-match, Matt LOSES IT. He starts kicking the cage, AND BITES ONE OF THE WIRES. Jeff has to practically carry him to the back. I'll have my complete card for the next RAW PPV, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, at the end of this post, for where the tag titles would go.

WINNERS and NEW RAW Tag Team Champions: Sheamus & Cesaro.

  • We get an ad for collections on the network.

2ND MATCH: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. The Miz (with Maryse) (WWE Intercontinental Title; if Ambrose is disqualified, he loses the title)

  • Ambrose is out first followed by Mike Mizanin. We get formal ring introductions. The match goes 12 minutes. Miz continually tries to provoke Ambrose into a DQ throughout the match. One fun spot in the match sees Ambrose and Miz trading off Figure 4's. It's back and forth the whole time until Ambrose goes up to the top rope for an elbow drop on Miz, and Maryse runs in behind him. Miz looks up and Maryse pushes him out of the way and nails Maryse with an elbow. Ambrose immediately springs up and realizes what Miz has pulled off. He tries to hold the ref back but he calls for the bell. Miz runs and grabs the title and Dean chases him through the crowd but Miz gets away. Miz is on the ramp and he and Ambrose stare down as The Miz is an 8 time champion.

WINNER and NEW Intercontinental Champion: The Miz

  • We get a backstage interview with Roman Reigns about the Fatal Fiveway.

3RD MATCH: Rich Swann & Sasha Banks vs. Noam Dar & Alicia FAUX

  • Sasha's music hits first and she comes out and waits on the stage. Swann's music hits and the two dance down to the ring. Dar and Fox are out next. The commentators thank the sponsors for the PPV. The match goes 9 minutes. Before the match begins, JoJo gets on the mic and announces that Kurt Angle has made the match a Tornado Tag. Sasha taps out Alicia with the Bank Statement.

WINNERS: Sasha Banks & Rich Swann

  • We get a backstage interview with Seth Rollins about the Fatal Fiveway.

4TH MATCH: Neville (c) vs. Austin Aries (Submission Match for WWE Cruiserweight Title)

  • Aries is out first followed by Neville. The match goes 20 minutes. This is Double A's last chance. I was thinking that maybe Neville would retain AGAIN here, hold it until Summerslam and at SS issue an open challenge, saying he's beaten everyone in the division. Rey Mysterio would make a shocking return and win the strap, but apparently his LU contract goes through the end of the year. One big spot in the match sees Neville down near the north set of ropes, and Aries springs off the top rope to hit a 450, but Neville pushes Aries off and AA crashes through the announce desk, which Aries took the cover and monitors off earlier in the match. The match ends when Neville jumps off the top rope for Red Arrow, but Aries moves and locks in the Last Chancery. Neville gets to the ropes, but Aries pulls him back to the center of the ring. Neville reaches for a Kendo Stick in the corner, and tries to whack AA, but Aries grabs it and locks it on Neville's face, and Neville has to tap.

WINNER and NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Austin Aries

  • Bray Wyatt cuts a promo about the Fatal Fiveway, and we get an ad for Tapout. We go to our Kickoff panel to get their thoughts on the show so far.

5TH MATCH: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Bayley (Kendo Stick On A Pole Match for the WWE RAW Women's Title)

  • Alexa is out first followed by Bayley. Kendo Stick On A Pole. Very bad stip. The match goes 11 minutes. Usually in Object on a Pole Matches, doesn't end in Pinfall or Submission. Two human beings must battle to grab a stick first. Alexa nails a Twisted Bliss on Bayley and then grabs the Kendo off the pole. Alexa beats Bayley with it and then holds up her title. Out of nowhere, Paul Heyman walks down the ramp with a smile and enters the ring. Heyman and Bliss shake hands.... the dream of a Paul Heyman Girl has come true. And who better then Alexa?

WINNER & STILL WWE RAW Women's Champion: Alexa Bliss (with Paul Heyman)

  • We get a backstage interview with Samoa Joe and Finn Balor about the Fiveway.

6TH MATCH: Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Samoa Joe (Fatal Fiveway to determine No.1 Contender to the Universal Title)

  • We get a video package before the match. Seth is out first, followed by Samoa Joe, then Bray Wyatt, then Finn Balor, and finally Reigns. The match goes 24 minutes. Some spots in the match:
  • Rollins, Reigns and Bray are in the ring. Rollins hits a Superkick on Wyatt, Bray turns around and Reigns runs off the ropes and runs at Bray for a big Spear, but BRAY WYATT LEAPS OVER REIGNS and Reigns accidentally nails Rollins with a Spear. Rollins rolls out of the ring and Reigns is stunned and Bray hits a Sister Abigail on Reigns. Bray hooks the leg but Balor just saves the match with a Coup De Grace to the back of Bray on Roman.
  • Rollins springs off the top rope for his Springboard Knee, but Joe catches him in position for a Muscle Buster and hits it but Rollins kicks out.
  • Balor retreats to the opposite corner of Bray to hit a Shotgun kick, and as Finn is running, Roman slides in out of nowhere and nails a Superman Punch on Balor.
  • All 5 men battle out to the stage. Offscreen, Rollins climbs the titantron and then jumps off onto everyone.
  • Joe gets a Ladder from under the ring, and Balor is laid out on the Spanish Announce desk. Joe climbs the ladder and jumps off and CRUSHES FINN BALOR WITH SENTON THROUGH THE TABLE.
  • Lots and lots of chair shots.

The match finally ends when Balor hits a Coup De Grace on Seth Rollins. It would be a shocker for Seth to take the pin in the match, but he can more than rebound from it and it would protect guys like Joe and Bray. Balor celebrates and motions a title around his waist. We get the graphic for Finn Balor vs. Brock Lesnar at Great Balls Of Fire. Great Balls of Fire. Great Balls Of Fire. Balor does the gun motion with his hand and he poses on the top rope with pyro to end the show.

WINNER: Finn Balor

Final Results:





Cesaro & Sheamus defeated The Hardy Boyz (c) by Cage Escape

Steel Cage Match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Titles


The Miz (with Maryse) defeated Dean Ambrose (c) by DQ

Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Title. Since Ambrose was disqualified, he lost the title.


Sasha Banks & Rich Swann defeated Alicia Fox & Noam Dar by Submission

Mixed Tornado Tag Team Match


Austin Aries defeated Neville (c) by Submission

Submission Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Title


Alexa Bliss (c) (with Paul Heyman) defeated Bayley

Kendo Stick On A Pole Match for the WWE RAW Women's Title


Finn Balor defeated Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt & Samoa Joe

Fatal Fiveway to determine No.1 Contender to the Universal Title






Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) vs. Finn Balor

Singles Match for the WWE Universal Title


The Miz (c) (with Maryse) vs. Goldust

Singles Match for the WWE Intercontinental Title


Sheamus & Cesaro (c) vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Club

Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the WWE RAW Tag Titles


Alexa Bliss (c) (with Paul Heyman) vs. Sasha Banks

Singles Match for the WWE RAW Women's Title with Bayley as Special Guest Referee


Austin Aries (c) vs. Akira Tozawa

Singles Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Title


Neville vs. Seth Rollins

Singles Match


Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt & Samoa Joe

Tag Team Match


Apollo Crews (with Titus O'Neil) vs. Kalisto

Singles Match

I hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you liked and didn't like, and what from this post you'd like to see on the show. Be sure to look out for my "How WWE Should Book Money In The Bank 2017 (SDLive)" post the day before that. Enjoy Extreme Rules, everyone!

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