How Elimination Chamber 2021 Should Be Booked

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Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, before major WWE pay-per-views every month, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big milestone RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how Elimination Chamber 2021 should be booked!



  • SATAN’S STRUCTURE. cut to random shot of a screaming wrestler. 8,000,000 MILES OF UNFORGIVING STEEL. wrestler laying on the ground, rolling in pain. ELIMINATION CHAMBER. We’ve arrived at the final TIDAL WAVE on the BODY OF WATER To Wrestlemania. Because this year, it’s pirates! Argh! And pirate ships on the ocean! Yeah, dude, let’s go surfing, whoa! As always, this isn’t what I think WILL happen, this is what I think SHOULD happen. Now, let’s distract ourselves from the real world with some pro wrestling.

1ST MATCH: Drew McIntyre (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus (Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship)

  • Jeff Hardy is out first, followed by AJ Styles, followed by Drew McIntyre, followed by Sheamus, the final man inside a pod. Sheamus immediately walks straight up to Drew’s pod when he steps inside the chamber and the two men press their faces against the glass and it’s an intense moment. Sheamus finally enters his pod and we now know the two men that will begin this match, Kofi Kingston and Randy Orton!

  • Orton makes his way out and then finally, The New Day’s music hits and out comes Kofi Kingston, with Xavier Woods and even Big E, too! While they can’t technically WRESTLE as a team anymore with Big E being on a separate brand, they’ve still been appearing together for each other’s entrances on PPV’s since then, so this is fine. Plus it’d be nice to have all 3 of them out there, rallying Kofi on during his entrance for KofiMania 2! They all have microphones and are doing their usual New Day schtick and mannerisms before the match. They slowly walk down the ramp and creep towards the Chamber, and they finish off by vowing that KofiMania II is COMING, BECAAAAAAAUUUUUUSSSSEEEEE…. NEW DAY RO- they’re suddenly cut off when RETRIBUTION ATTACK WOODS AND BIG E FROM BEHIND. T-Bar, Slapjack and Mace are all there mugging the two others while Kofi is still standing. The fans are left to wonder for a second why Kofi isn’t being targeted when all of a sudden, MUSTAFA ALI FLIES INTO FRAME LIKE A SPEEDING BULLET AND SLAMS KOFI ONTO THE STEEL STEPS LEADING UP INTO THE CHAMBER. This is a scenario all too familiar to Kofi Kingston, as it happened to him all the way back in 2009 when Edge was the one carrying out the attack just as he was about to compete in the Chamber. T-Bar, Mace and Slapjack are holding E and Woods back and prying their eyes open, forcing them to watch their friend’s dreams of a second KofiMania crushed before them. Ali takes one of the pieces of stairs and positions Kofi’s head inbetween, and then SLAMS KOFI KINGSTON’S HEAD INTO MUSH WITH THE STAIRS. The muffled screams of Big E and Xavier Woods can be heard as Kofi is absolutely dead, and the entirety of Retribution now begin beating E and Woods into oblivion. All of New Day are absolutely TAKEN OUT under the guise of Mustafa Ali. And as if this wasn’t already similar enough to Kofi being attacked by Edge in 2009, MUSTAFA ALI WALKS INTO THE ELIMINATION CHAMBER AND HE HAS NOW TAKEN KINGSTON’S PLACE IN THE MATCH. GOD DAMNIT, ALI IS AN EVIL SONUVA BITCH. We get the entirety of the medical team spilling out from the backstage area and they put Kingston on a stretcher, and Adam Pearce sprints out from the back with arena security and the rest of Retribution are all forcefully handcuffed and escorted from the arena. But Ali is smart and swings the door of the Chamber shut and locked the second he sees Pearce trying to get in. Woods and E are both helped to the back by the doctors as they sell the pain and anger on their faces as Kofi is stretchered away, it’s just an extremely chaotic scene. For the second time, the bad luck for Kofi Kingston in Elimination Chamber matches comes back to bite him as he gets attacked for the second time, 12 years later, and is subsequently replaced by his attacker in the match. You gotta think that sooner or later, Kofi Kingston is gonna be looking for… RETRIBUTION on Mustafa Ali.

  • We now begin the match officially as the wounded New Day are cleared out by the doctors, and Retribution thrown out on the streets by security. It’s Mustafa Ali and Randy Orton starting off this Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship, and what could be more fitting than this pairing? It’s all coming full circle for Ali. He attacks Kofi Kingston mid-entrance, the man who took his spot in 2019 and went on to achieve Kofimania in his absence, ALL BECAUSE HE WAS INJURED AROUND THAT TIME IN A MATCH ON SMACKDOWN WITH NONE OTHER THAN RANDY ORTON. The storytelling here all adds up, and it’s beautiful. Ali finally gets his chance in the Chamber match that he got taken out of because of Orton, and had the WrestleMania push taken instead by Kofi Kingston. Orton also glances to Kofi being stretchered away on the outside and mutters under his breath “Stupid Stupid Stupid”.

  • Ali and Orton begin and Ali immediately starts trying to go after Orton’s eyes as payback for the injury that Orton gave him all those years ago. Ali goes to rake the eyes of Orton, which are also still recovering from the fireball that Alexa Bliss shot into his face all those weeks ago, so both men have themselves a Mini Eye for an Eye match in the opening sequence here. It’s very physical and Ali ‘s high-flying and fast-paced style clashes nicely with Orton’s slower ground and pound style of offense. Orton gets Ali up on the top turnbuckle and Orton GOES TO THE TOP ROPE with Ali and he tries for a huge back suplex off the top, but Ali reverses the momentum mid-air and lands on top of Orton for a near fall. Ali and Orton continue slugging it out as the clock appears for the next entrant into the match.

  • The buzzer sounds, we get the overhead shot of the lights flickering from all four pods and ultimately we get JEFF HARDY as the #3 entrant and the first man released from one of the pods. It’s now a triple threat environment and Hardy comes hot off the block as he immediately climbs up to the top rope and nails a double Whisper in the Wind to both Randy Orton and Mustafa Ali. Jeff tries for a cover on Orton, but there’s a kickout. Jeff then covers Ali, but there’s a kickout. We get some nice 3-way offense as Orton hits a Double Draping DDT on both Ali and Hardy, and Ali also hits a Spanish Fly on Jeff off the top rope, with both men landing on top of Randy Orton. Orton stomps Jeff’s limbs as the countdown clock appears for our next entrant into the match.

  • The buzzer sounds, we get the overhead shot of the lights flickering from all four pods and ultimately we get AJ STYLES as the #4 entrant into the match. It’s now a fatal fourway environment and Styles inserts himself into the fray in a big way as Randy Orton is striking the mat as he’s preparing for an RKO on Jeff Hardy, and as Orton stands up, ready to strike, he turns around just in time as he sees AJ spring up on the top rope and he hits an immediate Phenomenal Forearm on Randy Orton. Orton is knocked down and Jeff Hardy capitalizes and hits a Twist of Fate on AJ. Jeff goes up top and tries for a Swanton Bomb on Styles, but Ali is there to make sure that doesn’t happen and pushes Jeff off, sending him careening onto the steel grate surrounding the ring. Jeff is absolutely down and out and Ali goes to get Hardy but Orton grabs Ali’s leg and Ali begins stomping and working back over Orton. The first two men in the match battle for position in the corner as the countdown clock appears for our next entrant.

  • The buzzer sounds, we get the overhead shot of the lights flickering from the two remaining pods and ultimately we get THE WWE CHAMPION, DREW MCINTYRE as the #5 entrant into the match. All that’s left now is Sheamus, who earned the right for the final entry into the Chamber match on Monday. Drew runs wild with headbutts and clotheslines for everybody still standing. Drew goes after Ali for his dirty tactics in costing Kofi a chance to compete in the match. Drew eventually succumbs to an RKO from Randy Orton. Orton is standing tall now and he’s about to go for the cover on Drew when all of a sudden, he notices Jeff Hardy crawling back into the ring after being sent crashing onto the “steel” by Ali earlier. Jeff grabs Orton’s foot and tries to use him to get back to his feet. Orton becomes suddenly incensed and drops Jeff Hardy with an RKO. He dumps Jeff outside the ring and breaks off a loose bit of chain and sticks it through Jeff’s open earhole. In a flashback moment to HIAC 2018, Orton grinds the steel chain through Jeff’s ear and twists it so far that it begins turning purple. Jeff taps out and screams mercy to the referee and so the referee rules that Hardy is eliminated by submission. One man so far eliminated, and we’ve got Ali, Orton, Styles and McIntyre still in the ring, with Sheamus still to enter. As Orton is stepping back into the ring, McIntyre runs up and hits a Future Shock DDT on Orton for a near fall. Styles and Ali both try to double team the WWE Champion and the heels successfully ground Drew McIntyre. Ali helps lift Drew up and AJ hits a Styles Clash on Drew. AJ goes for the cover to eliminate the WWE Champion, but Ali picks him off. Ali goes for the cover now with his feet on the ropes and Styles pulls him off. The egos of the two heels are getting the best of each other now and Styles decks Ali with a Pele Kick. Styles goes to the outside to try for a Phenomenal Forearm on Ali, Styles springs up to the top rope, but ALI LEAPS UP AND MEETS HIM THERE, AND THEN ALI HITS A SPANISH FLY BACK INTO THE RING FOR THE PIN AND ELIMINATION ON AJ STYLES. Massive elimination for Ali, he’s just pinned AJ Styles! We’ve now got 2 eliminations up to this point, with Orton, Ali and McIntyre in the ring, with Sheamus still to come… until now. The countdown clock appears as Styles is ushered out of the Chamber and it’s time for the final man in the match to get released from his pod.

  • We get the overhead view of all the pods, no big lightshow this time cause there’s literally only one guy left to be released, and it’s time for Sheamus to make his way into the match. The referees on the outside unlock Sheamus’s pod, Sheamus rushes the ring with a backbreaker to Ali, then a backbreaker to Orton, and then Sheamus turns around right into the waiting hands of Drew McIntyre. Drew clocks Sheamus with a Glasgow Kiss headbutt and Sheamus is knocked out of the ring. Sheamus retreats back into his pod and closes it right in McIntyre’s face. But we’ve seen this song and dance before with someone refusing to come out of their pod. Drew slowly backs up, does the 3… 2… 1.. AND THEN CHARGES SHEAMUS AND HITS A CLAYMORE KICK THROUGH THE POD AND THE GLASS EXPLODES ON TOP OF SHEAMUS. DREW MCINTYRE IS NOT FUCKING AROUND TONIGHT. Sheamus is absolutely dead and McIntyre isn’t too much better off. The focus comes off those two for now as we go back to Ali and Orton inside the ring for another very important development. Orton goes for an RKO but Ali does that handstand reversal out of it and then connects with a Tornado DDT on Orton out of the corner. Ali goes up top for an 054 to finish him off, but stops abruptly when he notices KOFI KINGSTON HOBBLING DOWN THE RAMP, HOLDING HIS HEAD AND PLOWING THROUGH A SEA OF DOCTORS TRYING TO HOLD HIM BACK. KOFI BREAKS PAST ALL OF THEM, TAKES OUT THE REFEREE HOLDING THE CHAMBER DOOR CLOSED AND STEALS THE KEY AND INVADES THE CHAMBER AND GOES RIGHT AFTER ALI. Ali suffers the same fate as he did to Jeff Hardy as he gets pushed off of the top rope by Kingston. Kofi climbs up on top of a pod against doctors orders and leaps off it onto Ali for a huge crossbody. Kofi then hits a Trouble In Paradise and then is finally taken out of the Chamber, satisfied for now with his… retribution. McIntyre is back in the ring now, and he calls for a Claymore on Ali and delivers for the elimination**. Half the field is now gone, and we’ve got McIntyre, Orton and Sheamus left.

  • As Sheamus is still playing dead within the rubble of his shattered chamber pod, Randy Orton and Drew McIntyre renew hostilities in the ring and they trade signature moves back and forth. McIntyre is whipped into the ropes by Orton and tries for a Claymore but Orton turns it into a Powerslam instead. It looks like Orton’s got it in the bag when all of a sudden the Thunderdome starts changing to show Alexa’s face all over. Usual tired antics with Orton getting distracted by Fiend related stuff but it’s the easiest way to get Orton out of there. In the midst of the confusion, Sheamus jolts back to life and enters the ring to deliver a Brogue Kick right to the mush of Randy Orton, and Sheamus gets the pin successfully.

  • We’re down to our final two men. Drew McIntyre, the WWE Champion who entered at #5, and Sheamus who entered last at #6. The two freshest in the match battle it out in the closing stages of this match. We get our first proper look at what a real match between these two might look like as they beat the hell out of each other nonstop for about 5 minutes. The finish of the match comes when both men are hitting their biggest moves on each other but they can’t put each other away. They’re equals in every sense. One is just as tough as the other. It comes down to both men slugging it out with strikes, each one sending the other bouncing off the ropes and coming back into increasingly harder blows. It ends up that both men feed off the ropes and come at each other with a Brogue Kick AND Claymore Kick, both at the same time. Both are swept off their feet, but McIntyre conveniently happens to land on top of Sheamus and the ref counts the 3. Drew McIntyre retains the title in a grueling effort.

WINNER by PINFALL and STILL WWE Champion: Drew McIntyre


Entry #EntrantElimination OrderEliminated ByMethod Of Elimination# Of Eliminations
1Mustafa Ali3Drew McIntyreEliminated by Pinfall after Kofi Kingston returns from the back to ambush Ali; Kofi lays out Ali by sending him through a pod, and hits a Trouble in Paradise on him; Drew then hits a Claymore Kick on Ali and pins him1
2Randy Orton4SheamusEliminated by Pinfall after a Brogue Kick from Sheamus following Fiend-related antics1
3Jeff Hardy1Randy OrtonEliminated by submission after tapping out to Orton sticking one of the Chamber chains through his ear and twisting it0
4AJ Styles2Mustafa AliEliminated by Pinfall after AJ is setting up for a Phenomenal Forearm on Ali, and AJ springboards onto the top rope, Ali meets him there, and hits a Spanish Fly into the ring0
5Drew McIntyreWINNERN/AN/A2
6Sheamus5Drew McIntyreEliminated by Pinfall after both he and Drew run the ropes and collide with a Brogue Kick and Claymore at the same time; Drew falls on top of Sheamus1

  • We get an ad for WWEShop. We then get a backstage interview with Adam Pearce who essentially says that if Retribution and Ali put their hands on Kofi Kingston and The New Day again, the entire group will be fired from WWE.

2ND MATCH: Asuka (c) vs. ??? (Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship)

  • Asuka makes her way out to the ring. We get an announcement that due to Lacey Evans’ pregnancy, she has declared herself unable to compete in the scheduled match with Asuka tonight, Therefore, the referee will now begin a count to 10, and if Lacey does not show up before the referee finishes his count, Asuka will officially retain the title by FORFEIT. The ref begins to count and gets all the way up to 9 when Lacey Evans’ music hits, and out she comes with Ric Flair by her side, holding her stomach like she’s about to go into labor. We get heelish antics with Lacey pretending she’s about to have the baby right then and there and Ric Flair is about to deliver it, but no one from the back comes out and buys it. Instead, out to put an end to the absolute cutting-edge segment sure to generate never before-seen buyrates and nuclear heel heat is none other than Asuka’s REAL replacement opponent for the night, RHEA RIPLEY. For some reason WWE decided not to capitalize on using Rhea after she lasted to the final 2 of the women’s Rumble with Bianca. The match gets 10 solid minutes before it ends as both women are knocked to the outside of the ring. The referee starts the count and Asuka gets back in around 5. Asuka has been targeting Rhea’s leg throughout the match so she’s having trouble getting up. **The referee gets to the count of 9 and Rhea is just about to get herself back into the ring, but Charlotte Flair runs in out of nowhere to do what she does best, fuck over Rhea Ripley. Charlotte spears Rhea to the ground to prevent her from getting back in time and to prevent the possibility of her winning the title. SHE wants Asuka at WrestleMania, and so she wants to make sure that the title stays on her. Non-finishes on a PPV can suck, however if it is something like this that actually serves to advance a storyline, I think most people can be okay with it. At WrestleMania, I’d have it end up being Asuka defending the title against Charlotte and Rhea in an elimination triple threat match, so that we can knock out Asuka vs. Charlotte and Rhea getting her win back over Charlotte both in the same match. Work smart, not hard. This can be the start of that. Rhea would ultimately win the title at Mania in that match by pinning Charlotte. This gave you a glimpse of Asuka vs. Rhea one on one, but Charlotte the heel that nobody wants to see just has to insert herself in the middle of something again, but this time it builds to something greater that will ultimately benefit the new young talent in Rhea. It looks down for her here, but as her stock rises heading into that 3-way match at Mania, this will have all been worth it. Trust me.

WINNER by DISQUALIFICATION: Rhea Ripley; however, STILL WWE RAW Women’s Champion: Asuka

  • We get an ad for what’s coming to the WWE Network, followed by a backstage segment with Charlotte and Rhea brawling.

3RD MATCH: Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Keith Lee vs. Riddle (Triple Threat match for the WWE United States Championship)

  • Right, so… this is another match that I don’t even know whether it’s really happening or not. Word on the ‘sheets is that Keith Lee isn’t gonna be a part of this match due to injury, but I guess we’ll just have to see. I’ll just say that if it does end up just Lashley vs. Riddle one on one, absolutely have Lashley retain the title, because Riddle running around with any singles title right now would be just about the worst press WWE could give themselves. The match gets about 15 minutes, and, assuming the Triple Threat aspect is still on, Keith Lee gets a Spirit Bomb on Riddle to win the US Title. I feel if Keith Lee doesn’t finally get his big win here, he may be marked irrelevant by many and he’ll lose interest with those in the back, as if he hasn’t already. But Keith really needs a title like this. He needs it more than anything to have a rocket strapped to him. Lashley seems to be getting set up for Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania with the newfound aggression he’s been showing lately, and I don’t think it would fit with Lesnar to go after the US title, so why not take it off him and give it to Keith Lee to go and run with it? That being said, if Keith Lee isn’t there tonight, forget everything I just said, keep the belt on Lashley for tonight.

WINNER by PINFALL and NEW WWE United States Champion: Keith Lee (?)

  • We get a backstage interview with Kayla Braxton knocking on the door of Roman Reigns’ locker room. Reigns, Heyman and Jey Uso all come out this time and Reigns is asked about whether Roman has a preference of who he’d like to face from the SmackDown Chamber match later on. Jey makes a face and then slowly sneaks behind the door, so as not to tease The Tribal Chief in his answer. Reigns remains silent. Kayla then asks what it would come to if Jey Uso were to win and face his cousin again. Heyman takes the stage this time and cuts his usual promo about Roman being the head of the table. Just leave it to Heyman to work his magic, give him these points to hit. He’s best unscripted.

4TH MATCH: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks (Tag Team match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships)

  • Nia and Shayna are out first followed by Sasha and Bianca, because they are your headline acts in this company. I really like that this match was made. Women’s Tag Team Titles have the rule of floating champs so Nia and Shayna were able to come to SmackDown for this feud, and this is a good way to get both Sasha and Bianca on the show. This can be a sort of angle before Mania where Sasha and Bianca try to feel each other out and learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses better with a brief tag team from here until Mania before they become opponents. If they win maybe do a Tag champ vs. Tag champ thing at WM. The match gets 12 minutes and it ends as Bianca and Nia are legal, and Bianca shows off her incredible strength by lifting and hitting a KOD on Nia Jax. Shayna Baszler comes in to try and prevent the pinfall from happening, but Sasha is quicker and snatches Shayna with a Backstabber into a Bank Statement. Sasha locks in the hold as Bianca pins Nia Jax and we’ve got brand new Women’s Tag Team Champions! Nia and Shayna is so far past it’s sell-by date as an act and I’ve said that in nearly every post since they became a thing but I don’t care. If you do not put every title you possibly can on Bianca Belair, but more importantly Sasha Banks right now, you are absolutely stupid. Sasha is YOUR most mainstream woman right now, across all platforms. Seeing her decked out in gold as Women’s Champ and Women’s Tag champ once again is the best selling point you have going into Mania. These two could be a fantastic team together for the short-term until they eventually crumble and start really getting at each other’s throats as Mania gets closer. And yes, I’d have them hold the titles going into their match, because we don’t get the Tag Champ vs. Tag champ dynamic as much as people think, and that would just make things all the more intriguing.

WINNERS by PINFALL and NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks

  • We get an ad for the Fastlane PPV next month, followed by a WrestleMania countdown ad, 48 days away!

5TH MATCH: Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan, Jey Uso vs. Kevin Owens vs. King Corbin vs. Sami Zayn (Elimination Chamber match for an immediate WWE Universal Championship match)

  • Daniel Bryan is out first followed by King Corbin, then Cesaro, and finally Jey Uso, who will be the last man inside a pod. Jey comes out alongside Roman and Paul Heyman, and Jey looks and nods at both of them, as if there is a silent understanding of what needs to be done. Roman and Heyman return to the back as Jey steps inside the chamber. We now know the two men who will start off the SmackDown Elimination Chamber match, the forever rivals, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn!

  • Before the bell rings, with Owens and Zayn stood on opposite sides of the ring, Zayn has a mic and claims that it is part of the CONSPIRACY against him that he was selected to start #1 in the match tonight. The bell rings on Sami Zayn mid-sentence and Kevin Owens immediately rushes at him and we get the signature Owens vs. Zayn punching spot to start off the Chamber match. These two are very physical with each other to start off, with suplexes and strikes. Owens and Zayn both try their own Powerbombs, Zayn with the Blue Thunderbomb and Owens with the Pop-up Powerbomb, both for near falls. It’s already hectic in the early-going. Kevin Owens begins to dominate Zayn as the countdown clock appears for our next entrant.

  • The buzzer sounds, we get the overhead shot of the lights flickering from all four pods and ultimately we get KING CORBIN as our #3 entrant. It’s advantage heels now as Corbin and Zayn both spend the next few minutes working over Owens and grinding him down. The two bring the beatdown to Kevin Owens, but he wants to get his hands on Reigns one more time so badly that he fires back up and gets his hope spot in. He fights off Corbin and hits him with a Superkick. Zayn tries to put a stop to Owens’ comeback, but Owens kicks him in the gut and sends him into the ropes for a POP-UP STUNNER for the elimination. Sami Zayn is the first eliminated in the match, so that can be more fuel to the fire of his conspiracy theories, and Owens has now evened the odds once again in his favor. Owens goes up top and hits a Frogsplash on Corbin, but Corbin manages to kick out. The clock appears for our next entrant into the match as Owens works over Corbin.

  • The buzzer sounds, we get the overhead shot of the lights flickering from all four pods and ultimately we get CESARO as the #4 entrant. Cesaro runs wild with an Uppercut Party, going pillar to post on both Corbin and Kevin Owens. Cesaro swings both men until the countdown clock appears for our next entrant in the match.

  • The buzzer sounds, we get the overhead shot of the lights flickering from all four pods and ultimately we get DANIEL BRYAN as the #5 entrant Bryan runs wild with kicks on everyone. Corbin ends up getting eliminated when Cesaro locks him in a Sharpshooter, he hangs on and survives the pain at first, but then Bryan joins in the submission party and applies a Yes Lock/Crossface on Corbin and Corbin taps from the double submission. We’ve had 2 men eliminated thus far and in the ring currently we have Kevin Owens, Cesaro and Daniel Bryan. The three go at it until the countdown clock appears for our final entrant.

  • The buzzer sounds and we have MAIN EVENT JEY USO as the #6 entrant. This is very very interesting, albeit very unfortunate for Jey Uso. He has to come out last, as the freshest man in the match, the same match in which the winner goes on to face his own cousin Roman Reigns, which he would NOT be very happy about. Gonna fast-forward from here, Cesaro ends up being eliminated after a Running Knee from Bryan, meaning Bryan finally gets a win back after Cesaro beat him clean 2 weeks in a row recently. Bryan is eliminated after a Superkick and Uso Splash from the top of a pod. The final 2 in the match are Jey Uso and Kevin Owens. It would create a very interesting dynamic if either of these two men were to win. Ultimately it’s Kevin Owens that comes out on top after he eliminates Jey by Submission after Owens mocks Roman Reigns by using the Guillotine Choke. Kevin Owens has DONE IT, and he gets the one more match with Roman Reigns he’s wanted for weeks! Only… it’s happening right now…. seconds after a brutal Elimination Chamber match…. as Roman Reigns’ music hits the speakers and out he comes, looking mad as hell. Uh oh.

WINNER by PINFALL: Kevin Owens


Entry #EntrantElimination OrderEliminated ByMethod Of Elimination# Of Eliminations
1Sami Zayn1Kevin OwensEliminated by Pinfall after a Pop-Up Stunner0
2Kevin OwensWINNERN/AN/A2
3King Corbin2Cesaro and Daniel BryanEliminated by Submission after tapping out to a simultaneous Sharpshooter and Yes Lock0
4Cesaro3Daniel BryanEliminated by Pinfall after a Running Knee1
5Daniel Bryan4Jey UsoEliminated by Pinfall after a Superkick and Uso Splash from the top of a pod2
6Jey Uso5Kevin OwensEliminated by Submission after Owens mocks Roman Reigns by using the Guillotine Choke1

6TH MATCH: Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Kevin Owens (Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship)

  • Kevin Owens puts up a hell of a fight, and I mean a HELL of a fight. But I really need to tell you, which I shouldn’t even need to tell you, is that Roman Reigns wins in the end with a spear to the heart of Kevin Owens. Now, their feud is done. Finished. Roman Reigns has outsmarted everyone and pulled a fast one yet again.

WINNER by PINFALL and STILL WWE Universal Champion: Roman Reigns

  • Post-match, Roman Reigns should stand in the ring, and drop the Uni title in a trash can Alundra Blayze style, swap the Universal Title for the World Heavyweight Championship to try and lure Edge in even more to choose him at WrestleMania. THAT’S the title that Edge never lost. Not the WWE or Universal Championship. It would create such an interesting layer to the story. Have Edge come out and have Edge officially make his decision that he wants Reigns at WrestleMania, TO GET BACK BIG GOLD. THIS. NEEDS. TO. HAPPEN.


1Drew McIntyre (c) defeated AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Mustafa Ali (who attacked Kofi Kingston before the match), Randy Orton and SheamusElimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship30 minutes
2Rhea Ripley defeated Asuka (c) by DisqualificationSingles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship10 minutes
3IF TRIPLE THREAT: Keith Lee defeated Bobby Lashley (c) and Riddle by Pinfall; IF KEITH LEE IS UNABLE TO COMPETE: Bobby Lashley (c) defeated Riddle by SubmissionTriple Threat match for the WWE United States Championship15 minutes
4Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks defeated Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) by PinfallTag Team match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships12 minutes
5Kevin Owens defeated Cesaro, Daniel Bryan, Jey Uso, King Corbin and Sami ZaynElimination Chamber match for an immediate WWE Universal Championship match35 minutes
6Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) defeated Kevin Owens by PinfallSingles match for the WWE Universal Championship3 minutes
SEGMENTRoman Reigns smashes the WWE Universal Championship in a Con-chair-to and reveals that he will now begin using the BIG GOLD BELT, THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP to represent his reign, in a further effort to sucker Edge in to choosing him at WrestleManiaN/AN/A


MY CARD FOR FASTLANE 2021 (March 21st, 2021; St. Petersburg, FL; Tropicana Field)

1Drew McIntyre (c) vs. SheamusCeltic Clash for the WWE Championship
2The New Day (Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods and Big E) vs. Retribution (Mustafa Ali, T-Bar and Slapjack)6-man Elimination Tag Team match

Well, that was the post. Thanks for reading! As always, let me know what you liked and/or what you didn’t like from the post, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show tomorrow night! Be sure to look out for my next post for the upcoming PPV, “How WWE Should Book Fastlane 2021”. Enjoy the show tonight, everyone.

How WWE Should Book Royal Rumble 2025 (Work In Progress)

Entry # Entrant Order Eliminated Eliminated By Eliminations achieved Brand/Status 1                  Iyo Sky RAW 2 Bianca Belair SmackDown 3...

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