How WWE Should Book No Mercy 2017 (RAW)

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Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, I have been fantasy booking WWE PPV's in detail, mainly just because I love writing and wrestling. I major in journalism in real life. As always, enjoy the post, and give me your thoughts and what from my post you'd like to see really happen on the show. Without further ado, here is How I Would Book No Mercy 2017.

Here's my post from No Mercy 2016:


 * We get the usual panel with Renee Young, Booker T, David Otunga, and everyone's favorite person ever, good ol' Samuel Roberts. Throughout the pre-show, they all hype up the matches, give their predictions for the undercard, we get video packages, Booker says Shucky Ducky Quack Quack, and **a Social Media Lounge segment with Enzo Amore is announced earlier in the day, use #AskEnzo. We get a backstage interview with Emma and the SML with Tom Phillips and Enzo, and first our pre show match begins with about at about the 20 minute mark in the kickoff. The panelists blabber for a while and the second kickoff match begins with about 20 minutes left in the pre show.

2ND KICKOFF MATCH: Apollo Crews (with Titus O'Neil) vs. Elias (Singles Match)

  • Apollo Crews is out first with Titus and instead of beginning in the ring playing a song, Elias comes out and plays his guitar down the ramp, dissing LA and the Titus Brand. The match goes 6 minutes, and Elias gets the win after Titus hops up on the apron to distract Elias, and Apollo runs at Elias from behind but Samson turns around and sends Crews knocking Titus off the apron, and then gets a rollup on Crews. Crews checks on Titus after the match, dazed and Elias celebrates with his guitar up the ramp.

WINNER by Pinfall: Elias

  • I actually had originally had The Hardys vs. Bo Dallas and Axel as a kickoff match before Elias/Crews was announced, and then afterward I just thought it could be a short second match, but now it's come out that Jeff is injured, which really sucks. But maybe we'll finally see an Awakening?... The next night on RAW, Matt Hardy would take on new Intercontinental Champ Jason Jordan in an IC Title match. The panelists give their final predictions for the main event matches of Reigns/Cena and Braun/Brock, and then we begin NO MERCY...


  • Well holy ass, this could very well be one of the BEST B PPV's of all time. I hate using Michael Cole lingo, but this card does truly contain two matches that could very easily main event Wrestlemania 34, which is what should've happened. Ah well. The undercard is far from the greatest ever, but it's my job with these posts to get the most and best possible out of everything. Just wanna say that for the second year in a row, No Mercy has the best PPV theme just ever. To hell with My Way. **We get the opening signature, and then a video package focusing on the two big matches. We get the opening crowd shot and Cole welcomes us to Los Angeles for NO MERCYYYY.....

1ST MATCH: Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor (Singles Match)

  • Everyone would expect a show with this card to start off with a fast/exciting match like Neville/Enzo or Sheasaro/Shield, so why not go fresh and start off with this? Bray Wyatt is out first and we see the return of his pre-match "____, WE'RE HERE" gimmick. Only from now on he says "Los Angeles, California; I'M HERE". Blows out lantern. Balor is out next and he has his leather jacket entrance. The match goes 13 minutes, and Bray plays mind games throughout. One big spot in the match is when Bray takes apart the Spanish Announce Table and RAW Table, and then Balor runs up for behind and knocks Wyatt onto the table with a stiff forearm. Balor hops on the English table and sets up for a 1916 but Bray gets out and nails Finn with a leaping Uranage through the Spanish desk with both guys going through. The match ends when Balor hits a Shotgun kick to Wyatt in the corner and then goes up top for the Coup De Grace, but then Wyatt leaps up and delivers a TOP ROPE SISTER ABIGAIL to Balor, and gets the pin. The feud would end here, but the two would be involved in a Triple Threat match the following night on RAW which we'll get to after Miz/Jordan.

WINNER by Pinfall: Bray Wyatt

  • All of a sudden the cameras cut backstage and we see Braun Strowman furiously powerwalking down the backstage area hall and then stops when he finds Brock Lesnar's locker room. Braun goes back a few steps and then rams the door open with all his might. Lesnar is warming up with Heyman pep-talking him and then Heyman screams in fear and Braun runs and grabs Brock and tosses him into the shelves. They brawl all around the room and Braun picks up a weight and tosses it at Lesnar but Lesnar moves and it smashes through the wall. Lesnar hoists up Strowman now and runs outside the door and Brock rams Braun into a limo and Braun smashes Lesnar's head through it and then retreats. Many more of these segments would occur throughout the show leading up to the main event. The commentators take us back to the last few weeks on RAW, showing snippets of the feud between Kurt Angle's Black Son and Miz.

2ND MATCH: Kurt Angle's Black Son vs. The Miz (c) (with Maryse); (Singles Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)

  • The Miz is out first with Maryse. Bo and Axel are still hurting from the wrath of The Hardyz on the kickoff show, so they don't accompany Miz tonight. Kurt Angle's Black Son is out next. The match goes 10.5 minutes. Near the end, Shelton Benjamin is making his comeback and Belly To Bellies are ablaze on Miz. One Belly to Belly results in Miz colliding with the referee. Miz sees this and staggers outside and grabs his Intercontinental title. Miz waits for Kurt Angle's Black Son to get up as he is in position to nail him with the title for a dirty win but all of a sudden Kurt Angle comes down the ramp and gets in the ring and shakes his head, and then snatches the title away from Miz and gives it back to the timekeeper. Miz begins screaming at Angle and calls him a bad father again. Angle snaps and hoists Miz up for AN ANGLE SLAM TO A MASSIVE POP, but Miz squirms off Angle's shoulders and lands on his feet and nails Kurt with a Skull Crushing Finale. Miz turns around and JORDAN nails an Angle Slam and then gets in the Ankle Lock and The Miz has to tap out. Kurt Angle's Black Son Jason Jordan is your NEW Intercontinental Champ. He's lost way too much since this angle started, and he's just had a huge potential wave of momentum begin after winning the 6-Pack challenge on RAW, so I think Angle taking a bump and his involvement would make for a great moment and then Jordan makes his father proud. The feud would continue until TLC, where the two would meet in a Submission Chairs match. By the way, as always I'll have my cards for the next brand PPV's, HIAC and TLC, at the end of this post. He may "not be ready", but in today's day and age that's just how you build people up. Roman Reigns wasn't ready to main event WM31, but would he feel nearly as big today if he hadn't? Sometimes looking back it paid off and it's what had to happen in order for them to be a big name years later.

WINNER and NEW Intercontinental Champion by Submission: Jason Jordan

  • We get a commercial for Mountain Dew, one of the PPV's sponsors.

3RD MATCH: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Bayley vs. Emma vs. Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks (Fatal 5-Way for WWE RAW Women's Championsip)

  • Alexa is out first, followed by Bayley, then Sasha Banks, Emma, and finally Nia. Before the bell is rung, Triple H's music hits to a massive ovation. HHH comes out on the ramp in his first TV main roster appearance since Wrestlemania and talks about how proud he has become of the women of NXT. He says that there was one woman who dominated NXT as champion for over a year and is yet to be defeated, Paul Levesque announces breaking news that this very woman has just been added to this match, and it will now be a 6-Pack Challenge. ASUKA MAKES HER WAY OUT and it begins. The match goes 14 minutes and there are a few staredowns between Bayley and Sasha and a nice little sequence between them. The match ends after Asuka squeezes the life out of Sasha Banks and wins the RAW Women's Title in her debut, and a Sasha Banks vs. Asuka feud begins. And if Asuka is still hurting, then I think it's Nia's time, and she make Bayley pass out in a Sleeper, and this would launch the rebuild of Bayley also. But I'm going on from here assuming Asuka is ready.

WINNER and NEW RAW Women's Champion by Submission: Asuka

  • Lesnar's forehead is full of cuts and bruises and he staggers throughout the backstage with Heyman trying to get him to rest. Out of nowhere we hear Strowman scream I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOOOOU and Strowman charges Lesnar but Brock ducks and nails Braun with a German through the green screen equipment and then starts elbowing him and punching him. Lesnar picks up Braun and hits an F-5 on the concrete floor. This is the second of the three brawl segments prior to their match. Lesnar and Braun have each gotten one up on each other so far.

4TH MATCH: Neville (c) vs. Enzo Amore (Singles Match for the WWE Crusierweight Championship)

  • Enzo is out first and does a pre-match promo followed by Neville. The match goes 8 minutes and it's quick paced and we see a side of Enzo we've never seen before. No stupid dancing, only a mindset of ass-kicking and winning the title. The match ends when Neville is dazed in the corner and Enzo runs and hits A RUNNING HIGH KNEE, and then runs back and tries to hit a second but Neville sends Amore into the post and then hits a huge German, sending Enzo across the ring. Neville runs and climbs the ropes and hits a Red Arrow to retain. Enzo unfortunately will win the title eventually, but tonight isn't the night. After a few more weeks of serious Enzo I think it could work.  

WINNER and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion by Pinfall: Neville

  • We get an ad for RAW-exclusive TLC PPV next month.

5TH MATCH: Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins (c) vs. The Bar (RAW Tag Team Championships)

  • The Bar are out first and then The Shield. The match goes 15 minutes. I see absolutely no reason to take the titles off Rollins and Ambrose here. The match ends with everyone hitting their finishers, with Cesaro and Ambrose legal, Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick on Ambrose but Ambrose hits his Rebound Clothesline, and before Ambrose can fall Cesaro launches Dean into the air for a Very European Uppercut. Dean is dazed but doesn't go down, and Seth spins Cesaro around for the Knee and he eats a Dirty Deeds for the pin. As the two celebrate in the ring and hold up their titles, THE REVIVAL HOP THE BARRICADE BEHIND THEIR BACKS AND THEN ATTACK THEM FROM BEHIND. Dash and Dawson destroy the Shield and nail both with a Shatter Machine and then hold up the RAW Tag Titles. SAY YEAH.

WINNERS and STILL WWE RAW Tag Team Champions by Pinfall: Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins

  • We go backstage again and Brock Lesnar is shown getting bandaged up in the trainers room and Heyman is on the phone frantically trying to contact authorities to try to contain Strowman. Paul hears a knock on the door, and he goes to open it, distracted talking on his phone, BRAUN STROWMAN IS ON THE OTHER SIDE AND SAYS "HEY PAUL, I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOUR BEAST". Braun snatches the phone from Heyman and crushes it in his hands. Heyman runs away and Lesnar leaps off the trainers table and grounds Strowman, and they both roll frantically around the room, taking shots at each other. Finally, all the referees and fight-breaker-uppers rush in the room and separate the two.

6TH MATCH: John Cena vs. Roman Reigns (Singles Match)

  • Here we go with the FIRST OF TWO WRESTLEMANIA MAIN-EVENT WORTHY SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT MATCHUPS, COREY. This may be the most nuclear match of all time. I can't think of a match where both guys were hated this much. John Cena is out first. This is very important because as John Cena waits in the corner for The Biggest Dawg, all of a sudden UNDERTAKER'S GONG SOUNDS. Gong.. Gong... Gong.... and then silence. Roman Reigns music hits and he comes out pointing and laughing at Cena. Reigns shows signs of a dick heel, and this would be great. He's using Cena's fear of Undertaker as a mind game. We get formal ring introductions UNDERTAKER SHOULD NOT ACTUALLY EVER RETURN. WM33 WAS THE PERFECT GOING OUT. **The match goes 25 minutes, and for the first about 8 minutes, Cena is locked into SuperCena mode and Reigns can't seem to stop him, and can't hit any of his moves.. Here are some big spots in this match:
  • Cena's demise begins when REIGNS HITS AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON CENA.** We haven't had a match where they steal each other's finishers in a LOOONG time, and this would be the perfect match to have it in. Cena kicks out at 2.999, and **then Reigns goes to the corner and cocks his fist for the Superman Punch, Reigns runs and swings for John but Cena ducks and runs off the ropes and NAILS REIGNS WITH A SPEAR. Reigns just barely kicks out.
  • John Cena dismantles the English Announce Table and Reigns is on the German one. Reigns spears Cena through the table like he did with Taker at WM.
  • Reigns tackles Cena and grounds him and starts throwing wild punches. Reigns rips off Cena's Never Give Up wristband and rips it in half.
  • Cena hits his Shoulder Tackles on Reigns in his Comeback and then he runs off the ropes and sets up for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. The camera follows Cena and Reigns gets up out of shot and nails Cena with a Superman Punch.
  • Cena hits an Attitude Adjustment on Reigns on the apron.

**The match ends after Cena clotheslines Roman over the ropes to the outside on the announce table side, and then Cena looks to SPRINGBOARD. Cena grabs the top rope and jumps but Reigns JUMPS BACK ON THE APRON AND SPEARS JOHN CENA BACK INTO THE RING OVER THE TOP ROPE. Reigns covers Cena and gets the win.

Now, they could do this or Cena just squashes him in 5 minutes and goes off to Hollywood, initiating a heel turn, but of course that’s not happening. Post-match, Cena is sitting up in the corner, devastated, and Reigns approaches him and offers him a hand to help him up. Cena stares at Reigns for a few moments and then rolls out of the ring and walks to the back and disappears until he’s a surprise return in the Rumble. Fans are shocked at Cena just blowing off Reigns. Signs are beginning to show of The Cenation wearing down. Reigns looks on.

WINNER by Pinfall: Roman Reigns

  • We get an ad for SURVIVOR SERIES in Houston.

7TH MATCH: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Braun Strowman (Monster Truck Match for the WWE Universal Title)

  • We get an epic video package before the match. Braun is out first and he’s all bandaged up and he limps down to the ring. Lesnar is out next and he’s got a crutch on his right arm off doctors orders, who tried to convince Lesnar not to go through with the match after the brawl segments. Brock has bruises all over him and is also bandanged up. Brock holds his crutch and just fuckin tosses it as far as humanly possible. Brock runs down to the ring on one foot and Braun runs toward Lesnar too. Braun goes to waffle Lesnar with a clothesline but Lesnar ducks and Germans Strowman on the ramp. The match goes 22 minutes and they beat the shit outta each other. Braun Strowman is one of the best consistently booker talents of the past decade. Maybe longer. I truly think he’s already a hall of famer and there’s no denying he is a superstar. That’s why I think that he MUST win the championship here. What does WWE have to lose? If they’re really still set on Lesnar/Reigns II at Mania 34, then they could easily have Brock disappear until January and win it back at the Rumble in a rematch. I don’t think anyone would ever be expecting Brock to be booked as the underdog and be destroyed by Braun every week and then not win in 50/50 booking. It won’t hurt Brock Lesnar at all, mostly because he’s BROCK LESNAR, and he can eat an entire country. Both men are fighting within an inch of their lives, and the match ends when Braun and Lesnar are having one final brawl on the outside, and then Braun powerslams Lesnar through the timekeepers area. Braun scoops up Brock one more time and rolls him into the ring and collapses on top of The Beast. 1. 2. 3. The reign of the Strowman Empire has begun. The show ends with Braun holding up the belt.


Final Results:





Elias defeated Apollo Crews (with Titus O’Neil) by Pinfall

Singles Match


Bray Wyatt defeated Finn Balor by Pinfall

Singles Match


Jason Jordan defeated The Miz (c) (with Maryse) by Submission

Singles Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship


Asuka defeated Alexa Bliss (c), Bayley, Emma, Nia Jax & Sasha Banks by Submission

6-Pack Challenge for the WWE RAW Women's Title


Neville (c) defeated Enzo Amore by Pinfall

Singles Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship


Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins (c) defeated Sheasaro by Pinfall (Post-Match The Revival return and attack The Shield)

Tag Team Match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships


Roman Reigns defeated John Cena by Pinfall

Singles Match


Braun Strowman defeated Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) by Pinfall

Singles Match for the WWE Universal Championship

MY TLC 2017 CARD: (RAW; October 22 2017):





Braun Strowman (c) vs. Samoa Joe

TLC Match for the WWE Universal Championship


Jason Jordan (c) vs. The Miz (with Maryse)

Submission Chairs Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship


Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins (c) vs. The Revival

Tag Team Ladder Match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Titles


Asuka (c) vs. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks

Triple Threat Tables Match for the WWE RAW Women's Title


Neville (c) vs. Enzo Amore

CW Lumberjack Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship


Finn Balor vs. Roman Reigns

Singles Match


Bray Wyatt vs. Matt Hardy

Singles Match


Alexa Bliss vs. Nia Jax

Singles Match for the chance to be Team Leader on Women’s Team RAW at Survivor Series

  • And as far as HIAC goes, obviously all the current card as it stands, but I’d also add AJ Styles defending the US Title against Corbin & Dillinger in a Triple Threat, Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler in a regular singles match, Orton vs. Rusev II, and make Usos/New Day in the cell.
  • The next night on RAW, Matt Hardy would challenge Jason Jordan for the IC Title and Bray Wyatt would cost him the match, beginning their feud. A Triple Threat pitting The Miz against Finn Balor & Bray Wyatt would occur via Kurt Angle, with the winner getting a title shot at TLC, which the Miz would win. Finally, Braun Strowman would kick off the show and Kurt Angle would announce that Samoa Joe would return next week from injury, and that Braun would defend in a TLC match against him at the PPV.

I hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you liked and didn't like, and what from this post you'd like to see on the show. Be sure to look out for my "How WWE Should Book Hell In A Cell 2017 (RAW)" post the day before that. Enjoy the show, everyone!


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