How WWE Should Book Elimination Chamber 2017 (SDLive)

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Hey everyone! Every month, days before PPV's happen, I share my thoughts on the show and card and how I would book the show that has unexpected swerves, returns, debuts, and a memorable show that would leave fans happy. If you want, you can read some past editions of these by clicking on my name and searching. I have been doing these for every PPV since Night Of Champions 2015. I hope you enjoy, and this is how I would book Elimination Chamber 2017!


  • We get the usual panelists. Booker talks a bunch about how he's an EXPERT* in Chamber matches, and that **EVERYTHING IN THAT STRUCTURE OF SATAN HURTS!!. Ah. A Social Media Lounge segment with Apollo Crews & Kalisto is announced earlier in the day. The panel talks a bit and gives predictions and we get video packages. We get to our Kickoff match.

KICKOFF MATCH: Curt Hawkins vs Mojo Rawley

*Before this was announced, I put a kickoff match as Carmella and Ellsworth vs two local jobbers in a mixed tag. This match is more hype. Mojo is out first followed by Hawkins. Hawkins says to face the facts and won't enter the ring at first and plays mind games. The match goes 10 minutes and Hawkins wins with his finisher. I do not know Curt Hawkins' finisher.

WINNERS: Curt Hawkins

  • We get a backstage interview with Breezango, and say they'll win the Tag Titles tonight. The panel talks a bit, and we get the SML with Apollo & Kalisto. Ziggler runs in mid-way and superkicks Crews. Security comes and holds him back. The panel gives their final predictions and then we get to the main PPV.


  • Crossing my fingers for WWE to have the setup/stage from 2013-2014 Chamber PPV, but they don't usually do unique sets anymore. We get an opening video package and pyro. We get to the first match.

1ST MATCH: American Alpha (c) vs The Usos vs The Vaudevillians vs The Ascension vs Heath Slater & Rhyno vs Breezango (Tag Team Turmoil)

  • We get some clips of interviews of the teams as they were entering the arena earlier on why they think they could win. The champs American Alpha are out first, in an unlucky draw, and they start things off with The Ascension. We get formal ring introductions and the ref holds up the belts. Alpha make quick work of the Ascension. They both go wild on Konnor, and JJ's corner spear to Konnor lays him out. They hit a Grand Amplitude on Viktor for the first elimination. AA are fired up. Out next are The Vaudevillans. The two circle the ring and play mind games with Alpha. Gotch pretends to try to run the ring and Alpha runs at Gotch but Aiden English jumps both men from behind. VV beat down AA. They fight for a few minutes and have a nice back and forth. VV set up for the Whirling Dervish, but AA both hit viscous Germans and a bridge for the Double Pin. Out next are Heath Slater and Rhyno to a huge pop. Rhyno immediately runs wild and nails Jordan with a Gore. At one point, Slater hits a Powerslam, and gets the 3 on Gable and everyone goes crazy, but it's revealed Gable had his foot on the rope. Slater tries to reason with the ref, and Gable grabs Heath's leg from behind and taps him out with the Ankle Lock. The Usos are out next and they continue the story of them working over Gable's leg. Jey distracts the ref and Jimmy runs to the outside to get a chair. He puts Gable's ankle under the chair and then goes to the top rope. Jordan runs up and nails Jimmy with a huge Belly to Belly off the top rope. One team left. Jordan gets the pin. The champs started off the match, and they're still in it. Out last is Breezango. Breezango beat the two down. Breezango is obviously a fan favorite team, but they shouldn't win the titles now, but they should tease it with false finishes and them putting up a good fight against AA. AA hit Grand Amplitude on both men, and then Gable stumbles down and drapes himself over Breeze & Fandango to retain the titles. The champs have done it in an impressive effort. This will make Alpha look amazing and will get them over huge. The match went about 19 minutes. Jordan and Gable hold up the belts in celebration and Jordan has his straps down. All of sudden, all the teasing pays off. AA get jumped from behind by two men in hoods. They beat AA down and both Powerbomb Alpha through the English announce table. They pull down their hoods. It's Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder. Dawson tells Dash to clink him. Dash does. The SD Tag Division has finally received the Revival it needed.


2ND MATCH: Becky Lynch vs Mickie James

  • Mickie is out first followed by Becky. This will be so great. The match goes about 10 minutes. I've actually really liked this feud. The match ends after Alexa's music hits, but she doesn't come out. Becky looks toward the titantron and stage and is ready to fight but Mickie runs up behind her and clubs her in the back, sending Becky into the ropes, and James hits the Mick Kick for the win. Alexa helped her friend win against Becky, and it doesn't make Becky look terrible at all. I feel like Mickie should get the win dirty to build up her friendship with Bliss, and she just returned, so she should look good.

WINNER: Mickie James

  • We get an ad for Tapout, and then we go to the commentators and we see a video package of the upcoming match between Nikki Bella and Natalya, and how their feud has come to an ultra-personal boiling point.

3RD MATCH: Nikki Bella vs Natalya

  • Nattie is out first followed by Nikki. They fight about 12 minutes, and it's very physical. They beat the crap out of each other. I had this cool idea where they could bring Tyson Kidd back to TV and have him interfere in this match somehow. Obviously he wouldn't take any bumps, but he could be Natalya's manager. It would be great to see him again. He could easily take this role. The problem is I don't exactly know where he would fit in here. He can't attack Nikki. Nikki has Natalya in the STF, hinting to the unfortunate mixed tag match at Mania, and as it looks like Nattie is about to tap, Tyson Kidd runs in and knocks down the ref. Nikki undoes the STF and looks at Kidd. Kidd grabbed a Kendo Stick from under the ring, and he's holding hit behind his back. Nattie is up now and he throws the Stick to Natalya, and Natalya beats down Nikki Bella. Nikki is beaten down, and Natalya just simply gets the abrupt pin. Kidd grabs the still unconscious ref's hand, and slams it down for the three, and then runs to the timekeepers area, elbows the bell ringer guy in the face, and rings the bell to signal the end of the match. That's technically an official win. Tyson holds up Natties hand in victory. Nikki and Nattie would culminate their feud on SD 2 weeks after, in a 30 minute Iron Woman match in the main event. Maryse would cost Nikki the match at the end, setting up the Mania Mixed tag. A big positive: Tyson Kidd has returned to WWE TV.

WINNER: Natalya

  • We get an ad for Fast Lane. After, we get a backstage interview with The Revival. They cut their usual promo style, and describe why they're the top guys, and say they're heading into Mania as champions, and they're on SD to be kicking ass and taking names. By the way, as always, I'll have my Wrestlemania 33 card for the Smackdown side of things at the end of the post, and I'll do the RAW side on my Fast Lane booking post.

4TH MATCH: Dolph Ziggler vs Apollo Crews & Kalisto (2-On-1 Handicap Match)

  • The megateam of Apollo and Kalisto are out first. Even though it's 2 on 1, I feel if Ziggler doesn't win he'll look like a total geek, but Apollo and Kalisto never win, so they maybe should. Ziggler's music hits, but he doesn't come out. Apollo and Kalisto are confused. Ziggler comes out of nowhere from behind and ambushes both men with a chair, similar to the past week on SD. He beats the hell out of both guys, and when Dolph is finally separated and Apollo is dazed on the apron, and Kalisto is in his corner semi-ready to go, Ziggler immediately runs and nails Apollo with a Superkick, sending him flying off the apron to the floor, and then spins Kalisto around and hits a Zigzag. He gets Kalisto back up and hits a second Zigzag. He gets Kalisto up one final time and hits a vicious Superkick, and falls over Kalisto for the quick win. Ziggler's heel run has been a flop so far, and he has no real heat. This would get him in the conversation, beating 2 guys to 1, and killing them, and then winning with a barrage of finishers in less than a minute. Again, this could be completely dumb, but both men can get their heat back. Ziggler needs to finally have a selling point and something to validate his words, and this would be near perfect for that. Plus, we need to save some time for the Chamber match….

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler

  • We get a backstage segment with Shane and Daniel Bryan talking. American Alpha walk up and they're all bandaged up. They're angry about the Revival ambush. Shane says not to worry. He books a non-title match between the two teams for that week's SD, so Alpha can get their hands on them. Obviously this would be the SD tag Title match at Mania, so we wouldn't really be giving it away for free, and it would go about 2 minutes before both teams would get in the ring and beat each other down, resulting in a No-Contest after the illegal men refused to get out. The next week Jordan would face Dawson and Gable would fight Dash in singles matches, leading up to their match at the show of shows.

5TH MATCH: Randy Orton vs Luke Harper

  • I am ungodly excited for this match. The Wyatts with Orton have been one of the very best parts of SD. This match will be a slugfest, with the hate and disdain these two have for each other. Harper is out first followed by Orton. The match goes 17 minutes. There are some fun spots, like Orton going to the corner to try a Punt Kick, which will get a big reaction, and Orton runs to kill Harper but Harper gets up, grabs Randy's foot, and yells YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH in his face, and then scoops him up and hits a Michanoku Driver for the near fall. Another spot is Harper whips Orton toward the steps, but Orton reverses and sends Luke crashing into the steps. The top step either falls off, or Orton grabs it and throw it away. Orton hits a Powerslam to Luke on the step. The match ends after Harper nails Orton with a Powerbomb, and he bounces Orton off the ropes. Harper points to the WM sign and mouths "I'm going there", and then once again screams YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH. Harper sets up for a Disqus Clothesline, and spins around into an RKO Outta Nowhere from the Viper. Orton gets the pin, and he has defeated the thorn in his side of the Wyatts. He's finally past Luke, now on to Bray.. Luke won't be forgotten at all though, I'd either have him win the Andre Battle Royale, or win the IC Title in some big match at WM. My top two picks on who should win the Andre Match are either Harper or Big E.

WINNER: Randy Orton

  • We go to the Kickoff panel for their thoughts on the show so far.

6TH MATCH: Alexa Bliss vs Naomi (SD Women's Title)

  • I feel like this will be one of those things where Vince gave Naomi this title shot just because of Black History Month, and then he'll give her the championship all because of Black History Month, and then she pulls a Zack Ryder and just loses it immediately on the next show. I figured that they could have Tamina make her return since she WWE recently cleared and kill both women, but The Revival & Tyson Kidd were both surprises. This is the first time in the time of me doing these (since Sept. 2015, NOC) that I don't really know what to do; and it's not like this is even one of the bigger matches on the card. Either I'd have some Alexa/Mickie shennanigans, allowing Alexa to retain dirty, or just have Naomi get the win after James runs out but can't get the job done, and then just has a 1-3 week reign before she drops it back to Alexa. BLACK HISTORY MONTH DAMNIT INTENSFIES
    • We get a Wrestlemania ad, and at the end it says 49 DAYS AWAY. We go back to the arena now, and the ominous music plays as the Chamber finally lowers to the ring.

7TH MATCH: John Cena (c) vs AJ Styles vs Baron Corbin vs The Miz vs Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose (Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship)

  • Apparently there is indeed a reason that the commentators have been saying "New Elimination Chamber". There will indeed be changes made to the structure. There will be 5,000" Flatscreen TVS in each pod playing The Marine 4. We get a video package before the match and we get clips and stats of the Chamber matches from the past. We then go over all 6 men's Wrestlemania history, with Cena's big matches and title wins, Miz main eventing 27 against Cena and winning the IC title, Ambrose facing Lesnar, Corbin winning the Andre, Bray facing Cena and Taker and confronting The Rock, Styles facing Jericho. The match goes about 34 minutes. Lillian Garcia is in the chamber and announces the rules. AJ Styles is the first man out to a big pop. He wants to get his title back that Big John won 16 from him. Styles won't be starting off, as that honor of course goes to the final 2 entrances. AJ enters his pod. Big Banter Baron Corbin is out next, followed by Ambrose, and finally.. Bray Wyatt. We now know the 2 men who will start the match. The Miz makes his way out with Maryse, and finally finally, the WWE champ, John Felix Anthony Cena. Unlucky draw for the champ. Cena and Miz have a nice opening exchange. Miz hits Cena with a Jumping DDT, and then goes to the corner and trolls by doing the Yes chants. He runs at Cena to do the Running Knee, but Cena hoists him up for an AA, and Miz lands on his feet. Miz tumbles over from the landing against the ropes, and Cena runs and clotheslines Miz over the rope onto the steel grate. After 2-3 minutes passes, we get the usual graphic and birds eye view and the lights swap from the pods. It lands on AJ's pod. Styles runs into the ring at #3, and springs off the top rope and nails Cena with a Flying Neckbreaker. AJ and Cena have a fun sequence, and Miz eventually gets back in and he and AJ temporarily team up to beat down Cena. We get the pod decider again, and Bray Wyatt ends up entering at #4. Bray runs wild and tackles Styles down and Cena runs to try to take out Bray but Bray sends Cena over the top rope to the steel. Bray runs off the ropes and crushes AJ with a Senton. Bray goes for the pin but AJ kicks out. Miz and Bray fight a bit until it's time for #5 to enter. It's the Intercontinental Champion, Dean Ambrose. Ambrose runs wild and nails Miz with a Crossbody. Ambrose hits a DDT on Wyatt, and then Cena runs back in and hits Ambrose with a Shoulder tackle outta nowhere. He does his usual comeback and then signals for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Ambrose counters and rolls up Cena out of the blue but Cena just barely kicks out. Cena turns Ambrose and Cena both stumble up and Cena turns around into a Skull Crushing Finale from Miz. Ambrose runs up and nails Miz with a Dirty Deeds. AJ is back now and he nails Ambrose with a Phenomenal Forearm. Finally, Bray runs up and tries to hit Sister Abigail on AJ. During this finisher brawl, the final entrant is set to enter. It's Baron Corbin. Bray tries to hit the Sister Abigail, but Styles gets out and starts pummeling Wyatt with strikes and kicks. AJ runs off the ropes but he runs into an End Of Days from Corbin. Bray grabs Corbin and hits a Sister Abigail from behind. Bray goes for the pin, but Cena and Miz are brawling and Miz shoves Cena and he topples on Corbin and Bray, breaking the pin. The four fight for a bit, and the ring is eventually cleared except for Styles and Ambrose. Styles hits the Forearm on Dean. He almost goes for the pin, but then looks to the top of the pod. He climbs the top rope, and then jumps on top of a pod. AJ HITS A SPIRAL TAP/450 SPLASH OFF THE TOP OF THE POD. 1.2.3. Styles eliminates Ambrose. Bray Wyatt runs in and throws Styles to the outside. Bray picks up AJ and rams him through the pod. Holy Shit chants. Maryse has been annoying and yelling and screaming at Cena all match. Bray and AJ are laid out in the rubble of the destroyed pod. Miz and Cena re fighting, and Cena hits 2 consecutive AA's on Miz for the elimination, similar to what he did to AJ at the Rumble. Miz can't believe it. He's seething with rage. Miz reluctantly goes to leave the Chamber, but off just out of shot, Maryse slides in a Chair to Miz. Corbin runs up to Cena and Cena powers Baron up on his shoulders for an AA, but the Miz runs back in and kicks Cena in the nuts and bolts. Miz has the chair from Maryse, and nails Cena with a SCF on the chair. The refs are all trying to throw Miz out and Miz pushes one down and then leaves on his own, veins popping in his neck of anger. Corbin slithers up and gets the pin on Cena, a huge elimination for the Lone Wolf. The Champ is eliminated earlier after the attack from Miz. For the aftermath of this, go read what I said at the end of the Nikki/Natalya match. The Mizzes want to destroy the Cena name. The final 3 men are AJ Styles, Baron Corbin, and Bray Wyatt. There is a nice 3-way sequence between them for a few minutes, and then Bray nails a Sister Abigail into the ring post from the outside steel grate, and then throws Corbin into the ring for the pin. The final 2 men are AJ and Bray. Styles and Wyatt put on a clinic for a few minutes, and then the match ends as Styles is on the outside and is ready to win back his title with a Phenomenal Forearm. Styles jumps off the top rope, but Bray Wyatt catches Styles mid-air with a Sister Abigail. 1.2.3. After 3 long years, Bray Wyatt is finally a World Champion. It was obvious this is the direction they're heading with Orton vs Bray for the title at Mania. Everyone looks good. The lights go out and pyro goes off on the stage as Bray gets on his knees, and he raises the title in a swarm of the fireflies of the crowd. Orton's music hits and he walks out to the stage. Orton and Bray have a staredown from the stage to the ring and chamber and Orton points to the WM sign and then motions around his waist like a title belt. Bray shakes his head and yells to Follow The Buzzards.




Order Eliminated



John Cena


1; The Miz


The Miz




AJ Styles


1; Dean Ambrose


Bray Wyatt


2; AJ Styles & Baron Corbin


Dean Ambrose




Baron Corbin


1; John Cena

My Wrestlemania 33 Card (Smackdown Matches)

  • WWE Title: Bray Wyatt (c) vs Randy Orton
  • IC Title: Dean Ambrose (c) vs Baron Corbin
  • SD Tag Titles: American Alpha (c) vs The Revival (Street Fight)
  • SD Women's Title: Alexa Bliss (c) vs Mickie James vs Becky Lynch
  • John Cena & Nikki Bella vs The Miz & Maryse (Ugh...)
  • AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon (UGH UGH....)
  • Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Aiden English, Apollo Crews, Curt Hawkins, Fandango, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, James Ellsworth, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Konnor, Mojo Rawley, Rhyno, Tyler Breeze, Viktor (Surprises: The Boogeyman & Road Dogg | If you're wondering where Harper is on this card, he would be in this, and would be in the final 2, or maybe win it. I'd have the final 2 be Harper and Big E.)

Welp, that was how I would book Elimination Chamber. I hope you liked it! Tell me what you liked and didn't like, and what you would like to see happen on the PPV from here. Be sure to look out for my "How WWE Should Book Fast Lane 2017" post the day before that PPV, where I'll also have my WM card for RAW. Enjoy the show everyone!


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