How WWE Should Book Clash Of Champions 2017 (SDLive)

 Image result for clash of champions 2017

Hey everyone! I love to write and I love wrestling so ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, I have been fantasy booking WWE PPV's in detail, and have been a wrestling fan since 2005. Without further ado, here is How WWE Should Book Clash Of Champions 2017. (For those that have seen these posts before that are confused, I was previously u/ThePipeBomb11)



  • Our Kickoff Panel consists of Renee Yong, Sam Roberts, David Otunga and Jerry Lawler.They hype up the matches and give their predictions throughout the hour, and we're also shown video packages. A Social Media Lounge segment with GM Daniel Bryan is announced earlier in the day. Use #AskBryan. We get to our Kickoff match a little past halfway through.

KICKOFF MATCH: Mojo Rawley vs. Zack Ryder (Singles Match)

  • Zack Ryder is out first followed by Mojo. The match goes 7 minutes. I still just really don't understand why WWE had Mojo win the Andre Battle Royal this year. It has done zilch for the man. Ryder is worth much more investment than Mojo, and since WWE likes to go 50/50, Ryder gets revenge on Mojo for breaking up the team and the match ends after Mojo goes for a Hype-Rider, but Zack lands on his feet and hits a leaping Rough Ryder and then sits down on Mojo's chest, with his arms wrapped around Rawley's legs for the pin.


  • The panel gives brief thoughts on the match, we get our SML with Daniel Bryan, and they give their final predictions for the main event as we get to the main show.


  • Minus Elimination Chamber and Hell In A Cell, Smackdown has really had some WEAK PPV cards this year. This show is no different. But that's what I'm doing these for, to make them as best as they can be. Let's get into the FINAL WWE PPV of the great, great year of 2017.

1ST MATCH: The Usos (Jey & Jimmy Uso) (c) vs. Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods; with Big E) vs. Rusev & Aiden English (Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match for the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships)

  • The Usos are out first followed by BenjaGable, Rusev & English, and finally The New Day. The match goes 13 minutes, and Jimmy Uso, Shelton Benjamin, Xavier Woods, and Rusev all start the match on their respective teams. It's chaos with men from all 4 teams in the ring at the same times, a rule that has never been enforced in 4-Way Tags until now.... the match ends in a shocker after Jimmy Uso hits a splash on Chad Gable, but Rusev runs in and clotheslines Jimmy over the top rope and both tumble to the outside, and then amidst the chaos a broken Aiden English crawls to the cover on Chad Gable. IT'S RUSEV DAY IN BOSTON BECAUSE AIDEN ENGLISH AND RUSEV ARE YOUR NEW CHAMPIONS. The reign would not last long though, as there would be a rematch on the following episode of Smackdown where The Usos would win invoke their rematch clause and back the titles. Afterwards, Rusev would announce his intentions to challenge for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble. Main-event Rusev is long overdue. I know people don't usually like when the titles just switch back right after the PPV, but here I would be fine with it as sadly I don't think WWE really takes English and Rusev seriously as a team anyways, and it leads to Rusev in a WWE Championship match against AJ Styles at a Big 4 PPV. By the way, not only will I have my card for the SD matches at the Royal Rumble at the end of this post as usual, but I will also have a card for the 2nd Annual SMACKDOWN WILD CARD FINALS Show on 12/26/17 that I really hope they do.

WINNERS and NEW Smackdown Live Tag Team Champions by Pinfall: Rusev & Aiden English

  • We get an ad for Aéropostale.

2ND MATCH: Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Natalya (Lumberjack Match for the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship)

  • This match has happened too many damn times. The Lumberjacks come out first to generic music and it's just all the other women on the SD roster. Natalya comes out first followed by Charlotte. The match goes 10 minutes. We get the usual Lumberjack Match spots where the face gets thrown out and the heel lumberjacks attack them, and vice versa. The match ends after a huge spot where the lumberjacks all attack Natalya, and then Charlotte hits a Moonsault off the top rope into everyone on the outside and everyone gets knocked down. Natalya struggles back into the ring amidst the chaos and walks right into a big Spear from Charlotte. No Carmella cash-in tonight, I would've had her cash in at Survivor Series if you read that post, but since it didn't happen then, it doesn't feel right to happen here.

WINNER and STILL WWE Smackdown Women's Champion by Pinfall: Charlotte Flair

  • We get a backstage interview by Dasha Fuentes with Orton and Nakamura. They promise to end the careers of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn tonight.

3RD MATCH: The Bludgeon Brothers vs. Breezango (Tag Team Match)

  • Breezango are out first followed by Harper and Rowan. They should've been the challengers for the Tag Titles at this show. No question. The match goes 4 minutes. Breezango get minimal offense in before The Blugdeon brothers destroy them for the latter half of the match. Harper and Rowan hit their Cross finish on Breeze and Rowan gets the quick win.

WINNERS by Pinfall: The Bludgeon Brothers

  • We get an ad for Tapout and then cut to a shot of the outside of the arena and sights around Boston as Phillips transitions us to the next match.

4TH MATCH: Baron Corbin (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler (Triple Threat Match for the WWE United States Championship)

  • Roode is out first followed by Ziggler and finally the champ Baron Corbin. The match goes 10 minutes. Don’t feel like this match will be anything special, so keep it short so it doesn’t bring down the mood of the night. It’s time for a complete swerve. I feel like every just expects Corbin to retain or Roode to win the belt. No one is expecting Ziggler to come out on top. While not everyone may absolutely love Ziggler right now, he’s in no way bad, and it’d be nice to see him with a title over than the IC Title, even just for a few weeks like would be the plan. Dolph should win the title here just to make it feel less like a by the numbers PPV. It ends after Roode and Corbin are in the ring and Roode nails a big Glorious DDT On Baron. Ziggler rushes in and Superkicks Roode from behind, sending him over the top rope. Ziggler steals the pin from Bobby and gets the win and The US Title. Two weeks later on the 2nd Annual Wild Card Finals Smackdown, Ziggler would defend the US Title in a Fatal 4-Way Ladder Match against Baron Corbin, Bobby Roode and Tye Dillinger, where Roode would win the title and begin 2018 as a champion.

WINNER and NEW WWE United States Champion by Pinfall: Dolph Ziggler

  • We get an ad for the Royal Rumble.

5TH MATCH: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. Randy Orton & Shinsuke Nakamura (Tag Team Match with Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon as special guest referees; If Owens and Zayn lose, they will be fired from all of WWE)

  • Referee Shane and then Referee D-Bry come out and stand in the ring and debate off-mic how they’ll ref the match. Owens & Zayn are out first followed by Orton and finally Nakamura. The match goes 16 minutes. I’m gonna do something bold here, but it sets up for Wrestlemania and it’s yet another swerve that this show so desperately needs. All hell breaks lose and all 4 wrestlers are in the ring brawling and Shane and Bryan can’t control it. **The match ends after Zayn & Orton are legal but Owens goes to the top rope to hit a Frogsplash on a Down Orton but eats an RKO. Zayn sneaks up behind Randy and hits a big drop kick, sending Randy into the corner. He tries a Helluva Kick but Orton sidesteps, and hits an RKO. Orton is about to go for the pin but then goes to the corner for a PUNT KICK to truly finish it off. Orton runs toward Zayn but gets nailed with a KINSHASA outta nowhere. HEEL SHINSUKE NAKAMURA HAS ARRIVED. Nakamura drags Sami’s arm over Orton and Daniel Bryan counts the pin, knowing that Shane, down outside the ring would refuse to do so. This isn’t Nakamura officially joining Owens and Zayn in a stable or anything, just that they’re now on good terms and have each other’s back whenever they need it. At Wrestlemania, if all goes right, we’d be getting Heel Nakamura vs Face AJ Styles for the WWE Title. Come on WWE. It’s what everyone wants.

WINNERS by Pinfall & Shinsuke Nakamura Heel Turn: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn

  • We get an ad for Toys R’Us, and then we go to the kickoff panel for their thoughts on the show so far.

6TH MATCH: AJ Styles (c) vs. Jinder Mahal (Singles Match for the WWE Championship)

  • We get a video package beforehand. Jinder is out first with the Singh’s followed by AJ. The match goes 18 minutes. AJ got the best match of Jinder’s career out of him on the SD where he won the title, and I think this could be even better. Here are some big spots in the match:
  • Jinder is on the outside by the ramp and AJ flys over the top rope for a forearm but Jinder pushes Samir Singh in the way and he takes the blow.
  • JINDER HITS A TOP ROPE ELBOW DROP for a near fall.
  • Jinder pulls a page out of Cesaro’s book and stands on the middle rope and SUPLEXES STYLES FROM THE APRON TO THE RING.
  • Styles knocks Mahal onto the Spanish Announce Desk and then rolls back in the ring. In a spot he’s only ever done one other time in WWE, (7Rf1Po0uB9E), AJ leaps off the top rope and nails Jinder with a phenomenal forearm through the table.

The match ends after Jinder hits a viscous Khallas on AJ, and then collapses from exhaustion over AJ. 1. 2. 3. JINDER MAHAL is a 2-time WWE Champion. Twitter goes into a rage, the fans boo like crazy, and everyone claims they’re done with WWE, while also being sure to tune into RAW & SD the next days. Jinder poses with the title on the top rope, but then the ref snatches it away and signals for JoJo to enter the ring. The ref gives her a rundown and it’s announced that both men’s shoulders were on the mat for a count of 3, therefore AJ Styles is still champion. It would be funny to see the reaction prior to the announcement, and it’s a way to keep both guys looking strong. Jinder would get the chance to earn another shot at the title at the Rumble against former partner Rusev on the Wild Card Finals II SD. If you want, you could have Nakamura come out and confront Styles post-match, but I think that would be too obvious of a spoiler and he should just win the Rumble.

AJ Styles and Jinder Mahal fought to a DRAW (Double Pin); However, STILL WWE Champion AJ Styles

Final Results:






Zack Ryder defeated Mojo Rawley by Pinfall

Singles Match

7 Minutes


Rusev & Aiden English defeated The Usos (c), Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin & New Day (with Big E) by Pinfall

Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match for the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships

13 Minutes


Charlotte Flair (c) defeated Natalya by Pinfall

Lumberjack Match for the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship

10 Minutes


The Bludgeon Brothers defeated Breezango by Pinfall

Tag Team Match

4 Minutes


Dolph Ziggler defeated Baron Corbin (c) and Bobby Roode by Pinfall

Triple Threat Match for the WWE United States Championship

10 Minutes


Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn defeated Randy Orton & Shinsuke Nakamura

Tag Team Match with Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon as special guest referees; Had Owens and Zayn lost, they would've been fired from all of WWE

16 Minutes


AJ Styles (c) vs. Jinder Mahal (with The Singh Brothers) ended in a Draw

Singles Match for the WWE Championship

18 Minutes

My Card for the 2nd Annual WILD CARD FINALS SDLive (12/26/17):





Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Baron Corbin vs. Bobby Roode vs. Tye Dillinger

Fatal 4-Way Ladder Match for the United States Championship


AJ Styles & Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn & Shinsuke Nakamura

2-On-3 Handicap Match


The Usos (c) vs. The Bludgeon Brothers

Tag Team Match for the SD Tag Titles


Charlotte (c) vs. Ruby Riot

Singles Match for the SD Women’s Title


Jinder Mahal vs. Rusev (with Aiden English)

Singles Match for a WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 2018 Card (SDLive)





2018 Royal Rumble Match

30-Man Royal Rumble Match


AJ Styles (c) vs. Rusev (with Aiden English)

Singles Match for the WWE Championship


Charlotte vs. The Riott Squad

3-On-1 Handicap Match for the SD Women’s Championship

Well, that was how I would Clash Of Champions 2018. Tell me what you liked and didn’t like, and what from this post you’d like to see happen on the show. Be sure to look out for my 4 BOOKING POSTS in January. First, for the first time ever I’ll have a HOW NJPW SHOULD BOOK WRESTLEKINGDOM 12 post coming out on January 3rd. I’ll also be doing posts for The 25th Anniversary Of RAW Show out on January 21, AND a 2-Part Royal Rumble post on January 27. I was going to also do Takeover Philadelphia, but I decided that was just too much typing. January is a huge month. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the show tonight!

How WWE Should Book Starrcade 2017 (SDLive) (Incomplete)

Hey! This is a never-before seen post from me, being exclusively released here for the very first time! Usually when something like this happens, I just didn't have time to finish the post, or it just wasn't good enough and it wasn't too major of a show anyways so I just gave up, but this time around we've got the Starrcade 2017 house show. I began writing this, but as you can see, things ended abruptly halfway through. Enjoy what I've got, though. For the first time, here is how I would've booked Starrcade 2017.Image result for wwe starrcade 2017

**Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, I have been fantasy booking WWE PPV's in detail, mainly just because I love writing and wrestling and throwing out ideas. I major in journalism in real life. As always, enjoy the post, and give me your thoughts and what from my post you'd like to see really happen on the show. Without further ado, here is How I Would Book Starrcade 2017.**


* Right, so I usually only do these for PPV's and I've done a RAW and Smackdown in the past. A house show is unheard of. EXCEPT WHEN IT'S GODAMN STARRCADE. So let's get right into it. This is gonna be much shorter and to the point than my other posts.


> Starrcade 2017


* RIC FLAIR IS OUT TO START THE SHOW. Flair cuts a promo on his recent health scare and then talks about the history of Starrcade. He talks about all his most famous matches he's had at the event and he's grateful that WWE decided to bring it back. RICKY STEAMBOAT's music hits. He and Ric have a great exchange and then STING'S MUSIC HITS. The three legends have a stareoff and then they hug and hold up each other's hands to start. As they walk up the ramp, the steel cage lowers for the first match.


**1ST MATCH: AJ Styles (c) vs. Jinder Mahal (with The Singh Brothers) (Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship)**


* Jinder is out first followed by AJ. Let's face it. You're not gonna not have a FLAIR in a STEEL CAGE MATCH not main event the return of Starrcade in 2017. We should have a cage match begin and one end to make both feel as fresh as possible. **The match goes 16 minutes**. The match ends after The Singh's try to get involved as both men try to escape, with Jinder out the door and Styles over the top. The Singhs rattle the cage but AJ clubs them with forearms and they fall to the ground outside. Styles climbs over and crashes to the floor begin Mahal makes it outside the door to retain.


**WINNER by Escape Over The Cage and STILL WWE Champion: AJ Styles**


**2ND MATCH: The Usos (c) vs. Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. The New Day (Kofi & Xavier) Fatal-4-Way Tag Team Match for the SmackDown Tag Team Championships**


* New Day are out first followed by Benjagable, then Owens & Zayn and finally The Usos. **The match goes 12 1/2 minutes**. OWENS AND ZAYN GET THE WIN AND THE TAG TITLES AFTER ZAYN HITS A LOW BLOW ON BENJAMIN AND THEN A SCHOOLBOY. At least one title should change hands on a Starrcade, and this would be perfect. Shane is looking to fire Sami and Owens currently on TV, and with Owens against Orton this Tuesday and them walking in as champions out of nowhere would be fantastic and make Shane even more angry. This is a necessary change for the current storyline.


**WINNERS by Pinfall and NEW WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn**


**3RD MATCH: Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler (Singles Match)**


* Remember when Roode was advertised for a bit for this show as Booby Roode? Let's not ever forget that. Anyways, Roode is out first followed by Ziggler. **The match goes 11 minutes**. Roode gets the win with a Glorious DDT to Dolph draped off the top rope.


**WINNER by Pinfall: Bobby Roode**


**4TH MATCH: Baron Corbin (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (Singles Match for the WWE United States Championship)**


* Corbin is out first followed by Nakamura. **The match goes 13 minutes**. The match ends after Nakamura is beating up on Corbin and Corbin knows he can't survive without playing dirty, so he

How WWE Should Book Survivor Series 2017

 Image result for survivor series 2017

Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, I have been fantasy booking WWE PPV's in detail, mainly just because I love writing and wrestling and throwing out ideas. I major in journalism in real life. As always, enjoy the post, and give me your thoughts and what from my post you'd like to see really happen on the show. Without further ado, here is How I Would Book Survivor Series 2017. (For those that have seen these posts before that are confused, I was previously u/ThePipeBomb11)

My Posts On Previous Survivor Series:

KICKOFF SHOW: Our Kickoff Panel consists of Renee Yong, Peter Rosenberg, Lita and David Otunga. They hype up the matches and give their predictions throughout the hour, and we're also shown video packages. A Social Media Lounge segment with JOHN CENA is announced earlier in the day. Use #AskCena. No matter how this SML goes, nothing will ever top last year's Survivor Series when Kevin Owens was on & he revealed to the world that Tom Phillip's IPad password was 6969. About halfway through, we get to our kickoff match.

KICKOFF MATCH: Enzo Amore (c) vs. Kalisto (Singles Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

  • Enzo is out first and cuts a promo ripping on Houston. Kalisto is out next. The match goes 9 minutes and Enzo gets the win after Drew Gulak runs out and jumps on the apron and distracts the ref, and Enzo hits a LOW BLOW WITH BRASS KNUCKLES on Kalisto and then wins off a Small Package as Kalisto staggers in pain.

WINNER and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Enzo Amore (with the help of Drew Gulak)

We get the John Cena Social Media Lounge with Tom Phillips, and they primarily pick questions about Cena's last minute addition to Team SD, and what made him decide to return after No Mercy. The panel gives their final predictions, and then we get to the main card.


  • This is absolutely the most unbelievably stacked PPV card of the 2010's. The two most successful factions since Evolution, The Shield and The New Day face off finally. We have BROCK LESNAR VS AJ STYLES. We have Survivor Series teams that consist of JOHN CENA, RANDY ORTON, TRIPLE H, KURT ANGLE, SHANE MCMAHON... The Bar vs. The Usos will be one of the best Tag Team matches of the decade, Bliss vs Charlotte will be incredible.
  • We get the Then Now Forever signature, but instead of beginning with a video package for the show, Kevin Owens music hits and he comes out with Sami Zayn. They both have mics and Owens says that he and Sami were both frustrated about not being on the card for Survivor Series, so they went to both Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon individually to put them in some sort of match, but they both denied because they have vendettas against them still. Finally, Sami had the brilliant idea to go to TRIPLE H, and THEY DEMANDED TO BE MADE THE HOSTS OF SURVIVOR SERIES 2017. Hunter granted their request, and now here they are. Owens and Zayn say that they're running the show now, and they are offically renaming Survivor Series THE SAMI AND KEVIN SHOW. Zayn chimes in and says it's the Kevin and Sami Show. Kevin and Sami also announce that they will be the SPECIAL GUEST RING ANNOUNCERS AND COMMENTATORS for the Men's Raw vs. Smackdown match. And to cap it all off, THEY ANNOUNCE THAT THE SHIELD VS THE NEW DAY IS NOW A NO DISQUALIFICATION TORNADO TAG. Expect shenanigans. Owens and Zayn head to the back and then we get the opening video package then we get to our first match.

1ST MATCH: The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins) vs. The New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods) (No Disqualification Interbrand 6-Man Tornado Tag Team Match)

  • New Day are out first and do their usual schtick, OHHH HOUSTON TEXAS, and they tell everyone to clap for their Shield-Slayers. New Day don't even cut a pre-match promo like they usually do, they immediately get down to business as Kofi and Woods get in the ring as Big E grabs 3 steel chairs from under the ring and tosses them to the other 2. Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta wails across the Toyota Center as The Shield come down from the crowd in their vests. The Shield surround the ring and they also grab Steel Chairs. The bell rings and all 6 men go wild with the chairs. The Shield cause New Day to roll out of the ring to regroup and then New Day run back in and knock The Shield out of the ring. The Shield huddle and then run back in again and then the two teams BRAWL. The match goes 21 minutes.
  • BIG SPOTS IN THE MATCH: THE NEW DAY triple powerbomb Roman Reigns through the Spanish Announce desk, and The Shield do the Unicorn Stomp to Big E in this match. The match ends after Big E & Roman Reigns are the legal men, and Ambrose in Rollins come in to beat the big man down. Big E throws Rollins and Reigns across the ring, and then pushes Ambrose into the ropes. Dean does his rebound clothesline but doesn't knock Big E down, then he staggers around into a Springboard Knee from Seth Rollins off the top rope, and then Big E does another 180 and eats a Spear from Roman Reigns for the pin. Big E is pinned after 3 finishing moves from the Shield, I'd say that doesn't do him much harm. I honestly don't think Big E has ever taken a pin in the history of New Day anyways. RAW has 1 win so far. I'm going to have a post out Tuesday afternoon about a funny angle in mind for the following Smackdown involving The New Day mocking the Shield Breakup, leading to a BIG debut.

WINNERS: The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) by Pinfall

  • We see Triple H in his office backstage on the phone and he gets a knock on the door. HHH says to come in and the camera pans over and it's none other than Daniel Bryan. Hunter Hearst Helmsley rolls his eyes and tells the person he's talking to he'll call them back. The Wrestlemania 30 opponents stare at each other for a few seconds then Daniel Bryan unleashes his fury and demands to know why Triple H would name Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn the hosts of Survivor Series when they're not even on the same brand as him. HHH explains simply by saying, 'WE MAY NOT BE ON THE SAME SHOW-UH, BUT I'M THE C--O--O-UHHH, YO!' Or something like that. Basically Hunter just likes Owens and Zayn so he did them a nice little favor.

2ND MATCH: Team RAW (Captain Alicia Fox, Asuka, Bayley, Nia Jax & Sasha Banks) vs. Team SmackDown (Captain Becky Lynch, Carmella, Naomi, Tamina and TBA) (Women's Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Interbrand Elimination Match)

  • Team Raw begins the entrances as the Captain of Team RAW Alicia Fox is out first, followed by Asuka, then Nia Jax, then Bayley, and finally Sasha Banks. Team Smackdown has Captain Becky Lynch come out first, then Carmella, then Tamina, then Naomi... and now 9/10 women are in the ring. It's time to find out who the 5th member of Team SD is. The women wait in the ring as the crowd begins to stir and hopefully chant for Paige and Natalya's music hits to boos. Natalya makes it out to the stage and poses before Daniel Bryan's music interrupts her and he comes out and informs Natalya that she isn't the 5th member of Team SD. Nattie is pissed and Bryan brings out the real 5th member, PAIGE. There's a huge pop and Paige comes out and yells that Houston is her house. SD needs Paige. It's gonna be great to see her back. The match goes 15 1/2 minutes and Paige and Alicia Fox start off, and Fox gets all cocky and Paige just stands in the corner, absorbing the crowd. Paige looks around and Fox runs at her and eats a Ram-Paige, getting pinned and eliminated right out of the gate. Later in the match it’s a hoss battle between Tamina & Nia Jax, and Nia pins Tamina with a barrage of leg drops. Asuka and Naomi are legal next and Naomi taps in the Asuka Lock. Carmella comes in next and she’s afraid to lock up with Asuka and Asuka beats her down. Asuka nails a kick to the side of Mella’s head and then Mella rolls under the bottom rope and walks to the back and is counted out. Captain Becky Lynch & Paige only now remain for Team SD. Paige and Becky make a team effort to eliminate Nia Jax and she taps out when she is in both the PTO & Disarmer. Now the remaining are Asuka, Sasha & Bayley on Team Raw, and Lynch & Paige on SD. Sasha & Becky are legal, and Asuka is down on the outside. Becky is beating down Banks, and Bayley comes in to save her friend. Bayley rund in and dropkicks Lynch. Bayley goes to the top for an elbow but Becky rolls away and Bayley hits Sasha instead. Becky blasts Bayley out of the ring now and pins Sasha. Later in the match, Paige and Asuka fight to the outside and Paige sends Asuka into the Universe, and she doesn’t make it back in for 10. The remaining are now just Bayley on RAW, & Becky Lynch Paige for SD. The fate of RAW is on poor little Bayley’s shoulders. Sasha comes back out to ringside after being earlier eliminated and limps to cheer Bayley. Sasha didn’t even know what hit her earlier, so It seems like she’s not mad at Bayley for indirectly costing her. Becky locks in the Disarm-Her and Bayley almost gets to the ropes but Lynch pulls her back to the middle and Bayley taps and Sasha has that “I’m done with you” look as she Submits.

WINNERS: Team SmackDown: Captain Becky Lynch, Carmella, Naomi, Paige, & Tamina; SOLE SURVIVORS: Becky Lynch and Paige





Elimimated By

Elimination Method


Alicia Fox



Ram-Paige About 30 seconds in




Nia Jax

Pinned after 2 consecutive Leg Drops





Submits to an Asuka Lock





Eliminated via Count Out after leaving the match after taking a kick from Asuka and walking to the back


Nia Jax


Becky Lynch & Paige

Taps out after Becky & Paige Lock in the Disarmer & PTO at the same time


Sasha Banks


Becky Lynch

Bayley comes in to assist Banks, and accidentally hits her with an elbow drop, allowing Becky to get the pin





Counted Out after Paige throws her into the crowd over the barricade




Becky Lynch

Submits to the Disarm-Her after being pulled back from the ropes

  • We get an ad for the SD-PPV Clash of Champions next month. I'll have my custom card for this show at the end of this post, as well as the RAW side of the Royal Rumble card.

3RD MATCH: Baron Corbin (United States Champion) vs. The Miz (Intercontinental Champion; with Bo Dallas) (Non-Title Champion vs. Champion Interbrand Singles Match)

  • We get the graphic for the match, and then a short recap of the Twitter promos that both men have cut on each other, including Miz's F-Bomb and Big Baron calling Miz his daddy. #ThisIsWrestling clap clap clap clap clap. Corbin is out first followed by Michael Mizanin & Maryse. We get formal ring introductions. The match goes 9 minutes. This will probably be the worst match on the main show, but still I don't expect it to be awful whatsoever. The match ends when Miz calls for Corbin to get up and hooks his arms for a Skull Crushing Finale, but Corbin flips him around in an arm-drag like motion but holds on and hits a Super End Of Days for the win.

WINNER by Pinfall: United States Champion Baron Corbin

  • We cut backstage to AJ Styles preparing for his match with Lesnar.

4TH MATCH: The Bar (RAW Tag Team Champions) vs. The Usos (Smackdown Tag Team Champions)

  • The Usos are out first followed by The Bar. Good god this is going to be great professional wrestling indeed. The match goes 15 minutes. The match ends after The Usos hit a Double Splash off opposite posts to Cesaro, and Jey pins Cesaro for the win.

WINNERS: The Usos (Smackdown Tag Team Champions) by Pinfall

  • We get an ad for Mattel and then we see Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn causing hell backstage.

5TH MATCH: Alexa Bliss (RAW Women's Champion) vs. Charlotte Flair (Smackdown Women's Champion) Non-Title Champion vs. Champion Interbrand Singles Match

  • Charlotte is out first followed by Bliss. The match goes 13 minutes. **Near the end of the match, Charlotte is in the corner preparing to spear Alexa, and she runs but Alexa pushes the ref in the way. The ref is down and Charlotte grabs her head in pain and then CARMELLA COMES OUT OF NOWHERE (under the ring) AND BLASTS CHARLOTTE WITH THE MITB BRIEFCASE and then nails a Mella Buster to Charlotte face-first onto the case. Carmella drags Alexa over Charlotte and RAW now has 2 wins to SD's 3 for the night so far. Alexa beats Charlotte.....

WINNER: Alexa Bliss (RAW Women's Champion) by Pinfall

6TH MATCH: Carmella vs. Charlotte (Smackdown Women's Championship; Carmella's MITB Cash-In Match)

  • .....but Charlotte's about to be beaten twice in one night. Carmella dumps Alexa out of the ring and then rolls outside to the timekeepers area and hands the ref her briefcase. JoJo announces that CARMELLA IS CASHING IN HER CONTRACT. The bell tolls and it's official. This all lasts only about a minute. Camella reenters the ring and stands over Charlotte, and lifts her up to put her in a Code Of Silence, BUT CHARLOTTE SHOVES CARMELLA BACK AND THEN HITS A SPEAR. Carmella kicks out at 2.99. Charlotte is done for now and Carmella grabs the ropes and struggles to get up, clutching her ribs. Carmella locks in the Code Of Silence deep and Charlotte won't tap. The ref calls for the bell in fear of Carmella doing more damage to Charlotte's legs and Carmella wins the title. She runs with her prize to the ramp and then sits and holds it up. Obviously this leads to a match between the two at Clash Of Champions, which I'll again have the card for at the end of this post.

WINNER and NEW Smackdown Live Women's Champion: Carmella

7TH MATCH: AJ Styles (WWE Champion) vs. Brock Lesnar (Universal Champion; with Paul Heyman)

  • This match is going to be something. Difference between other Brock matches and this one is that Brock vs. AJ is a world champion vs world champion match. You can’t squash the WWE champion in 5-6 minutes. This will be an actual match, and a fucking great one. The match goes 11 minutes. Not too long, not too short. A believable amount of time for Brock to beat AJ.
  • BIG SPOTS IN THE MATCH: Styles knocks Lesnar to the announce table outside area over the top, and then runs the ropes for a Tope Con Hilo but Lesnar catches him and hoists him up for an POWERBOMB through the announce desk. Also in this match I really think we need to see the return of the BROCK LOCK. Lesnar locks it in but Styles begins to kick Lesnar in the face a few times and then hits a Pele Kick. The match ends when Brock hoists AJ up for an F-5 but Styles jumps off shoulders and nails a Backstabber. He goes to the apron for the Forearm, and springs off the top but Brock scoops him off the top rope and nails an F-5 for the win. We need to keep the trend of Brock beating everyone with only one F-5 going until Wrestlemania where Roman Leakee inevitably beats him.

WINNER: Brock Lesnar (Universal Champion)

  • The Survivor Series Score (tm) is now even with RAW and SD both tied at 3 wins for the night. We get an ad for Wrestlemania 34 and Mattel, and then we get to our main event.

8TH MATCH: Team RAW (Captain Kurt Angle, Braun Strowman, Finn Bálor, Samoa Joe, and Triple H) vs. Team SmackDown (Captain Shane McMahon, Bobby Roode, John Cena, Randy Orton, and Shinsuke Nakamura) 5-on-5 Men's Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

  • We get a video package of the invasions beforehand, and Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn come out to do their ring announcing. They purposely botch and mess up all the names of Team RAW. Captain Kurt Angle is out first, followed by Captain Shane McMahon of SD, followed by Braun Strowman, then Bobby Roode, then Samoa Joe, then Randy Orton, then Finn Balor, then Shinsuke Nakamura, and finally Triple H comes out on RAW, and final overall is the returning John Cena of SD. Triple H & Shane McMahon start things off. McMahon vs. McMahon. This is gonna be a damn shoot. HHH and Shane brawl for a bit and HHH hits a Spinebuster then tags in Joe to do some damage.
  • BIG SPOTS IN THE MATCH:Owens and Zayn get taken out by the RAW guys at the announce table. Bobby Roode & HHH are legal about halfway in the match, and they have a staredown for a bit. It's inception. They do a spot where they're mimics of each other, Roode moves an arm, and HHH does too. Nakamura slides in to attack HHH and Balor to attack Roode but they both deliver Spinebusters at the same time and then stare each other down again | John Cena & Kurt Angle have a staredown and interaction in the match, 15 years later. They both hit their moves on each other but they find ways to foil them. | Cena hits an AA on Triple H on the apron after his elimination | Finn Balor & Samoa Joe reignite their problems and fight each other after Balor bumps Joe off the apron | Strowman straight up grabs Shinsuke Nakamura by his neck and tosses him into the crowd. Like on top of people.
  • The eliminations happen as follows: Braun lays out Orton on the outside with a Big Boot and then throws Steps over the top rope into the ring and then Cena attempts an AA but Braun gets off and scoops Cena up for the powerslam onto them. John Cena is eliminated first in a shocker. The rest of the eliminations are in the table below. The two biggest moments in the match are Jason Jordan coming out and looking like he’s gonna help Kurt, but then Angle slams Angle and Shane covers Angle for the Elimination. The second big moment is Daniel Bryan turning heel after Team SD can’t seem to get offense in, and he delivers kicks to EVERYONE. Everyone goes insane and Bryan hits a Running Knee on Shane for annoying Bryan in recent weeks. Afterward, HHH holds up the arms of his two monsters in victory, and then Daniel Bryan walks over, extends his hand, and shakes hands with Satan.

The rest of the match is described in the eliminations table below.

WINNERS: Team RAW (Captain Kurt Angle, Braun Strowman, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe & Triple H; SOLE SURVIVORS: Braun Strowman, Samoa Joe & Triple H





Elimimated By

Elimination Method


John Cena


Braun Strowman

Running Powerslam onto Steel Steps in the ring


Finn Balor


Randy Orton

Pinned after attempting a Coup De Grace on Orton, but Bobby Roode shoves Balor off top rope from the apron and he falls into an RKO.


Bobby Roode


Kurt Angle

Pinned after an Angle Slam onto a chair


Randy Orton


Samoa Joe

Passes out to the Coquina Clutch


Shinsuke Nakamura



Counted Out after vanishing after being thrown into the crowd by Braun Strowman


Kurt Angle


Triple H

Pinned by Triple H off an attack by Jason Jordan, turning heel & betraying Angle, also planting seeds for HHH/Kurt


Shane McMahon


Triple H

Pinned after Yes Kicks & Running Knee from Daniel Bryan, and a Pedigree

  • Man, there sure are a lot of tables in this post. Below are the final results.

Final Results:






Enzo Amore (c) defeated Kalisto by Pinfall

Singles Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

9 Minutes


Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn kick off the main show & announce that Triple H made them the hosts of Survivor Series, announce that they are Spacial Guest Ring announcers & commentators for the main event, make Shield/New Day a No Disqualification Tornado Tag Team Match, and OFFICIALLY rename Survivor Series the Kevin & Sami show.




The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins) defeated New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) by Pinfall

No-Disqualification Interbrand Tornado 6-Man Tag Team Match

21 Minutes


Team Smackdown (Captain Becky Lynch, Carmella, Naomi, Tamina & Paige defeated Team RAW (Captain Alicia Fox, Asuka, Bayley, Nia Jax & Sasha Banks)

Women's Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Interbrand Elimination Match (Sole Survivors In Bold)

15 Minutes


Baron Corbin (United States Champion) defeated The Miz (Intercontinental Champion) (with Maryse) by Pinfall

Non-Title Champion vs. Champion Interbrand Singles Match

9 Minutes


The Usos (Smackdown Tag Team Champions) defeated The Bar (RAW Tag Team Champions) by Pinfall

Non-Title Champions vs. Champions Interbrand Tag Team Match

15 Minutes


Alexa Bliss (RAW Women's Champion) defeated Charlotte Flair (Smackdown Women's Champion) by Pinfall

Non-Title Champion vs. Champion Interbrand Singles Match

13 Minutes


Carmella defeated Charlotte Flair (c) by Pinfall (Singles Match for the Smackdown Live Women's Championship; This was Carmella's MITB Contract Cash-In Match)

1 Minute


Brock Lesnar (Universal Champion) (with Paul Heyman) defeated AJ Styles (WWE Champion) by Pinfall

Non-Title Champion vs. Champion Interbrand Singles Match

11 Minutes


Team RAW (Captain Kurt Angle, Braun Strowman, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe & Triple H) defeated Team Smackdown (Captain Shane McMahon, Bobby Roode, John Cena, Randy Orton & Shinsuke Nakamura)

5-on-5 Men's Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

40 Minutes


RAW: 4 wins

Smackdown: 3 wins

My Clash Of Champions 2017 Card (SDLive; December 17, 2017)





Aiden English & Rusev vs. Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin

Tag Team Match


AJ Styles (c) vs. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship


Baron Corbin (c) vs. Jinder Mahal

Singles Match for the WWE United States Championship


The Usos (c) vs. The Bludgeon Brothers

Tag Team Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships


Carmella (c) vs. Charlotte

Singles Match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship


Authors Of Pain (with Paul Ellering) vs. New Day

2-On-3 Handicap Match for No.1 Contendership To SD Tag Titles


Randy Orton vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Singles Match to gain entry into the 2018 Royal Rumble Match

ROYAL RUMBLE 2018 CARD (RAW Matches; January 28, 2018)





2018 Royal Rumble Match

Royal Rumble


Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) vs. Finn Balor

Singles Match for the Universal Championship


Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Asuka

Singles Match for the RAW Women’s Championship


Bobby Roode vs. Triple H

Singles Match with Kurt Angle as Special Guest Referee

Well, that was how I would book Survivor Series. Be sure to leave a comment telling me what you liked and disliked, and what from this post you’d like to see on the PPV. Be sure to look out for my “How WWE Should Book Clash Of Champions 2017 (SDLive) on December 16, and for the first time ever, I will be doing a HOW NJPW SHOULD BOOK WRESTLEKINGDOM 12, coming out on January 3. I also have a new poster coming out soon involving the Royal Rumble. Get ready.


How WWE Should Book Royal Rumble 2025 (Work In Progress)

Entry # Entrant Order Eliminated Eliminated By Eliminations achieved Brand/Status 1                  Iyo Sky RAW 2 Bianca Belair SmackDown 3...

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