How WWE Should Book MITB 2016

Image result for money in the bank 2016

Hello everyone! You may have seen some of my posts before where I fantasy book PPV's 1-2 days before they occur. I have been doing these since Night Of Champions 2015. If you want, you can click on my name and read some of my other ones. Enjoy!


We get the usual panel and they all hype up the matches and give their predictions and we see a few video packages. A Social Media Lounge segment with Dean Ambrose is announced for later. We go to our first Pre Show match.

1st Kickoff Match: The Dudley Boyz vs The Lucha Dragons

Of course as I was originally writing this, WWE tweeted that Ziggler vs Corbin and Apollo vs Sheamus were moved to the main show, so now we have to watch this weird filler match. Just a fun fact by the way, on Smackdown apparently the wrong graphic for the MITB ladder match was shown, and it showed who the 7th man was going to be. Kalisto. That would've been interesting. Anyways, The Dudleys' credibility has been crushed since they returned, by jobbing to so many teams all the time, even though that is their job. But the Lucha Dragons, specifically Kalisto, need a win, so Lucha Dragons win in a 7 minute match.

WINNERS: The Lucha Dragons

The panel talks some more and discusses the last match. We go to the social media lounge with Ambrose. He answers the questions he's given, but he also says that despite him dropping Roman Reigns on Raw, they're still brothers. We'll see if that statement holds true later. We go to the last kickoff match.

2nd Kickoff Match: Golden Truth vs BreezeDango

I'm still SO pissed that they aren't called FaBreeze. This match is so disinteresting and I just hate Golden Truth so much that all I'm saying about this match is FaBreeze win in 1 second. Don't even let this match happen. This feud makes me cry. It's so bad. I'd love for Breeze to turn on Fandango here and cut the traditional "I'm being held back, I'm a jobber, I deserve better I deserve to be on top" promo. He could say that he wants a shot a Miz's IC Title when he returns. Breeze is honestly really talented and he could easily get over, just tweak his character a bit.

Winners: Fabreeze

The panelists give their final predictions as the commentators come out and we go the main show.


This honestly really does have tthe potential to be the best MITB ppv ever, and if it's not, with this card, it's definitely second. The undercard is honestly crap in Corbin vs Ziggler for the 849th time (at least they made it onto the main card this time), and Crews vs Sheamus. But tonight, if they pull this PPV off right, could be a real turning point in WWE'a history. You all know what match is kicking off. Let's go.

1st Match: Kevin Owens vs Chris Jericho vs Alberto Del Rio vs Cesaro vs Sami Zayn vs Dean Ambrose

The entrants come out in that order above. This could legit beat 2013's MITB ladder match, which was my personal favorite and many others under the MITB ppv. The 6 men in this match have so much talent, and they could pull off some really memorable spots. The match goes 22 minutes. Here are some insane spots in this match.

The match begins and all 6 competitors immediately run to get ladders and they all fight and set up their own individual ladders in the ring and try to grab the breifcase. As usual, they all knock each other's ladders over and fall down.

Jericho has Dean Ambrose in the Walls of Jericho on top of two ladders and Cesaro runs in and jumps and uppercuts Ambrose and he falls to the mat and then he grabs Jericho's legs and pulls him down the massage and swings him for like 40 rotations.

Sami Zayn does his usual insane Tornado DDT through the ring post, but it's not through the ring post, it's through a ladder, and it's to like 3 different people, through all separate ladders around ringside.

Obviously a bunch of high spots off the ladder like Owens frogs pledging people, Ambrose elbow drops, etc.

And of course all the usual ladder spots, like one person with a ladder around their head swinging around and knocking everyone down. The match has been going for about 18 minutes so far, and everyone is down except Cesaro. The crowd is on their feet and it looks like Cesaro is finally going to get his big win. He's about to unhook the breifcase but suddenly the lights go out and we get the Wyatt family graphic. The lights come back on and Bray, Rowan and Brauny The Snowman are all surrounding Cesaro on the ladder. If Harper has recovered from his injury by now, then he would be there too, but I think he's out for a while. The Wyatts have returned and they're targeting The King Of Swing first. They tip Cesaro's ladder over and they beat him down all around ringside like they usually do. Strowman powerbombs him through the Spanish announce desk. They carry him to the back as the crowd boos. I feel like a Cesaro vs Bray Wyatt feud would be interesting, as they have completely different styles and character. It would be interesting to see them clash, and it would likely be a great match and feud, and it's fresh, and I think fans would like it. Plus, it could get both men over, and it could be used as an excuse so that fans don't riot that Cesaro didn't win the case. We go to replays of what just happened, and as things settle down, Chris Jericho crawls into the ring, and slowly climbs up a ladder. Del Rio pulls him down. Del Rio climbs the ladder now but Ambrose pulls him off into a Dirty Deeds. Del Rio rolls out of the ring. Now, both Cesaro and Del Rio are out. One thing leads to another and at one point after all that Ambrose and Jericho are brawling on the outside. Ambrose whacks Jericho with a ladder and he jumps away. Ambrose is beaten and bartered, leaning against the barricade and he's trash talking. Ambrose looks at the breifcase and sees that there is a ladder in the ring already, and all he has to do is climb and win. He goes to enter the ring, but out of nowhere, Roman Reigns comes and kills him by spearing him through the barricade. Of course, to do this, reigns would have to be snuck under the ring prior to the match. The crowd is going insane and Reigns yells "THATS FOR WHAT HAPPENED MONDAY!". Reigns goes to the back. Now, the only standing superstars left in the match are Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. When things have calmed down a bit, Sami Zayn crawls in the ring and the crowd is chanting for him. Sami climbs the ladder. Everyone is down. He grabs the breifcase. He's about to unhook it. Suddenly, Kevin Owens rushes the ring and climbs the opposite side of Zayn's ladder. The two start brawling on the top and do the spot where they keep punching and punching each other. Owens gets the best of Zayn. Owens picks him up, and Powerbombs Sami off the ladder through another ladder set up between the English announce table and the apron. Sami Zayn is dead. The crowd is chanting holy shit and Kevin Owens looks around, slowly. He puts his hands on the case. He unhooks it. He holds up the breifcase as the crowd goes insane and we go to replays. Kevin Owens has finally won MITB. He won't hold it for long though. He'll trade it very soon for a much better prize.

Winner and NEW Mr. Money In The Bank: Kevin godamn Owens.

2nd Match: Rusev (c) vs Titus O'Neil for the US Title

I feel so bad yet it'll be so funny at the same time how Rusev is crushing Titus on Father's Day. All those promos about Titus being a great father and then this. This buildup has honestly been better than it should've. Rusev comes out first then Titus comes out and cuts a Father's Day promo. The match goes about 9 minutes, and Rusev wins with the Accolade.

Winner and STILL US Champion: Rusev.

3rd Match: Apollo Crews vs Sheamus.

Apollo Crews really wasn't ready to come up to the main roster. Did you see those awful punches on Raw? He has Shane's punches times 100. His character is legit just that he's happy to be there. And I won't lie when I say I've been really disappointed about how he's been doing in the ring and on the mic. But, he's big, so Vince likes him. Anyways, Crews needs to win this, obviously. Sheamus comes out first then Crews. The match goes about 6 minutes and Sheamus dominates near the end but Crews has quick offense most of the match. Sheamus is about to go for the brogue kick but Apollo moves and Superkicks Sheamus, then does the standing moonsault for the win. Crews won here, but I'm 146% sure that WWE still has no long term plan for him and he won't be on the Battleground card.

WINNER: Apollo Crews

4th Match: New Day vs The Club vs Enzo and Cass vs The Vaudevillans for the Tag Team Titles.

A lot of people seem to be saying this match will suck. I think that fatal four way tag matches are always great. That one at Summerslam last year where New Day became the WORLD FAMOUS 2 TIME CHAMPS was amazing. I think these four teams have enough talent to be one of the show stealers. New Day come out first and cut their usual promo making fun of all the teams. Enzo and Cass are out next. Then Vaudevillans, and finally Gallows and Anderson. The match goes 13 minutes, and hopefully these guys can put on a memorable match. The match ends when the 4 teams are all brawling and Enzo and Cass hit an Air Enzo on Gotch, New Day knock out Cass abs hit their finisher on Cass, and Gallows Superkicks Big E and he falls down. They hit a Boot Of Doom on Kofi, knocking him out of the ring, and Big E stumbles up into a Magic Killer and Anderson pins Big E, the two legal men, and they win the titles. As much as I love New Day, I feel like they have held the titles far too long. Plus, The Club are on a huge rise in WWE, and G&A need to win the titles here as well as AJ defeating Cena later, and something big that happens in AJ-Cena, to cement The Club as the top force in the company.

Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.

5th Match: AJ Styles vs John "K-Mart Shopping Ass" Cena.

The buildup to this match and this feud has been arguably the best of 2016. Now, this will either sound insane or awesome, but this match needs to go 30 minutes. If you really want this to be the best MITB ever, these two need to brawl for half an hour, or 27 minute at the least. These two could really put on match of the year. And it IS a dream match, as has been overemphasized. There are tons of near falls and high spots. Styles kicks out of 3 Attitude Adjustments, including one from the top rope. Styles gets out of an STF. Cena kicks out of 2 Styles Clashes and a Phenomenal Forearm. And yes, we see the return of John Cena's amazing Springboard Stunner. The long, incredible battle finally ends when Cena is going for a 2ND AA from the top rope, on the right side if you're facing the LED board on the front of the ring. The crowd is booing when suddenly, the lights go out. We hear a heartbeat. The heartbeat goes on like it does at the beginning of Balor's theme. The riff gets higher and the lights come back on. All we are the words "The Demon Is Here" spray painted on the canvas. Cena looks freaked out and confused and Styles run up and pele kicks Cena and he falls and sits on the rope. Now, we see the most dangerous move of all time, as Styles looks at Cena and the crowd and does a gunshot symbol to Cena. He hypes it up and positions himself and delivers a Styles Clash from the top rope, and Cena spontaneously combusts. AJ crawls into the cover and wins the match. Clean. Like I said, those people who are saying Cena won't put over Styles are idiots. The Club are being established as the top of the WWE. Styles beating Cena CLEAN in his return match and G&A winning the tag titles before would be huge. Cena is down and we go to replays. Styles is celebrating and trash talking Cena. Gallows and Karl come out, clapping, and Styles music is playing. Styles puts his foot on Cena and they all Too Sweet.

WINNER: AJ Styles.

*6th Match: Dolph Ziggler vs Baron *

Most of you already know my thoughts on this feud. They've already fought at the last 2 PPV's, both in the Pre Show, with no story, and no they are fighting for the 3rd time on PPV, this time suddenly on the main card. It sucks. The match goes 5 minutes and Corbin dominates. Ziggler had whipped Corbin into the steel steps earlier in the match, and Corbin wins when he Ziggler runs at him but Corbin gives him a huge End Of Days on the steps. He tosses Ziggler back in the ring, and pins him. Corbin beats Ziggler down all around ringside after. I was thinking that Corbin could maybe start a feud with Kane after this.

WINNER: Baron Corbin.

7th Match: Charlotte and Dana Brooke vs Natalya and Charlotte.

I honestly don't mind if either team wins here, although Charlotte and Dana obviously have more to lose and Charlotte is champ. Bryan Alvarez said on a WOL that WWE had a big suprise we should look out for in this match, which I thought was interesting. Either it's Sasha returns, Bayley debuts, or someone turns. I'm actually not even going to book this match, for the sake of length of this post and because I trust WWE will make the right choice, and the suprise, whatever it is, will be good.

8th Match: Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins for the WWE World Title.

The buildup to this match has been good one week, bad the next, in a cycle. We get the video package before the match and Rollins comes out first followed by Reigns. A lot is going to happen here that WWE probably would refuse to do, but they will have to if they want it to live up to the title of the best MITB ever. The match goes 18 1/2 minutes. Hopefully these two can put on a great match. At one point, Rollins elbow drops Reigns through the Spanish announce table, which marks the 2nd time the Spanish announce table is destroyed in one night. Both men have hit each other with finisher after finisher, move after move. At one point, Rollins hits the CURB STOMP for one night only but Reigns gets his hand on the rope, and the crowd is going wild. Near the end of the match, Reigns is going for a spear, but Rollins moves and Reigns spears the ref. Reigns sees the opportunity and just straight up slides out of the ring, grabs a chair, and starts beating Rollins mercilessly with it. He breaks two chairs over Rollins. Reigns isn't going to be "screwed" out of his title again, and as he said, his title reign won't be solidified until he beats Rollins. Rollins stabbed him in the back and betrayed the shield, and finally the double turn is happening here. Reigns is beating down Rollins and suddenly he's taken down from behind as Kevin Owens comes from under the ring and whacks Reigns in the back of his head with the MITB breifcase. Owens PUP's Reigns right then and there and then runs to hand his breifcase to the ref, who has gotten up by now, and Lilian Garcia announces that Owens is cashing in his MITB. Similar to WM31, since the match is not over, it's turned into a triple threat match. The bell rings and Owens throws Rollins out of the ring and goes to pin Reigns but Reigns spears KO out of nowhere. The ref counts but Owens kicks out at 2 1/2. Reigns is getting up when suddenly a battered and bruised Seth Rollins kicks Reigns in the package from behind and hits a Pedigree. Reigns rolls out abs Owens immediately grabs Rollins and flings him into the ropes for a Pop Up Powerbomb. Rollins is busted open from earlier in the match when Reigns was hitting him with a chair and Owens pins Seth and wins his first WWE World Title. Not only do we get a Reigns-Rollins double turn, and an awesome match between the two, but Owens won MITB in the opener and becomes the 2nd man ever to cash in on the same night he wins the breifcase, with Kane obviously being the first. This would be a perfect way to end off an already historic PPV.

Winner and NEW WWE World Champ after cashing in MITB: Kevin Owens.

*Well, that's all I have for MITB. I think that would be a damn awesome PPV. Tell me what you think, and what you don't like and what you would like to see, and put your general predictions for the PPV below. As always, be sure to catch my "How WWE Should Book Battleground 2016" post the day before that. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the PPV tonight!

How NXT Takeover: THE END Should Be Booked

 Image result for nxt takeover the end

Hello everyone! You may have seen some of my posts before where I fantasy book WWE PPV's 1-2 days before they occur. This is my first ever time booking an NXT Takeover, and I'll be doing both PPV's and Takeovers from now on! If you happen to like this post and want to see more from me, you can look up "How WWE Should Book Night Of Champions 2015" to this post. All PPV's in order from Night of Champions 2015 to Extreme Rules 2016, (and this is my first Takeover Fantasy Booking!) I have fantasy booked. I have gone through multiple accounts so just click the first one you see. Anyways, here we go. This is how I would book NXT Takeover: THE END. *


Obviously as usual for NXT Takeovers, we get a small cool little 30 minute Pre-Show prior to the event. We get some interviews with NXT superstars in matches for the night and the panelists hype up the matches, and give predictions, and we get video packages. It's announced that Shinsuke Nakamura vs Austin Aries will kick off the show.


1st Match: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Austin Aries (No.1 Contendership to NXT Title)

  • I legit don't know if this match will top Nakamura vs Zayn. While Aries IS almost just as phenomenal as Zayn, if not more so, I think that now that fans not as familiar with Shinsuke before will now be even more excited for this match. We get a video package and the graphic for the match. Nakamura makes his entrance first and the crowd is electric. Aries comes out next.

This match goes on about 18 minutes. Give these two time to steal the show. Now, this ending I had in mind might be controversial, and it may not appeal to everyone, but I feel it will pay off in the long run. The match ends as both men have put on another MOTY candidate and Shinsuke is in the corner, about to pull off the Kinshasa. He runs and hits it, and as Aries gets knocked out and he falls to the ground, and he manages to hook Nakmura's arms and shoulders down to the mat, but Shinsuke also has his arm on top of Aries, and his shoulders are still pinned to the mat, but at first we see it from an angle that looks like Aries won, but then replays show that his shoulders were down. Basically, in one big, weird, sequence, they both pin each other for the tie win. This way, it doesn't take anything away from either man, and neither really looks bad, and plus, I was thinking they could do a Fatal Fourway for the NXT Title at the next Takeover, which I think is Takeover Brooklyn II. Samoa Joe vs Shinsuke Nakamura vs Austin Aries vs a man who will return later.

Winners: Shinsuke Nakamura and Austin Aries (DRAW)

2nd Match: American Alpha vs The Revival II for the NXT Tag Team Championships.

  • In all honestly, this match could very well beat Nakamura vs Aries. These two teams pulled off a SHOW-STOPPER match at the last Takeover, and it's looking like that's what will happen again. The Revival are out first followed by the NXT Tag Champs. The match goes 20 minutes and American Alpha retains their titles when they hit a Double Suplex on Dash Wilder, and he rolls over and stumbles up into Alpha's finisher. There is also a spot in this match where the ref is knocked down and Scott Wilder plays dirty and whacks Jason Jordan with one of the titles, but Jordan gets the huge kick out. I'd presume that Revival go to the main roster after this. American Alpha retain their well deserved titles.

WINNERS: American Alpha

3rd Match: Asuka vs Nia Jax for the NXT Women's Championship

  • I personally don't really understand the hype for Nia Jax. She sucks in the ring and she's boring. I don't see Asuka losing the title here but then again I don't think a monster heel like Nia should lose clean, so unfortunately in this case, I think it's safest for both women for Asuka to win via DQ. The match goes about 12 minutes, and Asuka is amazing. Nia is dominating like a monster for most of it. Nia is destroying Asuka and wants to prove herself. She keeps hitting Asuka with big moves, but Asuka just won't go away. Asuka runs at Nia but she Kayfabe whacks Asuka in the throat with the ring bell. Asuka is struggling for air and Nia is beating down Asuka when suddenly Bayley's music hits to an enormous pop and she runs out to make the save. She has Nia in a Guillotine Choke and Nia passes out and Asuka is down and Bayley looks at both of them, looks at the crowd, then the women's title, and holds it up. I was thinking that Bayley could return here and this would set up Asuka vs Nia Jax vs Bayley at Takeover Brooklyn II. This would be Bayley's last NXT match, so obviously she wouldn't win, but she would debut in the main roster on the Raw after Summerslam, after Sasha Banks would defeat Charlotte for the Women's Title at Summerslam, which would set up Bayley vs Sasha 3 at Night Of Champions, which would be the first of many of their main roster battles.

Winner: Asuka (By DQ)

4th Match: Tye Dillinger vs Andrade "Cien" Almas

Now, I'll be honest. I don't really know a lot about this "Andrade Cien Almas". But I believe he was an awesome Lucha libre on the indies. Dillinger comes out first and says that he's proud that he convinced William Regal to give him this match. He basically cuts the usual "I'm underused and I'n underrated" promo and he says he deserves better and deserves to be fighting for the NXT Title, at which the crowd hopefully agrees with that. He says that defeating Almas tonight will be the first stepping stone on Tye Dillinger's Road to the NXT Title. He drops the mic and Andrade makes his entrance and debut. The match only goes about 8 1/2 minutes. Doesn't need to go long, just a showcase match for the debuting Almas. He wins with his Finisher.

Winner: Andrade "Cien" Almas

5th Match: Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe in a Steel Cage match for the NXT Title.

This match will be AMAZING. Everyone was freaking out that it was called "NXT Takeover: The End" and that it could be the end of NXT. Well, you stupid idiots, (Hey Chris Jericho!) it's not. It's just the end of the Balor-Joe feud. Joe comes out first followed by Balor in some awesome new face paint, maybe like the joker or something. The cage is lowered and we get a video package before. The match goes about 21 minutes and hopefully is phenomenal. They obviously try to escape through the cage and over the wall a bunch. Of course, we have the obvious spot of the month (year) in which Balor performs a Coup De Grace on Joe from the top of the cage. Everyone thinks that's it but Joe gets his foot on the rope and the crowd goes insane. The match ends when Balor is about to perform a SECOND CDG off the cage to Joe, and he jumps but Joe catches him and positions him for the Muscle Buster for the win. Balor would not be on TV for 1-2 months, as WWE would find some way to debut him and Balor Club in the next few months. After the match, Joe is beating down Balor when suddenly Hideo Itami's music hits to a huge pop. He runs down and kicks him strikes him like crazy. He delivers a huge GTS to the big man to a humongous pop and he holds up the NXT Title to close the show.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Here's the NXT Takeover Brooklyn II Card:

  • NXT Title: Samoa Joe (c) vs Hideo Itami vs Austin Aries vs Shinsuke Nakamura
  • NXT Tag Titles: Asuka (c) vs Nia Jax vs Bayley
  • NXT Tag Titles: American Alpha (c) vs Tomasso and Ciampa
  • Andrade "Cien" Almas vs Elias Samson
  • Tye Dillinger vs No Way Jose (No.1 Contendership to NXT Title?)

I hope you enjoyed! If you like anything I booked and would like to see it happen, tell me what you liked or give me criticism! Enjoy the show tonight!


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