How WWE Should Book Roadblock: End Of The Line 2016

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Hey everyone! Every month, days before PPV's happen, I share my thoughts on the show and card and how I would book the show that has unexpected swerves, returns, debuts, and a memorable show that would leave fans happy. If you want, you can read some past editions of these by clicking on my name and searching. I have been doing these for every PPV since Night Of Champions 2015. I hope you enjoy, and this is how Roadblock... END OF THE LINE Should Be Booked.


  • So I already wrote the pre show but it got deleted so I'll summarize it. Since Jerry & Lita are gone, they're replaced by Tom Phillips and SAM ROBERTS who literally just announced on his Twitter that he'll be a part of the panel. That's great for him. He's always fun to watch. They hype up the matches and give predictions and we get interviews and video packages and all that and a SML with Sami Zayn is announced earlier in the day. The SML comes and Zayn answers questions about how he plans to conquer Strowman. With about 20 minutes left in the kickoff, we get to our match.

KICKOFF MATCH: Big Cass w/ Enzo Amore vs Rusev w/Lana

  • Enzo & Cass are out first and they do their usual sctick, but Enzo struggles and breathes heavily, with bandages all over his head and body, selling his attack. Rusev is out next and he gets on the apron and Cass is ready for a fight but without warning Rusev just jumps down and charges Enzo again. He grabs him by the collar and throws him over the barricade into the timekeepers area. Cass runs to stop him and obviously wants to murder Rusev now. Cass & Rusev brawl into the crowd and then eventually it finally spills to the ring and the match goes about 9 minutes from there. It's a really physical hoss fight. Near the end, Rusev knocks Cass down with a Spinning Heel Kick, and he's doing his pose and yells "MACHKA" as he prepares for the Accolade, but he stops and stares in disbelief as Enzo has crawled over the barricade and is trying to get into the ring. Rusev runs and hits a sliding dropkick to Enzo, knocking him down, and off the distraction, Rusev turns around and Cass hoists Rusev up and hits the East River Crossing for the win. To some, Rusev could use a win here, and everyone will scream that he's BURIED after he loses here, but he'll get his momentum back, as he would be given the #1 spot in the Royal Rumble, after he shoves Mick Foley the next night on RAW, when he's furious about his loss and that he isn't being given a rematch. It would give Rusev lots of exposure and they could make a great angle out of it. They could have him face former Royal Rumble winners & legends in short matches in the weeks leading up to the Rumble, as a way to "train" for such a big pressure on his shoulder.

WINNER: Big Cass w/ Enzo Amore

  • The panelists give their final predictions for the big matches abd we get to the main show.


  • We get the opening video package and pyro. Before the show even starts, we get an interview with Roman Reigns backstage. He talks about the possibility of becoming a double champion tonight and his opponent, Kevin Owens walks in on the interview. He calls Charly a disgrace at her job and tells her off. Owens and Reigns trash talk each other and Owens pulls the trigger for Reigns when he mentions his family being "disappointed in him" for his "lackluster title reign". Roman throws a wild right and throws Owens into the curtain. A brawl breaks out and then we go to the stage.

1ST MATCH: Seth Rollins vs Chris Jericho

  • Rollins is out first to kick off the show, followed by Y2J. At first, it might seem weird to put this match on first, but it'll make sense for the end of the match and for what happens in the main event. The match goes about 16 minutes. Near the end, Seth Rollins is getting a lot of offense in and hits a nasty superkick on Jericho. Jericho falls and springs off the ropes and so does Rollins as he goes for a slingblade but Jericho hits a Codebreaker. Jericho is trying to get up to make the cover when all of a sudden Owens and Reigns are still fighting and come up through the stage exit and they fight down to the ring. Reigns & KO brawl on the apron near the announce tables and Jericho runs and Disaster kicks Reigns off the apron, meaning to hit Owens. Jericho screams at Owens and as Reigns grabs Owens on his shoulders and powerbombs him through the announce table, Rollins hits an O'Connor roll on Jericho then jumps over him and kicks him in the gut and hits a Pedigree for the win. Rollins looks pissed at Reigns for interfering in the match, but celebrates on the ropes. Jericho on the other hand, isn't even angry at Owens this time. He just has an evil smirk.

WINNER: Seth Rollins

*We get an ad for Story Time on the network.

2ND MATCH: New Day (c) vs Sheamus & Cesaro (RAW TAG TEAM TITLES)

  • Well, rejoice everyone! New Day are the longest reigning WWE Tag Team champs of all time. It's gonna be really funny to see how angry everyone is when they drop the titles here. All this build up for them to just lose them the next week. It's clear WWE just wanted them to break the record, and then they wouldn't really care about the reign. New Day are out first followed by Sheasaro. The match goes about 9 minutes and Cesaro goes on a rampage of all 3 ND members like he did on RAW. The match ends when Kofi and Cesaro are the legal men and Kofi goes for a Trouble In Paradise and does his spin but Cesaro catches his leg and sends him into the air for a Very European Uppercut, which Kofi massively over sells and nearly lands straight on his head & neck. Cesaro gets the pin and we have new, much much deserving RAW Tag Team champs. They could either just get the titles here, or they could have New Day slowly tun heel by holding on to the titles for 478 more days and everyone gets really pissed off. At this point, I and many others just don't care about New Day anymore. I think this is definitely the right choice. New Day could break up somehow. It'd be awesome to see Big E end up winning the Andre Battle Royale at WM.

WINNERS & NEW Raw Tag Team Champions: Cesaro & Sheamus

  • We get an ad for Tapout, and an interview with Jericho about Owens interfering in yet another match. Jericho just shrugs, looking laid-back, and says "I don't really care".

3RD MATCH: Charlotte (c) vs Sasha Banks (30 Minute Iron Woman Match for the RAW Women's Title)

  • We get a video package before the match and Sasha is out first followed by Charlotte. They both have big new gear. We get formal ring introductions and immediately as the bell rings, Sasha is giving her title to the timekeeper, Charlotte runs at Banks for a Spear but Sasha sidesteps her and she goes shoulder first into the post. Charlotte sells and tries to back out but Sasha hits a Backstabber into the Bank Statement. Charlotte gets to the ropes and hoists herself up with Sasha on her back, and hits a huge arm drag, runs off the ropes & hits a Natural Selection & the puts her feet on the middle rope for leverage, but the ref doesn't see. Charlotte takes this first fall as an opportunity. She thinks she can just run away from the match and she wants to try last 30 minutes away from Sasha. Charlotte scurries up the ramp & and to the back & Sasha follows close behind. Charlotte gets into a car in the parking lot & tries to drive away but Sasha just throws a fucking brick through the window and the glass shatters. Sasha drags Charlotte out the window. They brawl backstage for a while and then they get back to the ring. The score ends up being 3-1 Charlotte. Sasha hits a Frogsplash through a table to get it to 3-2. Immediately after, she locks in a Bank Statement. There is about a minute left and anticipation sets in if Sasha can get 2 falls in only a minute, and there is 1 second left, and Charlotte begins to tap the exact second the bell rings and the timer hits 0, and at that moment, as Charlotte's hand is about to hit the mat to tap, out of nowhere EMMA runs in and tackles Sasha. She beats her down & then holds up the title. Emma is obviously a heel, so she wouldn't attack Charlotte directly, even though this wouldn't create an alliance with Charlotte. Emma's reasoning for the attack is commonly used but simple: While she was sitting on her ass at home, injured, training and doing physical therapy every damn day to get back to kicking ass, Sasha was constantly in the title picture and taking advantage of being a champion. She would play on the fact that many fans are upset with that the RAW Women's Title is nothing but the Hot Potato Title, and she's gonna be the one to bring meaning to the belt. Emma is very talented, and she would face Sasha for the title the next night on RAW. She wouldn't win it obviously, but she would eventually get another shot at Fast Lane. In the 20 women Rumble, which I will have the FULL card for at the end of this post, Bayley would win, which is perfect anyways, because she can regain some huge momentum she's lost, and she would challenge Sasha at Wrestlemania for the RAW Title. Hey, at least Charlotte/Sasha is finally over.

WINNER & STILL RAW Women's Champion: Sasha Banks

  • We get an ad for the Royal Rumble at the Alamodome, and then we go to the kickoff panel to get their thoughts on the show so far.

4TH MATCH: Braun Strowman vs Sami Zayn (10 Minute Time Limit)

  • It's kinda ironic that there's a 30 minute time limit match & 10 minute time limit match on the same show. We get a video package & Sami is out to first followed by Braun. As Braun is making his way out, before he can even walk down the ramp, Sami runs up to him on the stage and starts throwing wild punches. Strowman wobbles but eventually ducks and throws Zayn off the stage into a pyro box, and it kayfabe explodes. Tons of medics come to check on Sami, but Brauny The Snowman kills them all. Braun brings Sami into the ring, and dominates the entire match, with Zayn getting extremely little offense in. No matter what, the resilience of Sami helps him hang on. With about 30 seconds left in the match, Strowman is on the middle rope and is about to hit a splash but Sami whacks Braun with a kendo stick, assuming the 10 minute limit means No DQ, and goes crazy on Brum. Breen Strawman now has marks all over him and is woozy in the corner. Sami retreats to the opposite corner & runs and hobbles but nails a Helluva Kick. Braun falls right in the middle of the ring but Sami can't make it up in time to make the cover. Everyone boos and Sami struggles to get up and is throwing a fit. The next night, Sami would finally get his win over Braun in an LMS match by piling a bunch of boxes on him, in a finish similar to the Bray Wyatt/Cena LMS match at Payback 2014.

Sami Zayn survives 10 minutes.

  • (Sorry if there's lots of spelling mistakes or if this show just plain sucks. This is probably the worst effort I've put into one of these, since I've only just gotten home from a business trip, so I'm a bit tired). We get a backstage interview with the returning Emma where she talks about a small portion of what I said she should say at the end of Sasha/Charlotte.

5TH MATCH: Rich Swann (c) vs TJ Perkins vs The Brian Kendrick (Triple Threat for the WWE CW Title)

  • The action between these 3 as of late has been superb, and I think this match could steal the show. Swann is out first & no one can handle that. Out next is Kendrick and finally Perkins. We get formal ring introductions. The match goes about 13 minutes and Swann retains the belt after hitting TJ hits a Wrecking Ball Dropkick on Kendrick, knocking him out of the ring, and then he turns around into a Lumbar Check.

WINNER & STILL WWE CW Champion: Rich Swann

6TH MATCH: Kevin Owens (c) vs Roman Reigns (WWE Universal Title)

  • We get a video package before the match and we see the brawl between the two at the beginning of the night. Reigns is out first followed by KO. The match goes 25 minutes. Some big spots in the match: Owens powerbombs Reigns on the apron, Owens throws Roman into the ropes for a PUP and Reigns is sent up in the air but nails Owens with a Superman Punch and Owens kicks out at 2.999, Owens PUP's Reigns on the US Title, showing true disrespect, and the big spot happens near the end of the match when Reigns is laid out on the Spanish announce desk, (Reigns powerbombed Owens through the regular Raw one at the start of then show). Owens hops up on the barricade and looks for revenge and sets up to do a Swanton through the table. Reigns gets up before KO can leap and Reigns gets Owens on his shoulders, and gives Kevin a huge Samoan Drop, sending them both crashing through. The match ends when Owens is going for a PUP to finish off Roman and retain his title, but all of a sudden Jericho comes from the crowd and runs into the ring and nails Reigns with a Codebreaker. The ref calls for the bell and Owens looks furious. Jericho calls for a mic and talks about how he and Owens were never really best friends. He says he's sick of KO costing him opportunities every damn week. He says he has something to show Owens. He pulls out the list and in the very center, written big to fill up the entire paper, it says KEVIN OWENS. The crowd gasps and Owens can't believe it. Jericho says that it's time he's taken care of Owens once and for all. He says he's tried to win the US belt, KO costed him. They tried to become Tag Champs together, Owens failed him. He says there's one title on RAW he hasn't tried to go after yet. He pauses and stares at the Universal Title. The crowd pops and chants Yes. He says that he wants Kevin Owens. He says that it will be so sweet to finally prove that he was the dominant member of JeriKO. He says it will be even sweeter to finally shut Owens up by becoming the Universal champ. He says that it would be even sweeter to win the title going into Wrestlemania, and he talks about his experience of being a Mania main eventer. He says "Kevin, I want you for your title at the Royal Rumble, do you understand what I am saying to you right now?!". Kevin shakes his head and says he thought Chris was better than this he goes to leave the ring but Jericho gets in his way. He goes to leave another way but Jericho blocks him again. Owens laughs and then slaps Jericho. He throws him shoulder first into the ring post in the corner. Jericho is hurt and Owens gets him up and leans him against the turnbuckle. Owens goes to the opposite corner and runs at him with his title but Jericho moves. goes for a Codebreaker, but Owens catches him. Owens throws him in the air for a PUP but Jericho nails him with a mid-air dropkick. Owens rolls over and Jericho kicks KO in the grapefruits and finally lays him out with a Codebreaker. Roadblock goes off the air with Jericho holding the Universal Title over Owens, saying it's his road to Wrestlemania. Just to clarify: this isn't really a face turn for Jericho. That would be terrible, plus Jericho hit him with a Low blow. It would be Heel vs Heel at the Rumble for the title. Foley would come out the next night on RAW and put Jericho in a Gauntlet Match in the main event, where he would get Owens at the RR if he won. Owens would try to screw Jericho over with the last guy, (gauntlet matches have you beat 1 guy, another comes out, beat him, another comes out, and then beat the final 3rd guy), but Jericho would ultimately get the win and the title shot. I don't usually like when PPV matches, especially main events end in DQ, but if it advances a story like this, than it's alright. This all probably sounds like absolute shit on paper, but if it actually happened it would turn out to be quite good.

WINNER by DQ: Roman Reigns


  • 30 Man Royal Rumble Match
  • WWE Title: AJ Styles (c) vs The Undertaker
  • Universal Title: Kevin Owens (c) vs Chris Jericho
  • Brock Lesnar vs Shane McMahon (This match would kick off the show. I figure it would be a good way to just get this feud out of the way so it doesn't happen at WM. Lesnar and Shane could get heated again somehow, and Shane proposes a match, where the winner gets a spot in the Rumble. Lesnar's spot could be in jeopardy. I think it'd make for a fun match.)
  • 20 Woman Royal Rumble Match (women from SD, RAW, some NXT surprises/debuts, and surprises like Trish, etc).
  • Women's Champ Supremacy: Sasha Banks vs Alexa Bliss
  • RAW Tag Team Titles: Cesaro & Sheamus (c) vs The Revival (Tornado Tag Elimination Street Fight)
  • WWE CW Title: Rich Swann (c) vs Lince Dorado vs Drew Gulak vs Cedric Alexander

Pre Show

  • Some Multi-Man CW match

Well, that's how I would book Roadblock: EOTL! Once again, "(Sorry if there's lots of spelling mistakes or if this show just plain sucks. This is probably the worst effort I've put into one of these, since I've only just gotten home from a business trip, so I'm a bit tired". Be sure to check out my big 2-Parter "How WWE Should Book The 2017 Royal Rumble" post the day before that! Also, around Wrestlemania season, I always have my "How WWE Should Book The Road To Wrestlemania 33", where I book from the Royal Rumble,(now for both brands)", up until Wrestlemania. Some big things going down as we get closer to the show of shows. Tell me what you liked or didn't like, and enjoy the show tonight!


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