How WWE Should Book Elimination Chamber 2020

 Image result for elimination chamber 2020

Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big milestone RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how Elimination Chamber 2020 should be booked


·         We get the usual kickoff panel of Jonathan Coachman, Charly Caruso, Christian and David Otunga. Throughout the hour, the panel runs down the match card giving their predictions, hyping up the matches and showing us video packages. At about the halfway point in the hour, we get to our kickoff match.

KICKOFF MATCH: Naomi vs. Sasha Banks (w/ Bayley) (Singles match)


·         It’s a bit frustrating that WWE never announce the kickoff match until the day of the show, so I’m often either forced to make one up on my own or they move one announced for the main show to the kickoff, so the entire logic of this post is thrown off. My life is so hard!! In all seriousness, I think this would be a sensible one, it’s a singles confrontation we haven’t seen much before, and this is a central feud on SmackDown at the moment. Naomi is out first followed by Sasha and Bayley. The match goes about 14 minutes. The two start off with some basic technical chain wrestling and things quickly go south and the two begin slapping the life out of each other and it gets physical quickly. Naomi begins wailing on Sasha with punches and Bayley makes the save, pulling Sasha out of the ring for a breather. The match ends with an impressive counter when Naomi is on a roll and she tries for the Rear View to end it but Sasha catches her in a MID-AIR Backstabber and transitions into the Bank Statement, where Naomi almost gets the ropes once but Sasha pulls her back to the middle of the ring and Naomi is forced to tap. The rumor currently is a 6-pack challenge with pretty much the entire SD Women’s Division for the title at Mania, and booking like that is just so damn lazy. I hate how Wrestlemania has morphed into MultiManMatchMania in recent years, not everyone needs to OR deserves to be on the Mania card. We need to focus on building great stories, tension, and anticipation for the biggest singles matches that WWE can make every year. That should be the point of Wrestlemania. And Sasha vs. Bayley on the big stage is just that. I guess we’ll just have to see where things lead.



·         We go to the panel for their final predictions for the big two main event Chamber matches of the night, and we flip over to the main show.



·         SATAN’S STRUCTURE. cut to random shot of a screaming wrestler. 8,000,000 MILES OF UNFORGIVING STEEL. wrestler laying on the ground, rolling in pain. ELIMINATION CHAMBER. We’ve arrived at the final TIDAL WAVE on the BODY OF WATER to Wrestlemania. Because this year, it’s pirates! Argh! And pirate ships on the ocean! Yeah, dude, let’s go surfing, whoa! You know the drill, let’s get into the show.


1ST MATCH: The Miz and John Morrison (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. Heavy Machinery (Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight) vs. Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado) vs. The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) vs. The Usos (Jey and Jimmy Uso) (Elimination Chamber match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships)


·         The champions, The Miz and John Morrison are out first, followed by Ziggler and Roode, followed by Lucha House Party, and the final team that will be enclosed in a pod…. Heavy Machinery, Otis and TUCKYYYYYY. We now know the two teams that will begin the match in the ring. A rivalry rekindled…. two of the greatest Tag teams in the world, The Usos and The New Day. The match goes about 27 minutes and we get introductions for each team as they made their entrances down the ramp because otherwise it would take about eight hours. Usos and New Day bring back all their magic together for the opening minutes, as they steal each other’s double-team finishers and hit all sorts of crazy moves. The first increment of 5 minutes pass by and we get the bird’s-eye view of the ring and the lights flash and fluctuate on all four pods, and the team out at #3 are the odds-on favorites… LUCHA HOUSE PARTYBefore Smackdown happened I had Ziggler and Roode out at 3 and Heavy Machinery out last, and then of course Rudolph won the Gauntlet match so my booking of this match had to be pretty much completely restructured. But let’s make do with what we have, my premise is pretty much the same. Metallik and Dorado start flying high right out of their pod and they take Usos and New Day down with dives, hurricanranas, and Lucha Libre that they’re just too big to keep up with. LHP stand tall momentarily before Big E comes literally OUT OF NOWHERE and knocks them both down at once with a Double Clothesline. Big E begins working down Metalik in the corner and Kofi hits an SOS on Jey Uso on the steel grate outside as the next 5 minutes has passed and the clock appears from 10 to 0 again and the team out at #4 are the Champions themselves, MIZ AND MORRISON. They make their way out just as Jimmy Uso dives over the top rope onto Big E on the outside of the ring and Kofi hits a Trouble In Paradise on Lince Dorado, and Miz sees an opportunity and throws Kofi out of the ring. Morrison goes up top and nails a Starship Pain to steal the pin from New Day and LHP are our first team out. We’ve still got New Day, Usos and Miz and Morrison, and the 3 teams duke it out around the structure as the clock appears again and with two teams left in pods, the lights do NOT appear this time because we already know who #6 is so that means we already know who #5 is too and because we have brains, the team out at #5 is HEAVY MACHINERY. They get the biggest pop of the match after Otis’s incredible performance in the Gauntlet on Friday, and they run wild on everyone. Tucky and Otis slam down all comers in the middle of the ring. Big E, Jimmy Uso and John Morrison are all laid out near each other in the center of the ring and we get a TRIPLE FUCKING WORM from Otis as he hits a standing splash on all 3 men at once. Everyone is now flattened like a pancake and also dead so Heavy wins the titles by forfeit. Not really though, because just as Otis and Tucky are standing tall and rule the ring at that moment, the clock appears for our final team to enter the match…. you know what’s about to happen here. The team out at #6 is RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED TAG TEAM…. Dolph Ziggler and Bobbert Roode. We get our classic heel trying to lock themselves in their pods to avoid getting in the ring moment, and Tucky and Otis surround both entry points of the pod that Ziggler and Roode reside in. Otis begins shaking with rage and then screams like he has never screamed before: “THIS IS FOR MY PEAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHH!”. Otis uses his strength to snap the pod door off its hinges. Otis storms inside and Roode and Ziggler try their best to rain down with punches on Otis but Otis DOZES UP and ragdolls Roode out of the pod and then Ziggler as they both land on the steel grated outside. All of our teams have now entered the match, with one eliminated so far. Things begin to break down from this point. Our second team is eliminated from the match when it’s Otis vs. Ziggler and Roode In the ring. Roode hits a Glorious DDT on Otis and goes for the pin. 1.2. KICKOUT. Otis dozes up and gets to his feet. Ziggler then nails Otis with a ZigZag. 1.2. KICKOUT. OTIS DOZES UP A SECOND TIME. New Day, Usos, Miz and Morrison and even Tucky are all watching in awe on the outsides of the ring and Otis nails a Running Powerslam on Roode out of the ring. It’s Ziggler and Otis alone now. Otis glances at Tucker and he knows what comes next. COMPACTOR TO ZIGGLER. Otis gets the pin and Ziggler and Roode are out. The crowd is in a frenzy and all of a sudden, with everyone focused on Ziggler’s defeat, everyone has forgotten about Robert Roode who COMES BACK IN WITH A LOW BLOW ON OTIS FROM BEHIND and a GLORIOUS DDT on Tucker. Roode and Ziggler exit the cage now as Miz and Morrsion once again seize opportunity at just the right moment and dogpile on top of the big man for the pin. Heavy Machinery are the third team eliminated and everyone is sad. But don’t worry. In my world, and hopefully in WWE’s world, we’re getting that goddamn Macho Man/Miss Elizabeth moment for Otis and Mandy at Mania. It’s now down to the champions, New Day, and Usos. Rapid fire from here, New Day are eliminated after yet another sprint with their greatest rivals, the Usos, after Jimmy hits an USO SPLASH FROM THE TOP OF THE POD ONTO BIG E for the pin. We now have our final two teams: Miz/Morrison and The Usos. The match finally ends when Miz and Jimmy are down outside the ring, and Jey and Morrison are in the ring and Jey hits a Superkick which sends John down. Jey goes up to finish it but MIZ SCURRIES UP TO THE TOP ROPE AND HITS A SKULL CRUSHING FINALE TO THE MAT BELOW. 1. 2. 3. Somehow, the titles are retained after an incredible match, hopefully one that goes better than the first Men’s Tag Team Chamber all the way back in 2015 now. I do think Usos should be the next champs and this will be a tease for that match, possibly at Wrestlemania if they can even fit it on the card, but Miz and Morrison just won them and while I don’t think it’s in their characters to have an extremely long reign, there is still lots of juice left in their act and they should be on top for a little while longer. Lots of storylines advanced in this match, let’s move on.

WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions: The Miz and John Morrison


Entry #


Elimination Order

Eliminated By

Method Of Elimination

# Of Eliminations


The Usos (Jey and Jimmy Uso)


The Miz and John Morrison

Jey Uso pinned after attempting an Uso Splash on Morrison, but is caught with a SCF off the top rope by The Miz



The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston)


The Usos

Big E pinned after a Double Uso Splash from the top of two pods



Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado)


The Miz and John Morrison

Metalik pinned after a Skull Crushing Finale from The Miz followed by a Starship Pain from Morrison



The Miz and John Morrison (c)






Heavy Machinery (Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight)


The Miz and John Morrison

Otis pinned after a Low Blow from Robert Roode post-elimination, followed by a Dogpile by Miz and Morrison



Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode


Heavy Machinery

Ziggler pinned after being legitimately murdered to death by Otis for stealing his girl


·         We get an ad for the countdown to Wrestlemania, and the commentators review the card so far. Phillips says that, while on the topic of Wrestlemania, one question we are still yet to answer is the status of the Deadman at the show of shows, and AJ Styles might have something to say about that. Boom. Flawless transition into the next match. I AM AWESOME! clap clap clap clap clap

2ND MATCH: AJ Styles vs. Aleister Black (No Disqualification match)

·         Styles is out first followed by Black. The match goes about 15 minutes and Styles is a sneaky bastard right out of the gate as the bell rings and Styles delivers a poke to the eyes followed by a BRASS KNUCKS PHENOMENAL FOREARM, but it only gets a 2 count. The two world class wrestlers go wild over the 15 minutes and put on a real effort. Some other spots in the match include where Black hits a Black Mass which sends AJ dizzy, but manages to knock Black down with a Pele Kick and both men are now out. | Also, the match spills to the outside to the announce tables. Black clears the Spanish announce table and lays the seemingly unconscious body of AJ across, Black hops up on the barricade and it seems like he’s about to hit his Double Knees/Meteora through the table but BY GOD STYLES GETS UP, HOPS ONTO THE BARRICADE NEXT TO BLACK, MANEUVERS HIS BODY UP AND HITS A STYLES CLASH OFF THE BARRICADE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE DESK. Fast forwarding on, after a match of carnage and brutality, Styles slides the bottom big boy steel step into the ring and is about to hit a Styles Clash off it to finish Aleister off, but GONG. LIGHTS OUT. GONG. LIGHTS BACK ON. Undertaker is nowhere to be found…. nothing except for his hat. Sat in the middle of the ring. Styles is still on the big step now and Styles staggers back in horror and Black is stood behind him now and nails a Black Mass to the back of the head and Styles falls forward off the step and faceplants into the mat. 1. 2. 3. Black gets the win that he so valuably needs. With the pen in my hand, I’d do just AJ vs. Taker at Wrestlemania, but it does seem to be swaying in the direction of some sort of Tag/Handicap match involving some combination of Undertaker, Black, AJ and The O.C., so this finish leaves the door open for all possibilities. Any way you go about it, Black needs to win this one, and shouldn’t have lost on RAW anyways. Let’s forget about that momentary stint in his momentum, and move on.

WINNER by PINFALL: Aleister Black

·         We get a backstage interview with Murphy and Seth Rollins accompanied by AOP, and they cut a fiery promo vowing to recapture the titles tonight against Street Profits.

3RD MATCH: Andrade (c) (w/ Zelina Vega) vs. Humberto Carillo (Singles match for the WWE United States Championship)

·         Humberto is out first (#BringBackDaleGas) followed by the US Champion, Andrade, with Zelina. We get formal ring introductions and the match goes 11 minutes. I would make it longer, but we’ve seen this so many times by now that I’m not sure everyone will be so interested in it, and after 2 big matches, this will have to be the cooldown which will eventually bring the fans back up. The end of the match comes when both men are at a stalemate, and Andrade hits a 619, mocking Rey Mysterio. Andrade then goes up top for the splash that usually follows up the splash and suddenly REY’S MUSIC HITS AND HE POWERWALKS DOWN TO THE RING WITH A PURPOSE. HE IS NOT FUCKING AROUND TODAY. Rey slides in the ring and Angel Garza follows close behind from the back and Rey targets Andrade but Garza pulls him off and begins going after Rey, but Carillo makes the save and wails on his cousin. All four men are engaged in a wild scuffle now and it spills into the crowd, as the match is thrown out. I’m not an advocate for non-finishes on PPV, but if it’s used to advance a storyline like this, then I’m all for it. Especially since this would lead to the rumored Fatal 4-Way between these 4 men for the title at Mania which is going to be ungodly fantastic if true. This is a way to make the best and most exciting situation over just another flat Andrade retain of the title. This 4-way has such potential and I am not GOING TO SLEEP, EAT OR BREATHE UNTIL WE GET IT.

Andrade vs. Humberto Carillo ended in a No Contest after both Rey Mysterio and Angel Garza came down and incited a brawl involving all four men which spilled throughout the arena

·         We get an ad for WWEShop.

4TH MATCH: The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c) vs. Murphy and Seth Rollins (Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships)

·         The Disciples of The Rollinspocalyse are out first, followed by the Profits. During their entrance, because we need to do this every PPV for some reason, we introduce all the foreign announce teams. We get formal ring introductions and the match goes about 10 minutes. Not much to say here, but to make up for literally zero black wrestlers getting big wins during Black History Month in WWE, the Profits retain the straps here after Ford hits a Frogsplash on Rollins.

WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL WWE RAW Tag Team Champions: The Street Profits

·         We get an ad for the new Jumanji movie, the official sponsor of the PPV.

5TH MATCH: Daniel Bryan vs. Drew Gulak (Singles match)

·         I AM VERY EXCITED FOR THIS PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING MATCH, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. We will witness Technical wrestling 101. Bryan is out first followed by Gulak and the match goes 14 minutes. Gulak cuts a promo on his way down the ramp, addressing a few of Daniel Bryan’s weaknesses that he will take advantage of during his match, like the evil movie villain spilling all his master plans to the hero before he actually does it. After a quarter of an hour of fantastic technical grapplin’, Bryan ultimately gets the win after hitting the B+ Knee into the Yes Lock and Gulak taps out. Bryan has felt very low-stock since his string of losses to the Fiend, and seems to have fallen from grace as the most popular guy in the business. Gulak will feel bigger just from having such a big singles match on PPV against such a big guy, and doesn’t need to win this to be elevated. Bryan honestly needs this win more, he feels like such an afterthought since the storyline with who tried to kill Roman Reigns ended last year, and he needs some momentum to get going again. Gulak could maybe get another shot at the CW Title after this, or maybe, we could go completely left field and begin a Tag Team with Bryan and Gulak leading to an eventual win of the titles, which I wouldn’t be opposed to at all.


·         We go to the commentators who plug the official theme song of the PPV.

6TH MATCH: Braun Strowman (c) vs. Cesaro, Sami Zayn and Shinsuke Nakamura (3-On-1 Handicap match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)

·         Braun is out first followed by the Inzayn Strong Style Wrestling Purists. The match goes a measly 6 minutes and ends with a Running Powerslam on Sami Zayn. Post-match, as Strowman celebrates, SHEAMUS RUNS IN AND BROGUE KICKS BRAUN into oblivion. Sheamus holds up the one title he has never won, the one title missing from his collection and points toward the Wrestlemania sign as he drops the title across Braun’s chest.

WINNER by TRIPLE PINFALL and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Braun Strowman

·         Before our main event, we go back up to our pre-show panel and we examine every competitor in the Women’s Chamber match. The entire arena can hear them talking this time, as they’re on the loud speakers with proper microphones. We get a tale of the tape on each, and we finish with Christian talking about Shayna Baszler. Christian seems distant and bothered through this whole segment and transitions the discussion to Beth Phoenix and Randy Orton’s attack on RAW. Christian starts getting hot and goes on a heated rant about how he thought he and Orton were once friends, that he could trust Orton, he mentions their matches back in 2011, and says he will never forgive him for doing what he did to Edge. OUTTA NOWHERE COMES AN RKO OVER THE PANELISTS TABLE. Christian is OUT and Orton drags his body by his suit collar to the ring through the crowd and clotheslines him over the barricade. Orton pushes Christian into the ring and gets a chair. Then he gets another chair. Then he puts a chair under Christian’s head. Then he raises the other chair up in the air, but before he can bring it back down and continue his Conchairto reign of terror…. YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME? EDGE IS BACK ONE NIGHT EARLY WITH A VENGEANCE AND RUSHES THE RING. ORTON GOES TO SWING THE CHAIR AT EDGE BUT HE DUCKS AND HITS A SPEAR AS ORTON DROPS THE CHAIR. Edge tries to turn the tables and sets up a ConChairto on ORTON this time, but of course the one time the babyface tries to do it, this time all the referees and backstage-fight-breaker-uppers run out and separate the two men. Edge tries to break through the crowd and hits a second spear on Orton outside the ring but security comes out to stop it. Edge rolls back into the ring and checks on the shaken-up Christian as his music hits and Orton retreats up the ramp.

7TH MATCH: Asuka vs. Liv Morgan vs. Natalya vs. Ruby Riott vs. Sarah Logan vs. Shayna Baszler (Women’s Elimination Chamber match for a WWE RAW Women’s Championship match at Wrestlemania 36)

·         Asuka is out first, followed by Liv Morgan, followed by Ruby Riott, followed by the last woman who we know will be contained in a pod… Shayna Baszler. The two women who will start the match, we now know, are Natalya and Sarah Logan. Natalya and Logan go at it for the first five minutes and trade signature moves. Sarah Logan goes for a Reverse Suplex but Natalya gets out and lands on her feet and sweeps Sarah off her feet and locks in a Sharpshooter as the clock appears for our first competitor to be released from their pod. The lights flicker on each pod and OUT COMES SHAYNA BASZLER AT #3. Shayna immediately begins to dominate as she pulls Natalya off the Sharpshooter and locks in a submission of her own and Natalya taps out. Sarah Logan gets up, limping and tries to fight Shayna off but Shayna wriggles her down to the mat and Sarah taps out to the Kirifuda Clutch as well. WITH ONLY ONE WRESTLER OUT OF THE POD, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ELIMINATION CHAMBER HISTORY, THERE IS ONLY ONE WOMAN STANDING IN THE RING. 3 pods still full, the clock appears as Baszler stares at all 3 remaining pods and out at #4 is Liv Morgan. Liv and Ruby’s pods are adjacent to each other, and Liv walks out not even paying any attention to Shayna Baszler. Liv locks eyes with Ruby Riott, her former friend who broke her heart by betraying her, and in a moment reminiscent of the dive of faith over the contract signing table onto Ruby on RAW a few weeks back, like a human missile, LIV MORGAN SENDS HERSELF CRASHING THROUGH RUBY’S POD AND THE GLASS SHATTERS INTO A BILLION PIECES AND LIV FINALLY HAS RUBY WHERE SHE WANTS HER. Liv and Ruby brawl everywhere and Ruby tries to escape by climbing up the chain wall, Shayna still standing silent in the ring, watching her prey, but Liv stops her and powerbombs Riott to the ground. Shayna is still alone in the ring, stone-faced as all the attention is on the two former Riott Squad members. The two fight for a few minutes and Liv climbs to the top rope for a Missile Dropkick but Ruby gets up in time and NAILS a Riott Kick to Liv who is sent crashing to the mat below. Ruby covers her for the elimination. Half of the competition in the match is already out, and the last woman hasn’t even left her pod yet. It’s now down to Shayna Baszler and Ruby Riott who taunts Liv Morgan as she’s helped out of the structure and doesn’t see SHAYNA SNEAK UP BEHIND HER AND LOCK IN THE KIRIFUDA CLUTCH FOR HER THIRD ELIMINATION OF THE MATCH. Never before has it come down to one wrestler alone in the ring, waiting for the last woman to leave her pod, and that’s all that remains, until now. An incredibly dominant performance by Baszler may be about to come to a halt, when the last woman to leave her pod and the #6 entrants into the match is… ASUKA. Shayna and Asuka stare a hole through each other as they walk towards each other. Shayna and Asuka meet, only three ropes between them, and get in each others faces. The two most dominant NXT Women’s Champions of all time are about to go at it, finally. It all kicks off suddenly when SHAYNA WRAPS HER ARMS AROUND ASUKA AND HITS A BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX INTO THE RING, BUT ASUKA GETS RIGHT BACK UP. ASUKA hits a flurry of kicks to Shayna, and the two trade submission attempts. Asuka Lock. Kirifuda Clutch. Asuka Lock. Kirifuda Clutch. Asuka Lock. Kirifuda Clutch. This is the proper competitive part of the match after Shayna has completely bulldozed through most of the others in the match, and the question is forming in everybody’s minds whether Shayna is really READY FOR ASUKA or not. The two have a mini-match in the Chamber match itself, and they go at it for a good 5 minutes, not giving too much away of what these two could really do together. In the end, Shayna hits her Rollover Gutwrench Suplex combo and transitions the final one into the clutch for the victory. The show ends with Baszler standing tall in the ring and Becky Lynch’s music hits the speakers and she bravely steps inside the chamber, steps up to Shayna, and raises her title as she looks from Shayna to the Wrestlemania sign and back, and we go off the air with their intense confrontation in the center of the ring.

WINNER by SUBMISSION: Shayna Baszler


Entry #


Elimination Order

Eliminated By

Method Of Elimination

# Of Eliminations




Shayna Baszler

Eliminated after passing out in the Coquina Clutch



Sarah Logan


Shayna Baszler

Eliminated after passing out in the Coquina Clutch



Shayna Baszler






Liv Morgan


Ruby Riott

Eliminated after a Riott Kick from the top rope



Ruby Riott


Shayna Baszler

Eliminated after passing out in the Coquina Clutch





Shayna Baszler

Eliminated after passing out in the Coquina Clutch








Sasha Banks (w/ Bayley) defeated Naomi by Submission

Singles match

14 minutes


The Miz and John Morrison (c) defeated Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. Heavy Machinery (Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight) vs. Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado) vs. The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) vs. The Usos (Jey and Jimmy Uso) by Pinfall

Elimination Chamber match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships

27 minutes


Aleister Black defeated AJ Styles by Pinfall

No Disqualification match

15 minutes


Andrade (c) vs. Humberto Carillo ended in a No Contest

Singles match for the WWE United States Championship

11 minutes


The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c) defeated Murphy and Seth Rollins by Pinfall

Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships

10 minutes


Daniel Bryan defeated Drew Gulak by Submission

Singles match

14 minutes


Braun Strowman (c) defeated Cesaro, Sami Zayn and Shinsuke Nakamura by Pinfall

3-On-1 Handicap match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

6 minutes


Randy Orton attacks and drags Christian out of the pre-show experts panel and attempts yet another Con-Chairto, but Edge returns to make the save and Spears Orton




Shayna Baszler defeated Asuka, Liv Morgan, Natalya, Ruby Riott and Sarah Logan by Submission

Women’s Elimination Chamber match for a WWE RAW Women’s Championship match at Wrestlemania 36

24 minutes

MY CARD FOR WRESTLEMANIA 36 (April 5, 2020, Tampa, FL; Raymond James Stadium)





Goldberg (c) vs. Roman Reigns

Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship


Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

Singles match for the WWE Championship


Becky Lynch (c) vs. Shayna Baszler

Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship


Bayley (c) vs. Sasha Banks

Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship


Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

Singles match for the NXT Women’s Championship


Braun Strowman (c) vs. Sheamus

Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship


Andrade (c) vs. Angel Garza vs. Humberto Carillo vs. Rey Mysterio

Fatal 4-Way for the WWE United States Championship


The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane) (c) vs. The Divas Of Doom (Beth Phoenix and Natalya

Tag Team match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships


Edge vs. Randy Orton

No Holds Barred match


“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena

Singles match


AJ Styles vs. The Undertaker

Singles match


Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins

Singles match


7th Annual Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Battle Royal for the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal Trophy


3rd Annual Women’s Wrestlemania Battle Royal

Battle Royal for the Women’s Wrestlemania Battle Royal Trophy

Well, that was the post. Thanks for reading! As always, let me know what you liked and/or what you didn’t like from the post, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show tomorrow night! Be sure to look out for my next post for the upcoming PPV’s “How NXT Takeover: Tampa Bay Should Be Booked” AND “How WWE Should Book Wrestlemania 36”. Enjoy the show tonight, everyone.


How WWE Should Book Royal Rumble 2025 (Work In Progress)

Entry # Entrant Order Eliminated Eliminated By Eliminations achieved Brand/Status 1                  Iyo Sky RAW 2 Bianca Belair SmackDown 3...

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